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Project Reading


Research shows that strong and positive bonds between school and home play a
vital role in the development and education of children. (Edward & Alldred, 2000:
Henderson & Berla, 1994: Richardson, 2009). Parental involvement provides an
important opportunity for schools to enrich current school programs by bringing parents
into the educational process. Increased parental involvement has been shown to result in
increased student success, enhanced parent and teacher satisfaction, and improved
school climate. Parental involvement is positively correlated with the following
motivational constructs: school engagement, intrinsic/extrinsic motivation, perceived
competence, perceived control, self-regulation, mastery goal orientation, and motivation
to read, according to studies of students from elementary school through high school.
(Gonzalez-DeHass, A.R., Willems, P.P. & Holbein, M.F.D.). Because of this, School
planned the Project Reading for Parents as one of the measures needed by our learners
to enhance their performance, as suggested by the core group of the project.


The group wants to help learners and parents welcome change in terms of the
different learning modalities, feel the quality education is still here, and find ways to
uplift the performance of our learners. Since education must not stop amid the COVID-
19 pandemic, otherwise, we will lose human capital, one of the best ways to address the
challenges in the new normal of education is to improve the study habits of learners
through parental involvement. Hence, Elementary School, under the project Reading to
partner with dedicated parent-volunteers in achieving better academic performance of
our pupils. As former education secretary Sec. Leonor M. Briones (2020) said that
parents should get involved in children’s education to conform to their duties and
responsibilities to be able to maintain and sustain the children’s education. This project
aims to train parents to be significant partners of the school in addressing learning gaps.


To establish a strong partnership in education, it is essential to cultivate positive and

robust connections between parents and teachers. By actively engaging parents in the
teaching and learning process, we can enhance our students' academic performance. This
project intends to close the reading skills gap that exists between the students and their
current abilities. As a result of this effort, the students' reading abilities will gradually
get better. This also teaches the pupils to be more accountable and to prioritize their own
growth.. To achieve this, it is crucial to develop a well-defined parental strategy that
focuses on the growth and development of each child's academic journey. This strategy
will serve as a roadmap to guide parents.


Parents and teachers will work together on a project to assist students in getting a
better education. Through parents' participation in the teaching-learning process and the
development of parental strategies for the child's progress and development in school,
this will foster harmonious relationships between parents and teachers to help them
become full partners in the education of our learners and improve their academic
performance. In the time allotted, this project will take place every Wednesday for a
year in Elementary Covered Court. Parent volunteers will lead the first reading sessions
in the morning and afternoon.


The pre-implementation will be conducted on January 19, which is planning of

the Project Reading proponent inside the LRC and come up with the work plan which
will be the guide for the implementation of the project. The project's implementation
will start on February 13, weeks following the planning phase, involving a meeting with
the parents of the selected participants in Elementary Covered Court. The meeting will
be followed by the signing of the parents’ consent. Attendance at this scheduled meeting
will be noted as confirmation that it took place. Project launching will be on February
14, and, lastly, by its complete implementation (March 15). After the project Reading
was put into action, a reading assessment was conducted as part of the post evaluation.
The results of the implementation assessment will be held after the post-evaluation. after
which an accomplishment report will be submitted.


The pupils in grades 1-3 who struggle with reading will gain the most from this
project. There are 87 kids in total, including 26 in grade 1, 32 in grade 2, 19 in grade 3,
and 10 in grade 4. These learners are under full refresher which need close supervision
to enhance or improve their reading abilities.


The implementation of this project has significantly improved the learners'

reading capabilities, resulting in a notable improvement in their overall reading skills.
Not only has implementing this new project improved their concentration and focus, but
it has also encouraged greater independence and improved their reading speed and
efficiency. The pupils' ability to read proficiently and confidently has been greatly aided
by the program's implementation because it has given them the tools and techniques they
need to do so.


The people involved hope for better outcomes once the research has been ongoing
for a year. Additionally, they aim to see gains in the kids' reading comprehension and
their capacity to evaluate and comprehend the texts they are reading. They hope that
these kids won't lose track of their study habits while working on the project and will
continue to work on themselves.


The project's execution began on January 19, 2023, with a scheduled meeting
between the school's principal, teachers, parents, and students. The project's launch was
hosted by those who were involved the next day. The students have a choice of sessions or
what they refer to as their time schedule for this project, which has 5 components with 2
sessions per day beginning with the first booklet called "Marungko Booklet 1." They can
choose to go to the morning or the afternoon sessions. Parents are also there because they
volunteer to assist the students in becoming better. This project had a formal start date of
February 15, 2023, and a final completion date of June 28, 2023.


There was a list of the project's overall costs. For this project, just 3 main materials
were used. To begin with, 110 sheets of certificate paper costing a total of 500 pesos were
made for the pupils. For the project, 10 reams of long bond paper were also purchased. It
costs 200.00 pesos for each ream, for a total of 600.00 pesos. After adding up all these
expenses, the total came to 3,100 pesos. All of these will be MOOE funded.


Parental involvement as a important factor for successful education - eric. (n.d.).

Gonzalez-DeHass, A.R., Willems, P.P. & Holbein, M.F.D. Examining the

Relationship Between Parental Involvement and Student Motivation. Educ Psychol Rev 17,
99–123 (2005).

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