Programacion Didactica Ingles

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1. JUSTIFICATION ............................................................................................... 2
2. CONTEXT.......................................................................................................... 3
3. OBJECTIVES ................................................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
4. KEY COMPETENCES .................................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
5. CONTENTS ..................................................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
6. METHODOLOGY ........................................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
7. EVALUATION ................................................ ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
8. ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY ....................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
Marcador no definido.
10. PLANS AND PROJECTS ................................ ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
11. BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................ ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
12. CURRICULAR MAP ....................................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
13. TEACHING UNITS ......................................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
13.1UNIT 1: “Wellcome to the school subway” .......... ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
13.2UNIT 2: “What is a pumpkin?” ............................. ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
13.3 UNIT 3: “We all are equal!” ................................ ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
13.4 UNIT 4: “Santa, do you know my city?” ............. ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
13.5 UNIT 5: “You are late! Hurry up!” ...................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
13.6 UNIT 6: “Take care of your friends” ................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
13.7 UNIT 7: “Monsters Inc.” ...................................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
13.8 UNIT 8: “Flamenco Kids”.................................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
13.9 UNIT 9: “Happy Birthday Earth!” ....................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
13.10 UNIT 10: “Masterchef Kids” ............................. ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
13.11 UNIT 11: “Shrek family!” .................................. ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
13.12 UNIT 12: “Be careful with the lion” .................. ¡Error! Marcador no definido.

“The limits of my language are the limits of my world.”
Ludwig Wittgenstein.
This quote expresses masterfully the importance of learning foreign language. It tries
to show us that if you know a second language, you will enjoy the possibility of expand your
limits, since it is a way of acquiring new knowledge and culture.
We live in a globalized world, where English is one of the most important languages.
Our country belongs to the European Union, where English is spoken in many countries. So
this syllabus coincides with those exposed in The Common European Framework of
Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching and Evaluation, Council of Europe, 2001.
(CEFRL henceforward) In which it is established how important foreign language learning
is for the Educational Community. So, in this context, the knowledge of foreign languages is
an indispensable tool for the affective, social and professional advancement of our students in
the future.
The Decree 97/2015, of March 3rd, which establishes the organization and
curriculum of Primary Education in the Autonomous Region of Andalusia (Decree
97/2015 henceforward), in its Article 3, says that the main goal of the primary education is
to achieve the personal development of our students in the future, making them aware of their
culture, skills as oral expression and comprehension and values as creativity and affectivity.
So, I will contribute to this article through my syllabus and from the English area.

Social development Proffesional advancement

Learning English
Expanding the cultural limits Affective development

This document follows the School Plan. It puts emphasis on teaching English by
naming it as an instrumental area. Besides, this planning represents the 3rd stage of the
curricular development. So, it follows the second level, which is stated by the school, and the
first level, which is the law in which this document is based.
Following the article 3 of the Order of March 17th, 2015, which develops the
curriculum of Primary Education in Andalusia (Order 17/2015 henceforward), the
development of the learning process will take into account the achievement of the key
competences, the relations of the knowledge with the students’ personal interests and
needs, the use of tools of information, communication and technologies and the importance of
make the students aware of the common problems of our world. Moreover, the evaluation
process will use indicators to concrete de evaluation criteria, as it is stated by the Decree
97/2015, which establishes the curriculum for Primary Education y Andalusia.
As it is stated in the methodological orientations for the English area in the Order
97/2015, this planning promotes a communicative approach, the main aim is to develop the
communicative competence in the pupils. Moreover, this syllabus adopts a task-based
approach, that is, the final task is the center of the planning. Furthermore, it promotes
constructivism. Pupils are responsible for their own learning, relating what they are learning
to their previous knowledge in a meaningful way. Moreover, our syllabus is globalized. So,
we will be in contact with other subjects. According to Piaget (1979), another important
principle is that the teaching learning process should be adjusted to our students’ needs and
experiences. So, we will concentrate upon all the needs and problems which different students
have. Consequently, this syllabus is the starting point for the achievement of our goals, but it
can be modified during the process to satisfy our students’ needs and characteristics.
This syllabus is for the 4th grade of Primary Education. So, we will work mainly
through games, songs and entertaining activities to motivate our students. Furthermore, we
will use technologies, communicative activities, team and individual work, cultural activities
both from Spanish and English culture. Finally, I would give a lot of importance to work on
values, since I think that it is extremely necessary four our current society, as well as
creativity. Due to the fact that, in words of Cesar Bona (2015): “A child without creativity
loses a part of himself”.


2.1 General context: The town and the school

In order to draw up a plan, an analysis of the context is going to be exposed, because
the planning must be coherent and consistent within the educational context.
The state school is placed in a little town located close to Seville. This town has a
population of 40.000 inhabitants. The families are from middle class, with a medium-low
economic level. Most of them work in the country and in the building industry and in general
the cultural level it is not very high.
However, most of the students’ parents are involved in their children’s education. So,
the relations among parents and the educational community are positive and it helps to
improve the quality of the teaching-learning process. Consequently, some of them collaborate
in the organization of extracurricular and complementary activities. They are represented by
the Parents’ Association.
This school includes both the pre-school and primary education levels. It is composed
of a little building with three floors and it has in total three hundred and seventy pupils. There
are twenty two teachers.
On the ground floor, we can find the lobby with a Staff Room, the Secretary Room,
the Head-Master room, the three infant’s classrooms and the playground, which is available
for some activities. On the first floor, there are six primary classrooms, a Music classroom
and a Computer Room. On the second floor, we can find six primary classrooms more, a
Library and the Main-Hall (with a home cinema and a big screen).
2.2 Specific context: The classroom
Due to the fact that there is not an English classroom, an English corner will be
created. Moreover, the classroom will be decorated with the charts that the pupils do as final
tasks in some units. This will help to create an English atmosphere to promote the learning of
the language.
The classroom of the fourth grade has twenty seven pupils, twelve girls and fifteen
boys. While most of the pupils have no problem to study by themselves, some children need
more attention, help and reinforcement. As an example, we focus on a girl from China who
has no problems with the Spanish language but has some problems with the English spelling.
The level of maturity differs from one child to another. Pupils are able to read and
write reasonable well in their mother tongue. However, students need to be guided in the
process of studying, because they are not autonomous yet. In addition, they have short
concentration spans but they are very imaginative. So, we can take advantage of that,
involving them in the activities and using their own ideas, which is an extra motivating point.
The group is heterogeneous, but there is no discrimination to anyone of the children.
Also, we have to take into account that we will find different levels in the English class
because some of them have been studying it in private schools or taking private lessons.
Finally, we must motivate and familiarize them with the foreign language through attractive
and diverse activities that reflect the everyday aspects of student lives.

Illustration 1: Main information about the context.

Source: Own elaboration

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