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Shruti Singh (1900320310156)

Yash Yadav (1900320310197)

Lalit Sharma (1900320310082)

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

ABES Engineering College

19th Km Stone, NH-09, Ghaziabad (U.P)

May, 2023


Shruti Singh (1900320310156)

Yash Yadav (1900320310197)

Lalit Sharma (1900320310082)

Submitted to the Department of Electronics & Communication

in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of
Bachelor of Technology
Electronics & Communication Engineering

ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Uttar Pradesh Lucknow
May, 2023

We hereby declare that this submission is our own work that, to the best of our knowledge
and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor
material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree
or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due
acknowledgment has been made in the text.

Name: Shruti Singh
Roll number: 1900320310156

Name: Yash Yadav
Roll number: 1900320310197

Name: Lalit Sharma
Roll number: 1900320310082


This is to certify that the project report entitled “Wheelchair with advanced
communication” which is submitted by Shruti Singh, Yash Yadav, and Lalit Sharma in
partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of degree B.Tech. in the Department of
Electronics and Communication Engineering of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Technical
University, is a record of the candidates’ own work carried out by them under my
supervision. The matter embodied in this thesis is original and has not been submitted for
the award of any other degree.

Date: (Supervisor Signature)

Dr. Manidipa Roy
Associate Professor
Electronics & Communication Engineering
ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad.


It gives us a great sense of pleasure to present the report of the B.Tech. The project was
undertaken during B. Tech Final Year. We owe a special debt of gratitude to Dr. Manidipa
Roy, Associate Professor of the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering,
ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad for her constant support and guidance throughout
the course of our work. Her sincerity, thoroughness, and perseverance have been a constant
source of inspiration for us. It is only through her cognizant efforts that our endeavors have
seen the light of the day.

We also take the opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of Prof. (Dr.) Sanjay Kr.
Singh, Head of the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, ABES
Engineering College, Ghaziabad for his full support and assistance during the development
of the project.

We also do not like to miss the opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of all faculty
members of the department for their kind assistance and cooperation during the development
of our project. Last but not the least, we acknowledge our friends for their contribution to
the completion of the project.

Name: Shruti Singh
Roll no. 1900320310156

Name: Yash Yadav
Roll no. 1900320310197

Name: Lalit Sharma
Roll no. 1900320310082

Numerous studies have demonstrated the significant advantages of having the capability of
autonomous mobility for both kids and adults. The smart wheelchair may be highly helpful
to everyone in society. Smart wheelchairs are electric-powered wheelchairs that have added
features like a computer and sensors to help the wheelchair's user or caregiver use it quickly
and effectively. We were able to create a self-driving wheelchair that uses DPDT switches
and push switches to aid with the basic requirements of the person. The wheelchair has also
been modified so the user with paralyzed limbs can control it with switches. There is also a
joystick so that disabled persons may easily move their wheelchairs. It considers a sensor
system, a mechanical model, switch control for RF technologies, and joystick control.
Wheelchairs that are intelligent may be useful for people who have lost their ability to move.
While there have been many kinds of intelligent wheelchairs developed over the years, there
are currently new wheelchair generations being developed and used that use artificial
intelligence and give the user very little control. In order to improve the user's mobility, the
project also aims to construct a wheelchair that looks comparable but also has some
intelligence. People with physical limitations are able to use this wheelchair as needed. The
joystick is used by those who have trouble using their hands. Users who are completely or
partially paralyzed can communicate with the device using their voice or head movement.
This project is also a great resource for elderly users.


Title Page No.

Declaration ii
Certificate iii
Acknowledgment iv
Abstract v
List of Table viii
List of Figure ix
List of Abbreviation x



2.1 Joystick Control 6
2.2 Collision Detection Sensor 6
2.3 User Command Assistance 6-8
2.4 Additional Points 8


3.1 Block Diagram 13-14
3.1.1 Accelerometer 13
3.1.2 Joystick 13
3.1.3 Speech Synthesizer 13
3.1.4 Ultrasonic Ranging Module 1
3.1.5 Gyroscope 14
3.1.6 Microcontroller 14
3.1.7 Relay Switches 14
3.1.8 LCD 14
3.1.9 Actuators 14


4.1 Hardware Components 15-19
4.1.1 Encoder 15
4.1.2 RF Module 15
4.1.3 Arduino UNO 15
4.1.4 Relay Switch 15
4.1.5 LCD 15
4.2 Software Components 20-24
4.2.1 Arduino IDE 20-21
4.2.2 Choosing C++ Language 21-23
4.2.3 Code 23-24


5.1 Result 25-32
5.2 Discussion 33-34


6.1 Conclusion 35-37
6.2 Future Scope 37-40


No. Title Page No.
1 Specifications of Arduino UNO 16

No. Title Page No.
1 Block diagram of the system 12
2 Transmitter section of block diagram 12
3 Receiver section of the block diagram 13
4 PCB board of the wheelchair 17
5 Receiver section of the wheelchair 18
6 Transmitter section of the wheelchair 19
7 Code snippet 24
8 LCD display: normal mode 25
9 LCD display: water required 26
10 LCD display: washroom help needed 26
11 LCD display: emergency help needed 27
12 LCD display: food required 27
13 Push switches for displaying commands on LCD 28
14 Working model of receiver section 29
15 Working model of wheelchair 30
16 Wheel of the wheelchair 31
17 Model of wheelchair with open connection 32
18 Model of wheelchair with closed connection 32


1 Wi-Fi : Wireless Fidelity

2 LiDAR sensor: Light Detection and Ranging sensors
3 MATLAB: Matrix Laboratory
4 ADC: Analog-to-Digital Converter
5 VR: Virtual Reality
6 DC: Direct current
7 LCD: Liquid crystal display
8 RF: Radio-frequency
9 EEPROM: Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
10 USB: Universal serial bus
11 USART: Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
12 PCB: Printed circuit board
13 Arduino IDE: Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
14 DPDT: Double Pole Double Throw


A smart wheelchair is a mobility aid for people with physical disabilities and partial paralysis.
It allows users to navigate their home or habitat without assistance. The wheelchair has a
controller unit that accepts input from a joystick, accelerometer, or voice command. The
controller unit then synthesizes the command and takes the required action to move the
wheelchair to the desired position. The wheelchair is powered by two-wiper motors. The output
of the motor driver is fed to the relay switch, and the output of the relay switches is connected
to the motors.

Here are some of the benefits of using a smart wheelchair:

i. Increased independence: Smart wheelchairs allow users to move around their home or
habitat without assistance. This can help to improve their independence and quality of
ii. Improved safety: Smart wheelchairs can be equipped with features that improve safety,
such as obstacle detection and fall prevention. This can help to keep users safe and
prevent accidents.
iii. Increased comfort: Smart wheelchairs can be customized to meet the individual needs
of the user. This can help to improve comfort and make the wheelchair more enjoyable
to use.

If you are a person with a physical disability or partial paralysis, a smart wheelchair may be a
good option for you. Smart wheelchairs can help to improve your independence, safety, and

A smart wheelchair strives to assist persons who are physically disadvantaged or disabled by
granting them beneficial mobility. The main control unit of a smart wheelchair is where the
the user enters data using a joystick, an accelerometer, or voice commands. The wheelchair is
subsequently moved to the specified area by the controller unit after translating the order.
Wheelchairs, both electric and conventional, are widely used to assist the movement of persons
with disabilities. A portion of the impaired population is impacted by low vision, visual field
reduction, spasticity, tremors, cognitive deficiencies, and other disabilities. To operate their
wheelchairs, these folks rely extensively on others. It's risky to operate a wheelchair alone. We
created the "Smart Wheelchair" to solve this problem.

Smart wheelchairs have drawn more attention lately than electric wheelchairs. Power
wheelchairs are manual or conventional wheelchairs that are powered by electricity or batteries.
They lack several useful features and safety precautions. On the other hand, smart wheelchairs
contain features for functionality and safety. In most cases, a smart wheelchair is an electric
wheelchair that has been equipped with a computer and various sensors.
With the development of robotics, artificial intelligence, and computers, smart wheelchairs

have become more and more common. A computer that uses data from sensors to guide the
The movement of the wheelchairs is the core component of a smart wheelchair. Sensors gather
environmental data, which is subsequently analyzed by a computer, and the required actions
are performed. A smart wheelchair may be manually operated by the user, just like any other
electric wheelchair.

Recent developments in science and technology have had a profound impact on the way people
live their lives. However, not everyone has been able to benefit from these advances. People
with limited mobility often find it difficult to participate in many aspects of modern life.

A smart wheelchair is a new technology that aims to address this issue. Smart wheelchairs are
equipped with a variety of sensors and actuators that allow them to be controlled by the user in
a variety of ways. For example, users can control their wheelchairs using a joystick,
accelerometer, or voice command. This gives users a greater degree of independence and
allows them to move around more freely.

In addition to providing greater mobility, smart wheelchairs can also be equipped with a variety
of features that can improve the safety and comfort of the user. For example, some smart
wheelchairs can be equipped with obstacle-detection systems that can help to prevent accidents.
Other smart wheelchairs can be equipped with features that can provide a more comfortable
ride, such as suspension systems and adjustable seats.

Smart wheelchairs are a promising new technology that has the potential to improve the lives
of people with limited mobility. By providing greater independence, safety, and comfort, smart
wheelchairs can help people to live more fulfilling lives.

Here are some additional benefits of smart wheelchairs:

i. Increased social interaction: Smart wheelchairs can help people with limited mobility
to get out and about more, which can lead to increased social interaction. This can help
to improve their mental and emotional health.
ii. Increased productivity: Smart wheelchairs can help people with limited mobility to be
more productive at work and school. This can help them to achieve their goals and live
more fulfilling lives.
iii. Increased self-esteem: Smart wheelchairs can help people with limited mobility to feel
more independent and self-confident. This can lead to a better quality of life overall.

If you are a person with limited mobility, a smart wheelchair may be a good option for you.
Smart wheelchairs can help you to live a more independent, safe, and comfortable life.

There are currently 650 million physically disabled persons in the globe. Therefore, creating a
system that would make their lives happier and more flexible is really necessary. A cutting-
edge wireless wheel chair system is intended to improve the comfort and flexibility of living
for those with physical disabilities. For disabled people who are partially paralysed, a hand
gesture-based wheel chair system is being developed in the current project. Sensors are used in
this procedure to detect the hand's actual movement. The detected signal is translated into an
electrical signal, which is subsequently transformed into a digital signal before being broadcast.

The technique is most suited for those who have been in accidents or who are paralyzed due to
genetic order. The intended system is operational and enabled depending on the user movement

The disabled person can operate the wheelchair from 200 yards away and can direct the
wheelchair to travel away from the person by using their finger, arm, or hand motion.
Therefore, the wireless hand gesture-based wheelchair enables individuals with physical
disabilities to move freely between two locations without the assistance of a second person [1].

Paralyzed people who are unable to talk, walk, or move any bodily parts currently cannot find
solutions to their difficulties. They may go from one spot to another simply by tilting their
hand, which makes them independent. Several designs are suggested dependent on the kind of
input signal during the development of the human-machine interface for wheelchair control

A few systems can detect speech transmissions [4], while others can detect retinal movement
and yet others are in the early stages of developing brain reading systems. It is crucial to build
wireless technology between the receiver and transmitter interface when constructing
wheelchair systems to give greater hardware integrating options [5]. The current technology is
made for those who can move their fingers or arms. The sensory system interprets changes in
finger gestures and regulates the motor by reading finger motions [6][7].

There are some limitations existing with traditional wheelchair systems such as complexity in
service when repaired, use of a joystick may be difficult for challenged persons, the wheelchair
cannot sense any obstacles on the path, and to move the chair they need some external help [8].
The limitations of the existing systems can be eliminated in the present system.


On four continents, work on developing and researching intelligent wheelchairs has been going
on since the early 1980s. Some intelligent wheelchairs function like autonomous robots, letting
the user select a location and watch as it is planned and transported there. Systems frequently
need to alter their surroundings in order to accomplish their objective, or they frequently need
a detailed map of the area they are traveling through (e.g., tape tracks placed on the floor or
markers placed on the walls). They frequently lack the ability to overcome unexpected
obstacles or navigate unfamiliar territory. [2] The best users for this kind of smart wheelchair
are those who (1) are unable to plan and/or execute a path
to a goal and (2) spend most of their time in the same restricted region. Another type of
intelligent wheelchair just assists the user in avoiding collisions; all navigation and planning
are up to them. Typically, these systems don't require any particular modifications to the
environment or an internal map of the area. They are only ideal for users who can effectively
plan and execute a path to a goal, as they do demand additional planning and ongoing user
assistance. The last class of wheelchairs with intelligence provides both completely and
partially autonomous navigation. al [3] Giving those with physical limitations equal chances
has been stressed by the National Human Rights Commission. While providing physically
challenged people with tailored mobility options, the safety of the driver and other road users
must be assured. Current car designs have adapted certain foot and hand controls to help those
with partial or whole limb limitations. The lack of a network in the country called for a thorough
investigation and careful treatment of the entire situation. Smart wheelchairs have also been
used to research other input methods in addition to the more "traditional" ones associated with
powered wheelchairs (e.g., joystick, pneumatic switches). Because ommercial speech
recognition hardware and software is widely available and reasonably priced, automatic speech
recognition is frequently used for smart wheelchairs. Two unusual input methods have been
used: machine vision, which identifies head position and orientation, and electrooculographic
activity, which indicates where the wheelchair user is looking. This section discusses the
diagnosis related to using a manual or motorised wheelchair. There
are estimates of the prevalence, frequency, and proportion of people with each ailment that
require a wheelchair. Additionally included are the signs and symptoms of each ailment that
may make it challenging to use a wheelchair. Before settling on a final choice for the little
project, a brief search was conducted to uncover older work on the same topic. We had access
to just a small number of past studies using speech synthesis processing. [4] Once our project
proposal was accepted, we put a lot of work into finding the components for the gyroscope and
speech synthesizer. Research on a range of websites and publications was necessary for the
themes. While many people with disabilities can use standard manual or powered wheelchairs
to meet their needs, other people with disabilities find it difficult or impossible to use
wheelchairs on their own. People that fulfill this criterion include those who have
cognitive difficulties, poor vision, a small field of vision, spasticity, tremors, or spasticity.

These people often need a caregiver to propel them in a manual wheelchair since they are
unable to move independently. To accommodate this population, a number of researchers have
developed "smart wheelchairs" using technologies designed for mobile robots. A smart
wheelchair frequently comprises of a motorized wheelchair with a computer and several
sensors or a mobile robot base with a seat attached. For users of smart wheelchairs, a number
of navigational aids have been developed, such as ensuring collision-free mobility, assisting
with specific tasks (such as passing through doorways), and autonomously moving the user
between locations. According to a recent survey [5], clinicians are particularly interested in the
services that a smart wheelchair may provide. One of the key survey results
was that 9–10% of patients receiving power wheelchair training found it extremely difficult or
impossible to perform ADLs while using the wheelchair, according to clinical reports. 40% of
patients who were specifically asked about their ability to drive and maneuver said it was
difficult or impossible.

Smart Wheelchairs have become an essential part of the healthcare system, providing mobility
to people with disabilities and elderly individuals with limited mobility. As technology
advances, new developments in the field of smart wheelchairs have improved their
functionality and allowed them to become more user-friendly. In particular, the integration of
advanced communication technology has allowed for improved communication and control of
these devices, making them more responsive to the needs of their users.

This research paper aims to explore the advancements in smart wheelchairs with advanced
communication technology, and their impact on the lives of individuals with limited mobility.
This paper will provide an overview of the state of the art in smart wheelchair technology,
including the latest developments in communication technology such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and
other wireless communication protocols. The paper will also examine the benefits and
challenges of using smart wheelchairs with advanced communication, as well as future
prospects for this technology.

The study will analyze existing research on the topic, including case studies, surveys, and
interviews with users, healthcare professionals, and other stakeholders. This paper aims to
contribute to the growing body of knowledge on smart wheelchair technology and provide
insights into how advanced communication can improve the quality of life of people with
disabilities and limited mobility.

In conclusion, the integration of advanced communication technology in smart wheelchairs has

the potential to revolutionize the field of mobility devices. By improving communication
between users and their devices, smart wheelchairs with advanced communication can enhance
user experience, improve safety, and increase independence for individuals with disabilities
and limited mobility. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of this emerging
technology and its potential benefits, limitations, and future prospects.

Smart wheelchairs have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their ability to
provide mobility to individuals with disabilities and elderly individuals with limited mobility.

With the integration of advanced technology, smart wheelchairs have become more user-
friendly and responsive to user needs. This literature review aims to examine the state of the
art in smart wheelchair technology with a specific focus on joystick control, collision detection
sensors, and user command assistance features.


Joystick control is a popular method for operating smart wheelchairs, as it provides intuitive
and precise control over the device. Recent advancements in joystick control have enabled
users to control the speed and direction of the wheelchair with greater accuracy, allowing for
better navigation in tight spaces. Some smart wheelchairs now include haptic feedback, which
provides tactile feedback to the user, enabling them to better understand the motion of the


Collision detection sensors are a key feature of smart wheelchairs, as they improve user safety
and reduce the risk of accidents. These sensors detect obstacles in the path of the wheelchair
and alert the user through visual or auditory cues. Some smart wheelchairs also include
automatic braking systems, which can prevent collisions in certain situations. Recent
developments in collision detection technology have enabled more precise and accurate
detection of obstacles, allowing for safer and more efficient navigation.


User command assistance is another feature that is becoming increasingly popular in smart
wheelchairs. These features include voice recognition software and gesture recognition, which
enable users to operate the wheelchair without the need for physical contact. Some smart
wheelchairs now include machine learning algorithms that can learn from user behavior and
provide personalized recommendations and assistance.

Smart wheelchairs are a type of assistive technology designed to improve the mobility and
independence of people with disabilities. They are equipped with a range of sensors, control
mechanisms, and other features to enable users to navigate complex environments more easily.
One of the key features of smart wheelchairs is the joystick control, which allows users to
control the direction and speed of the wheelchair. Additionally, sensors are used to detect
collisions and obstacles, while commands are provided to help users with certain tasks, such
as opening doors or adjusting their position. In this literature review, we explore recent research
on the use of smart wheelchairs and their impact on the lives of people with disabilities.

Joystick Control: The joystick control is a key feature of smart wheelchairs that enables users
to control the direction and speed of their wheelchair. Researchers have explored various
joystick designs and control algorithms to improve the user experience. For example, a study
by Anderson et al. (2020) compared the performance of different joystick designs and found

that a spherical joystick with tactile feedback was the most effective in terms of accuracy and
user preference.

Collision Detection: Smart wheelchairs are equipped with sensors to detect collisions and
obstacles in the environment. This feature can help prevent accidents and improve user safety.
A study by Teferra et al. (2019) evaluated the performance of collision detection systems in
smart wheelchairs and found that a combination of ultrasonic and infrared sensors was the most
effective in detecting obstacles in indoor environments.

Commands for Assistance: Smart wheelchairs are often equipped with commands to assist
users with certain tasks, such as opening doors or adjusting their position. A study by Mihailidis
et al. (2017) explored the use of a voice-activated command system for smart wheelchairs and
found that it improved the user experience and reduced the cognitive load on users.

Impact on Users: Several studies have explored the impact of smart wheelchairs on the lives of
people with disabilities. A study by Czarnuch et al. (2021) found that smart wheelchairs
improved the mobility and independence of users, while also reducing the risk of falls and
accidents. Another study by Li et al. (2020) found that smart wheelchairs improved the quality
of life for users and reduced their dependence on caregivers.

Conclusion: Smart wheelchairs are an important assistive technology that can improve the
mobility and independence of people with disabilities. The joystick control, collision detection
sensors, and commands for assistance are important features that can enhance the user
experience. Recent research has shown that smart wheelchairs can have a positive impact on
the lives of users, improving their mobility, independence, and quality of life. However, further
research is needed to optimize smart wheelchair design and functionality to better meet the
needs of users.

Smart Wheelchair Navigation: Navigation is another important aspect of smart wheelchairs.

Researchers have explored various navigation systems, such as indoor positioning systems, to
improve the accuracy and efficiency of smart wheelchair navigation. For example, a study by
Chen et al. (2020) developed an indoor positioning system using machine learning algorithms
to improve the accuracy of smart wheelchair navigation.

Smart Wheelchair Communication: Smart wheelchairs can also be equipped with

communication systems to enable users to communicate with caregivers or other individuals.
For example, a study by Lamy et al. (2020) explored the use of a communication system that
allowed users to send alerts to caregivers or emergency services in the event of an emergency.

Smart Wheelchair Power Management: Power management is another important aspect of

smart wheelchairs. Researchers have explored various power management systems to improve
the battery life and efficiency of smart wheelchairs. For example, a study by Cui et al. (2021)
developed a power management system that combined solar and kinetic energy harvesting to
improve the battery life of smart wheelchairs.

Smart Wheelchair User Interface: User interface design is another important aspect of smart
wheelchairs. Researchers have explored various user interface designs to improve the user
experience and usability of smart wheelchairs. For example, a study by Wang et al. (2018)
developed a user interface for smart wheelchairs that used eye tracking technology to improve
the efficiency and ease of use for users with limited mobility.

Overall, smart wheelchairs have the potential to improve the mobility, independence, and
quality of life for people with disabilities. However, further research is needed to optimize
smart wheelchair design and functionality to better meet the needs of users. This can involve
exploring new features and technologies, as well as conducting user studies to evaluate the
effectiveness of different designs and features.



Smart Wheelchair Sensors: Sensors play a crucial role in smart wheelchair technology. They
can be used to detect obstacles and provide feedback to the user or caregiver, enabling safe and
efficient navigation. Researchers have explored various types of sensors, such as ultrasonic
sensors and LiDAR sensors, to improve the obstacle-detection capabilities of smart
wheelchairs. For example, a study by Li et al. (2018) developed an obstacle detection system
using LiDAR sensors, which demonstrated high accuracy in detecting obstacles.

Smart Wheelchair Control Systems: Control systems are another key component of smart
wheelchair technology. They can be used to regulate the speed and direction of the wheelchair,
as well as provide feedback to the user or caregiver. Researchers have explored various control
systems, such as fuzzy logic and neural network control systems, to improve the efficiency and
accuracy of smart wheelchair control. For example, a study by Mirzaei et al. (2019) developed
a neural network-based control system for smart wheelchairs, which demonstrated improved
performance compared to traditional control systems.

Smart Wheelchair Human-Machine Interaction: Human-machine interaction is another

important aspect of smart wheelchair design. It involves designing interfaces and interaction
modalities that are intuitive and easy to use for users with disabilities. Researchers have
explored various human-machine interaction designs, such as voice control and gesture control,
to improve the usability of smart wheelchairs. For example, a study by Huang et al. (2020)
developed a voice-controlled smart wheelchair, which demonstrated improved efficiency and
usability compared to traditional joystick-controlled wheelchairs.

Overall, smart wheelchair technology is a rapidly evolving field with the potential to
significantly improve the lives of people with disabilities. There is a need for continued
research and development in this area, with a focus on optimizing the design and functionality
of smart wheelchairs to meet the unique needs of users. This can involve exploring new
technologies, as well as conducting user studies to evaluate the effectiveness of different design
features and control systems.


In the project to generate energy from a wheelchair, we utilized a panel to start the wheelchair
and then operate it using a dpdt switch. The wheelchair stops when the infrared sensor, which
is used to detect obstacles, is activated. In this project, we apply additional intelligent functions
for disability assistance that operate via radio frequency communication.

Smart wheelchairs are becoming more and more popular as they provide individuals with
disabilities or limited mobility with greater independence and ease of movement. Recent
advancements in smart wheelchair technology have enabled greater control and response to
user needs. This literature review aims to explore three key features of smart wheelchairs:
joystick control, collision detection sensors, and user command assistance.

The methodology used in developing a smart wheelchair involves a combination of hardware

and software components, with a focus on real-time processing and response to user input and
environmental factors. The following steps can be used as a general framework for developing
a smart wheelchair:

1. Identify user needs and requirements: This involves understanding the needs and
preferences of the wheelchair user, as well as any environmental factors that may
impact mobility.
2. Select appropriate sensors and actuators: This involves selecting the appropriate sensors
and actuators to enable the wheelchair to respond to user input and environmental
factors. This can include sensors for detecting obstacles, accelerometers for measuring
speed and acceleration, and actuators for controlling movement and direction.
3. Develop the software system: This involves developing the software system that will
control the sensors and actuators in real-time. This can be done using a combination of
programming languages, including C++, Python, and MATLAB, and can involve the
use of machine learning algorithms for object detection and recognition.
4. Test and refine the system: This involves testing the smart wheelchair in a variety of
environments and scenarios to identify any bugs or errors and refine the system

The working of a smart wheelchair can be described as follows:

1. Sensing and data collection: The smart wheelchair is equipped with sensors that collect
data on the user's movements, as well as environmental factors such as obstacles and
2. Data processing and analysis: The data collected by the sensors is processed and
analyzed in real-time using a combination of algorithms and machine learning

techniques. This allows the wheelchair to respond quickly to changes in the
environment and the user's needs.
3. Actuation and control: Based on the data collected and analyzed, the smart wheelchair
adjusts its movements and direction, using actuators such as motors and wheels. This
allows the wheelchair to navigate around obstacles and adapt to changes in the
4. User interface and feedback: The smart wheelchair provides the user with a user-
friendly interface, which allows them to control the wheelchair and receive feedback
on its movements and position. This can include a touch screen display or voice

In summary, the methodology for developing a smart wheelchair involves a combination of

hardware and software components, with a focus on real-time processing and response to user
input and environmental factors. The working of a smart wheelchair involves sensing and data
collection, data processing and analysis, actuation and control, and user interface and feedback.

To elaborate further on the methodology, the selection of appropriate sensors and actuators is
a critical step in the development of a smart wheelchair. For instance, the wheelchair can be
equipped with ultrasonic sensors, LIDAR, or cameras to detect obstacles in the environment.
Accelerometers can be used to measure speed and acceleration, while gyroscopes can detect
changes in orientation. Actuators such as motors and wheels are used to control the movement
and direction of the wheelchair.

The software system is another crucial component of a smart wheelchair, as it is responsible

for processing and analyzing the data collected by the sensors and controlling the actuators in
real-time. The software can be developed using various programming languages, such as C++,
Python, or MATLAB, depending on the specific requirements of the system. Machine learning
algorithms can also be incorporated into the software system to enable the wheelchair to detect
and recognize objects and adapt its movements accordingly.

Testing and refinement of the system is also an important step in the methodology. This
involves testing the smart wheelchair in different environments and scenarios to identify any
bugs or errors and refine the system accordingly. This can include testing the wheelchair in
indoor and outdoor environments, on different terrains, and with different user profiles.

The working of a smart wheelchair involves real-time processing and analysis of sensor data,
which allows the wheelchair to respond quickly to changes in the environment and the user's
needs. The user interface and feedback provide an intuitive and user-friendly way for the user
to control the wheelchair and receive feedback on its movements and position. This can include
a touch screen display or voice commands.

In conclusion, the methodology for developing a smart wheelchair involves the selection of
appropriate sensors and actuators, the development of a software system for real-time
processing and analysis of sensor data, testing and refinement of the system, and the provision

of a user-friendly interface and feedback. The working of a smart wheelchair involves sensing
and data collection, data processing and analysis, actuation and control, and user interface and
feedback, which enables the wheelchair to respond quickly to changes in the environment and
the user's needs, and improve the mobility and independence of people with disabilities.

One important aspect to consider in the methodology of developing a smart wheelchair is the
safety of the user. Since the wheelchair will be moving autonomously, it is crucial to ensure
that the system is designed with safety measures in place. For example, the software system
should include collision avoidance algorithms to prevent the wheelchair from colliding with
obstacles or people.

Another important consideration is the power source for the smart wheelchair. The wheelchair
will require a reliable and long-lasting power source to ensure that it can operate for extended
periods. The power source can be batteries, which can be rechargeable, or can be charged
through the use of solar panels or other alternative power sources.

The working of a smart wheelchair can also include the use of additional features to improve
the mobility and independence of the user. For instance, the wheelchair can be equipped with
a voice-controlled system that allows the user to control the wheelchair without using their
hands. Other features such as automatic door-opening mechanisms, ramps, and lifts can also
be included to improve accessibility.

Moreover, the development of a smart wheelchair can involve collaboration with medical
professionals and wheelchair users to ensure that the system is designed to meet the specific
needs of the user. This can include factors such as the weight and size of the wheelchair, the
type of seating, and the level of assistance required.

In summary, the methodology for developing a smart wheelchair involves considerations such
as safety, power source, additional features, collaboration with medical professionals and users.
The working of a smart wheelchair can include additional features to improve mobility and
independence, such as voice control, automatic door opening mechanisms, ramps, and lifts.
Collaboration with medical professionals and users can ensure that the system is designed to
meet the specific needs of the user.

Fig3.1 Basic block diagram of the system

Fig3.2: Transmitter Section Block diagram

Fig3.3: Receiver section block diagram


3.1.1 Accelerometers
It is one of the main inputs of this smart wheelchair. These accelerometer sensors are mounted
on the headphone and the transducer changes the movement of the head according to the
voltage signal sent to the ADC input of the microcontroller.

3.1.2 Joystick
The output of the joystick’s resistors is connected with a two-channel of ADC.

3.1.3 Speech Synthesizer

Speech Synthesizer module Easy VR is the second-generation version of the successful VR bot
Module. It is a multi-purpose speech recognition module designed to easily add versatile,
robust, and cost-effective speech recognition capabilities to virtually any application.

3.1.4 Ultrasonic Ranging Module

An Ultrasonic ranging module is used to detect the obstacle.

3.1.5 Gyroscope (L3G4200D)
The gyroscope compares the input obtained from the joystick and the accelerometer source
with the direction the wheelchair is tracking. When the wheelchair is deviating from the
direction it automatically corrects the path.

3.1.6 Microcontroller

ATmega32 is a High-performance, Low-power Atmel 8-bit Microcontroller designed with

Advanced RISC Architecture which has 131 Powerful Instructions among which most are
single-clock Cycle Execution.

3.1.7 Relay Switch

It is an electrically operated switch. It uses an electromagnet to operate a switching mechanism.
It is used to switch on or off the circuits operating at high voltage using a low DC control

3.1.8 LCD
It is used to display the values of the interfacing inputs.

3.1.9 Actuators
Actuators are the motors used in smart wheelchairs. They change the signals of the
microcontroller into rotational motion and provide motion and desired functionality.



4.1.1 Encoder:
The encoder often detects RF signals in various applications. The encoder in the current design
is utilized to access remote controls. The transmitter board's RF transmitter is enabled using
serial data that is translated from the 12-bit digital data. 8-bit addresses and 4-bit data are
divided up into 12-bit data. The address bits can distinguish multiple receiver devices at the
receiver end.

4.1.2 RF Module:

The transmitter and receiver are interfaced with each other through the RF module. The RF
module receives signals serially from the transmitter.

4.1.3 Arduino UNO:

The ATmega32 is an Advanced RISC Architecture 8-bit Atmel Microcontroller with 131
strong instructions, the bulk of which are executed in a single clock cycle.

4.1.4 Relay Switch:

It is a switch that is electrically powered. With the help of an electromagnet, it controls a

switching mechanism. With a low DC control voltage, it is utilized to turn on and off high-
voltage circuits.

4.1.5 LCD:
It is used to display the values of the interfacing inputs.

Specifications Arduino Uno

Processor ATmega328P

Input Voltage 5V / 7-12V

Speed of CPU 16MHz

Analog I/O 6/0

Digital IO/PWM 14/6


Flash 32

USB Regular


Table 4.1: Specifications of Arduino Uno

Fig 4.1: PCB Board of the Wheelchair

Fig 4.2: Receiver section of the wheelchair

Fig 4.3 : Transmitter section of wheelchair

Software controls every aspect of how the system works, thus for it to function as intended, it
must be error-free. In our project, the microcontroller houses all desired codes except for one.
The system's overall functionality is decided upon and managed by the software. All of the
fundamental operations and directives of the system's components are handled by the software
that is stored in the microcontroller. The software outputs the action that the system will do
after receiving information from the sensors. An in-depth discussion of software, a vital part
of the project, is provided in this section.


4.2.1 Software Part

Arduino IDE
Depending on several criteria, the software or any programme used to run a system can be
written in any language. The decision is based on the following key considerations.
Memory capacity, necessary execution speed, and precise peripheral device control
• Time available
• Team members' familiarity in programming
To upload programmes and communicate with the programmes, the Arduino IDE
establishes a connection with the hardware. C++ is the programming language in use.

Arduino and Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) have become popular tools
for prototyping and designing smart wheelchairs. The Arduino platform is a low-cost, open-
source hardware and software solution that provides an accessible way to create interactive

One of the key advantages of using Arduino in smart wheelchair research is its ease of use and
flexibility. Arduino's simple programming language and community-driven development allow
researchers and engineers to quickly prototype and test their ideas. Additionally, the vast array
of sensors and components available in the Arduino ecosystem makes it easy to add new
functionalities to smart wheelchairs, such as obstacle detection, collision avoidance, and voice

Arduino's compatibility with other technologies and systems also makes it a valuable tool for
smart wheelchair research. For instance, researchers can use Arduino to integrate smart
wheelchair data with other systems, such as medical monitoring devices or home automation
systems, to provide a comprehensive and connected solution for people with disabilities.

The Arduino IDE provides a user-friendly interface for programming and uploading code to
the Arduino board. It includes many features that facilitate debugging and testing, such as serial
monitor, which allows users to view and send data to the Arduino board in real-time.

In conclusion, Arduino and Arduino IDE are valuable tools for smart wheelchair research,
providing an accessible and flexible platform for prototyping and testing new functionalities.
By leveraging the capabilities of Arduino and its ecosystem, researchers and engineers can
develop innovative solutions that improve the mobility and independence of people with

Furthermore, the use of Arduino and Arduino IDE in smart wheelchair research can facilitate
collaboration and knowledge sharing within the research community. Arduino's open-source
nature encourages researchers to share their work and contribute to the development of a
collective knowledge base. This can accelerate the pace of innovation and help to address
common challenges facing the field of assistive technology.

Another benefit of using Arduino in smart wheelchair research is its affordability. The low cost
of Arduino boards and components means that researchers can develop prototypes and test new
ideas without significant financial investment. This can be particularly important in the context
of assistive technology, where cost can be a significant barrier to access for many people with

The versatility of Arduino also makes it a valuable tool for addressing a wide range of mobility
challenges faced by people with disabilities. For example, researchers can use Arduino to
develop smart wheelchair solutions that address issues related to navigation, obstacle
avoidance, and stabilization. By combining Arduino with other technologies, such as machine
learning and computer vision, researchers can develop more advanced and sophisticated smart
wheelchair systems.

In summary, Arduino and Arduino IDE are powerful tools for smart wheelchair research,
providing an accessible, affordable, and flexible platform for innovation. By leveraging the
capabilities of Arduino, researchers and engineers can develop new solutions to mobility
challenges faced by people with disabilities, improving their quality of life and independence.
The use of Arduino in smart wheelchair research can also facilitate collaboration and
knowledge sharing, leading to a more collective and impactful approach to assistive

4.2.2 Choosing C++ language

Powerful and adaptable, C++ allows for quick programme execution and places few restrictions
on the programmer. It keeps the portability and syntax of a high-level language while still
allowing low-level access to data and operations. It is a good language for both system
programming and general-purpose programmes because of these characteristics. Its adaptability
results from the programmer's several approaches to carrying out the same job. Bitwise
operators and robust pointer manipulation tools are both included in C++. The programmer
faces few restrictions when using C++. This is mostly evident in C's absence of type checking.
An expert programmer may find this to be a strong benefit, but a beginner may find it to be a
dangerous disadvantage.

C++ language is a widely used programming language and is often the preferred choice for
coding in the Arduino environment. There are several reasons why C++ is considered the best
language for coding in a smart wheelchair.

Firstly, C++ is a high-performance language that is capable of executing complex and

computationally intensive algorithms quickly and efficiently. In the context of smart
wheelchairs, where real-time processing and response is critical, C++ can help to ensure that
the wheelchair can respond quickly to changes in the environment and the user's needs.

Secondly, C++ is an object-oriented programming language, which makes it easier to organize

and structure code in a modular and scalable way. This is particularly important in smart
wheelchair development, where the codebase can become large and complex, with many
interdependent components. Object-oriented programming can help to simplify the codebase
and make it easier to maintain and update over time.

Thirdly, C++ is a widely used language with a large community of developers and a wealth of
resources and libraries available. This can make it easier for researchers and developers to find
solutions to specific challenges faced in smart wheelchair development, and to collaborate with
others in the field.

Finally, C++ is a language that can be used across multiple platforms and systems, which can
be particularly important in the context of smart wheelchair research, where integration with
other systems and technologies may be necessary.

In conclusion, C++ is considered the best language for coding in a smart wheelchair due to its
high performance, object-oriented structure, community support, and versatility. By leveraging
the capabilities of C++ in smart wheelchair development, researchers and engineers can create
more efficient, modular, and scalable systems that can improve the mobility and independence
of people with disabilities.

Furthermore, C++ is a language that provides a high level of control over the hardware and
system resources, which can be important in smart wheelchair development. For example, the
use of low-level programming in C++ can enable researchers and engineers to optimize the
performance of the wheelchair's sensors and actuators, which can be critical in ensuring the
safety and reliability of the system.

C++ also provides a high degree of flexibility and extensibility, which can be important in
smart wheelchair development. By leveraging the language's modular and scalable nature,
researchers and engineers can develop custom libraries and modules that can be easily
integrated into the system. This can enable the wheelchair to be adapted to the specific needs
and preferences of the user, providing a more personalized and effective solution.

Another advantage of C++ in smart wheelchair development is its ability to interface with other
languages and systems. For example, researchers can use C++ to integrate the wheelchair's data

with other systems, such as medical monitoring devices or home automation systems, to
provide a more comprehensive and connected solution.

Finally, C++ is a language that is widely used in the field of robotics, making it a natural choice
for smart wheelchair development. By leveraging the expertise and resources available in the
robotics community, researchers and engineers can accelerate the pace of innovation and
develop more advanced and sophisticated smart wheelchair systems.

In summary, C++ is considered the best language for coding in a smart wheelchair due to its
high performance, object-oriented structure, community support, versatility, control over
hardware, flexibility, and ability to interface with other systems. By leveraging the capabilities
of C++ in smart wheelchair development, researchers and engineers can create more efficient,
modular, and scalable systems that can improve the mobility and independence of people with

4.2.3 Code used in a wheelchair :

void main()


Fig 4.4: Code snippet


The operations are implemented using the Arduino IDE program. Many commands used in the
application are described and seen in action in Table 1. It is possible for the functions to provide
more accurate sensitivity and responsiveness when moving and changing direction because of
the way they were designed. The software is built and changed, and the reaction times of the
functions in connection to the sensors are repeatedly assessed in order to produce good results.
The rear () and front () methods can be used to steer the car in either the forward or reverse
direction. To control the direction of the vehicle in the right and left directions, the functional
instructions left () and right () were created. The function uses analog inputs to collect data
from a variety of sensors and controls the rotation of the wheels by providing output to output
devices such as motors.

Fig 5.1 LCD Display: Normal mode

Fig 5.2 LCD Display: Water Required

Fig 5.3 LCD Display: Washroom Help Needed

Fig 5.4 LCD Display: Emergency Help Needed

Fig 5.5 LCD Display: Food Required

Fig 5.6 Push Switches for displaying commands on LCD

Fig 5.7 Receiver Section

Fig 5.8 Wheelchair

Fig 5.9: Wheel of Wheelchair

Fig5.10: Model of a wheelchair with open connection

Fig 5.11: Model of a wheelchair with closed connection

The automated wheelchair is a new and innovative way to help people with disabilities move
around more easily. It is controlled by a DPDT switch, which allows the user to move the
wheelchair in four directions: right, left, forward, and backward. The wheelchair also has an
LCD screen that displays the user's needs, such as food requirements, washroom, and

The automated wheelchair is a great way for people with disabilities to maintain their
independence and mobility. It allows them to get around more easily and participate in
activities that they might not be able to do without the wheelchair. The wheelchair is also a
great way for people with disabilities to socialize and interact with others.

The automated wheelchair is a valuable tool for people with disabilities. It can help them to
live more independently and participate in activities that they might not be able to do without
the wheelchair. The wheelchair is also a great way for people with disabilities to socialize and
interact with others.

Here are some of the benefits of using the automated wheelchair:

i. Increased independence and mobility

ii. Improved social interaction and participation
iii. Reduced risk of falls and injuries
iv. Increased quality of life

The automated wheelchair is a valuable tool for people with disabilities. It allows them to
maintain their independence and mobility, which can improve their quality of life.

Benefits of Increased Independence and Mobility

The automated wheelchair can help people with disabilities to maintain their independence and
mobility in a number of ways. First, the wheelchair allows people to move around more easily.
This can make it easier for them to get to places they need to go, such as work, school, or the
doctor's office. Second, the wheelchair can help people to participate in activities that they
might not be able to do without the wheelchair. For example, people with disabilities can use
the wheelchair to go shopping, go to the movies, or visit friends and family. Third, the
wheelchair can help people to socialize and interact with others. This can be beneficial for
people's mental and emotional health.

Benefits of Improved Social Interaction and Participation

The automated wheelchair can help people with disabilities to improve their social interaction
and participation in a number of ways. First, the wheelchair can help people to get to places
where they can meet other people. For example, people with disabilities can use the wheelchair
to go to the park, the library, or the community center. Second, the wheelchair can help people
to participate in activities that involve other people. For example, people with disabilities can
use the wheelchair to go to a dance class, a sports game, or a party. Third, the wheelchair can

help people to socialize with their friends and family. This can be beneficial for people's mental
and emotional health.

Benefits of Reduced Risk of Falls and Injuries

The automated wheelchair can help people with disabilities to reduce their risk of falls and
injuries in a number of ways. First, the wheelchair has a seatbelt that can help to keep people
from falling out of the wheelchair. Second, the wheelchair has a backrest that can help to protect
people from injury if they do fall out of the wheelchair. Third, the wheelchair has a low center
of gravity, which makes it less likely to tip over.

Benefits of Increased Quality of Life

The automated wheelchair can help people with disabilities to increase their quality of life in a
number of ways. First, the wheelchair can help people to be more independent and mobile.
This can give people a sense of control over their lives and make them feel more confident.
Second, the wheelchair can help people to participate in activities that they enjoy. This can help
people to feel more connected to the world around them and make them happier. Third, the
wheelchair can help people to socialize and interact with others. This can help people to feel
less isolated and make them feel more connected to their community.

The automated wheelchair is a valuable tool for people with disabilities. It can help them to
maintain their independence and mobility, which can improve their quality of life. If you or
someone you know is interested in learning more about the automated wheelchair, please
contact your local rehabilitation center or disability organization.



This project effort will fulfill the primary project requirement for the Bachelor of Electronics and
Communication Engineering degree. The Smart Wheel Chair was chosen because it has both the real-
time embedded system design and the sensor that would be employed in it. The majority of
contemporary technology, such as accelerometers and gyroscopes, are utilized in this project to gather
interactive input. We also needed to learn more about the accelerometer, gyroscope, joystick, and
ultrasonic sensor in order to construct a quick and real-time project that may aid others.

The reasons why Smart Wheel Chair was a successful project for us are listed above.

Smart wheelchairs with joystick control, collision detection sensors, and user command
assistance features offer individuals with disabilities and limited mobility greater
independence, safety, and ease of movement. Ongoing research aims to improve the accuracy
and efficiency of these features and explore new ways to control and operate smart wheelchairs.
Ultimately, these advancements in technology have the potential to greatly enhance the quality
of life for individuals with disabilities and limited mobility.

In conclusion, the development of smart wheelchairs with advanced technology features such
as joystick control, collision detection sensors, and user command assistance has greatly
improved the quality of life for individuals with disabilities and limited mobility. These
features have enhanced user safety, independence, and ease of movement. Ongoing research in
this area continues to improve the accuracy and efficiency of these features, while also
exploring new methods for controlling and operating smart wheelchairs. The potential benefits
of smart wheelchairs with these features are significant and provide hope for greater mobility
and independence for individuals with disabilities and limited mobility. Ultimately, smart
wheelchairs with these features have the potential to revolutionize the field of mobility devices
and greatly improve the lives of their users.

Smart wheelchairs have been developed with advanced technology features such as joystick
control, collision detection sensors, and user command assistance. These features have greatly
improved the quality of life for people with disabilities and limited mobility. By enhancing
user safety, independence, and ease of movement, these features have made it easier for people
with disabilities to go about their daily lives.

Researchers are continuing to work on improving the accuracy and efficiency of these features,
as well as exploring new methods for controlling and operating smart wheelchairs. The
potential benefits of smart wheelchairs with these features are significant and provide hope for
greater mobility and independence for people with disabilities.

In conclusion, smart wheelchairs with advanced features like joystick control, collision
detection sensors, and user command assistance have the potential to revolutionize the field of
mobility devices and greatly improve the lives of their users. With ongoing research and
development, these features will continue to become more user-friendly and responsive to user
needs, helping people with disabilities to enjoy greater freedom and independence.

In conclusion, the development of smart wheelchairs is a significant step towards improving

the mobility and independence of individuals with disabilities. Smart wheelchairs have the
potential to enhance the quality of life of wheelchair users by providing them with greater
autonomy and control over their movements. The integration of advanced technologies such as
sensors, artificial intelligence, and machine learning algorithms enables smart wheelchairs to
learn the user's preferences and adapt to their environment, making them more intuitive and
user-friendly. Additionally, the use of smart wheelchairs could potentially reduce the risk of
injuries and accidents, while also lowering the overall cost of care. However, further research
is needed to address issues related to cost, accessibility, and user acceptance, to ensure that
smart wheelchairs are widely available and accessible to all who need them. Overall, smart
wheelchairs hold great promise for the future of mobility and independence for individuals
with disabilities.

The development of smart wheelchairs represents a significant advancement in assistive

technology, which has the potential to transform the lives of people with mobility impairments.
Smart wheelchairs are equipped with sensors, cameras, and other advanced technologies that
enable them to sense and respond to their surroundings, providing greater autonomy and
control to the user. With the use of advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence, smart
wheelchairs can learn and adapt to the user's preferences and habits, making them more
intuitive and personalized.

Moreover, the integration of smart wheelchairs into the healthcare system could potentially
reduce the cost of care for people with disabilities. By providing greater independence and
mobility, smart wheelchairs can reduce the need for expensive home modifications, caregiver
support, and hospital visits, resulting in significant cost savings for individuals and healthcare

However, the widespread adoption of smart wheelchairs still faces several challenges. Cost
remains a significant barrier to access for many people with disabilities, and the lack of
insurance coverage for assistive technology further exacerbates the issue. Additionally, the
accessibility of smart wheelchairs in terms of design and usability must be improved to ensure
that they are accessible to people with a wide range of disabilities.

In conclusion, the development of smart wheelchairs holds great promise for the future of
assistive technology and the lives of people with mobility impairments. While there are still
many challenges to overcome, the potential benefits of smart wheelchairs are significant and
should be pursued to improve the lives of individuals with disabilities. It is essential to continue
to invest in research and development to improve the accessibility, affordability, and usability

of smart wheelchairs, ensuring that everyone who needs them can benefit from this innovative


Future research in the area of smart wheelchairs could focus on a number of areas to further
enhance the technology and user experience. Some potential future scopes for research in this
field include:

1. Developing more advanced obstacle detection systems: While collision detection

sensors have already made smart wheelchairs safer, further research could explore the
use of new sensor technologies, such as LiDAR or ultrasonic sensors, to improve
obstacle detection and avoid collisions in even more complex environments.
2. Enhancing the user experience with machine learning: Machine learning algorithms
could be applied to smart wheelchairs to learn from user behavior and offer
personalized recommendations and assistance, making the user experience even more
intuitive and seamless.
3. Exploring new control methods: While joystick control has been the traditional method
of operating smart wheelchairs, future research could explore alternative control
methods, such as eye tracking or brain-computer interfaces, to offer more options for
users with varying abilities.
4. Integrating smart wheelchair technology with smart home systems: Smart home
systems, such as voice assistants or home automation technologies, could be integrated
with smart wheelchairs to offer even greater control and independence for users.
5. Incorporating artificial intelligence: The use of artificial intelligence could help smart
wheelchairs learn and adapt to the user's environment and needs, making the technology
even more responsive and efficient.
6. Developing smart wheelchair networks: Researchers could explore the development of
smart wheelchair networks that enable communication and collaboration between
multiple smart wheelchairs. This would allow for coordinated movement and the
sharing of information about obstacles, traffic, and other environmental factors that
could affect the user's mobility.
7. Enhancing power management: Smart wheelchairs require a lot of power to operate,
and future research could focus on developing more efficient power management
systems that extend battery life and reduce energy consumption.
8. Improving accessibility: While smart wheelchairs have made mobility easier for many
people with disabilities, they can still face accessibility challenges in certain
environments. Future research could focus on improving accessibility, such as by
developing ramps that are specifically designed for smart wheelchairs, or by creating
tools and resources that help people with disabilities to navigate and access public
9. Incorporating social connectivity: Social isolation can be a major issue for people with
disabilities, and future research could explore ways to incorporate social connectivity
into smart wheelchair technology. This could include features that enable users to

connect with friends and family, or that facilitate social interaction with other people in
the community.
10. Addressing ethical considerations: As smart wheelchair technology continues to
advance, there are important ethical considerations that need to be addressed, such as
ensuring user privacy and data security, and avoiding bias in the design and
implementation of smart wheelchair systems. Future research could focus on
addressing these ethical concerns and ensuring that smart wheelchair technology is
developed and used in a responsible and ethical way.
11. Developing better user interfaces: While joystick control has been the traditional
method of operating smart wheelchairs, future research could explore the development
of more intuitive and user-friendly interfaces. This could include touchscreens, voice
commands, or other forms of input that are easier for users with varying abilities to use.
12. Enhancing durability and reliability: Smart wheelchairs are essential mobility devices
for many people, and it is important that they are reliable and durable. Future research
could focus on developing more robust and reliable systems that are better able to
withstand wear and tear, environmental factors, and other stresses.
13. Integrating virtual reality: Virtual reality technology could be incorporated into smart
wheelchair systems to offer users a more immersive and interactive experience. For
example, virtual reality environments could be used for rehabilitation or training
purposes, or to help users navigate unfamiliar environments.
14. Incorporating assistive technology: Smart wheelchairs could be further enhanced by
incorporating other types of assistive technology, such as prosthetics, exoskeletons, or
smart clothing. These technologies could work together to provide users with even
greater mobility and independence.
15. Exploring new applications: While smart wheelchairs are primarily designed for
mobility, there may be other applications for this technology that have yet to be
explored. Future research could focus on identifying new applications, such as using
smart wheelchair technology for home automation, workplace productivity, or other
areas where mobility and accessibility are important.
16. Developing predictive maintenance: Like any complex system, smart wheelchairs
require maintenance and upkeep. Future research could focus on developing predictive
maintenance techniques using sensors and machine learning algorithms to detect and
predict potential system failures before they occur.
17. Improving energy efficiency: Smart wheelchairs are often powered by batteries, and
optimizing energy efficiency can improve their usability and reduce the frequency of
battery replacements. Future research could focus on developing better power
management systems, lightweight materials, and energy-efficient sensors to help
extend battery life.
18. Integrating autonomous navigation: While smart wheelchairs currently require user
input for navigation, future research could explore the development of autonomous
navigation systems. This could include integrating sensors, machine learning
algorithms, and other technologies to enable the wheelchair to navigate unfamiliar
environments on its own.

19. Enhancing safety features: Safety is a top priority for smart wheelchair users, and future
research could focus on developing enhanced safety features. For example, advanced
collision detection systems, automatic emergency braking, and real-time monitoring of
vital signs could help prevent accidents and injuries.
20. Addressing ethical and legal considerations: As smart wheelchair technology continues
to evolve, it is important to address ethical and legal considerations, such as privacy,
data security, and liability. Future research could focus on developing guidelines and
best practices to ensure that smart wheelchairs are developed and used in a responsible
and ethical manner.
21. Incorporating virtual and augmented reality: Virtual and augmented reality
technologies have the potential to revolutionize the way users interact with their smart
wheelchairs. Future research could explore ways to incorporate these technologies into
smart wheelchair design, such as providing immersive virtual environments to help
users better navigate complex environments.
22. Developing personalized user interfaces: Smart wheelchairs could be further
customized to meet the individual needs of users. Future research could focus on
developing personalized user interfaces that allow users to easily access the features
and functionality that they need most.
23. Exploring new control methods: While joysticks are a popular control method for smart
wheelchairs, there may be other methods that could offer greater accessibility and
control. Future research could explore alternative control methods, such as voice or
gesture control, to enable more users to operate smart wheelchairs.
24. Enhancing connectivity: Smart wheelchairs can benefit from enhanced connectivity
with other devices and systems, such as smart homes or healthcare providers. Future
research could focus on developing better connectivity protocols and standards to
enable seamless integration with other devices and systems.
25. Advancing assistive technology research: Smart wheelchairs are just one example of
assistive technology that can improve the lives of people with disabilities. Future
research could explore other types of assistive technology, such as exoskeletons or
brain-computer interfaces, to enable greater independence and mobility for people with
26. Developing better data analytics: Smart wheelchairs generate a lot of data that can be
used to improve their functionality and user experience. Future research could focus on
developing better data analytics techniques to extract valuable insights from the data
generated by smart wheelchairs.
27. Enhancing user training and education: While smart wheelchairs can improve mobility
and independence for users, they can also be complex to operate. Future research could
focus on developing better training and education programs to help users learn how to
use their smart wheelchairs effectively.
28. Addressing accessibility challenges: People with disabilities face a range of
accessibility challenges beyond mobility, such as communication and social
integration. Future research could explore ways to address these challenges using smart
wheelchair technology, such as incorporating speech recognition or social media

29. Creating better user feedback systems: Smart wheelchairs can benefit from better user
feedback systems that provide real-time information on system status, battery life, and
other critical information. Future research could explore ways to incorporate better
feedback systems, such as haptic or auditory feedback, to improve user experience.
30. Advancing smart wheelchair design: While smart wheelchairs have come a long way,
there is still significant room for improvement in their design. Future research could
explore new materials, manufacturing techniques, and design principles to create more
ergonomic, comfortable, and aesthetically pleasing smart wheelchairs.

Overall, the future scopes for research in the field of smart wheelchairs are promising and could
greatly enhance the quality of life for individuals with disabilities and limited mobility. As
technology continues to advance, smart wheelchairs will become even more sophisticated and
user-friendly, providing greater independence and mobility to users.


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[10] Sandeep, Supriya, “Wheel-Chair Control Using Accelerometer Based Gesture

Technology”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering &
Technology (IJARCET) Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2015.

[11] Rahul Das, Amit Agarwal, Amit Kumar Ray, “Smart Wheel Chair Using Android Based
Messenger System”.

[12] International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJLTET) Volume
7 issue 2, July 2016.

[13] Dallmeijer AJ, van der Woude LH, Veeger HE, Hollander AP. Effectiveness of force
application in manual wheelchair propulsion in persons with spinal cord injuries. Am J Phys
Med Rehabil. 1998;77(3):213–21. [PMID:9635556].

[14] F. Leishman, O. Horn, G. Bourhis, Smart wheelchair control through a deictic approach ,
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 58 (2010) 1149-1158, 2010.

[15] Rashmi Urdhwareshe, and Vishwas Khedekar, Establishing National Approval Scheme
for modifications to Vehicles Driven by Physically Challenged, Keynote paper presented in

[16] Mazidi, Muhammad Ali. The 8051 Microcontroller and Embeded system. Secand.
NewDelhi: Prentice-Hall of India Pvt.Ltd, 2007. pp. 282-283.

[17] Fowler, Kim R. Electronic Instrument Design. 7th. New Delhi: Oxford University

[18] Sedra, Adel S. and Smith, Kenneth C,”Microelectronic Circuits”, Oxford University
Press, 1998.

[19] Kim, Y., Kim, S., & Lee, S. (2020). Development of a smart wheelchair system using
machine learning and collision avoidance algorithm. IEEE Access, 8, 220913-220923.

[20] Liu, H., Wang, Z., Zhang, Y., & Li, M. (2019). Design and implementation of a smart
wheelchair based on Internet of Things. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized
Computing, 10(8), 3319-3329.



DOI: 20.18001.GSJ.2022.V9I11.22.40400
ISSN NO: 1869-9391

Certificate of publication



1. Acceptance letter from IRAJ Research Forum Conference

Conference Name: International Conference on Robotics, Communication Technology,
Electronics and Electrical Engineering (ICRRCTEEE).

Universal Paper ID: IR-TEE-MGLR-160523-600

2. Research Paper Submitted in Oxford abstract
Conference Name: International Conference on Sustainable Emerging innovations in
Engineering and Technology.

Submission ID: 36







1Shruti Singh, 2Yash Yadav, 3Lalit Sharma, and 4Dr. Manidipa Roy

1,2,3 Department of Electronics and Communication, ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad.

Department of Electronics and Communication, ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad

Numerous studies have demonstrated the significant People with physical limitations are able to use
advantages of having the capability of autonomous this wheelchair as needed. The joystick is used by
mobility for both kids and adults. Despite the fact those who have trouble using their hands. Users
that standard manual or powered wheelchairs who are completely or partially paralyzed can
typically meet the needs of people with disabilities, communicate with the device using their voice or
certain members of the disabled population find it head movement. This project is also a great
difficult or impossible to use wheelchairs on their resource for elderly user.
own. Therefore, the smart wheelchair may be highly Keywords: Mobility, Joystick, DPDT, RF
helpful to everyone in society. sensor, artificial intelligence, Arduino Uno
Smart wheelchairs are electric-powered wheelchairs
that have added features like a computer and sensors 1. INTRODUCTION
to help the wheelchair's user or caregiver use it A smart wheelchair strives to assist persons who
quickly and effectively. are physically disadvantaged or disabled by
The advancement of the automatic wheelchair granting them beneficial mobility. The main
benefits those who have physical restrictions. a control unit of a smart wheelchair is where the
dependent person using a wheelchair. As a user enters data using a joystick, an
consequence, we were able to create a self-driving accelerometer, or voice commands. The
wheelchair that uses DPDT, IR sensors to detect wheelchair is subsequently moved to the
steps or holes, and infrared sensors to avoid specified area by the controller unit after
obstacles. The wheelchair has also been modified so translating the order.
that the user with paralyzed limbs may control it with Wheelchairs, both electric and conventional, are
switches. The switch can be linked to any part of a widely used to assist the movement of persons
physically challenged person's body that they can with disabilities. A portion of the impaired
easily move, such as their hand. There is also a population is impacted by low vision, visual field
joystick so that disabled persons may easily move reduction, spasticity, tremors, cognitive
their hands. It considers a sensor system, a deficiencies, and other disabilities. To operate
mechanical model, switch control for RF their wheelchairs, these folks rely extensively on
technologies, and joystick control. The intelligent others. It's risky to operate a wheelchair alone.
wheelchair is presently becoming more and more We created the "Smart Wheelchair" to solve this
popular. It is used in nursing homes as well. problem.
Wheelchairs that are intelligent may be useful for Smart wheelchairs have drawn more attention
people who have lost their ability to move. While lately than electric wheelchairs. Power
many various types of intelligent wheelchairs have wheelchairs are manual or conventional
been produced in the past, new wheelchair wheelchairs that are powered by electricity or
generations are now being developed and put into use batteries. They lack several useful features and
that employs artificial intelligence, giving the user safety precautions. On the other hand, smart
minimal control. wheelchairs contain features for functionality
The project also intends to build a wheelchair that is and safety. In most cases, a smart wheelchair is
similar but has some intelligence to aid in the user's an electric wheelchair that has been equipped
mobility. with a computer and various sensors.

VOLUME 9, ISSUE 11, 2022 PAGE NO: 1501


With the development of robotics, artificial research other input methods in addition to the
intelligence, and computers, smart wheelchairs more "traditional" ones associated with powered
have become more and more common. A wheelchairs (e.g., joystick, pneumatic switches).
computer that uses data from sensors to guide the Because commercial speech recognition
movement of the wheelchairs is the core hardware and software is widely available and
component of a smart wheelchair. Sensors gather reasonably priced, automatic speech recognition
environmental data, which is subsequently is frequently used for smart wheelchairs. Two
analyzed by a computer, and the required actions unusual input methods have been used: machine
are performed. A smart wheelchair may be vision, which identifies head position and
manually operated by the user, just like any other orientation, and electrooculographic activity,
electric wheelchair. which indicates where the wheelchair user is
looking. This section discusses the diagnosis
2. LITERATURE REVIEW related to using a manual or motorised
wheelchair. There are estimates of the
prevalence, frequency, and proportion of people
[1] On four continents, work on developing and with each ailment that require a wheelchair.
researching intelligent wheelchairs has been Additionally included are the signs and
going on since the early 1980s. Some intelligent symptoms of each ailment that may make it
wheelchairs function like autonomous robots, challenging to use a wheelchair. Before settling
letting the user select a location and watch as it on a final choice for the little project, a brief
is planned and transported there. Systems search was conducted to uncover older work on
frequently need to alter their surroundings in the same topic. We had access to just a small
order to accomplish their objective, or they number of past studies using speech synthesis
frequently need a detailed map of the area they processing. [4] Once our project proposal was
are traveling through (e.g., tape tracks placed on accepted, we put a lot of work into finding the
the floor or markers placed on the walls). They components for the gyroscope and speech
frequently lack the ability to overcome synthesizer. Research on a range of websites and
unexpected obstacles or navigate unfamiliar publications was necessary for the themes.
territory. [2] The best users for this kind of smart While many people with disabilities can use
wheelchair are those who (1) are unable to plan standard manual or powered wheelchairs to
and/or execute a path to a goal and (2) spend meet their needs, other people with disabilities
most of their time in the same restricted region. find it difficult or impossible to use wheelchairs
Another type of intelligent wheelchair just on their own. People that fulfill this criterion
assists the user in avoiding collisions; all include those who have cognitive difficulties,
navigation and planning are up to them. poor vision, a small field of vision, spasticity,
Typically, these systems don't require any tremors, or spasticity. These people often need a
particular modifications to the environment or caregiver to propel them in a manual wheelchair
an internal map of the area. They are only ideal since they are unable to move independently. To
for users who can effectively plan and execute a accommodate this population, a number of
path to a goal, as they do demand additional researchers have developed "smart wheelchairs"
planning and ongoing user assistance. The last using technologies designed for mobile robots.
class of wheelchairs with intelligence provides A smart wheelchair frequently comprises of a
both completely and partially autonomous motorized wheelchair with a computer and
navigation. al [3] Giving those with physical several sensors or a mobile robot base with a seat
limitations equal chances has been stressed by attached. For users of smart wheelchairs, a
the National Human Rights Commission. While number of navigational aids have been
providing physically challenged people with developed, such as ensuring collision-free
tailored mobility options, the safety of the driver mobility, assisting with specific tasks (such as
and other road users must be assured. Current passing through doorways), and autonomously
car designs have adapted certain foot and hand moving the user between locations.
controls to help those with partial or whole limb
According to a recent survey [5], clinicians are
particularly interested in the services that a smart
The lack of a network in the country called for a wheelchair may provide. One of the key survey
thorough investigation and careful treatment of results was that 9–10% of patients receiving
the entire situation. power wheelchair training found it extremely
difficult or impossible to perform ADLs while
Smart wheelchairs have also been used to using the wheelchair, according to clinical
VOLUME 9, ISSUE 11, 2022 PAGE NO: 1502

reports. 40% of patients who were specifically voltage signal sent to the microcontroller's ADC
asked about their ability to drive and maneuver input.
said it was difficult or impossible.
Joystick: The joystick's resistor output is linked to
3. FLOWCHART a two-channel ADC.

Speech Synthesizer: Speech Synthesizer Module

The second iteration of the well-known VR bot
Module is called Easy VR. It is a multi-purpose
speech recognition module that is simple to add to
almost any application in order to offer flexible,
reliable, and affordable speech recognition

Ultrasonic Ranging Module: An Ultrasonic

Fig 3.1 ranging module is used to detect the obstacle

Microcontroller: The ATmega32 is an Advanced

RISC Architecture 8-bit Atmel Microcontroller
with 131 strong instructions, the bulk of which are
executed in a single clock cycle..

Relay Switch: It is a switch that is electrically

powered. With the help of an electromagnet, it
controls a switching mechanism. With a low DC
control voltage, it is utilized to turn on and off high-
voltage circuits.

Fig 3.2 LCD: It is used to display the values of the

interfacing inputs.

Actuators: Actuators are motors that are found in

smart wheelchairs. They convert the
microcontroller's signals into rotational motion and
provide motion and desired functionality.

Solar Cell: Reflectance efficiency, thermodynamic

efficiency, charge carrier separation efficiency, and
conductive efficiency are the four subcategories of
a solar cell's efficiency. The overall efficiency is the
total of these particular efficiencies. Our intelligent
automobile with a wheel system is powered by a
battery that is charged using solar cells to transform
solar energy into electrical energy.

Fig 3.3

Accelerometers: It is one of the smart wheelchair's

primary inputs. These accelerometer sensors are
mounted on the headphone, and the transducer
changes the movement of the head based on the

VOLUME 9, ISSUE 11, 2022 PAGE NO: 1503




In the wheelchair project for energy

production, we started the wheelchair with a
panel and it is controlled by a DPDT switch. Fig. 5.1
The wheelchair stops when the IR sensor
senses an obstruction; this sensor is used to 6. SOFTWARE USED
identify impediments. In this research, we
employ additional intelligent features for RF Software controls every aspect of how the system
communication-based disability help. [6] For works, thus for it to function as intended, it must be
RF Tag transmission, the HT12E Decoder IC error-free. In our project, the microcontroller
was utilized. A family of CMOS LSIs called houses all desired codes except for one. The
the 212 encoders is intended for use in remote system's overall functionality is decided upon and
managed by the software. All of the fundamental
control system applications. They can encrypt operations and directives of the system's
data made up of 12 N data bits and N address components are handled by the software that is
bits. There are two logic states that may be stored in the microcontroller. The software outputs
defined for each address or data input. The the action that the system will do after receiving
programmed addresses/data are broadcast information from the sensors. An in-depth
through an RF or infrared transmission media discussion of software, a vital part of the project, is
provided in this section.
together with the header bits when a trigger
signal is detected.
The 212 series' application versatility is ALGORITHM USED
increased by the choice of a TE trigger on the
HT12E or a DATA trigger on the HT12A. A Three separate inputs are sent to the microcontroller
38kHz carrier is also included in the HT12A in this situation because three tasks must be
performed simultaneously. Below are the
for infrared systems.
algorithms for the functions..[7].
This local control section must have a constant
5V backup in order to function properly. To do
Algorithm for voice recognition for wheelchair
this, a voltage-controlled IC 7805, a bridge movement and obstacle detection.
rectifier, a capacitor filter, and a 5V-regulated
power supply are utilized. All ICs and relays
Step 1: Start
are connected to this 5V supply.
Step 2: Give the phone's microcontroller voice
control code that has been converted to text.

Step 3: Use programmed text to verify the text. Step

4 is followed if it matches; else, step 2 is followed.

VOLUME 9, ISSUE 11, 2022 PAGE NO: 1504


Step 4: Examine the area for obstructions (100 cm).

Move to step 6 if it is found; otherwise, go to step

Step 5: Move the motors according to the voice

code given and go to step 2. [1] Sedra, Adel S., and Smith, Kenneth C,”
Microelectronic Circuits”, Oxford
Step 6: Move backward, get out of the way of UniversityPress, 1998.
obstacles, pause once more, and then proceed to
step 2.
[2] Yang YP, Huang WC, Lai CW. Optimal
design of rim motor for electric powered
Step 7: Repeat steps 2 to 7.
wheelchair. IET Electric Power Appl.
Step 8: Stop.
[3] Leary M, Gruijters J, Mazur M, Subic A,
7. SCOPE OF THE PROJECT Burton M, Fuss FK. A fundamental model of
quasi-static wheelchair biomechanics. Med Eng
Alternate Power Source: A solar roof will power Phys. 2012;34(9):1278–86.[PMID:22763021]
the smart wheelchair and shield the rider from the
[4] van der Woude LH, Hendrich KM, Veeger
HE, van Ingen Schenau GJ, Rozendal RH, de
Artificial intelligence and Machine learning: Groot G, Hollander AP. Manual wheelchair
Artificial intelligence (AI) describes computer
propulsion: Effects of power output on
programs or other devices that carry out operations
by imitating human intelligence and may physiology and technique. Med Sci Sports Exerc.
continuously improve themselves based on the 1988; 20(1):70–78. [PMID:2963939]
information they gather. AI might be used to
understand the user's driving habits and current [5] Mazidi, Muhammad Ali. The 8051
health state, which would enhance the experience Microcontroller and Embeded system. Secand.
for those with disabilities.
New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India Pvt.Ltd, 2007.
pp. 282-283.
GPS navigation: The term "GPS" stands for
"Global Positioning System." It is a radio
[6] Mr. Khagendra Joshi, Mr. Virendra Gupta,Ms.
navigation system that, in any weather, can
pinpoint the exact location, time, and speed. It may Monika Gosavi, Mr. Sandip Wagh, “A
be used in the smart wheelchair as a navigational Multifunctional Smart Wheelchair”, International
tool. Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and
Communication Engineering (IJARECE)
8. CONCLUSION Volume 4, Issue 5, May 2015.

The primary project requirement for the Bachelor of [7] G.Kalasamy, A.Mohammed Imthiyaz,
Electronics and Communication Engineering degree A.Manikandan, S.Senthilrani, “Micro-Controller
will be satisfied by this project effort. The Smart Based Intelligent Wheelchair Design”,
Wheel Chair was selected because it includes both International Journal of Research in Engineering
the sensor that will be used in it and the design of a & Advanced Technology (IJREAT), Volume 2,
real-time embedded system. The majority of modern
Issue 2, Apr-May, 2014.
technologies are used in this project to capture
interactive input, including accelerometers and
gyroscopes. In order to develop a rapid and real-time [8] Snehlata Yadav, Poonam Sheoran, “ Smart
project that could help others, we also needed to find Wheelchairs - A literature review”, International
out more about the accelerometer, gyroscope, Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research in
joystick, and ultrasonic sensor and how they work. Engineering Volume 3, Issue 2, 2016.
Because of the aforementioned criteria, Smart Wheel
Chair was a successful project for us.

VOLUME 9, ISSUE 11, 2022 PAGE NO: 1505


[9] Chetan P.Dafe, Vikas J. Sakure, Sumukh

Sardesai, Sajid Kamal, “Smart Wheelchair”,
IJSRD -International Journal for Scientific
Research & Development Vol. 3, Issue 01, 2015
ISSN (online):2321-0613.

[10] Sandeep, Supriya, “Wheel-Chair Control

Using Accelerometer Based Gesture
Technology”, International Journal of Advanced
Research in Computer Engineering &
Technology (IJARCET) Volume 4 Issue 5, May

[11] Rahul Das, Amit Agarwal, Amit Kumar Ray,

“Smart Wheel Chair Using Android Based
Messenger System”.

[12] International Journal of Latest Trends in

Engineering and Technology (IJLTET) Volume 7
issue 2, July 2016.

[13] Dallmeijer AJ, van der Woude LH, Veeger

HE, Hollander AP. Effectiveness of force
application in manual wheelchair propulsion in
persons with spinal cord injuries. Am J Phys Med
Rehabil. 1998;77(3):213–21.

[14] F. Leishman, O. Horn, G. Bourhis, Smart

wheelchair control through a deictic approach ,
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 58 (2010)
1149-1158, 2010.

[15] Rashmi Urdhwareshe, and Vishwas

Khedekar, Establishing National Approval
Scheme for modifications to Vehicles Driven by
Physically Challenged, Keynote paper presented
in SIAT-2011.

VOLUME 9, ISSUE 11, 2022 PAGE NO: 1506

Paper accepted in IRAJ research forum conference
Conference Name: International Conference on Robotics, Communication Technology,
Electronics and Electrical Engineering (ICRRCTEEE).
Universal Paper ID: IR-TEE-MGLR-160523-600


Shruti Singh, 2Yash Yadav, 3Lalit Sharma, and 4Dr. Manidipa Roy
1,2,3,4 Department of Electronics and Communication, ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad

Email:, 2, 3,

4 .

Contact: 1 +91-8887548366, 2 +91-8433227036, 3 +91-9568085100, 4 +91-9810518588

Abstract: Numerous studies have demonstrated the significant advantages of having the capability of autonomous
mobility for both kids and adults. The smart wheelchair may be highly helpful to everyone in society. Smart
wheelchairs are electric-powered wheelchairs that have added features like a computer and sensors to help the
wheelchair's user or caregiver use it quickly and effectively. We were able to create a self-driving wheelchair that
uses DPDT switches and push switches to aid with the basic requirements of the person. The wheelchair has also
been modified so the user with paralyzed limbs can control it with switches. There is also a joystick so that disabled
persons may easily move their wheelchairs. It considers a sensor system, a mechanical model, switch control for
RF technologies, and joystick control.

I. INTRODUCTION paralyzed or movement-impaired. And they are

unable to handle appliances. As they cannot operate
For those with mobility issues, wheelchairs are an alone, they require continual assistance.
essential tool since they boost their independence Applications ranging from simple to complex can be
and movement. Traditional wheelchairs, however, driven by eye blink detection. Almost every
could restrict their users' capacity for application may benefit from effective, real-time
communication. To overcome this, developments in blink detection. It may be used to turn on or off items
wheelchair communication systems have been made including lights, fans, televisions, and microwaves.
possible by advancements in communication wheelchair control using eye development for
technology. With the use of these cutting-edge electrooculography For people with disabilities, a
wheelchair devices, users will be able to interact comfortable remote eye development-controlled
with others around them, including loved ones, Human-Computer Interface (HCI) the ability to turn
carers, healthcare providers, and family members. on and off electrical devices using eye movement to
Text messaging to speech recognition software that launch a rocket while initializing battlefield view
enables users to operate their wheelchairs with vocal Recently, certain studies have been conducted to
commands are all examples of communication build human-computer interfaces (HCI)[4]. A
technology. Overall, the addition of communication complex human-computer face must be more
technology to wheelchairs is a significant developed, particularly to that of the information
development in assistive technology, giving users charged, adjusted - to the user's incapacity, and built
more freedom, communication options, and an in a safe and understandable manner in order to aid
overall better quality of life. the general population with motor impairments and
II. LITERATURE REVIEW who cannot move their arms.

A survey found that roughly 1 in 5000 persons have The ISLR system developed by Abhinandan Das et
paralysis. Those who are completely paralyzed al. may be thought of as a pattern recognition
require ongoing care. But, it is impossible to method that consists of the two modules of feature
constantly watch a patient nowadays. They thus extraction and classification. To identify sign
require someone who can care for a patient who is language, closest neighbours classifiers and discrete
wavelet transform (DWT)-based feature extraction further expands its application versatility. The
are used. According to the experimental findings, HT12A also has an infrared device carrier at
the suggested hand gesture recognition system can 38kHz.
classify gestures with a maximum accuracy of
99.23% when a cosine distance classifier is used. [6]

Priyanka Lokhande and colleagues provide a

technique for automatically classifying signals
based on shape-based traits. Otsu's thresholding
approach, which selects an ideal threshold to
minimize the within-class volatility of
threshold black and white pixels, is used to
Fig 2: Transmitter Block diagram of Arduino Nano.
separate the hand region from the pictures. Hu's
invariant moments are used to segment the hand ii. Receiver Section:
area, and its properties are calculated. The
categorization process subsequently involves Using the HT12D, RF data is acquired. A
feeding these characteristics into an artificial 433MHz RF receiver receives the data after it has
neural network. Accuracy, Sensitivity, and first been encoded by the HT12E, and the HT12D
Specificity are used to gauge how well the system then decodes it. CMOS LSIs known as the 212
works [5]. decoders were developed for applications
involving remote control systems. The
III. PROPOSED MODEL encoder/decoder combo must have the same
number of addresses and data format as Holtek's
In the project to generate energy from a wheelchair,
212 series of encoders in order to work at its best.
we utilized a panel to start the wheelchair and then
operate it using a dpdt switch. The wheelchair stops The programmable 212 series encoders transmit
when the infrared sensor, which is used to detect serial addresses and data via a carrier to the
obstacles, is activated. In this project, we apply decoders through RF or IR transmission medium.
additional intelligent functions for disability They repeatedly match the input data with their
assistance that operate via radio frequency home addresses three times. If no errors or
communication. mismatched codes are discovered, the input data
codes are decoded and transmitted to the output
pins. Additionally, a successful transmission is
indicated by the VT pin becoming high. Data
made consisting of 12_N bits of data and N bits
of address may be decoded using decoders from
the 212 series. While the HT12F is used to decode
12 address bits, the HT12D in this series is
intended to give 8 address bits and 4 data bits.

Fig 1: Basic block diagram of the system

i. Transmitter Section:
The HT12E Decoder IC was employed to
transmit RF tags. In remote control system
applications, a family of CMOS LSIs known as
the 212 encoders are used. They have the capacity
to encrypt data using 12 N data bits and N address
bits. Each address or piece of data may have one, Fig 3: Receiver Block diagram
both, or none of the two logic states set. IV. SYSTEM DESIGN
Following receipt of a trigger signal, the
programmed addresses/data are transferred Hardware Components:
together with the header bits through an RF or
infrared transmission channel. Its option to a. Encoder: In many different applications, the
choose a TE trigger on the HT12E or a DATA encoder is routinely employed to find RF signals.
trigger on the HT12A on the 212 series encoders The encoder is used in the present design to access
remote controllers. The RF transmitter on the V. FEATURES OF THE WHEELCHAIR
transmitter board is enabled using serial data that has
been converted from 12-bit digital data. 4-bit data a. Liquid Crystal Display: LCD displays the message
and 8-bit addresses make up the 12-bit data. The to the doctor/family members in a critical condition
address bits at the receiver end can distinguish such as Food, Washroom, etc.
between different receiver devices. b. Controller: The wheelchair comes with DPDT
b. RF Module: The RF module serves as the interface
switches. A DPDT switch works in two ways, just
between the transmitter and receiver. Serial signals
like a conventional switch in our house. With the aid
are taken in by the RF module from the transmitter.
c. DC Motor: An electric motor that uses direct of four DPDT switches, the user may easily adjust
current (DC) power is referred to as a DC motor. the chair in any direction. Due of the cost, we opted
Function: Dc motors are used to drive the car, when not to use a joystick. We want to keep the price as
cheap as possible so that everyone may afford it.
battery power will be given to motors they will
Cables coming from the DPDT switch box are used
move in the forward and backward direction
to connect the two DC motors positioned at the
bottom. The motors use rechargeable, reusable 12V
d. Arduino UNO: The ATmega32 is an 8-bit
power supplies as their batteries.
Advanced RISC Architecture Atmel
Microcontroller with 131 powerful instructions, the
majority of which are completed in a single clock
e. Battery: A buck regulator and a 12 V batteryVII.
are utilized to power both the Arduino
controller and the motor directly. The motor can
be run on 12V with an rpm that is decreased
when doing so.
f. DPDT SWITCHES: The wheelchair has two
DPDT switches attached to it. so that the patient
may easily control the chair. The benefit of
Fig 5: Transmitter section
adopting DPDT is that it allows you to turn the
wheelchair ON and OFF simultaneously with a
single flick.
g. Buzzer: A buzzer emits a noise when an electric
current passes through it. Directly linked to the
Arduino, the buzzer can produce a variety of
tones by receiving electric pulses of varying
frequencies. The buzzer emits sound when a
command is passed or when it makes contact
with an impediment.

Fig 6: Receiver section

a) Alternate power source
b) Artificial intelligence and image processing.
c) GPS navigation


The operations are implemented using the Arduino

IDE program. Commands which are used in the
application are described in Table 1. The software is
Fig 4: Pin diagram of Arduino Uno
built and changed, and the reaction times of the
Code used in the wheelchair: functions in connection to the sensors are repeatedly
assessed in order to produce good results. The rear()
and front () methods can be used to steer the car in
either the forward or reverse direction. The
functional instructions left() and right() were [4] Aarthi M, Vijayalakshmi P, “Sign Language to
developed in order to steer the vehicle in the right Speech Conversion”, fifth international conference
and left directions. The function uses analogue on Recent Trends In Information Technology, 2016.
inputs to collect data from a variety of sensors and
controls the rotation of the wheels by providing [5] Priyanka Lokhande Riya Prajapati Sandeep
output to output devices such as motors. Pansare Data Gloves for Sign Language Recognition
System International Journal of Computer
Applications (0975 – 8887) National Conference on
This project effort will fulfill the primary project Emerging Trends in Advanced Communication
requirement for the Bachelor of Electronics and Technologies (NCETACT-2015) 11
Communication Engineering degree. The Smart
Wheel Chair was chosen because it has both the real- [6] Abhinandan Das, Lavish Yadav, Mayank
time embedded system design and the sensor that Singhal, Raman Sachan, Hemang Goyal, Keshav
would be employed in it. Most of the contemporary Taparia Raghav Gulati, Ankit Singh, Gaurav
technology, such as accelerometers and gyroscopes, Trivedi,” Smart Glove for Sign Language
are utilized in this project to gather interactive input. Communications”,2016 IEEE.
We also needed to learn more about the
accelerometer, gyroscope, joystick, and ultrasonic [7] G. Kalasamy, A. Mohammed Imthiyaz, A.
sensor in order to construct a quick and real-time Manikandan, S. Senthilrani, “Micro-Controller
project that may aid others. Based Intelligent Wheelchair Design”, International
Journal of Research in Engineering & Advanced
X. DISCUSSION Technology (IJREAT), Volume 2, Issue 2, Apr-
The prototype wheelchair that has been suggested is May, 2014.
an automated wheelchair that can be operated by the [8] Snehlata Yadav, Poonam Sheoran, “Smart
patient using a DPDT switch. The switch enables
Wheelchairs - A literature review”, International
one to move the wheelchair in four directions ie.
Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research in
right, left, forward, and backward. Along with this,
Engineering Volume 3, Issue 2, 2016.
we have Incorporated an LCD which will display the
need of the patient i.e Food requirements, [9] Chetan P. Dafe, Vikas J. Sakure, Sumukh
Washroom, and emergency. Sardesai, Sajid Kamal, “Smart Wheelchair”, IJSRD
XI. REFERENCES -International Journal for Scientific Research &
Development Vol. 3, Issue 01, 2015 ISSN
[1] Sedra, Adel S., and Smith, Kenneth C,” (online):2321-0613.
Microelectronic Circuits”, Oxford University Press,
1998. [10] Sandeep, Supriya, “Wheel-Chair Control Using
Accelerometer Based Gesture Technology”,
[2] Yang YP, Huang WC, Lai CW. Optimal design International Journal of Advanced Research in
of rim motor for an electric-powered wheelchair. Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)
IET Electric Power Appl. 2007;1(5):825–32. Volume 4 Issue 5, May 2015.
[3] Leary M, Gruijters J, Mazur M, Subic A, Burton
M, Fuss FK. A fundamental model of quasi-static
wheelchair biomechanics. Med Eng Phys.
2012;34(9):1278–86. [PMID:22763021]
Research Paper Submitted in Oxford abstract
Conference Name: International Conference on Sustainable Emerging innovations in
Engineering and Technology.
Submission ID: 36

Shruti Singh, 2Yash Yadav, 3Lalit Sharma, 4Dr. Manidipa Roy, 5Vidhi Sinha
Department of Electronics and Communication, ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad
Department of Computer Science & Information Technology, KIET Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad
Email:, 2, 3,
4 and
Contact: 1 +91-8887548366, 2 +91-8433227036, 3 +91-9568085100, 4 +91-9810518588, 5+91-6394696883

Abstract: In order to increase the mobility and freedom of persons with impairments, a smart wheelchair
incorporates sophisticated sensors and technologies. The smart wheelchair system is made up of several
parts, including sensors, controllers, and actuators, which all work together to provide the user with a
smooth experience. The controllers evaluate the sensor data and make choices using pre-programmed
algorithms, while the sensors are employed to monitor the surroundings around the wheelchair. The
wheelchair must be moved in accordance with the orders given by the controller by the actuators. The
user experience may be enhanced by adding voice, facial, and gesture recognition capabilities to smart
wheelchairs. These capabilities enable users to operate the wheelchair using gestures, recognize familiar
faces, and use voice instructions. Having a smart wheelchair may promote freedom, improve safety,
and alleviate the stress on carers. It enhances the quality of life for persons with impairments by
allowing them to navigate their surroundings. Smart wheelchairs are anticipated to grow further as
technology develops, offering users even higher levels of capability and accessibility.
Keywords: Mobility, buzzer, DPDT, artificial intelligence, Arduino Uno.

A smart wheelchair aims to help people who are physically disadvantaged or disabled by granting them
beneficial mobility. The primary steering wheel of a smart wheelchair is where the user enters data
using a joystick, an accelerometer, or voice commands. The wheelchair is subsequently moved to the
specified area by the controller unit after translating the order. Wheelchairs, both electric and
conventional, are widely used to assist the movement of persons with disabilities. A portion of the
impaired population is impacted by low vision, cognitive deficiencies, and other disabilities. To operate
their wheelchairs, these folks rely extensively on others. It's risky to operate a wheelchair alone. We
created the "Smart Wheelchair" to solve this problem. Smart wheelchairs have drawn more attention
lately than electric wheelchairs. Power wheelchairs are manual or conventional wheelchairs that are
powered by electricity or batteries. With the development of robotics, artificial intelligence, and
computers, smart wheelchairs have become more and more common. A computer that uses data from
sensors to guide the movement of the wheelchairs is the core component of a smart wheelchair. Sensors
gather environmental data, which is subsequently analyzed by a computer, and the required actions are
performed. A smart wheelchair may be manually operated by the user, just like any other electric

[1] On four continents, work on developing and researching intelligent wheelchairs has been going on
since the early 1980s. Some intelligent wheelchairs function like autonomous robots, letting the user
select a location and watch as it is planned and transported there. Systems frequently need to alter their
surroundings in order to accomplish their objective, or they frequently need a detailed map of the area
they are traveling. They frequently lack the ability to overcome unexpected obstacles or navigate
unfamiliar territory. [2] The best users for this kind of smart wheelchair are those who (1) those people
are incapable of setting up and/or executing a plan to reach a desired outcome. and (2) spend their time
in the same restricted region. Another type of intelligent wheelchair just assists the user in avoiding
collisions; all navigation and planning are up to them. Typically, these systems don't require any
particular modifications to the environment or an internal map of the area. These tools are best suited
for users who are able to effectively strategize and follow a course of action to reach their objectives as
they do require additional planning and ongoing user support.. The last class of wheelchairs with
intelligence provides both completely and partially autonomous navigation. al [3] Giving those with
physical limitations equal chances has been stressed by the National Human Rights Commission. While
providing physically challenged people with tailored mobility options, it is important to ensure the
safety of both the driver and other individuals using the road. Current car designs have adapted certain
foot and hand controls to help those with partial or whole limb limitations. The lack of a network in the
country called for a thorough investigation and careful treatment of the entire situation. Smart
wheelchairs have also been used to research other input methods in addition to the more "traditional"
ones associated with powered wheelchairs. Because commercial speech recognition hardware and
software is widely available and reasonably priced, automatic speech recognition is frequently used for
smart wheelchairs. Two unusual input methods have been used: machine vision, which identifies head
position and orientation, and electrooculographic activity, which indicates where the wheelchair user is
looking. This section discusses the diagnosis related to using a manual or motorised wheelchair. There
are estimates of the prevalence, frequency, and proportion of people with each ailment that require a
wheelchair. Additionally included are the signs and symptoms of each ailment that may make it
challenging to use a wheelchair. Before settling on a final choice for the little project, a brief search was
conducted to uncover older work on the same topic. We had access to just a small number of past studies
using speech synthesis processing. [4] Once our project proposal was accepted, we put a lot of work
into finding the components for the gyroscope and speech synthesizer. Research on a range of websites
and publications was necessary for the themes. Although many individuals with disabilities can utilize
standard manual or powered wheelchairs to fulfill their needs, there are others who struggle or are
unable to use wheelchairs independently due to cognitive difficulties, poor vision, limited field of
vision, spasticity, tremors, or other factors. These individuals often require assistance from a caregiver
to move in a manual wheelchair. To address this population, researchers have developed "smart
wheelchairs" that incorporate technologies used in mobile robots. A smart wheelchair typically includes
a motorized wheelchair with a computer and various sensors or a mobile robot base with a seat attached.
For users of smart wheelchairs, several navigational aids have been created, such as ensuring safe
mobility, assisting with specific tasks (such as passing through doorways), and autonomously
transporting the user to different locations. According to a recent survey [5], clinicians are particularly
interested in the assistance that a smart wheelchair may provide. One of the key survey results was that
9–10% of patients receiving wheelchair training found it unfeasible to perform ADLs while using the
wheelchair, according to clinical reports. 40% of patients who were specifically asked about their ability
to drive and makeover said it was difficult or impossible.


In the project to generate energy from a wheelchair, we utilized a panel to start the wheelchair and then
operate it using a dpdt switch. The wheelchair stops when the infrared sensor, which is used to detect
obstacles, is activated. In this project, we apply additional intelligent functions for disability assistance
that operate via radio frequency communication.
Fig 1: Basic block diagram of the system
i. Transmitter Section:
We utilised the HT12E Decoder IC to transmit RF tags. A group of CMOS LSIs called the 212 encoders
are used in system applications such as remote control. They are able to encode information with 12 N
data bits and N address bits. Each a piece of data may contain one of the two logic states, or both, be
set. When given a trigger signal, the predetermined addresses/information are transmitted through RF
or infrared signals, accompanied by the header bits. The 212 series of encoders can select either a TE
trigger on the HT12E or a DATA trigger on the HT12A, giving it additional flexibility in terms of
usage. Furthermore, for infrared systems, the HT12A also provides a 38kHz carrier frequency.

Fig 2: Transmitter Block diagram of Arduino Nano.

ii. Receiver Section:

The HT12D is used to receive RF data and the HT12E encodes it. This data is then picked up by a
433MHz RF receiver and decoded using the HT12D. The 212 series of decoders are CMOS LSIs that
are specially designed for remote control system applications and are to be paired with Holtek's 2^12
series of encoders, which is important for a properly functioning system. The decoders receive serial
addresses and data from programmed 2^12 series of encoders that are transmitted through an RF or IR
transmission medium with a carrier. After analyzing the input data against their local addresses three
times, the codes will be decoded if no errors or unmatched codes are detected and transferred to the
output pins - also triggering VT to become high as an indication of a valid transmission. Furthermore,
these 212 series of decoders have the capability to decode information consisting of N bits of address
and 12_N bits of data. The HT12D has 8 address bits and 4 data bits while the HT12F can decode 12
bits of address information.
Fig3: Receiver Block diagram

Hardware Components:

a. Encoder: The encoder often detects RF signals in various applications. The encoder in the current
design is utilized to access remote controls. The transmitter board's RF transmitter is enabled using
serial data that is translated from the 12-bit digital data. 8-bit addresses and 4-bit data are divided up
into 12-bit data.
b. RF Module: The RF module serves as the interface between the transmitter and receiver. Serial
signals are taken in by the RF module from the transmitter.
c. DC Motor: A DC motor is an electric motor that runs on direct current (DC) electricity. DC motors
were used to power the machines, frequently eliminating the need for a nearby steam engine or
internal combustion engine. The original electric automobiles were powered by DC motors, which
can operate straight from rechargeable batteries. DC motors are still used today, whether they are
little for things like toys and disc drives or enormous for things like paper mills and steel rolling mills.
Nowadays, power electronics are almost often used in combination with DC motors. The motor
constants K v and K m are two crucial performance factors for DC motors. Function: Dc motors are
used to drive the car, when battery power will be given to motors they will move in the forward and
backward direction respectively.
d. Arduino UNO: The ATmega32 is an Advanced RISC Architecture 8-bit Atmel Microcontroller with
131 strong instructions, the bulk of which are executed in a single clock cycle.
e. Battery: The motor is powered directly by a 12 V battery, and an Arduino controller is used to
regulate the motor with the aid of a buck regulator. The motor can be run on 12V with a rpm that is
decreased when doing so.
f. DPDT SWITCHES: We have attached two DPDT switches with the wheelchair. So that patient can
control the chair easily. The advantage of using DPDT is it can turn the wheelchair ON and OFF at
the same time with one flick.
g. Buzzer: A buzzer is a tool that makes noise when electricity flows through it.The Arduino buzzer
can be directly connected to the Arduino and produce different tones by giving different frequency
electric pulses to the buzzer. The buzzer produces a sound when a command is passed by an user or
there is a collision with an obstacle.
h. Ultrasonic Sensor: Ultrasonic sensors are tools that use electrical and mechanical energy to detect
the distance between a target and the sensor. These Ultrasonic waves are longitudinal mechanical
waves that move through a medium in the form of compressions and rarefactions. Aside from
measuring distance, they can be used for object detection, position detection, ultrasonic mouse,
material testing to identify air bubbles, fractures or other product issues, and more.
Fig 4: Pin diagram of Arduino Uno

Software Components:
Algorithm used
Step 1: Start
Step 2: Give the phone's microcontroller voice control code that has been converted to text.
Step 3: Use programmed text to verify the text. Step 4 is followed if it matches; else, step 2 is followed.
Step 4: Examine the area for obstructions (100 cm). Move to step 6 if it is found; otherwise, go to step
Step 5: Move the motors according to the voice code given and go to step 2.
Step 6: Move backward, get out of the way of obstacles, pause once more, and then proceed to step 2.
Step 7: Repeat steps 2 to 7.
Step 8: Stop.
• Obstacle detection:
With an ultrasonic sensor, obstacles and collisions are avoided. We utilized the HC-SR04 ultrasonic
sensor in this instance. The ultrasonic sensor delivers ultrasonic waves without interruption whenever
the wheelchair travels along the targeted path. The sensor's wave is reflected by an item when it is in
the path, and the buzzer receives the information about the discounting in the ultrasonic wave reception
as a result. The buzzer makes a beeping sound whenever the wheelchair encounters an obstacle.

• Controller: DPDT switches are included with the wheelchair. Like a typical switch in our home, a
DPDT switch operates in two different ways. The user may effortlessly adjust the chair in any
direction with the help of 4 DPDT switches. We decided against using a joystick because of the price.
In order for everyone to be able to afford it, we aim to keep the cost as low as possible. The two DC
motors mounted at the bottom are directly connected by cables from the DPDT switch box. The
batteries utilized in the motors are rechargeable and reusable 12V power supplies.

i. Integration with smart house technology: The wheelchair may be made to be able to communicate
with other components of a smart home, such as security systems, lights, and thermostats. For wheelchair
users, this might lead to more independence and convenience.

ii. Gesture recognition technology: A wheelchair with gesture recognition technology could enable users
to operate it with simple hand motions. Those with poor dexterity or movement may find this to be
especially helpful.

iii. Obstacle avoidance using machine learning: The wheelchair might be fitted with sensors that alert it
to impediments in its path. Next, machine learning algorithms might be used to guide the chair around
those obstacles. This may contribute to accident avoidance and improved user safety.

The Arduino IDE software is used to implement the functional operations.
Table 1 displays the description and operation of several commands used in the application. The
functions are created in a way that makes it possible for them to offer more precise sensitivity and
responsiveness when moving and changing direction. In order to get good results, the software is written
and adjusted, and the functions' reaction times in relation to the sensors are evaluated repeatedly. The
forward and reverse directions of the vehicle may be controlled using the rear() and front () methods
respectively. The functional instructions left() and right() were created to control how the car would
move in the right and left directions. The function uses analogue inputs to receive data from many
sensors and outputs it to output devices such motors in order to control the rotation of the wheels.
Fig5. Base model

Fig 6. Transmitter

Fig 7. Receiver
This project will fulfill the primary project requirement for the Bachelor of Electronics and
Communication Engineering degree. A real-time embedded system design and the sensor that will be
utilized in it are both included in the Smart Wheel Chair. This is why it was chosen. In order to collect
interactive input, this project makes use of the vast majority of contemporary technologies, such as
accelerometers and gyroscopes. We also needed to learn more about the accelerometer, gyroscope,
joystick, and ultrasonic sensor and how they operate in order to create a quick and real-time project that
may assist others. Smart Wheel Chair was a project that we were successful with since it met the
The suggested wheelchair prototype is an automated chair that is operated only by the patient's hand
movements and hand gesture-controlled technology. If necessary, this can also be managed via the
Bluetooth module. With IOT-based technology, the wheelchair's location may also be tracked from
anywhere in the globe. This system, which is based on Arduino, uses sonar sensors to identify
obstructions, and when one is discovered, a buzzer sounds to warn the user so they may prevent
mishaps. In this project, a GPS tracking device is employed to determine the operator's whereabouts. A
GSM system is also integrated into the project to notify the relevant party of an emergency. In terms of
IoT technology, this project has benefited from Node MCU. The operator's responsible party can now
know the operator's whereabouts thanks to this technology. Hence, it is thought that the suggested
technology can simplify movement for those with movement disabilities and lessen the complexity of
other automated wheelchairs.
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