2nd Report Global Warming

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Global warming

and Climate
Did you feel the extreme heat of
the summer season?
Are you wondering why this
year's summer is hotter than
last year?
Global Warming
The increase in the Earth's temperature caused
by greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide.
Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide
(CO2) and other air pollutants collect in the
atmosphere and absorb sunlight and solar
radiation that have bounced off the earth’s surface.
Climate Change
Climate change is a result of global warming. It
is considered as long-term shift that happens
in the Earth's atmosphere. Climate change
refers to the average long-term changes over the
entire earth.
effects of Earth's
warming, such as:
Rising sea levels
Shrinking mountain glaciers
Ice melting at as faster rate than usual.
Changes in flower and plant blooming
Greenhouse Gases and
Greenhouse Effect
Greenhouse Effects is the process wherein
radiation from the earth's atmosphere warms its
surface to a temperature above what it would be
in the absence of its atmosphere. It is caused by
greenhouse gases.
Effects of Climate
1. Rainfall patterns
2. Surface temperature and cyclones
3. Coastline Changes
4. Water lever changes
5. Food productivity
6. Forest cover
7. Desertification of lands
Ways to Address Global
1. Current adaptation strategies
2. Vulnerability of population to climate change
3. Mitigation and Adaptation
Current Adaptation
Humans have to strategize in order to adapt to the impacts of
climate changes. We can adapt through minimizing our carbon
emission and adopt a more environmental-friendly methods of
living such as electric-based transportation. However, adaptation
alone is not expected to be able to cope with environmental
effects of climate change since some of the effects of global
warming are irreversible already.
Vulnerability of
population to climate
Human population is vulnerable to climate change caused by
different factors such as pollution, conflicts, or epidemics.
We can engage on sustainable development activities, such
as reforestation, recycling and the use of renewable resources
to help human societies reduce their vulnerability to climate
Mitigation and
Mitigation measures to reduce greenhouse gases emission
can help to avoid, reduce or delay impacts of climate
change to ensure that the adaptation capacity of people is
maximized in its full efficiency.

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