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I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. defined a perfect square trinomial,
b. determined the steps in factoring perfect square trinomial, and
c. solved and identified the factors of perfect square trinomial.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Factoring Polynomial – Case 3 Perfect Square Trinomial

References: Grade 8 –Mathematics (Module Quarter 1- Module 1)
Materials: Power Point Presentation, Chalk Board

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Checking of attendance
3. Review

B. Motivation

C. Presentation

Perfect square trinomials are quadratics which are the results of squaring
binomials. It is also an expression with both first and last terms that are perfect
squares and the middle term is twice the product of the square root of first and last

Example: ( x +3 )2
( x +3 ) ( x +3 )
( x 2 +6 x+ 9 )
So, x 2+ 6 x+ 9 is a perfect square trinomial.
Perfect square trinomial can be form
2 2
a ± 2 ab ±b
and are expressed in squared-binomial form as:
( a ± b )2

Illustrative Examples
State whether the given trinomials are Perfect Square Trinomial or not by
following the guide questions:

Example 1: x 2+ 10 x +25
a. Are there only three terms? Yes, x 2, 10x, and 25
b. Is the first term a perfect square? Yes, because √ x 2 is x
c. Is the last term a perfect square? Yes, because √25 is 5
d. Is the middle term twice as the product of the Yes, (2) (x) (5) = 10x
square root coefficient of the first and
last term? Yes.

All guide questions are satisfied. Therefore, x 2+ 10 x +25 is a perfect square


Example 2: x 2+ 12 x +15
a. Are there only three terms? Yes, x 2, 12x, and 15
b. Is the first term a perfect square? Yes, because √ x 2 is x
c. Is the last term a perfect square? No, 15 is not a perfect square
d. Is the middle term twice as the product of the No.
square root coefficient of the first and
last term? Yes.

The last term is not a perfect square. Therefore, x 2+ 12 x +15 is NOT a perfect
square trinomial.

Example 3: 9 x 2+ 12 x +4
a. Are there only three terms? Yes, 9 x 2, 12x, and 4.
b. Is the first term a perfect square? Yes, because √(9 x 2) is 3x.
c. Is the last term a perfect square? Yes, because √4 is 2.
d. Is the middle term twice as the product of the Yes, (2)(3x)(2) = 12x
square root coefficient of the first and
last term? Yes.

All guide questions are satisfied. Therefore, 9 x 2+ 12 x +4 is a perfect square


Steps in Factoring Polynomials using Perfect Square Trinomials

Example 1: x 2+ 10 x +25

Step 1: Make two set of parentheses.

( ___ + ) ( ___ + )
Step 2: Place the square root of the first term on the single lines ( ) of each
(x+ )(x+ )
Step 3: Place the square root of the last term on the double lines ( __ ) of each

The factors of x 2+ 10 x +25 are (x+5) (x+5). You can write (x+5)(x+5) as ( x +5 )2

D. Application

Find the factor of the following.

1. (x ¿¿ 2+26 x+169)¿ 1. ( x +13 )2
2. (x ¿¿ 2+12 x +36) ¿ 2. ( x +6 )2
3. (x ¿¿ 2+10 x +25)¿ 3. ( x +5 )2 ANSWER
4. (x ¿¿ 2+20 x+100)¿ 4. ( x +10 )2
5. (4 x¿ ¿2+24 x+36)¿ 5. 4 ( x+3 )2

E. Generalization
 What is a perfect square trinomial?
 What are the steps in solving the factors of perfect square trinomial?
 What are the relationships you observed and used in finding the factors of perfect square

IV. Evaluation
Test your knowledge of the perfect square trinomial by factoring the following
1. (25 x ¿¿ 2+ 20 x + 4)¿
1. ( 5 x+ 2 )2
2. (16 x ¿¿ 2+ 144 x+ 324)¿ ANSWER
3. (169 x¿ ¿2+260 x +100)¿ 2. 4 ( x+ 9 )2
3. ( 13 x+10 )2

V. Assignment
Make an advance reading about General Trinomial
Prepared by:
Stephanie I. Castro
Student Teacher

Noted by:
Mrs. Jerasol S. Guisec

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