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Page 102 – Exercise 4,5,6,7,8,9,12

Exercise 4

1. To bring about is a phrasal verb which means to cause something to happen. The word ‘work’
has the same meaning as this expression.
2. Goal is the achievement of organizational objectives.
3. A business environment is all the components that affect a business. These include both internal
factors, like employees and resources, and external factors, like customers and markets. So the
changes in resources or markets can make the difference in the environment.
4. By recognizing, rewarding, and reinforcing desired performance from others while providing
honest and constructive feedback.
5. By investing time in team building, coaching and providing support.
6. Efficiency is all on using less resources and expenditures to carry out strategies. Achieving
strategic objectives that support the organization's vision and increase income is what it means
to be effective. Increasing effectiveness frequently results in an increase in efficiency naturally.
7. Examples of limited resources could be time, money, labor, tools, land, and raw materials.
8. Not enough time (or too many people to manage), Giving negative feedback, Different
personalities, Interpersonal conflict, Balancing being the boss with being a friend, Employees
with bad attitudes, dealing with pressure and shifting priorities from own boss, Cumbersome
and lengthy firing process, Insufficient authority and discretion to reward high performers,
Managing people in remote locations. Also the definition could apply every organization.

Exercise 5

1. Working with and through others – Management is the process of working with and through
2. Achieving organizational objectives – to achieve organizational objectives
3. Balancing effectiveness and efficiency – Central to this process is the effective and efficient
4. Making the most of limited resources – use of limited resources
5. Coping with a changing environment – in a changing environment

Exercise 6

1. Хуудас нь байхгүй
2. Хуудас нь байхгүй
3. c
4. d
5. c
6. c
7. d
8. a
9. c
10. c
Exercise 7

1. Introduction – The relationship of effectiveness and efficiency

2. Effectiveness and efficiency
a) Effectiveness = achieving objectives
b) Efficiency = complete the task with few resources
3. Managers need to balance effectiveness and efficiency
a) Avoid wasting resources
b) But not be too stingy
c) Get the job done

Exercise 8

1. The ability to be successful and produce the intended results.

2. The quality of achieving the largest amount of useful work using as little energy, fuel, effort, etc.
as possible.
3. Too much effectiveness means losing the balance. Losing the delicate balance between
efficiency and effectiveness could result in resource waste.
4. The quality of the work might turn to bad by being too efficient.
5. If I send mail to 10,000 potential customers in a single day, I am able to connect with 7
customers per minute, which is very efficient. But sending such emails, may not be very effective
considering the fact that how often do they actually open and read my email, let alone click
through and buy whatever I am pitching. A more effective way to make a real lead generation is
to take the time to research a potential client or customer and send them a custom email
detailing how my product/service could help their specific situation with a few ideas on how
they could implement it. With this method they are much more likely to respond to my email
with very clear steps than to a generic email.

Exercise 9

Effectiveness and efficiency are two important terms that managers must balance. Effectiveness involves
promptly achieving an objective, while efficiency is when the resources required to achieve an objective
are weighed against what was actually accomplished. Managers must be both effective and efficient in
order to avoid mismanagement. Effectiveness can be achieved by swinging a -20-sledgehammer against
a wall, but efficiency is achieved by containing costs and conserving limited resources.

The original = 201 words My summary = 69

Exercise 12

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