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The foundation of 

the system of the government of the Philippines is the constitution. The

constitution is the basic principle and laws of a nation, state, or social group that determines the powers
and duties of the government guarantee certain rights to the people in it. The constitution is based on the
important principle that helps to ensure government by popular sovereignty. The government has the
power or authority to protect their nation and give them the particular benefits that they needed. here in
the Philippines, every individual has mandatory benefits that help them to ensure their needs and rights.
The government also needs to protect their nation against the terrorist and other threats in our country that
will affect the security of every individual. The question is should the government increase the budget on
defense that helps every Filipino to protect them and decrease the social benefits. 

Nowadays, there are several things that trigger our national security like the issue of the West
Philippine Sea and the terrorist attack that happens especially in Mindanao, and other crimes that we
experience in our surroundings. National security here in the Philippines is defined as "a state or
condition wherein the people's welfare, well-being, ways of life, government and its institution, territorial
integrity, sovereignty, and core value are enhanced and protected”. While social benefits are current
transfers received by households intended to provide for the needs that arise from certain events or
circumstances. In this Nation, the social benefits known are the SSS or Social Security System and GSIS
or the Government Service Insurance System, which provide work injury, sickness, disability, maternity,
retirement, and death benefits. This year (2021) the proposed defense budget is 205.6 Billion pesos. Aside
from the defense sector the social services sector or those in health-related services will get a high
allocation of national budget.  

In conclusion, there are connections between defense and social benefits. These two sectors are
needed to have a better nation for us. We need these two-sector to protect our nation and protect ourselves
from every threat in our surroundings. We must ensure our benefits as a citizen of the Republic of the
Philippines will enjoy it and be properly used in our living. There's no need to increase or decrease the
budget between these two-sector because I believe that our national security and our benefits as a citizen
of this nation will be fully achieved through a clean and faithful government.  

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