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June 2023

Response Plan

To our beloved mayor,

We solemnly ask your support for the
development of the community. We need
your full coordination and guidance in
order to implement this action plan. We
are hoping that you will give us an
opportunity to look forward unto this
matter. We are waiting for your positive
response. Thank you.

A community action plan to prepare for and respond to natural
disasters, such as fires, floods or earthquakes. The plan would include
emergency response protocols, communication strategies, and identifying
resources such as evacuation centers, supplies, and emergency personnel.
The purpose of this action plan is to ensure a coordinated and
effective response to disasters that minimize loss of life, reduce damage to
property, and help affected communities get back on their feet. The plan is
designed to be flexible enough to be adapted to various types of disasters
and emergencies, such as natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, or
wildfires, as well as human-made emergencies like chemical spills or
terrorist attacks.
The action plan involves the collaboration of multiple stakeholders,
including emergency services, government agencies, non-governmental
organizations (NGOs), and community-based organizations. It was
developed through a process of extensive research, consultation, and
testing, involving various stakeholders.
The plan typically consists of several key components, including a
clear chain of command, procedures for communication and decision-
making, identification of key resources, and a system for monitoring and
reporting progress.
The development of the action plan about disaster response typically
involves identifying potential hazards in the community, analyzing the risk,
and assessing existing resources and capacities to respond to
emergencies. Stakeholders then work collaboratively to identify gaps and
develop strategies to address them.
The action plan about disaster response is a critical tool for preparing
and responding to emergencies. It helps to ensure a comprehensive,
organized, and efficient response to disasters, thereby minimizing the
negative impact on affected communities, and facilitating a speedy
Community Profile
La Libertad, officially the Municipality of La Libertad, is a 3 rd
class municipality in the province of Negros Oriental, Philippines.
According to the 2020 census, it has a population of 41,089 people.

Community Action Plan

1. Establish an Emergency Response Team: The first step in creating a effective
disaster response plan is identifying and arranging an emergency response team. This
team should have members from different departments and levels of expertise to
ensure comprehensive planning and implementation.
2. Conduct a Hazard Assessment: Conduct a comprehensive hazard
assessment and identify potential disasters that could affect the community. This will
enable the emergency response team to tailor the disaster response plan to address
specific hazards that are most likely to occur in the community. The hazard assessment
should consider natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, wildfires, and earthquakes,
as well as man-made disasters such as chemical spills, explosions, or terrorist attacks.
3. Develop Response Protocols: Based on the hazard assessment, develop
response protocols that outline specific actions to be taken in the event of a disaster.
The protocols should include evacuation routes and procedures, emergency
communication channels, shelter-in-place guidelines, search and rescue procedures,
medical and first aid protocols, and recovery and restoration plans.
4. Establish Coordination with Local Emergency Responders: Establish
communication and coordination with local emergency responders such as fire
departments, police departments, hospitals, and other healthcare facilities. This will help
ensure a coordinated response during a disaster and will help ensure that resources are
available and deployed to areas that need it most.
5. Conduct Training and Drills: Regular training and drills are necessary to
ensure the emergency response team is well-prepared to respond to a disaster.
Training should include emergency response procedures, communication protocols, first
aid, search and rescue techniques, and other relevant skills and knowledge. Conducting
regular drills can also help identify weaknesses in the response plan that need to be
6. Educate and Inform the Community: Communicate the disaster response plan
to the community to ensure they understand their roles and responsibilities during a
disaster. This includes information about evacuation routes, shelter locations,
emergency communication channels, and other relevant information. Also, provide
regular updates to the community about potential hazards and emergency situations
that may arise.
7. Continuously Review and Update the Plan: Continuously review and update
the disaster response plan to ensure it remains up-to-date and relevant. As the
community changes and new hazards emerge, adjust the plan accordingly to ensure
that the response team is prepared to respond to any disaster that may occur.

The quarterly earthquake and fire drill is a regular routine that is conducted to
ensure that people in that community including the Bgry. Captain, Brgy. Officials,
Community leaders, Disaster team members are aware of the safety procedures in case
of an emergency. The purpose of these drills is to prepare people to respond quickly
and appropriately in critical situations such as earthquakes and fires. Quarterly drills are
conducted to evaluate existing emergency procedures, improve people preparedness,
and identify areas that need to be improved.
During these drills, people in that community including the Bgry. Captain, Brgy.
Officials, Community leaders, Disaster team members are briefed on the proper
protocols to follow in case of an earthquake or fire, such as drop cover hold on or
evacuate immediately. The drills simulate an emergency situation and people are
expected to act as if it were a real emergency.
After the drill, a debriefing session is held to discuss what went well and what
areas need improvement. This is an opportunity to address any questions or concerns
that people may have and to make adjustments to emergency procedures if necessary.
Regular earthquake and fire drills are essential to ensuring the safety of people in
that community and visitors in the event of an emergency. It is important that everyone
in the workplace understands and follows established emergency protocols to minimize
injuries and damage to property.

-To participate in the conduct of earthquake and fire drill. To ensure the safety
evacuation of people in that community in case of calamity as disaster.
Activity- Quarterly Earthquake and Fire Drill.

- To orient and/or inform all the people in that Community/Brgy on what to do during
disaster and occurrence of natural calamities like earthquake, fire and typhoon.

- Earthquake/ Fire Drill Orientation Dissemination of Activities through face to face.

-To be prepared and alert in case of emergency whether a natural calamity or man-

Person's Involved
CDDRMO coordinators
Brgy. Captain
Brgy. Officials
Local Government Office
BFP coordinators
Community leaders

Expected Outcome
Report of emergency drills and other exercise done.

Internal Stakeholders were oriented, informed and prepared in case of

emergency whether a natural or man-made disasters.

Brgy. Captain & Brgy. Officials, community leaders, Community Disaster Team
members will inform and prepare in case of emergency whether a natural disaster
Time Frame
 June 15, 2023, to August 2024

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