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An English kiosk- on the street

For a fun challenge, ‘sell’ English words and sentences on a sidewalk, in a school hallway or maybe in a corner of a classroom. I've

attached some printable paper money, alterable word and sentence cards examples, and a printable sign you can use to draw

attention to yourself.


1. Print or make a sign that advertises the business.

2. Print or make paper money to hand out (no real money ever exchanges hands).

3. Print or make both some vocabulary and some sentence cards to sell.

Note: If you’re computer savvy, It might be possible to print the money on the reverse side of the word and sentence cards. The

cards might look better printed on both sides, it’d be fewer cards to shuffle around, and it might save a little paper.

4. The seller sets up along a sidewalk (ex. near one’s school building) or wherever the target audience is. The wares

(word/sentence cards) are set out or held somehow visible to passers-by. Explain to curious people that you’re selling English

words and sentences. Explain that interested people will receive an amount of special money (+-$10) free of charge. Single

vocabulary words are +-$1 each (descriptive adjectives, for example) and sentences are +-$5 each (classic quotes or tongue

twisters, for example).

5. This situation is bound to establish dialogue and questions from interested persons, which is great! The seller communicates the

card meanings and significance to help with customer buying decisions.


Later, your customers might return to resell or exchange their old purchases and/or buy new ones when you’re available. In this

way they’d have a continuing English dialogue with you. Good luck.
love accomplishment affection
passion (close) friend intelligence

(physical) (earnings)
attractiveness potential
sense of
intolerant (fashion) sense

sensitivity (job/social) skill success

warmth him/herself others

someone personality easygoing

egotistical selflessness modest

organised (un)reliable sociable

stingy temperamental supportive

attractive depressed ideal

interested mad can/could

will/would brag can’t stand

get (along
find go out (with)
have (in
on (one’s own) during
(goodwill) emergency
ambassador room
Actions speak louder than words. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
-- Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) -- Chaucer (c.1343-1400)
What you give is what you get. Be it ever so humble there's no place like home.
-- unknown -- unknown

Blood is thicker than water. Charity begins at home.

-- German Proverb -- Tobias George Smollett (1721-1771)

Home is where the heart is. Like father, like son.

-- J.J. McCloskey (1870) -- unknown

It's okay to make a mistake, as long as you

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
learn from it.
-- Asian Proverb
-- unknown
A place for everything and everything in its
A man's house is his castle.
-- Sir Edward Coke (1552-1634)
-- Samuel Smiles (1812-1904)
Do unto others as you would have others do
Any port in a storm.
unto you.
-- unknown
-- Bible
Laugh and the world laughs with you; cry and
Life has its little ups and downs.
you cry alone.
-- unknown
-- Horace (65-8 BC)

Take life as it comes. The best things in life are free.

-- unknown -- B.G. DeSilva (1927)

While the cat's away, the mice will play. You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
-- James Ray (1670) -- unknown

You can't win them all. A penny for your thoughts.

-- unknown -- Jonathan Swift (1667-1745)

Everything comes to those who wait. Haste makes waste.

-- unknown -- John Heywood (c.1497-1580)

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