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Application for Conferment of Autonomous Status

Achievements of Students
Academic Year*(From 2018-19 to 2022-23 Save and Add Option)
Number of Students passed with distinction  * :
Number of Students passed with 1st division * :
Number of Students passed with 2nd division * :
Overall pass percentage * :
Achievement in co-curricular/ Extra-curricular and Other activities  * :
Upload Details*
S.No Academic Number of Number of Number of Overall pass View Action
. Year Students Students Students percentage
passed with passed with passed with
distinction 1st division 2nd division

Achievements of Faculty Members

Academic Year*(From 2018-19 to 2022-23 Save and Add Option)
Number of Research papers published in Journals*
Number of patents granted*
Number of papers published in National Conferences*
Number of papers published in International Conferences*
Number of Books Authored *
Number of book chapters authored*
Number of new externally funded research projects received *
Fund received during this academic year*
upload other achievements*
S.N Acade Numb Num Numbe Number Numb Numb Fund Num Vie Acti
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Year Resea of papers papers Books new during book
rch pate publish publishe Autho extern this chapt
paper nts ed in d in red ally academic ers
s grant Nationa Interna funde year autho
publis ed l tional d red
hed in Confere Confere resear
Journ nces nces ch
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