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Film to watch:

Artikulo Uno: Heneral Luna

What to do about the film analysis?

Guide questions:
1) After watching the film, make a critical analysis, historically about the events being
portrayed and
2) Based on the film how did the Filipino – American War begun? Support your
arguments based on
the historical facts and evidences.
3) As a Political Science student, provide your own claim and position about Emilio
proclamation of Philippine Independence being proclaimed on June 12, 1898. Did the
enjoy the essence of democracy and liberation?
4) Antonio Luna’s death was tragic and unjustifiable, in your own comprehension
who was/were to
be blamed of the sudden death of Luna?
5) In your own point of view, have your own interpretation about the line: “The
Filipino – American
alliance was for convenience, not for a common cause”.
6) As a Filipino citizen, who really were the real enemies of the Filipinos? Does
“WAR” necessary
to happened in history?


1. General Antonio Luna carries the majority of the narrative. He is the kind of hero
that I want to meet, him being the larger-than-life general incorporates a wide range
of emotions. He is ferocious, loud, and unpredictable man he has traditionally been
known to be, as well as the passionate, compassionate, and battle-weary softer side of
the character. Here is a man who, in order to boost the spirit of his troops, rides head
first and screaming into battle, yet who can also spend tender moments and light
conversation with his mother. Another insight is we Filipinos consider Aguinaldo as a
hero, but this film shows his other side why most of his loyal officers only follow him
instead of Antonio.

2. One of the most crucial, challenging, convoluted, and perplexing times in

Philippine history was the year 1898-1899. The Spanish-American war erupted in
April 1898 with the mysterious explosion and sinking of the USS Maine in the Cuban
harbor. About a week later, the first battle of the war broke out in Manila Bay where
the US squadron decimated the Spanish forces that had already been weakened by the
Philippine Revolution. In August 1898, American forces stage a mock bottle with
Spanish troops to fool the Filipino Revolutionaries. The war and conflict between the
Americans and the Filipinos started

4. According to some publications, Emilio Aguinaldo let the Americans colonized the
country and ordered to kill Andres Bonifacio. his brother and also General Antonio
Luna . Yet, in our books, heroes charts and many more, we grew up seeing him as a
hero. Is he really worth to be called a hero despite his questionable stance in history?

Real heroes are willing to give up their lives for the freedom of the people.
Meanwhile, Aguinaldo with his self-serving motives brought the country to fall to its
enemies. It is very evident that men with powers were behind General Luna’s death.
Mabini, Paterno, Buencamino and other Generals knew something about the
unfortunate death of the bravest General but just like any other Filipinos, they chose
to act blind as a bat and refused to noticed the obvious.


6. We are our own enemies. Majority of the Filipinos then and

now are pessimistic and self-centered. Bad habits are a plague
on the Filipino people. We have been battling the wrong
adversary from the beginning. Instead of uniting to strive for the
development of this nation, we are fighting among ourselves.
These mentalities may divert society, and the resulting rift may
bring about everyone's demise. The real adversary is actually
one of our own. In the words of the great General
Antonio Luna was right; “Brothers, our greatest
enemy is ourselves”. The greatest enemy of the
Filipino, is the Filipino. The greatest critic of the
Philippines is the Filipino themselves. The question is
why are we so self-critical?
In contrast to the Filipinos' commitment and
cooperation to committing freedom, General Luna
famously observed, extreme self-centeredness
during those times . The movie served as an art
meant to uplift and honor the heroic Filipinos who
risk their lives in defense of their nation, particularly
General Luna, who put his country before himself.
The American military is not Luna's greatest foe;
rather, it is his fellow citizens.

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