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Allysson Sales et al.

Increased power efficiency in
mining by using high-fidelity haul truck simulation
Allysson Sales1,4 Abstract
Giorgio De Tomi1,5 The current economic and political scenario in Brazil has allowed small, medium and large companies to adopt cost cutdown and productivity increase strategies. Diesel
Brenda Almeida Nogueira2,6 fuel consumption by off-highway haul trucks stands for one of the largest costs at the Sossego Mine operational management department. Based on this fact, as well as on
Paulo Henrique de Godoy3,7 the 8% increase in the budgeted diesel fuel cost for 2017, the mining unit has decided to implement a project, previously implemented at the Capão Xavier mine site, which
makes use of a high-fidelity haul truck simulator for operators’ qualification, by work-
Universidade de São Paulo – USP, Escola Politécnica, ing on the major factors impacting fuel consumption. The application of the simula-
Departamento de Engenharia de Minas e Petróleo, tor has been observed to be a potential upturn for the identification and correction
São Paulo – São Paulo – Brasil. of major failures and bad habits impacting fuel consumption. The results suggest a
significant diesel fuel consumption cutdown, as well as enhanced haul truck operation
Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará, ability and performance.
Instituto de Geociências e Engenharia,
Marabá – Pará – Brasil. keywords: diesel fuel, consumption, cost, simulator, haul trucks.

Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE,
Departamento de Engenharia de Minas,
Recife – Pernambuco – Brasil


REM, Int. Eng. J., Ouro Preto, 73(1), 93-98, jan. mar. | 2020 93
Increased power efficiency in mining by using high-fidelity haul truck simulation

1. Introduction

In the mining industry, cost con- cost reduction and high productivity rates issues demanding immediate and effec-
trol during the haulage phase, as well as (Dias, 2017). tive solutions. According to Immersive
throughout the production chain, has Technology development has brought Technologies (2013), the use of advanced
become quite relevant in a time of low about a new integration and sophistication simulation adds significant enhancement
market value of commodities worldwide. aspect to evolving maintenance of both to the production environment.
One of the consequences of this uncertainty processes and real-world issues. In such The present study aimed at developing
scenario is a downsized demand, which scenario, virtual reality (Riener et al., 2004) an in-depth study of simulation technol-
forces mineral resource companies to op- plays a major role, for it stands for advanced ogy application as a supporting system for
timize costs and increase their operational computer interfaces, which have not yet operator qualification, as well as a study
efficiency (Teixeira, 2016). been fully implemented by society at large. instrument for haul truck fuel consumption
In high-production mine sites, where The latest evolution for advanced cutdown at the Vale Sossego mine site.
common material handling practice is training solutions are high-fidelity simula- The operating Sossego copper mine
carried out by large-size haul trucks, also tors for the mining industry. Such simulators unit is located in the municipality of
known as off-highway trucks, one of the offer an array of visual effects, consisting Canaã dos Carajás, state of Pará, Brazil.
major issues encountered is high fuel con- of high-definition screens and an advanced The copper deposit was discovered in
sumption, due to a high value of Average movement system, with simulation con- 1997 and operational startup took place
Haulage Distance (AHD) for the work cycle nected to a learning management system, in 2004 (Costa and Scoble, 2006). The
haulage, from the mine site to the crusher, in order to follow up on the progress of project derives from a wide and success-
deposit or stockpiles (LOPES, 2010). the driver in training. Simulation scenarios ful mineral exploration program for base
With that, requirements such as profit reproduce climate and dynamic conditions metals started out by Vale. It is considered
maximization, operational cost cutdown, of the ore exploration location, so that an important milestone in copper mining
and better mining throughput oblige min- professionals may be trained exactly as they history in Brazil, for it has opened up a
ing companies to be always on the outlook were on an actual mine site (VALE, 2017). path for the discovery, characterization
for new alternatives to be able to meet Operator training based on this new and development of several medium to
proposed results and targets. Therefore, learning system using simulation, has been large-size copper ore deposits (Brazilian
technology incorporation into the mining successfully applied in the mining indus- Mines and Energy Ministery, 2009).
industry has become essential for attaining try, where high risk and cost are everyday

2. Methodology

The study has been divided into two route, without any guidance or interference For comparison purposes, eight other
stages. The first stage, Pilot Project, aimed by the instructor; 3) Feedback: instructor operators and a second haul truck were
at ascertaining the methodology, with a assesses the data reported by the simulator selected according to the same selection
smaller sample of operators. The second and guides the operator about which ac- criteria described above. Over 15 days, the
stage, Extended Project, consisted of the tions to take; 4) Practices: three practical two haul trucks were always driven on the
application of pilot project techniques to procedures performed with full instructor same preset routes, so that the influence of
all operators. guidance, aiming at developing operator’s distance and haulage profile over diesel fuel
A Pilot Project was carried out in two abilities to cut down on fuel consumption; consumption might be minimized. During
phases: 1) Simulator: operators’ training 5) Final Assessment: similarly to the initial this stage, all persons involved (opera-
and qualification, focused on major failures assessment, operator drove again on the tors, supervisors, operation and dispatch
impacting fuel consumption; 2) Hands-on same preset route, without guidance by technicians, engineers, and mechanics)
Practice: monitoring of operators’ haul the instructor, aiming at comparison with were made sure to be on the same page
truck consumption performance for valida- initial assessment data. At the end, instruc- regarding the assumptions for a successful
tion of simulation results. tor collected and assessed the training data. test. Fuel consumption was monitored on
For the training sessions, eight op- Based on the mandatory variable, a daily basis with data from the weighed
erators were selected, two from each one specific diesel fuel consumption (L/h), if filling station.
of the four mine groups, of the two haul the operator got a result on final assess- The Extended Project consisted of
trucks with the highest average specific fuel ment higher than the one recorded in the applying the pilot project to all operators.
consumption (liters/hour) in 2017. By using initial assessment, he/she would go through Training sessions were performed with two
such criterion, some of the operators with the training sessions again, otherwise the operators a day, due to the 4-hour training
the highest diesel fuel consumption per operator would go to the analysis of the working load. This stage encompassed
equipment could be selected. second variable, average speed (L/h). For planning, schedule development, and
The four-hour simulation training this one, the adopted rule was that the training of 162 Sossego Mine haul truck
consisted of driving on a preset route, operator could not have a result below the operators, taking into account working,
common for all operators, divided in five overall average, calculated from the data off-duty and vacation hours. The 4-month
stages: 1) Familiarization: five-minute stage of all trained operators. long stage followed the same procedure
to make operator familiar with the training Upon finishing the simulation train- adopted for pilot training.
equipment (simulator); 2) Initial Assess- ing, the eight operators were taken to the Fifteen days after simulation training,
ment: operator drove freely on the preset haul truck for hands-on practice on site. the operators went through a new on-site
94 REM, Int. Eng. J., Ouro Preto, 73(1), 93-98, jan. mar. | 2020
Allysson Sales et al.

assessment by the instructor. Through operation. The factors of greatest impact score for approval is 8 points, with op-
a checklist, as shown on Figure 1, with are those related to excessive motor rota- erator having to undergo new simulation
major failures impacting fuel consump- tion, represented with greater weight in the training sessions should he/she be scored
tion, the instructor then assessed the assessment by instructor. The minimum below that.

Figure 1 - Operational diagnosis checklist.

As it is the case with the pilot project, data are monitored on a monthly basis
during extended project fuel consumption based on weighed filling station data.

3. Results

3.1 Pilot project

Collected data were analyzed erator assessment regarding failures error scoring from the initial assess-
by the simulator software. Figure 2 directly impacting fuel consumption. ment to the final assessment.
shows the evolution of the final op- It is a remarkable reduction of overall

Figure 2 - Risk profile assessment.

REM, Int. Eng. J., Ouro Preto, 73(1), 93-98, jan. mar. | 2020 95
Increased power efficiency in mining by using high-fidelity haul truck simulation

Figures 3 and 4 show total con- final assessments. It can be noted that 10%, respectively, thus proving simula-
sumption data (liters) and specific in the overall average there has been a tion training efficacy.
consumption (liters/hour) of initial and total consumption cutdown of 6% and

Figure 3 - Total consumption of initial qualification.

Figure 4 - Specific consumption of initial qualification.

Operators’ improvement is note- all errors have been corrected, except ing, which have had opposite results
worthy regarding errors made from for aggressive driving through bends from what was expected, as shown on
initial to final assessment. Virtually and movement in neutral before brak- Figure 5.

Figure 5 - Failures assessed.

96 REM, Int. Eng. J., Ouro Preto, 73(1), 93-98, jan. mar. | 2020
Allysson Sales et al.

The final result achieved was a when compared to the truck driven by when compared to the average of the
7.5% specific consumption cutdown for untrained employees. In addition to a whole haul truck fleet, as shown on
the truck driven by trained employees, 7.2% cutdown in the same indicator, Figure 6.

Figure 6 - Consumption comparison between trucks and trucks fleet.

3.2 Extended project

During this stage, 162 operators and 13.2% specific fuel consumption rates, having to undergo new simulation
were trained on the simulator, with a cutdown. Out of these 162 operators, 22 training sessions. The Figure 7 shows how
5.4% total fuel consumption cutdown, showed performance below the expected this analysis was actually done.

Figure 7 - Assessment spreadsheet of operators’ performance on the simulator.

During the on-site monitoring pected rates. of 4.6% for the two haul truck fleets,
stage with the checklist, four operators The final result of this stage was an which stands for an estimated savings
showed performance below the ex- average specific consumption cutdown of US$680,000 for 2018.

4. Discussion

According to Leite and Lot (2012), training enables human beings to become enhancement is required, since qualifica-
training is deemed as a key organizational more productive, thus contributing to bet- tion process on mining equipment opera-
development process tool, and companies ter achievement of organizational objec- tion depends a lot upon hands-on training
have started considering human resource tives (Volpe, 2009). (Horberry et al., 2016).
development as an extremely relevant fac- Some years ago, in the mining in- This recycling training was planned
tor for their growth. dustry, one theoretical training was car- with a workload of 4.5 hours with the
The project has shown that simula- ried out, with an instructor conveying all main objective of eliminating addictions
tion training enhances operators’ practice, information to operators in a classroom. that increase the consumption of fuel. A
by working on major failures impacting Such methodology is relevant; however, more complete training with 270 hour
fuel consumption. This happens because in the mining company scenario, some workload, the operators receive all in-
REM, Int. Eng. J., Ouro Preto, 73(1), 93-98, jan. mar. | 2020 97
Increased power efficiency in mining by using high-fidelity haul truck simulation

structions of safety, operation (including time of hiring. technique, which brings about expres-
the actions of recycling) instructions and Thus, it is quite relevant for other sive results regarding fuel consump-
maintenance there are carried out at the mining companies to get to know this tion cutdown.

5. Conclusions

Even though this is only an estima- Operator training hours are predicted processes, with clear efficacy in correct-
tion and other factors might contribute on frame sizing, not resulting in hours ing routine operator errors, which have a
to cut down on fuel expenses, it has been of stationary equipment. direct impact in fuel consumption, main-
duly proved that simulation does con- In the mining industry, simulators ly by increasing operator knowledge of
tribute for fuel consumption cutdown, are typically used for a short time, es- the equipment through the updating
besides providing the company with pecially to make new operators familiar of concepts, techniques, behaviors and
significant gains. with equipment operation. Correcting performance feedback.
Allied to this, the project did not failures impacting fuel consumption, In addition to this, it has shown
generate costs for the company, being by using an existing equipment item on that the correction of such failures
used in the training of operators the the mine site, becomes a rather power- brings about a significant diesel fuel cost
labor of the mine instructors and the ful tool. cutdown, which stood for savings of ap-
simulator resource already belonging This research has proven that proximately US$680,000 in the Sossego
to the current structure of the mine. simulation usage is efficient for training mine budget for 2018.


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Received: 26 April 2018 - Accepted: 7 August 2019.

All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY.

98 REM, Int. Eng. J., Ouro Preto, 73(1), 93-98, jan. mar. | 2020

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