Introduction - QMS Manual

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Manual Title : Quality Management Manual MANUAL NUMBER:

Manual No. : KSDR-01
Level 1 QHSE CEO 01

This manual defines the business principles and philosophy of the KS Drilling Pte Ltd (KSDR) Quality
Management System. This system is designed to ensure that the organization that manages our assets,
does the same to the highest standards in all activities it undertakes and incorporates the business
policies, procedures, plans, and guidance that are the basis of KSDR’s core operations.

KSDR’s Quality Management System focuses on these key guiding principles:

Customer Focus:
The success of our organization depends on our customers, both internal and external. The policies and
procedures within the Quality Management System help us to:

• Understand the long- and short-term needs of our customers.

• Measure customer satisfaction.

• Manage positive customer relationships.

• Balance the needs of our customers with other stakeholders.

Organizational Leadership:
Good leadership creates purpose and direction throughout the Company. Leaders at all levels must
redefine organizational leadership. To achieve this, they must:

• Establish a clear vision for the organization.

• Set clear goals and targets to drive and measure the progress in meeting the vision.

• Develop the necessary strategies and plans to meet those targets.

• Consider all stakeholders—customers, employees, stockholders, suppliers, the communities

affected by these activities, and the environment itself—and the impact the company’s activities
have on these stakeholders.

• Provide personnel with the tools and resources necessary to achieve the targeted results, and then
hold them accountable.

• Recognize the contributions to company-wide success from people within the organization.

Human Resource Development:

Fostering an environment in which all employees are involved in meeting the company’s objectives is
fundamental to our success. To that end, we encourage all employees to:

• Take responsibility for their work.

• Strive for improved performance.

• Share their knowledge and experience.

• Represent the organization in a positive way to customers.

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Manual Title : Quality Management Manual MANUAL NUMBER:
Manual No. : KSDR-01
Level 1 QHSE CEO 01

Process Management and Improvement:

We recognize that all activities within the organization are part of a defined process. Therefore, KSDR
will strive to:

• Clearly define the processes that will achieve the desired goals of the organization.

• Clearly define and measure the inputs and outputs of all processes.

• Evaluate the risks associated with each process and develop strategies to manage the risks.

• Assign clear responsibility and authority for the success of each activity within a given process.

• Identify those with a stake either in the input to or output from a given process and consider their
needs in the design of the process.

• Consider the following in the development of each process:

- The perspective of the customer and the business impact of the process
- The outcome of each process step and the impact of that step
- The actions required to achieve the desired results from each step
- The flow of the process and the impact on the desired results
- Measures to keep the process in control
- Training requirements to allow successful implementation of a process
- Resource needs of the process including materials, information, equipment, and personnel

A systematic management approach that includes these elements is vital to the continued success of
our Company:

• Identify and develop processes that help achieve a given objective.

• Structure systems to achieve an objective efficiently.

• Demand continuous improvement of our organization’s performance.

• Recognize clear constraints on resources before acting.

Organizational Improvement:
We know that to remain successful we must continuously improve our organization’s performance. To
achieve this we must:

• Improve the level of services, systems, and objectives for all groups and individuals within the

• Use basic improvement concepts to achieve both incremental and breakthrough improvements.

• Promote prevention-based activities.

• Set clear goals and measures to track improvements.

• Ensure that everyone is able to contribute to performance enhancements by training employees in

better problem solving, process improvement, and process innovation.

• Recognize beneficial improvements and the employees who make those improvements.

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Manual Title : Quality Management Manual MANUAL NUMBER:
Manual No. : KSDR-01
Level 1 QHSE CEO 01

Fact-Based Management:
Good decision-making is critical to our company’s success. KSDR expects employees to:

• Collect all data and information necessary to make an informed decision.

• Strive to ensure the accuracy of the data and information.

• Evaluate the data and information carefully.

• Make decisions based on the analysis of the data tempered by experience and intuition.

Supplier Management:
Our Company’s success is also affected by the performance of our suppliers. To develop mutually
beneficial relations, we must:

• Clearly identify the key suppliers.

• Develop a secure base of qualified and capable suppliers.

• Balance the short-term gains with long-term considerations.

• Maintain open and clear communication to promote long-term, mutually beneficial partnerships.

The key guiding principles outlined here are a framework to develop detailed quality procedures and
identify areas where those procedures can be applied.

This is a guide for KSDR personnel, contractors, and clients to implement effective quality, safety, and
regulatory compliance procedures throughout all of KSDR’s worldwide operations.

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