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The science of mind management by swami mukundananda pdf

Our mind is the singular most important factor determining the quality of our life. It has the potential of being our greatest comrade or worst adversary. If the mind is successfully controlled, it becomes our best ally. But if we permit it to run amuck, it steals our inner peace and undermines all productivity endeavours. In this book, Swami
Mukundananda guides us through the importance of the mind, the four different aspects of it, and how to control it. He uses witty anecdotes, real-life accounts, and stories from the Vedic scriptures to gently guide us to leverage the immense power of the mind, and as a result, transform our life. Average Customer Ratings Overall 4.5 out of
5 stars 4.6 out of 5.0 5 Stars 38 4 Stars 5 3 Stars 3 2 Stars 1 1 Stars 1 Performance 4.5 out of 5 stars 4.5 out of 5.0 5 Stars 24 4 Stars 9 3 Stars 1 2 Stars 1 1 Stars 1 Story 4.5 out of 5 stars 4.5 out of 5.0 5 Stars 24 4 Stars 8 3 Stars 2 2 Stars 0 1 Stars 1 A must listen for sadhaka, enlightening, encouraging,, full of pure knowledge. To
retain in library for all times. Shastang Pranams to Swami Mukundanandaji. I am indebted to you Swamiji. knowledge is happiness,ignorance is suffering, this piece of Mind management Knowledge made me so much happy, I am going to visit Mydailysadhana website for , starting sadhana , you can borrow knowledge but not action, for
action need to do Spiritual Roop dhyana meditation Sadhana I loved this book. Not just a self help book. Full of quotes from bhagwat gita, real life examples , and practical ideas and examples. One of best reads Will read it again. PS- CHAPTER 1 & 2 CAN BE A BIT BORING. Loved the book by Swamiji. A must have for anyone who
wants to conquer the mind. Wonderful script and a great guide for the modern people who’s life is controlled by their mind and not by actions the soul. Such teaching should be a part of our education shishir vashisht 12-03-21 In Science of mind management, Swami Mukundanand have clearly explained the root cause below the multitude
of mind related ailments and how to ractify the same. there are multiple example included to give a clear representation of these concerns. Another good aspect is that there are several techniques mentioned related to meditation like Roopdhyaan meditation as well as creative visualisation which can be a good means to step into journey
of meditation. Nandkumar Karale 22-02-21 Very enlightening. helps to put the things into perspective and also alter or way of life in a simple and easy way great book must read to change your life.After reading this book I understood fundamental of mind management I have always enjoyed the simplistic way in which Swami
Mukundananda gets his message across. This book is no exception. It is a cleary written, concise manuscript of mind management with a template to start your spiritual practice. The book is apt for people at all levels of their spiritual journey. Swamiji’s insights, the stories and the aphorisms are amazing. I highly recommend this book. Top
reviews Most recent Top reviews Sale! Swami MukundanandaPaperback₹350.00 ₹315.00 In stock (can be backordered) Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Pin this product Share via Email Description Additional information Reviews (0) The quality of our mind determines the quality of the life we lead. It can be our greatest ally or our
worst adversary. A mind that runs amok could steal our inner peace and undermine every productive endeavour. Yet; with proper knowledge; training and discipline; it is possible to unleash the mind’s infinite potential. In The Science of Mind Management; Swami Mukundananda charts the four different aspects of the human mind and lays
down a clear path towards mastering it. Through witty anecdotes; real-life accounts and stories from the Vedic scriptures; he gently guides readers on the road to winning their inner battle. Page 2 Sale! Swami MukundanandaPaperback₹350.00 ₹315.00 In stock (can be backordered) Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Pin this product
Share via Email Description Additional information Reviews (0) The quality of our mind determines the quality of the life we lead. It can be our greatest ally or our worst adversary. A mind that runs amok could steal our inner peace and undermine every productive endeavour. Yet; with proper knowledge; training and discipline; it is possible
to unleash the mind’s infinite potential. In The Science of Mind Management; Swami Mukundananda charts the four different aspects of the human mind and lays down a clear path towards mastering it. Through witty anecdotes; real-life accounts and stories from the Vedic scriptures; he gently guides readers on the road to winning their
inner battle. The quality of our mind determines the quality of the life we lead. It can be our greatest ally or our worst adversary. A mind that runs amok could steal our inner peace and undermine every productive endeavour. Yet, with proper knowledge, training and discipline, it is possible to unleash the mind’s infinite potential.In The
Science of Mind Management, Swami Mukundananda charts the four different aspects of the human mind and lays down a clear path towards mastering it. Through witty anecdotes, real-life accounts and stories from the Vedic scriptures, he gently guides readers on the road to winning their inner battle.About the AuthorSwami
Mukundananda is a world-renowned spiritual teacher from India with an educational background from IIT and IIM. Having learned the Vedic scriptures under the tutelage of Jagadguru Shree Kripalu-ji Maharaj, he now spends his time explaining the path of true, ever-lasting happiness to people everywhere. In between his hectic schedule,
he writes books and commentaries, records CDs and DVDs, and guides a worldwide congregation of devotees. Swamiji’s lectures are humorous, his arguments are logical and well laid-out, and most of all, his advice is practical. His lectures are much sought after and include various topics such as conquest of the mind, good health
through yoga, meditation, and spirituality, and karm yog for everyday living.the science of mind management by swami mukundananda book reviewLearnThe successful distinguish themselves by their ability to marshal their mental resources. They know how to tap into the fountain source of inspiration that lies within. Knowing how to
choose their thoughts judiciously, they stay happy and full of hope. Thus, they march forth as more effective human beings.In contrast are those who remain slaves of their emotions. They feel that the key to their joy lies in external factors. To be happy, they desperately need others to behave differently and for situations to change.
Hence, they become obsessed with battling circumstances in their life.Instead, if they had learnt the science of improving their mind, they would have found an infallible and trustworthy friend within themselves. That is why even a little time dedicated to acquiring the technology for mind management reaps powerful dividends, enriching
your life forever.evelopOur subconscious mind stores data, retrieves it, and passes it to the conscious. As the basis of our attitudes, it has the potential of a double-edged sword. It can be our worst foe and cripple our personality with its debilitating attitudes. But it can also be our foremost benefactor and provide inner strength through
never-say-die positive emotions. The problem is that the subconscious can only create sentiments and feelings, but it cannot reason logically. And that is why it gets us into trouble with illogical fears, likes, and dislikes. If we wish to make the subconscious our friend and partner in life, we must be extremely careful of the inputs we
consciously pass to it. The intellect and the conscious mind must train the subconscious and diligently seed it with positive assertions.For instance, if we wish to programme our subconscious with positivity, we need to consciously seed it with positive ideas, while ensuring it is not contaminated it with negative thoughts.PracticeA habit has
three parts to it: 1) stimulus, 2) response, and 3) reward. The stimulus works like a trigger for the brain which then responds with the conditioned behaviour. That behaviour generates a reward which further reinforces the pattern for the future.Habits often enter our lives without our conscious permission. But they grow so strong that they
shape our destiny far more than we realise. They cause our brain to latch onto them, to the exclusion of all else including common sense. In this way, habits can be compared to a cable. Each day, we weave a thread of the cable. The singular thread seems too weak to hold us, however, when woven together, the cable is almost
unbreakable.But the good news is that habits can be changed. The brain’s quality of neuroplasticity works like a two-edged sword.MasterThe gap between knowledge and its practice must always be bridged by ‘discipline.’ In reality, lack of self-control is akin to a mental disease that makes us feeble and irresolute. When we see this
weakness within, we must make it a priority to stamp it out.We develop self-discipline by exercising it, in much the same way as we build our muscles. Every time we follow through on a resolution, we liberate the force of willpower within. But each time we break our resolve not to indulge in sense pleasures, the muscle of self-control
becomes emaciated.In this way, small moment-to-moment victories lead to larger successes. The more we exert our willpower, the greater it grows. But if we neglect it, our self-discipline will dwindle and wither away, like unused muscles in the body. When we see people with masterly qualities and stellar character, we wonder how they
reached there. Well, it was all a matter of exerting their willpower for some time, until the new habit kicked in.mind is like a fertile field. If you cultivate it well, it blossoms with attractive plants and beautiful flowers.we all have basic physiological needs, such as hunger, thirst, sex, and sleep, among other necessities. As these are fulfilled,
safety and security needs of job security, safety of home, and so on, start becoming important. As these needs are satisfied, the need for love and belonging starts gaining prominence. Beyond this is the need for achievement and respect. And lastly, is the need for self-actualisation where one is1) There is misery in the world. 2) Misery
has a cause. 3) The cause of misery is desire. 4) If desire is eradicated, misery will be eradicateBreaking the Gravitational Pull of Bad Habits The best time to overcome bad habits is before they are established. Our rational intellect must evaluate their cumulative power. Drinking a peg of alcohol may not be bad for health in a day, but
over the years, ingesting hundreds of gallons will definitely be unhealthy for us. When we are Not Attached To Outcome (NATO), we are able to do our work even better and in a more joyous state of mind.“the science of mind management by swami mukundananda pdf download”“art of mind management swami mukundananda pdf”“the
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