MGT783 Test

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2022265606 - Alealiana Binti Azmi.

Question 1.

i. The runners in Group 1 are characterized as D1 follower because they are very
new marathon runners and yearning for a structure. D1 are described as they
generally lack of specific skills required for the marathon, but they are eager to
learn and willing to take direction. As a result of their inexperience, they have
a high level of devotion since they are eager to learn every element that they
feel important. However, this eagerness paired with their lack of experience
shows their lack of competence which is leading to unnecessary questions and
some behaviors that would be considered not serious by David.

The situational approach that David should take is a S2 leadership style. Since
the followers are not skilled at running marathons, they also need someone with
strong direction to guide them through and set the goals. They also need
someone who is supportive to constantly encourage them so they are less
prone to asking inappropriate questions. David however seems prepared to use
an S3 leadership style where he oversees their progress and works on
encouraging them. They can manage themselves effectively for the marathon.
ii. Group 2 would be describe as having a development level of D3. Their
competence varies between moderate to high, their commitment is variable
since they are worried about how effective their individual training is affecting
their overall performance. Compared to Group 1, they require less directing
conduct but more support system from David.

S3 leadership style from David is suitable for Group 2 since they want to be
reassured about their training methods. Perhaps, David can use his experience
to reassure and motivate the group to the Group 2 because this group was
described as the team that has some experience but a argue a lot the
effectiveness of their training. And this causes David’s leadership style to
support more and the D3 development level of the group to match perfectly.
iii. Group 3 can be labelled as having a development level of D4. David's
leadership approach does not appear to be compatible with the development
level of the runners in Group 3, which presents a challenge for him. Their
competence is high as the group is full of veteran runners who perhaps have
succeeded in many marathons before, while the commitment is high as they
are certain of their success in the marathon.

S4 leadership style would be ideal since they need minimal direction and
encouragement, as this group is capable of training and managing themselves
for the marathon. If David is attempting to use a S3 leadership style with this
group, where he gives them personal tips based on his own experience, the
group is not responding well because the team members is experienced
enough but lack of motivation, with David thus being ineffective. It is appropriate
that he can use a S4 style for a D3 Group.

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