Cultural Relativism Becomes Divisive and Create Contradicting Mentalities Through Ethnocentrism and The Lack of Understanding and Respect

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(1) In what way do cultural relativism becomes divisive and create contradicting

(2) Can you cite a country, ethnic group or nationality that is currently facing this
(3) For you, is there a way to solve this problem?

1. Cultural relativism becomes divisive and create contradicting mentalities

through ethnocentrism and the lack of understanding and respect. A person’s
belief and value system should be understood in the context of his own culture
rather than against the criteria of another culture. Cultural relativism is based
on the fact that there is no specific ground rule for what is good or evil. Thus,
any judgment on what is true or wrong depends on the society’s rules, culture,
and belief system. Therefore, any opinion on morality or ethics is dependent on a
person’s cultural perspective. Ultimately, no particular ethical position can be
considered the best.

2. Different cultures has different moral codes. The Greeks believed that it is
morally wrong to eat a dead person. On the other hand, Callatians from India
ate the body of their deceased father because it is a sign of respect and also a
desire for their father’s spirit to live in them.The Greek believed that it was
wrong to eat the dead; Catallians believed it was right and said that Greeks was
objectively wrong and mistaken.

3. Eating the dead is neither objectively right nor objectively wrong. It is merely
a matter opinion, which varies from culture to culture. We should not say that
the customs of other people are morally inferior to our own. We should stop
condemning others belief merely because we think it’s different from ours. The
case with these two groups namely, Greeks and Catallians is that both need
respect boundaries and respect one’s funeral practice.

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