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While most people agree that modern technology is a boon for all of us there are some that do not

agree with this point of view and argue that labour-saving devices only make life more difficult and
adds to stress. In my opinion labour saving devices definitely contributes to reducing stress.

We are living in a world that revolves around technology which has helped make our lives simpler
and less stressful. In other words, devices like dishwashers and computers have helped us save time
and energy in the kitchen and at work places respectively. Computers have helped people from
different parts of the world stay connected through email and various chat sites, individuals can
search for various information by the click of a mouse. Similarly, the time that we would utilise
washing the dishes after a meal is now done by a machine allowing us extra time to spend with the
family. Take for example; working parents do not have to worry about spending time doing the
dishes when they rather spend time helping their children complete their home work, research work
can be done in the comfort of their homes on computers instead of visiting the library or various

On the other hand, some people believe that technology can cause more harm than good
Computers and laptops allow easy access to all information, which in turns reduces an individual’s
capability to think and makes us lazy. For example students now days do not take any efforts to think
of ideas for projects as information is easily available on the internet.

However, the same computers, dishwashers and other modern technology provide disabled
individuals an opportunity with desk jobs, or being independent in the kitchen which would have
been difficult task otherwise. So, in my opinion, although modern technology has a few detrimental
effects, the advantages definitely outweigh the

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