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Name: Japheth Daniel T.


Goals and dreams can become magnet

“We are affected by what we know and what we don’t know, it can affect our dreams and
our future”. This is very true to me because it’s been my thoughts for a few weeks already as I
continue to read books and study our lessons and at the same time doing my research study, that
the more knowledge I gain from reading books and so on is that the more I realized the more I
learn, the more I realize how much I don't know. That is why most of the books that I am reading
today are about self-growth, overcoming fear and attending workshops on making wise decisions
because I see that these things are very important in order to be successful in life.
One of the points that the speaker mentioned is about how we are affected by our dreams
and how we see ourselves. The book I am currently reading “The mountain is you” by Brianna
West mentioned that, It is important to have dreams in life because it is the fuel in our actions and
habits that leads us to that dream or goal. When we have vision, everything we do is centered
around that goal. Little we know that our character and behavior are changing because of that
vision we have. I've realized that pressure is good because it helps us to redirect our visions in
life. We need to know how to handle pressure because it will make us think that we need to do
things because we have a dream.
In order to move forward, we need to face forward not backward because we might
stumble. If you decide to move forward, there is no turning back. Do not let yourself be a prisoner
of the past because you can’t go anywhere if you are stuck. Moving forward is not the easiest
thing to do but it is worth it. We all failed, makes mistakes and stuck on something but rest assured
that you can get yourself out if you make a decision to go out

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