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It is widely believed that using labor saving devices is really beneficial.

There are three reasons for this. Firstly, with labor saving equipment,
more work can be done within the same time. They significantly reduce
the amount of energy and effort required to perform tasks.
Consequently both individuals and businesses are capable of getting
more work done in less time and with less effort. Secondly, machines
can help us save a lot of time. Modern innovations like emails and the
internet make communication superfast and thus save a lot of time
which can be used for more productive things. For example, we can
work at home with many technology now so that we are allowed to save
time and use that time for family, our hobby,...Finally, it makes our life
easier. Machines such as dishwasher, vaccum cleaner,... have many
funtion for us. A dishwasher can wash the dishes cleaner and faster or a
vaccum cleaner can make the floor undirty and bright. In conclusion,
there are many advantages when we use labor-saving devices;
therefore, each of us should use them in our life.

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