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Jim Jefferies – Gun Control (part 1) ( part 2)

Please be aware that the language in the video is not appropriate for children
und teenagers!

Before watching the video, lets discuss the following questions:

1. What do you know about the gun laws in America?

2. What is the NRA?
3. Do you know what the 2nd Amendment is? *
4. What is the current gun law in your country?
5. What is your opinion – should guns be allowed for everybody to

After watching the video, answer and discuss the following questions:

1. When was the last massacre in Australia?

2. What are the arguments for having a gun?
3. What if the gun is in a safe?
4. In what categories does Jefferies divide the audience?
5. Which connection does he make to slavery?
6. How does society work according to him? Which example does he give?
7. What will happen if guns are off the market and only available for
8. What was the gun allowance initially written for?

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to
keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
„Da eine wohlgeordnete Miliz für die Sicherheit eines freien Staates notwendig ist, darf das Recht
des Volkes, Waffen zu besitzen und zu tragen, nicht beeinträchtigt werden.“

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