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Daily Question

(Pertanyaan sehari-hari)

The Question’s Key = 5W+1H and question tag (?)

What, Where, Why, Who, When, How
 What is your name?
Siapa nama mu?
My name is arasya airlangga pratama
 Where are you come from?
Dari mana kamu berasal?
I came from jogja.
 Where do you stay?
Dimana kamu tinggal?
I stay in Papua
 What are you? / what is your job?
Siapa kamu?/apa pekerjaan mu?
I am student.
 Do you have brother and sister?
Apakah kamu punya saudara laki-laki dan perempuan?
Yes, I have. One little sister and one little brother.
 What is your hobby?
Apakah hobi mu?
My hobby is playing game.
 What was your last education?
Apakah pendidikan terakhirmu?
Elementary school.
 Why do you learn English?
Mengapa kamu belajar bahasa inggris?
Because, I want to speak English
 What is your best way to learn English?
Apa cara terbaik mu belajar bahasa inggris?
I join English course

 Never mind = tidak apa apa

 Of course = tentu saja
 Of course not = tentu saja tidak
 Oh, I see = oh begitu
 By the way = ngomong ngomong
 What for = untuk apa
 Don’t be like that = jangan begitu
 Don’t be like this = jangan begini
 Anything else/ any else? = ada lagi? yang lain?
 How about….? = bagaimana tentang?
 It’s up to you = terserah kamu
 So = maka
 What happened? = apa yang terjadi?
 That’s right = itu betul!
 Just a minute = tunggu sebentar
 Not bad = lumayan
 Unfortunately!= kasihan!
 Stop kidding = jangan main-main
 Just kidding = hanya bercanda
 What do you mean = apa maksud mu?

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