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Subject-Diffusion: No Fine-Tuning Needed for Personalized

Image Generation


Have you ever wished you could create realistic images from any text
description, without having to fine-tune a model for each domain or
style? If so, you might be interested in this new model, which is
developed by researchers from OPPO Research Institute. The model
was developed to address the slow progress in the area of open-domain
and non-fine-tuning personalized image generation. The motto behind
the development of this model was to create a model that does not
require test-time fine-tuning and only requires a single reference image
to support personalized generation of single- or multi-subject in any
domain. This new model is called 'Subject-Diffusion'.

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What is Subject-Diffusion?

Subject-Diffusion is an open-domain personalized image generation

model that does not require test-time fine-tuning. It only requires a single
reference image to support personalized generation of single- or
multi-subject in any domain.

Key Features of Subject-Diffusion

Subject-Diffusion has several key features that make it stand out from
other text-to-image generation models.

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● As shown in the above figure, it can create personalized images

from any domain, with just one reference image and no test-time
fine-tuning. It can handle one or more subjects in the image, based
on your text input, such as animals, flowers, landscapes, anime
characters, abstract art, etc.
● It can generate diverse and high-quality images that match the text
input by using a diffusion-based framework that iteratively refines
the image from noise to reality.
● It can generate personalized images that reflect the user’s
intention and taste by allowing them to provide additional keywords

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or sentences as guidance for the image generation process. For

example, if the user wants to generate an image of a cat with blue
eyes and fluffy fur, they can simply add these keywords or
sentences to the original text input. The style encoder will then
encode these additional inputs and inject them into the diffusion
process, resulting in a personalized image that matches the user’s

Capabilities/Use Case of Subject-Diffusion

Subject-Diffusion has many potential applications and use cases in

various fields and scenarios, such as:

● Creative design: Subject-Diffusion can help designers and artists

to create realistic or stylized images from their textual ideas or
sketches, without having to spend time and effort on fine-tuning a
model for each domain or style. For example, a designer can use
Subject-Diffusion to generate an image of a logo or a poster from a
brief description or a slogan.
● Education and entertainment: Subject-Diffusion can help
students and teachers to visualize concepts or scenarios from
texts, such as stories, poems, historical events, scientific facts, etc.
For example, a student can use Subject-Diffusion to generate an
image of a scene from a novel or a movie they are studying or
● Personalization and customization: Subject-Diffusion can help
users to create personalized images that reflect their preferences
and styles, by allowing them to provide additional keywords or
sentences as guidance for the image generation process. For
example, a user can use Subject-Diffusion to generate an image of
their dream house or car from a simple description or a list of

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How does Subject-Diffusion work?

The Subject-Diffusion model combines text and image semantics by

using coarse location and fine-grained reference image control to
enhance subject fidelity and generalization. It also uses an attention
control mechanism to support multi-subject generation.

The model is based on an open-source image synthesis algorithm called

Stable Diffusion, which improves computational efficiency by performing
the diffusion process in low-dimensional latent space with an
auto-encoder. The auto-encoder encodes the input image into a latent
representation, and the diffusion process is then applied on the latent
space. A conditional UNet denoiser predicts noise with the current
timestep, noisy latent, and generation condition.

The training framework of the Subject-Diffusion method has three parts.

The first part is location control, which splices mask information during
the noise addition process to boost the model’s local learning within the
subject position box, increasing image fidelity. The second part is
fine-grained reference image control, which has two components. The
first component integrates segmented reference image information
through special prompts, by learning the weights of the blended text
encoder to improve both prompt generalization and image fidelity. The
second component adds a new layer to the UNet, which receives patch
embedding of the segmented image and position coordinate information.
The third part adds extra control learning of the cross-attention map to
support multi-subject learning.

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As shown in Figure above, for the image latent part, the image mask is
concatenated to the image latent feature. For multiple subjects, the
multi-subject image mask is overlaid. Then, the combined latent feature
is input to the UNet. For the text condition part, a special prompts
template is constructed. Then, at the embedding layer of the text
encoder, the “CLS” embedding of the segmented image replaces the
corresponding token embedding. Also, regular control is applied to the
cross-attention map of these embeddings and the shape of the actual
image segmentation map. In the fusion part, patch embeddings of
segmented images and bounding box coordinate information are fused
and trained as a separate layer of the UNet.

Performance Evaluation

The Subject-Diffusion model’s creators demonstrated their method’s

superior performance over other state-of-the-art approaches on
personalized image generation in both single- and multi-subject settings,
using both quantitative and qualitative measures.

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For single-subject generation, Subject-Diffusion was benchmarked

against methods such as DreamBooth, Re-Image, ELITE, and
BLIP-Diffusion. The results revealed that Subject-Diffusion surpassed
other methods by a large margin in terms of DINO score, with a score of
0.711 versus DreamBooth’s score of 0.668. Its CLIP-I and CLIP-T scores
were also slightly better or comparable to other fine-tuning-free

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For multi-subject generation, image similarity calculations using DINO

and CLIP-I, as well as text similarity calculations using CLIP-T were
performed on all of the generated images, user-provided images, and
prompts. The results indicated that Subject-Diffusion had clear
advantages over DreamBooth and Custom Diffusion across DINO and
CLIP-T metrics, proving its ability to capture the subject information of
user-provided images more precisely and display multiple entities in a
single image concurrently.

Numerous qualitative and quantitative results show that the

Subject-Diffusion method beats other state-of-the-art frameworks in
single, multiple, and human customized image generation.

How to access and use this model?

Subject-Diffusion is an open-source model that can be accessed and

used by anyone who is interested in text-to-image generation. The
model is available on GitHub Website, where you can find the code, data
and instructions for running the model. You can also use an online demo
through the project link to generate images from your own text inputs

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and additional keywords or sentences. Subject-Diffusion is licensed

under the MIT License, which means that you can use it for both
personal and commercial purposes.

If you are interested to learn more about the Subject-Diffusion model, all
relevant links are provided under the 'source' section at the end of this


Subject-Diffusion is an innovative and promising model, but it also has

some drawbacks and difficulties that need to be solved.

● It struggles to modify attributes and accessories within user-input

images, limiting the model’s versatility and applicability.
● It may produce incoherent images with a high chance when
generating personalized images for more than two subjects.
● It can slightly increase the computational burden when generating
multi-concept images.


Subject-Diffusion can generate diverse and high-quality images that

match the text input, across a wide range of domains and styles. It also
outperforms other state-of-the-art text-to-image generation models in
terms of visual quality, semantic consistency, and diversity.
Subject-Diffusion is a breakthrough in the field of artificial intelligence, as
it opens up new possibilities and opportunities for creative design,
education, entertainment, personalization, and customization.

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