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Individual Assignment

Table of contents
Tasks Page no.
Task 2 (a) 2
Task 2 (b) 2
Task 2 (c) 3
Task 3 (a) 4
Task 3 (b) 4
Task 3 (c) 5
References 6

Task 2
Task 2 (a): ER-Diagram:

Task 2 (b): Literature Review:

In this ER- Diagram client is mapped to scheme as one-to-many relationship because the client
can purchase one or more. Scheme is mapped to client you can see in the above diagram as many
or zero relationship because each scheme has at least one client or no client it means that the
client selects to pay in one go. Client has one sales representative. Sales person may have one or
many clients. Sales Person have many sales commission and sales commission can be taken by
many clients. Similarly, Client can purchase one or many property. Property can be purchased by
a client or not purchased at all. An ER-Diagram consist of following parts:
1. Entity
2. Attribute
3. Relationship
4. Cardinality
5. Key Constraints

1. Entity:
Entity is an object or subject of which we store information. Basically entity can be a place
person event or even a thing which got relevance to database. Example for an entity can be
lecturer, student or an employee. Relation model table is parallel to an entity.

2. Attribute
Information about entity is stored in attribute. Best example to understand an attribute for
example. An entity called as lecturer. This entity could be consisting of attributes like name, staff
ID, birth date, Gsm number etc.

3. Relationship:
Here in ER-Diagram relationship refers to the relationship with other entity. The relationship
entities can be seen with the help key constraints like primary key and foreign key.Such as one
entity with name scheme is linked with other entity named as client in the above ER-diagram.

4. Cardinalities:
There are four types of cardinalities:
 Mandatory one
 Mandatory many
 Optional one
 Optional many

5. Key Constraints:
A key is an information thing which help us to identify an entity type. In an entity table we mark
attributes with special keys such as primary key (pk), foreign key (fk) etc. For example, in an
employee table we could utilize the combination given name and surname (or perhaps surname,
given name date of birth for identifying the uniqueness of the student) as a key.
Different types of key are as follows:
 Primary key
 Foreign key
 Not null
 Check

Task 2 (c): Applications of ERD:

It is used to make a data model of information system. And basically used in software
engineering as it is a data modelling technique. Diagrams that are made by utilizing ER-model
are known as ER- diagrams or Entity-Relationship Diagram. Illustration of logical structure of
data base is known as Entity Relationship Diagram.

Task 3
Task 3 (a): Normalization:

Task 3 (b): Literature review:

Normalization UNF, 1NF, 2NF and 3NF

Normalization is use to divide big amount of data into smaller parts in order to organize them
into smaller logical tables
UNF- the first form of data which is put into its normal
1NF – this is next step after the unnormalized form (UNF). In this step we make two rows with
columns consist of non-repeated and repeated. Foreign and primary are present in each of the
column is created so that it can connected to unnormalized form and other column. This
normalization form does not clear the repeated data so 2nd normalization form is required.
2NF – eliminating partial dependencies
3NF – eliminating transitive dependencies. When a nonkey attribute is dependent on another
nonkey attribute that depends on the primary key, it is called the transitive dependency.

 Normalization:
Normalization is basically a process of perishing relation with variance to make well-structured
and small relation. Normalization is a process of taking out repeated data from the table for the
improvement of storage efficiency, scalability and data integrity.
Limit information excess, consequently keeping away from inconsistencies and rationing storage
room. Disentangle the implementation of referential uprightness limitations. Make it less
demanding to look after information (embed, refresh, and erase). Give better plan that is an
enhanced portrayal of this present reality and a more grounded reason for future development.

 Stages of normalization:
Accomplishment and understanding of Normalization can be done in stages each of all which
covers to normal form. In a normal from rules regarding functional dependencies are applied. For
example, relationships between attributes. Some of the normalization rules are as follows:
 UNF- the first form of data which is put into its normal
 1NF – this is next step after the unnormalized form (UNF). In this step we make two rows
with columns consist of non-repeated and repeated. Foreign and primary are present in each
of the column is created so that it can connected to unnormalized form and other column.
This normalization form does not clear the repeated data so 2nd normalization form is
 2NF – eliminating partial dependencies
 3NF – eliminating transitive dependencies. When two non-key attribute are dependent on each
other and they both depends on primary key this is known as transitive dependency

Task 3 (c) Application of Normalization:

Information standardization is a procedure in which information traits inside an information

model are composed to build the union of substance sorts.
At the end of the day, the objective of information standardization is to decrease and even
dispose of information excess, a vital thought for application engineers since it is fantastically
hard to stores protests in a social database that keeps up a similar data in a few spots.
Table 1 compresses the three most basic types of standardization, second ordinary frame, and
Third typical shape (3NF depicting how to put element sorts into a progression of expanding
levels of standardization.
More elevated amounts of information standardization are past the extent of this article.
As for phrasing, an information composition is thought to be at the level of standardization of its
slightest standardized element sort.
In the event that the greater part of your substance sorts are at second ordinary shape or higher
then we say that your information outline is at 2NF.







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