EBPH Assignment - Clarinta Belva - 18711064

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“Case–control study found that primary language disorders
were associated with screen exposure”

Reported by:
Clarinta Belva Sabina 18711064
dr. Vita Widyasari, MPH, Ph. D

A. Case: Screen Time in Children
It is common to see children no longer playing around, since they tend to
be busy with their own gadgets. Many parents use gadgets as a main weapon to
make their children calm. However, excessive screen time in children may affect
their health. A student wants to find out more about the effect of screen time on
children’s health.
Question Part Question Term Synonyms
Population Child* Kids
Intervention Screen* Screen exposure/access
Comparison Less screen* Without gadget/screen
Outcome Language disorder Developmental disorder

Question: Does language disorder arise in children who have more screen
exposure compared to those who do not?
C. Search Result

Picture 1. Search method (top) using PICO keywords and Boolean formula and
the search result (bottom).
The next pages will show the article journal used and its critical appraisal.
Acta Pædiatrica ISSN 0803-5253


Case–control study found that primary language disorders were associated

with screen exposure
M Collet (colletmanon@gmail.com)1, B Gagniere1, C Rousseau2, A Chapron3, L Fiquet3 , C Certain1
1.Department of General Medicine, University of Rennes, Rennes, France
2.Centre for Clinical Investigation, University of Rennes, Rennes, France
3.Department of General Medicine, Centre for Clinical Investigation, University of Rennes, Rennes, France

Children, Primary healthcare, Primary language Aim: We explored the associations between childhood exposure to screens, including
disorders, Screen content, Screen media
televisions, computers, game consoles, tablets and smartphones and primary language
Correspondence disorders.
M. Collet, Department of General Medicine,
 de Rennes
University of Rennes, France. Universite Methods: This multi-centre case–control study comprised 167 children aged 3.5–
1- 2 avenue du Pr Leon Bernard - 35043 Rennes 6.5 years, who were born in 2010–2012 and diagnosed with primary language disorders,
Cedex, France.
and 109 matched controls without language disorders. Questionnaires were completed by
Tel: +33 2 23 23 49 68 |
Email: colletmanon@gmail.com their parents who were recruited by 16 family doctors and 27 speech and language
therapists in the Ille-et-Vilaine region of France. The data were analysed using a multivariate
31 March 2018; revised 15 September 2018; logistic regression model and presented as adjusted odds ratios (aOR) and 95%
accepted 6 November 2018. confidence intervals (95% CI).
DOI:10.1111/apa.14639 Results: We found that cases (44.3%) and controls (22.0%) exposed to screens in the
morning before nursery or primary school were three times more likely to develop primary
language disorders (aOR 3.40, 95% CI 1.60–7.23). When this risk was combined with rarely
or never discussing screen content with their parents (aOR 2.14, 95% CI 1.01–4.54) they
were six times more likely to have language problems (aOR 5.86, 95% CI 1.44–23.95).
Conclusion: Being exposed to screens in the morning before school, and rarely or never
discussing screen content with parents, meant children were six times more likely to
develop primary language disorders.

INTRODUCTION televisions, computers, game consoles, tablets and smart-

Digital media use has increased over the past decade and phones and the onset of primary language disorders.
even young children have access to televisions, computers,
game consoles, tablets and smartphones. Studies have
shown that when they are using screens, young children METHODS
do not have the emotional interactions with their caregivers Study participants
(1,2) that are important for their psychomotor develop- This multi-centre case–control study included children born
ment, especially language development (3). In France, all between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2012 and studied
children are tested with ERTL4, a French Authority for them when they were aged between 3.5 and 6.5. It was
Health validated scale, to evaluate language development
when they are four years old (4). Studies have shown that
primary language disorders affect 4–6% of French children Key notes
(4,5).  This study explored the associations between
Many international studies have shown that exposure to childhood exposure to screens and primary language
screens had a significant impact on children’s health (6), disorders.
including language disorders (7–11), but most of them only  We studied 167 children aged 3.5–6.5 years and 109
took television exposure into account. controls by analysing parental questionnaires collected
The aims of this study were to look for statistical by family doctors and speech and language therapists.
links between childhood exposure to screens, including  The combination of screen exposure in the morning
before nursery or primary school and rarely or never
discussing screen content with parents was associated
Abbreviations with a sixfold increased risk of primary language
aOR, Adjusted odds ratio; CI, Confidence intervals.

©2018 Foundation Acta Pædiatrica. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1
Impact of childhood screen exposure Collet et al.

conducted in 24 towns in the Ille-et-Vilaine department had access to, first screen exposure, time of exposure,
surrounding the tertiary care hospital affiliated to the duration of exposure and parental guidance.
University of Rennes, France. This age range corresponds The questionnaire was edited after feedback from a sample
to the detection period of language disorders (4). Cases of 32 people and this resulted in a shorter questionnaire that
were included if they had been diagnosed with a primary was easier for the general population to understand.
language disorder by a speech and language therapist. This The same questionnaire was used for both groups. Infor-
included all primary language disorders, from simple speech mation on potential confounders found in the literature
and language delay to developmental dysphasia. The con- (8,9,11–13) was collected and these were as follows: the
trol children had been followed by a family doctor and did child’s age and sex, the family situation, the parents’ ages, the
not need speech therapy. Participants were excluded if they parents’ levels of education and their socio-economic status.
matched one of the criteria for secondary language disor- This parental questionnaire was systematically offered by
ders (4,5), such as a language disorder due to prematurity health professionals to parents consulting them if their child’s
because they were born before 37 weeks of gestation, a date of birth corresponded to the inclusion criteria. All the
congenital disease, a neurological disorder, a psychiatric questionnaires were completed during the healthcare visits.
disorder or hearing problems. They were also excluded if Each questionnaire was accompanied by a letter about the
neither of their parents spoke French at home. study and only one questionnaire was completed for each
The family doctors were selected if they worked with family. A code number was assigned to each anonymous
speech and language therapists who were based in the questionnaire for the analyses. Parents gave their oral
same towns or health centres. Half of the family doctors consent to participate in the survey. Ethical approval for
who were approached (16/32) agreed to take part along the study was obtained from the Research Ethics Committee
with the majority of the speech and language therapists of the University Hospital.
(27/28). We received 117 parental questionnaires from
the family doctors and 200 from the speech and language Data analyses
therapists. We had to exclude eight controls and 33 cases Variables were described and compared in both groups. A
because they matched one of the criteria for secondary statistically significant difference was established for any p
language disorders. This meant that from July to October value of <0.05.
2016, we were able to include 167 children with a The Student’s t-test or the Mann–Whitney test was used
primary language disorder and 109 controls without any to compare the quantitative variables and a chi-square test
language disorder in this French primary healthcare study. or a Fisher’s exact test was used for the qualitative variables
(Fig. 1) (Table 1).
Any socio-demographic variables that showed a statisti-
The research process cally significant difference between both groups, and which
A parental questionnaire was created to collect information could influence language delay, were selected as confound-
on the child, its family, speech monitoring, medical mon- ing factors (Table 1).
itoring and screen access. The screen access part of the The initial analysis was based on a logistic regression
questionnaire gathered information about screen types, model adjusted for confounding factors in order to identify
multi-screen exposure, what screens the child owned or risk factors for primary language disorders (Table 2). From

Figure 1 Flow chart.

2 ©2018 Foundation Acta Pædiatrica. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Collet et al. Impact of childhood screen exposure

Table 1 Characteristics of cases and controls

Variables Total sample (n=276) Control (n=109) Case (n=167) p value

Age (mean  SD) 276 (5.2  0.8) 109 (5.0  0.8) 167 (5.3  0.7) 0.0070 (S)
<4 years old 17 (6.2%) 13 (11.9%) 4 (2.4%) 0.0010 (v2)
4–5 years old 100 (36.2%) 46 (42.2%) 54 (32.3%)
5–6 years old 102 (37.0%) 30 (27.5%) 72 (43.1%)
≥6 years old 57 (20.7%) 20 (18.3%) 37 (22.2%)
Sex 276 109 167 0.0007 (v2)
F 103 (37.3%) 54 (49.5%) 49 (29.3%)
M 173 (62.7%) 55 (50.5%) 118 (70.7%)
Older siblings 276 109 167 0.0015 (v2)
No 127 (46.0%) 63 (57.8%) 64 (38.3%)
Yes 149 (54.0%) 46 (42.2%) 103 (61.7%)
Family situation 275 108 167 0.0203 (v2)
Both parents living together 225 (81.8%) 93 (86.1%) 132 (79.0%)
One parent alone with their children 30 (10.9%) 13 (12.0%) 17 (10.2%)
Stepfamily 20 (7.3%) 2 (1.9%) 18 (10.8%)
Father study lever 247 101 146 < 0.0001 (v2)
No French High School Diploma (FHSD) 104 (42.1%) 26 (25.7%) 78 (53.4%)
FHSD +0 year, +1 or +2 years 76 (30.8%) 35 (34.7%) 41 (28.1%)
>2 years after FHSD 67 (27.1%) 40 (39.6%) 27 (18.5%)
Mother study level 250 99 151 < 0.0001 (v2)
No French High School Diploma (FHSD) 75 (30.0%) 16 (16.2%) 59 (39.1%)
FHSD +0 year, +1 or +2 years 91 (36.4%) 31 (31.3%) 60 (39.7%)
>2 years after FHSD 84 (33.6%) 52 (52.5%) 32 (21.2%)

FHSD, French high school diploma; n, number; SD, standard deviation, S, Student’s t-test; v2, chi-square test.

Table 2 First analysis, logistic regression model for each variable of interest, before and after adjustment
Variables n OR (95% CI) aOR (95% CI) p value

Age of the first exposure to screen 230 1.00 (0.98 - 1.02) 1.01 (0.99 - 1.04) 0.2892
Children exposed to screen for the first time before 24 months 230 1.30 (0.68 - 2.52) 1.22 (0.52 - 2.87) 0.6515
Number of screens at home ≥ 6 239 1.66 (1.01 - 2.73) 1.24 (0.66 - 2.33) 0.4998
Duration of weekly screen time (for 60 mn) 226 1.12 (1.06 - 1.18) 1.09 (1.02 - 1.17) 0.0142
Television access 241 2.74 (0.96 - 7.77) 0.75 (0.21 - 2.66) 0.6608
Computer access 241 0.93 (0.55 - 1.56) 0.80 (0.42 - 1.53) 0.5063
Game console access 241 1.83 (1.08 - 3.09) 1.12 (0.57 - 2.18) 0.7408
Tablet access 241 0.77 (0.47 - 1.25) 0.84 (0.46 - 1.52) 0.5581
Smartphone access 241 0.97 (0.57 - 1.64) 0.94 (0.49 - 1.79) 0.8475
Screen during school weeks 241 2.37 (1.30 - 4.32) 1.79 (0.83 - 3.86) 0.1369
Screen when no school 241 2.08 (0.46 - 9.49) 3.16 (0.47 - 21.16) 0.2349
Screen during holidays 238 0.49 (0.13 - 1.85) 0.38 (0.07 - 2.11) 0.2690
Exposure to screens in the morning before school 241 2.82 (1.63 - 4.87) 3.42 (1.64 - 7.14) 0.0011
Screen at lunch 230 4.45 (1.49 - 13.27) 2.76 (0.70 - 10.89) 0.1482
Screen in the afternoon 236 1.10 (0.65 - 1.85) 0.81 (0.42 - 1.57) 0.5370
Screen at diner 241 2.48 (1.45 - 4.27) 1.55 (0.79 - 3.04) 0.2051
Screen in the evening before bedtime 231 2.05 (1.14 - 3.66) 1.45 (0.71 - 2.95) 0.3069
Discuss screen content with children (ref: always/often) 238 2.65 (1.42 - 4.94) 1.99 (0.96 - 4.13) 0.0631
Background television (ref: always/often) 238 0.41 (0.24 - 0.70) 0.68 (0.33 - 1.39) 0.2915
Take time for activities with children (ref: always/often) 241 2.65 (1.16 - 6.05) 1.73 (0.67 - 4.47) 0.2547
Take time to communicate with children (ref: always/often) 241 0.98 (0.16 - 5.95) 0.17 (0.02 - 1.48) 0.1082

aOR, adjusted odds ratios; CI, confidence intervals; OR, unadjusted odds ratios; Ref, reference for the statistical calculation.
Bold covariates are statistically significant.
Underlined covariates had a p < 0.20 and then have been included in the second analysis (Table 3).

this first analysis, variables with a p value of less than 0.20 factors could be adjusted (Table 3). These models were used
were included in a multivariate model and a step-by-step to estimate the adjusted odds ratios (aOR) and their 95%
selection was performed, so that the independent risk confidence intervals (CI).

©2018 Foundation Acta Pædiatrica. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd 3
Impact of childhood screen exposure Collet et al.

Table 3 Second analysis, multivariate analyses by a descending step-by-step selection of the Table 2
Variable to explain n Variables aOR (95% CI) p value

Primary language disorders 238

Exposure to screens in the morning before school 3.40 (1.60; 7.23) 0.0015
Rarely or never discuss the screen content with their child 2.14 (1.01; 4.54) 0.0463

aOR, adjusted odds ratios; CI, confidence intervals.

RESULTS groups. We found that 44.8% of the cases’ families and

Population characteristics 25.0% of the controls’ families said that they had the
The mean age of the children was five years of age (Table 1) television on in the background when their children were
and all of them were already attending nursery or primary around (p = 0.001).
school. In France formal compulsory education starts at the
age of six, but nearly all French parents send their children Multivariate analyses
to nursery school from the age of three. The groups differed In the first analysis (Table 2), exposure to screens in the
by sex (p = 0.0007). The male-to-female ratio of the children morning before school (aOR 3.42) and the duration of
with a primary language disorder was 2.41:1, compared to weekly screen exposure (aOR 1.09), were significantly
1.02:1 in the control group. There was a statistically related to primary language disorders. Rarely or never
significant difference between the two groups with regard discussing screen content with children was not significant
to their rank among their siblings (p = 0.0015), their family (aOR 1.99 and 95% CI 0.96 to 4.13) in this analysis.
situation (p = 0.02), their parents’ levels of education The second analysis (Table 3) showed the impact of each
(p < 0.001) and their socio-economic status (p = 0.005). individual risk factor on the primary language disorder,
These socio-demographic variables, which can affect a while controlling for the other risk factors. Exposure to
child’s language development, were selected as confounding screens in the morning before nursery or primary school
factors and enabled us to produce adjusted results. was still significantly related to primary language disorders
(aOR 3.40 and 95% CI 1.60 to 7.23). Once it was analysed
Exposure to screens independently of the other variables, rarely or never
In this study, 94.2% of children in both groups had access to discussing screen content with children was significantly
television, half (53.5%) had access to a tablet and a third related to primary language disorders (aOR 2.14 and 95%
had access to a computer (32.4%), a game console (34.9%) CI 1.01 to 4.54). However, the duration of weekly screen
or a smartphone (30.2%). exposure was no longer statistically significant.
Children in both groups were exposed to screens for the A composite variable was derived from these two signif-
first time at a mean age of 15.7  12.4 months and 83.3% icant variables. The purpose of this last analysis was to
had been exposed before the age of two years (p = 0.43). evaluate the additional effect of the risks. A child who was
During a typical nursery or primary school week, 44.3% of exposed to screens in the morning before school, and who
the cases and 22.0% of the controls were exposed to screens rarely or never discussed screen content with their parents,
in the morning before school (p < 0.001) and the average was about six times more likely to develop primary language
exposure was 20 minutes long in both groups. Cases were disorders (aOR 5.86 and 95% CI 1.44 to 23.95) compared to
also more likely to be exposed to screens during lunch and a child who did not show these two features.
dinner at home and before going to bed on a typical school
week. Cases spent an average of 87.7  54 minutes per day
in front of a screen versus 55.8  52.2 minutes per day for DISCUSSION
controls (p < 0.001), with a mean time of exposure for both This study looked at how primary language disorders in
groups of 74.7  55 minutes. In both groups, children were children aged 3.5–6.5 years could be associated with expo-
alone in front of the screen 40.0% of the time. Possession of sure to televisions, computers, game consoles, tablets and
screens was similar in both groups, with 5.1% of the smartphones. The findings were significant, as they showed
children having a television in their room, 15.0% their own that children who were exposed to screens before they
game console, 16.1% their own tablet and 0.7% a computer started their day at nursery or primary school, and who
in their room. None had their own smartphone. rarely or never discussed screen content with their parents,
With regard to the parents’ behaviour, 31.5% of the cases were six times more likely to have language problems.
and 14.8% of the controls, said that they rarely or never In this study, 83.3% of the children were exposed to
talked about screen content with their children (p = 0.002). screens before the age of two, which confirmed data in
In addition, 17.4% of the cases and 7.3% of the control previous studies (6,7,14,15). There have been very few
group said that they rarely or never found time to engage in reports in the French literature concerning the rate of
activities unrelated to screen-based activity with their exposure to digital screens at this age. The children in our
children (p = 0.017). But only 1.8% of parents reported study mostly had access to televisions (94.2%), which
that they rarely communicated with their child in both reflected the general French population (16). Half of the

4 ©2018 Foundation Acta Pædiatrica. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Collet et al. Impact of childhood screen exposure

children in our sample had access to a tablet, which also of seven. This link between television exposure and atten-
reflected the general French population (16). In our study, tional problems have been found in other studies (25) and
5.1% of the children had a television in their room and could have been explained by Harl e and Desmurget’s study
other French literature has quoted various rates for this (26). They reported that when children were paying close
including 0.9% of children under three (17) and 17% of one attention to a screen, they responded to a primary attention
to six years olds (18). While one French study (18) found reflex, which is not a deliberate intention of commitment.
that 34% for seven- to 12-year-olds owned a tablet, our The latter allowed children to carry out necessary tasks for
study found that it was just 16.1%, but the children in our learning, while the former one excited and exhausted them.
sample were younger. The fact that parents did not discuss screen content with
Three studies have established associations between early their children has already been shown to have harmful
screen exposure and the risk of language disorders (7,8,19). consequences (27). Studies have shown that when children
Our study didn’t corroborate these results, but the children under the age of two were left alone in front of a screen they
in our sample were exposed to screens for the first time did not learn anything from the screen content (3,28,29).
between 15 and 16 months old, which was much later than Not discussing screen content with their child could
these international studies, which were carried out on increase the child’s risks of viewing inappropriate content.
children who were first exposed to screens at seven to nine Most children between three and 12 years old have been
months. This could be explained by a cultural difference. exposed to television content that was not suitable for their
Moreover, the first exposure, and especially that of the ages. Even age appropriate, content may not have been
cases, might have been overestimated due to memory bias adapted to the child personality.
or the parents’ fear of social judgement. The analysis of the composite variable, despite the loss of
Many studies have shown that the duration of exposure power generated by the increased number of categories,
to screens has been linked to the risk of language disorders showed a cumulative effect for both exposures. Indeed, the
(8–11,20). This result was not verified by our study, but our two principal risk factors were individually significant and
sample age was not the same as we included children aged their combination made them even more important, as they
between 3.5 and 6.5 years, while the average age in other increased the risk by approximately six-fold.
studies was around two years of age. Moreover, the average
daily screen time of our sample was lower than in other Strengths and limitations of the study
studies (9,21). These discrepancies could have been due to a This study had a number of limitations. The initial speech
cultural difference as most of the other studies were and language assessment of each child was not collected
American. In France, exposure to screens for children and this could have been a classification bias. Collecting the
under six is rarely evaluated. The latest French study that data with a parental questionnaire might have introduced
did evaluate this rate (22) found that the children aged 3–11 bias because of its nature. Indeed, this method was sensitive
were exposed to television for 45 minutes per day and to to memory bias and the fear of social judgment about screen
interactive screens for 30 minutes per day. These match the exposure. We also recognise that our adjustments could
75 minutes per day of screen time that we found in our have been incomplete as we only chose to include con-
sample. Including subjects over the summer months, when founding factors that had been validated by several studies.
children spend more time engaged in outdoor activities, As mentioned above, we carried out the study in the
may also have led to us underestimating true exposure. summer months and this could have meant children played
Unlike others, our study took into account the variable outside.
exposure to screens in the morning before school. The low participation rate of family doctors relative to
The variable exposure to screens in the morning before speech and language therapists may have led to a selection
school remained statistically linked to primary language bias in our study. Indeed, we recruited cases and controls in
disorders, independent of other variables (Table 3). The the same cities, but in nine cities we had no control
average exposure to screens in the morning was 20 minutes answers. However, we performed a sensitivity study to
long for children in both groups. We could say that the very remove these nine cities from the analysis and this had no
fact that they were exposed to screens in the morning, impact on the results, so the unbalanced nature of the
rather than the duration of that exposure, favoured the participation was not critical in the final analysis.
appearance of language disorders. This could be explained The strengths of this case–control study include the fact
by the fact that being exposed to screens in the morning was that it confirmed other publication results (7–11) about the
an exhausting activity that made the child less able to association between primary language disorders and screen
acquire knowledge and learn for the rest of the day. Indeed, exposure. The low rate of primary language disorder
Lillard and Peterson (23) concluded that exposing four- allowed us to interpret the odds ratios in this study as
year-olds children to fast-paced television cartoons had an relative risks (30). The fact that the study was multicentric
immediate negative impact on their executive functions. provided us with diverse representativeness, including
These programmes with rapidly presented events are the urban, rural and semi-urban areas. The large number of
ones that are most watched by children. Christakis et al. subjects included provided a wide variety of behaviour
(24) reported that being exposed to screens before the age towards screen exposure. The male-to-female ratio of the
of three was associated with attentional problems at the age cases was 2.41:1, but this was consistent with what has been

©2018 Foundation Acta Pædiatrica. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd 5
Impact of childhood screen exposure Collet et al.

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E. Critical Appraisal Form
Section A: Are the results of the trial valid?
1. Did the study address a clearly focused issue?
Yes Can’t tell No

Comments: The study focused on the possible harmful effect of screen

exposure in children aged 3.5-6.5 years. The outcome that the study
tried to achieve is finding an association between screen exposure and
primary language disorders.

Citing from Abstract, Page 1:

We explored the associations between childhood exposures to
screens, including televisions, computers, game consoles, tablets and
smartphones and primary language disorders.

2. Did the authors use an appropriate method to answer their question?

Yes Can’t tell No

Comments: The study is conducted in France, where every 4-year-old

is tested for a language development evaluation. Considering this
circumstance, a case control study is appropriate to use to compare
children in this area because there is a standard criterion (to match
with controls). The study question is addressed by comparing two
groups of children; one with primary language disorder and the other
without. Screen exposure history is then taken into account to find the
statistical links.

Citing from Methods, Page 1-2:

This multi-center case study included children aged between 3.5 and
6.5. The age range corresponds to the detection period of language
disorders. The study is conducted in 24 towns in France. A parental
questionnaire was then created to collect information regarding
speech monitoring, medical monitoring, and screen access.
3. Were the cases recruited in an acceptable way?
Yes Can’t tell No

The cases are defined precisely with inclusion and exclusion criteria.
It is representative of the French geography due to its multi-center
nature. The time frame is also adjusted to when language disorders
are prevalent in children. Unfortunately, there wasn’t any power
calculation mentioned.

Citing from Methods, Page 2:

Cases were included if they had been diagnosed with a primary
language disorder by a speech and language therapist. This included
all primary language disorders, from simple speech and language
delay to developmental dysphasia. Participants were excluded if they
matched one of the criteria for secondary language disorders. They
were also excluded if neither of their parents spoke French at home.

4. Were the controls selected in an acceptable way?

Yes Can’t tell No

The controls are matched and representative of France. Out of 32
general practitioners selected, only half agreed to participate in the
study. Nonetheless, there was a sufficient number of controls (109).

Citing from Methods, Page 2:

The control children had been followed by a family doctor and did not
need speech therapy. We received 117 parental questionnaires from
the family doctors and 200 from the speech and language therapists.
We had to exclude 8 controls and 33 cases.
5. Was the exposure accurately measured to minimize bias?
Yes Can’t tell No

One limitation of the study was a classification bias, because the
initial language assessment of each child was not collected. Parental
questionnaire could also introduce a recall bias in the study because it
is highly subjective. The measures are identical in both cases and

Citing from Methods, Page 2:

The screen access part of the questionnaire gathered information
about screen types, multi-screen exposure, first screen exposure, time
of exposure, duration of exposure, and parental guidance.

6. A. Aside from the experimental intervention, were the groups treated equally?

- Both groups were checked for their screen exposure and access.
- Both groups were asked about their family structure (if it included
any step-family, if they spoke French at home, if it included any
single parent) for any confounding social factors.
- Both groups were asked about their parents’ educational level and
economic status for any confounding socio-economic factors.
- Genetic association may have been missed, as there were no
questions about the parents’ history with their language abilities
during childhood.

B. Have the authors taken account of potential confounding factors in their design
and/or in their analysis?
Yes Can’t tell No

Citing from Methods, Page 2:
The initial analysis was based on logistic regression model adjusted
for confounding factors in order to identify risk factors for primary
language disorders. From this first analysis, variables with a p value
of less than 0.20 were included in a multi-variate model and a step-
by-step selection was performed, so that the independent risk factors
could be adjusted. These models were used to estimate the adjusted
odds ratios (aOR).
Section B: What are the results?
7. How large was the treatment effect?

The analysis is appropriate and adjusted well to avoid any
confounding factor. Out of all the variables (21), 2 variables had
significant association with the outcome of primary language

Citing from Results, Page 4:

The first analysis showed that exposure to screens in the morning
before school and the duration of weekly screen exposure were
significantly related to primary language disorders. However, after
independently adjusted, the second analysis showed statistically
significant association for never discussing screen content with their
child as well. At this point, duration of exposure is no longer
8. How precise was the estimate of the treatment effect?

In the first analysis, duration of weekly screen time and exposure to
screen in the morning before school had a p value of 0.0142 and
0.0011 (<0.05), respectively. After independent risk factors
adjustments, duration became insignificant, while content discussion
became significant (p value 0.0463). The authors considered all the
important variables, and they did a two-step analysis to ensure a
precise association. The confidence interval used was 95% and
subjects’ refusal was not evaluated any further.

9. Do you believe the results?

Yes No

Although there is some recall bias due to the nature of the
questionnaire, all of the confounding factors were adjusted, including
the familial and socio-economic status. Judging from Bradford Hills
Criteria, temporal relationship was clear as the exposure of screens
(as early as 15 months old) preceded the outcome (3.5-6.5 years old).
A biological plausibility is also accepted, as it was mentioned that
exposure of screens in the morning caused children to be more
exhausted to acquire knowledge during the day. Children responded
to a primary attention reflex instead of a deliberate intention to do any
tasks for learning. Moreover, the association was also strong

Section C: Will the results help locally?

10. Can the results be applied to the local population?
Yes Can’t tell No

A cultural difference was mentioned in this article, especially between
French and American. But, in general, screen exposure for children is
a big issue in this era. So, this study could be applied anywhere else
in the world, including Indonesia.
11. Do the results of this study fit with other available evidence?
Yes Can’t tell No

There were many previous studies mentioned in this article that stated
a significant association between screen exposure and primary
language disorders. Some of them weren’t confirmed to be true in this
study due to cultural differences around the world. But this research
was consistent with Lillard and Peterson (RCT) and Christakis et al.
(Cohort) studies regarding early exposure to screens and language

Collet, M., et al. 2018. Case-control study found that primary language disorders were
associated with screen exposure. Acta Pediatrica: Nurturing the Child.
Critical Appraisal Skills Programme, 2018. CASP (Case Control Study) Checklist.
[online]. Available at: https://casp-uk.b-cdn.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/CASP-
Case-Control-Study-Checklist-2018_fillable_form.pdf. Accessed: 08/03/2022.

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