Periodic Imperfect Preventive Maintenance With Two Categories of Competing Failure Modes

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Reliability Engineering and System Safety 91 (2006) 460–468

Periodic imperfect preventive maintenance with two categories

of competing failure modes
R.I. Zequeira*, C. Bérenguer
ISTIT FRE CNRS 2732-Équipe LM2S, Université de Technologie de Troyes, 12 rue Marie Curie, BP 2060, 10010 Troyes, France

Received 21 April 2004; received in revised form 11 February 2005; accepted 17 March 2005
Available online 12 May 2005

A maintenance policy is studied for a system with two types of failure modes: maintainable and non-maintainable. The quality of
maintenance actions is modelled by its effect on the system failure rate. Preventive maintenance actions restore the system to a condition
between as good as new and as bad as immediately before the maintenance action. The model presented permits to study the equipment
condition improvement (improvement factor) as a function of the time of the preventive maintenance action. The determination of the
maintenance policy, which minimizes the cost rate for an infinite time span, is examined. Conditions are given under which a unique optimal
policy exists.
q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Preventive maintenance; Minimal repair; Improvement factor; Maintainable failure modes; Non-maintainable failure modes

1. Introduction the system effective age or the failure rate function [10,18].
Malik [10] introduced improvement factors to model the
The optimal determination of maintenance policies is an effect of maintenance actions. Lie and Chun [8] and
important issue in reliability engineering. Preventive Nakagawa [14] considered improvement factors in failure
maintenance actions may increase equipment lifetime and rate function and effective age. Nakagawa [16] introduced
decrease in-service breakdowns frequency. Usually, it is improvement factors in hazard rate and age for a sequential
assumed that preventive maintenance actions restore the preventive maintenance policy and analyzed two corre-
system to a good as new condition. Nevertheless, this sponding imperfect preventive maintenance models.
assumption does not hold always in practice. For example In this paper, the concept of failure mode is used. A
when only some of the components of a complex system are definition of failure mode is given by Mosleh et al. [11].
replaced the condition of the whole system can be They define a failure mode (page 110) as ‘A description of
considered to be between as good as new and as bad as component failure in terms of the component function that
immediately before the maintenance action [20]. was actually or potentially unavailable’. Høyland and
One way of modelling imperfect maintenance actions is to Rausand [6] (page 10) state that ‘All technical items are
consider that the component condition after a maintenance designed to fulfill one or more functions. A failure mode is
action is the same as immediately before the maintenance thus defined as non-fulfillment of one of these functions’.
action (minimal repair) with probability p and as good as new Accordingly, it will be written ‘failure with respect to a
(replacement) with probability 1Kp [2]. Alternatively, the given failure mode of the system’ if the corresponding
effect of the maintenance action can be modelled by using function is unavailable.
Usually maintenance actions such as oiling and cleaning
* Corresponding author. Tel.: C33 3 25 71 80 88; fax: C33 3 25 71 or partial system replacement only restore equipment to a
56 49. good as new condition with respect to some failure modes
E-mail addresses: (R.I. Zequeira), christophe. while increased failure-proneness of other failure modes (C. Bérenguer). due to wear, for example, is not eliminated. Lin et al. [9]
0951-8320/$ - see front matter q 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. modelled this phenomenon by introducing the concept of
doi:10.1016/j.ress.2005.03.009 two categories of failure modes, maintainable failure modes
R.I. Zequeira, C. Bérenguer / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 91 (2006) 460–468 461

cm cost of a minimal repair L(t) cumulative hazard rate of maintainable
cp cost of a preventive maintenance action failure Ð modes if p k(t)Z0, tR0,
cr cost of system replacement Ð Pðk; TÞZ ðkK1ÞT rk;T ðtÞdt, kZ1,2,.,N, NZ
G(s) Gamma function, i.e. GðsÞZ 0N ysK1 eKy dy, 1,2,.
t time pk(t) function which models the dependence between
T decision variable: fixed period between preven- maintainable and non-maintainable models for t
tive maintenance actions, TO0 in the interval ((kK1)T, kT], kZ1,2,.,N, NZ
T* optimal value of T 1,2,.. When pk(t) does not depend on k it is
N decision variable: after NK1, NZ2,3,., written simply p(t).
imperfect preventive maintenance actions the rk,T(t) maintained system failure rate for t in the
next preventive maintenance action at time NT, interval ((kK1)T, kT], kZ1,2,.,N, NZ1,2,.
NZ1,2,., restores the system to a good as new The maintained system failure rate is denoted
condition as rk,T(t), (kK1)T%t!kT, to stress its depen-
N* optimal value of N dence on the decision variable T. To simplify the
C(T,N) cost rate as a function of T and N exposition the maintained system failure rate
CC(T,N) expected cost in a cycle as a function of T and N will be referred to as the system failure rate.
d parameter used to specify d0 A cycle is defined as the period of time
d0, p0 parameters used to specify p(t) in the form between two subsequent system replacements.
p(t)Zp0Cd0l(t), 0%t!T For a function g(t), g 0 (t) and g 00 (t) will denote
gk(T) improvement factor of the kth preventive its first and second derivatives, respectively.
maintenance action in a cycle for a given value Throughout the paper, the terms increasing
of T, kZ1,2,.,NK1, NZ2,3,. and decreasing will mean strictly increasing and
h(t) hazard rate of non-maintainable failure modes strictly decreasing, respectively.
H(t) cumulative hazard rate of non-maintainable If it is not otherwise stated indexes k and N
failure modes are understood to take values kZ1,2,.,N and
l(t) hazard rate of maintainable failure modes if NZ1,2,., respectively.
pk(t)Z0, tR0

and non-maintainable failure modes, into the modelling of for failures through the model of this paper can be
imperfect preventive maintenance activities. Similarly to considered as ‘positive’ in the sense that shorter times to
Lin et al. [9], the system failure modes are divided into failure with respect to non-maintainable failure models tend
maintainable and non-maintainable failure modes. That is, it to occur together with shorter times to failure with respect to
will be assumed that there are system functions (maintain- maintainable failure modes [1]. Modeling stochastic
able failure mode) for which the system degradation leading dependence is an ample subject. One useful tool in this
to its unavailability can be removed by preventive regard is the copula [17].
maintenance actions. Removing degradation related to The model presented in this paper can be applied to
other system functions (non-maintainable failure mode) is multi-component series systems in which some components
only possible by making a complete overhaul which restore are replaced frequently while others are replaced with a
the whole system to a good as new condition. Further it will smaller frequency. Maintainable failure modes would
be supposed that a failure rate function can be related with correspond to frequently replaced components. Non-main-
each failure mode. The approach presented in this paper tainable failure modes would correspond to less frequently
differs from the one used by Lin et al. [9]: while they use replaced components. Even if a component is replaced
adjustment factors in effective age and hazard rate, it is frequently its degradation may depend on the degree of
modelled explicitly the effect of preventive maintenance degradation of less frequently replaced components because
actions by the reduction of the failure rate of the of, for example, physical interactions like vibration or high
maintainable failure mode. temperature. Since the behavior of the failure rate can be
The model presented in this paper is related to competing used to characterize the system degradation, the dependence
risks models. Maintainable and non-maintainable failure between maintainable and non-maintainable failure modes
modes compete to provoke the system failure. Further three can be stated in terms of failure rates. In this paper, this
types of maintenance actions are considered: preventive approach is used, i.e. it is considered that the failure rate of
(imperfect) maintenance, minimal repairs and replacements. maintainable failure modes depends on the failure rate of
For references on competing risks models see [4,19] and non-maintainable failure modes. Possible practical appli-
[22]. The dependence scheme obtained for competing risks cation can be made on systems like electric truck motors
462 R.I. Zequeira, C. Bérenguer / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 91 (2006) 460–468

[12]. Electric truck motors are complex series systems with 2. Maintainable and non-maintainable failure modes are
interactions between components like vibration and high competing to cause system failure.
temperatures, which may provoke their degradation. It can 3. The hazard rate of the maintainable failure mode is l(tK
be expected that failure patterns of coupled or close (kK1)TCpk(t)h(t), (kK1)T%t!kT, pk(t)R0, tR0 (see
components like the armature and the gears differ to the explication below).
failure patterns encountered when those components work 4. l(t) and h(t) are continuous and increasing functions of
without any interaction. The use of the model presented in time t.
this paper would permit to take into account possible 5. h 0 (t), h 00 (t), l 0 (t) and p 0 (t) exist.
interactions between those components. 6. cm, cp and cr have positive values with cm, cp, cr!N.
The main contribution of this paper is the development of Further it is assumed that crOcr. That is, system
a model for the optimization of the imperfect maintenance replacements are more expensive than preventive
policy of a system considering that: (1) competing failures maintenance actions.
modes are dependent and (2) the system failure rate
improvement factors of preventive maintenance actions
depend on the time at which these actions are executed. The 2.2. System failure rate
approach presented in this paper offers an alternative to the
use of the system effective age [3], adjustment factors [5,16] The hazard rate of maintainable failure modes at time
or different failure processes before and after system tK(kK1)T after the (kK1)th maintenance action in a cycle,
replacements [24] for modeling effects of maintenance kZ2,3,.,NK1, or after the system replacement (kZ1) is
actions on the system failure rate. equal to the sum of the hazard rate l(tK(kK1)T) plus a
The structure of this paper is as follows. In Section 2, the positive value pk(t)h(t). l(tK(kK1)T) corresponds to the
model is described. Improvement factors corresponding to maintainable failure rate of a system replaced at time
preventive maintenance actions are studied and it is (kK1)T if maintainable and non-maintainable failure modes
examined how preventive maintenance actions influence are independent. The term pk(t)h(t) arises from the
the system failure rate. In Section 3 sufficient conditions for dependence between failure modes and can be interpreted
the existence of an optimal maintenance policy are studied. as the increase in the hazard rate of maintainable failure
In Section 4, a form for the function used to model the modes as a consequence of the degradation of non-
dependence between maintainable and non-maintainable maintainable failure modes.
failure modes is justified. The system failure rate and cost When pk(t)Z0, tR0, maintainable and non-maintainable
function for Weibull failure rates are presented in Section 5. failure modes are independent. In that case the model
After, the model is illustrated with numerical examples. In presented in this paper can be useful when it is worthy
Section 7, issues deserving further research are presented. carrying out simultaneous maintenance actions, which restore
To facilitate the exposition the terms type I failure and the system to a good as new condition with respect to
type II failure will be used interchangeably for failures with maintainable and non-maintainable failure modes. This would
respect to non-maintainable and maintainable failure correspond to an opportunistic maintenance action [7].
modes, respectively. Recall that h(t)Dx is approximately the probability that
the system has a type I failure in the interval (t,tCDt] given
that the system has not undergone a type I failure before t.
2. The model This approximation is better for small values of Dt. Hence if
pk(t) is assumed to be a probability then pk(t) can be
2.1. Description of the maintenance policy interpreted as the failure rate of type II failures provoked by
type I failures. That is, if the system has a type I failure at
Upon a failure the system is restored to an operating time t then it will undergo also a type II failure with
condition by a minimal repair action. A minimal repair probability pk(t) or will not have a type II failure with
action returns the system to a condition as bad as probability 1Kpk(t). Models considering this type of failure
immediately before the failure. interactions have been proposed [13,23].
At times kT of a cycle, kZ1,2,.,NK1, NZ2,3,., the Finally, the system failure rate is given by
system is preventively maintained. Preventive maintenance
actions return the system condition with respect to rk;T ðtÞ Z hðtÞ C lðt K ðk K 1ÞTÞ C pk ðtÞhðtÞ;
maintainable failure modes to a good as new condition. (1)
ðk K 1ÞT % t! kT:
At time NT of a cycle the system is restored to a good as
new condition (i.e. the system is replaced).
Assumptions. 2.3. Improvement factors of preventive maintenance actions

1. Times for preventive maintenance actions, minimal For the form (1) of the failure rate the system
repairs and replacements are negligible. improvement factor in the kth preventive maintenance
R.I. Zequeira, C. Bérenguer / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 91 (2006) 460–468 463

action in a cycle, kZ1,2,.,NK1, NZ2,3,., is defined as: a system replacement after a number of preventive
maintenance actions in a cycle. Note that the second
rk;T ðkTÞ K rkC1;T ðkTÞ
gk ðTÞ Z condition holds in the two following special cases: (1) if
rk;T ðkTÞ l(0)Z0 and l(t) is increasing, or (2) if p(t)ZpZconstant
lðTÞ K lð0Þ C hðkTÞ½pk ðkTÞ K pkC1 ðkTÞ and l(t) is increasing.
Z : (2) It is easy to see that if the following condition holds for
hðkTÞ C lðTÞ C pk ðkTÞhðkTÞ
all TO0:
h(t) characterizes the system failure proneness because of
type I failures. Therefore, since the effect of the degradation lðTÞ
lim Z Z0
of non-maintainable failure modes on maintainable failure k/N hðkTÞ
modes is modelled by the term pk(t)h(t) hence pk(t) can be then as k tends to infinity the improvement factors of the
interpreted as a measure of the vulnerability of maintainable maintenance action tend to a lower bound:
failure modes with respect to type I failures. Besides,
preventive maintenance actions render the system in a good pðTÞ K pð0Þ
lim gk ðTÞ Z :
as new condition with respect to maintainable failure k/N 1 C pðTÞ
modes. Therefore, it can supposed that pk(t) depends on Thus, if h(t) is increasing then for cycles large enough the
the maintainable failure mode rather than on non-maintain- improvement factor of maintenance actions tends to a value
able failure modes and that, with respect to time, pk(t) is a which depends only on the function p(t). This is intuitively
function that depends only on tK(kK1)T, (kK1)T%t!kT. correct since if l(T) is negligible in relation to h(t) then
That is, preventive maintenance actions reset to zero the system failure II type-proneness is driven mainly by the
function pk(t). From the above reasoning, it is natural to function p(t) and the effect of preventive maintenance
state that for the function pk(t) the following equality should actions will be primarily to remove failure II type-proneness
hold: due to non-maintainable failure modes degradation.
pk ðjT C tÞ Z pk ðsT C tÞ; j; s Z 0; 1; .; N K 1;
j ss; 0% t! T: 2.4. Effect of preventive maintenance actions
on the system failure rate
From now on it will be supposed that (3) holds and it will
be written p(t) instead of pk(t) to specify the system failure In this subsection, the effect of preventive maintenance
rate. Therefore, the system failure rate will be given in the actions on the system failure rate is studied, namely how a
following way preventive maintenance action affects the increasing rate
rk;T ðtÞ Z hðtÞClðt Kðk K1ÞTÞCpðt Kðk KTÞhðtÞ; (first derivative) of the system failure rate.
(4) Let us suppose that the last preventive maintenance
ðk K1ÞT %t!kT action in the cycle was made at time kT (or, if kZ0, that the
system was replaced at the beginning of the cycle). Hence,
and the improvement factors for the failure rate will take the the system failure rate at time t2((kC1)T,(kC2)T], which
following form: will denoted by rnm(t), is given by
gk ðTÞ Z : (5) Gnm ðtÞ Z hðtÞ C lðt K kTÞ C pðt K kTÞhðtÞ: (6)
Suppose otherwise that at time (kC1)T the system is
In Section 4, the dependence modelling is further
preventively maintained. In this case, it is obtained that the
system failure rate at time t2((kC1)T, (kC2)T], which will
After some algebraic transformations it can be obtained
be denoted by rwm(t) is given by
that inequality (5) is equivalent to
rwm ðtÞ Z hðtÞ C lðt K ðk C 1ÞTÞ C pðt K ðk C 1ÞTÞhðtÞ:
½hððk C 1ÞT K hðkTÞf½1 C pð0ÞlðTÞ K ½1 C pðTÞlð0ÞgO 0:
Hence, if the system failure rate has the form (4) and the Note from Eqs. (5)–(7) that the improvement of the
following conditions hold: system failure rate due to preventive maintenance actions
depends on the time of the preventive maintenance action.
1. h(t) is increasing, Note further that
2. [1Cp(0)]l(T)O[1Cp(T)]l(0) for all TO0,
0 0
rnm ðtÞ K rwm ðtÞ Z l 0 ðt K kTÞ K l 0 ðt K ðk C 1ÞTÞ
then for T fixed gk(T) is decreasing as a function of k. That
is, if both conditions presented above hold then the C h 0 ðtÞ½pðt K kTÞ K pðt K ðk C 1ÞTÞ
improvement due to preventive maintenance actions
decreases in time. This improvement decrease would justify C hðtÞ½p 0 ðt K kTÞ K p 0 ðt K ðk C 1ÞTÞ:
464 R.I. Zequeira, C. Bérenguer / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 91 (2006) 460–468

Therefore, since tKkTOtK(kC1)T, (kC1)T%t! 0.16

(kC2)T, TO0, it follows that if the system failure
rate has the form (4) and the following conditions hold: 0.14

1. h(t) is increasing,

System failure rate

2. l(t) is convex increasing, 0.1
3. p(t) is convex non-decreasing,
0 0
then rnm ðtÞO rwm ðtÞ, where rnm(t) and rwm(t) are given by
Eqs. (6) and (7), respectively. That is, under these three
conditions on the failure rates h(t) and l(t) and on the 0.04
function p(t), which are fairly general, it is obtained that
preventive maintenance actions diminish the system failure 0.02
rate increase rate. This effect of the maintenance action on
the system failure rate has been modelled previously using 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
the system effective age [3]. Time
Now the derivatives in subsequent periods between Fig. 1. Example of system failure rate as a function of time for TZ0.7. The
preventive maintenance actions are compared. The system solid curve represents the system failure rate. The dashed curve represents
failure rate at time y%T after the (kK1)th and after kth, kZ the system failure rate if maintainable and non-maintainable failure modes
2,3,., preventive maintenance action (or, if kZ1, the are independent. The dotted line represents the non-maintainable failure
system failure rate at time t!T after the system replacement
at time 0 of the cycle and after the first preventive
That is, these two conditions are sufficient for being
maintenance action in a cycle), are given by
increasing the increase rate of the failure rate at the same
rk;T ððk K 1ÞT C tÞ time of subsequent periods between preventive maintenance
actions. This increase of the failure rate derivative can be
Z hððk K 1ÞT C tÞ C lðtÞ C pðtÞhððk K 1ÞT C tÞ expected in practice when only a subcomponent of a series
and system is replaced. The system failure rate decreases in
correspondence with the replaced component but system
rkC1;T ðkT C tÞ Z hðkT C tÞ C lðtÞ C pðtÞhðkT C tÞ; degradation corresponding to components non-replaced
leads to an increase of the rate of increase of the system
failure rate. This behavior of the failure rate derivative after
Hence, the increase in the maintainable failure rate
preventive maintenance actions has been modelled pre-
between times t!T after the (kK1)th and after the kth,
viously using adjustment factors [16].
kZ2,3,. preventive maintenance action (or, if kZ1,
Fig. 1 represents an example of the shape of the system
between times t!T after the system replacement at time 0
failure rate as a function of time. Decreases of system failure
of the cycle and after the first preventive maintenance action
rate correspond to preventive maintenance actions. Note
in a cycle), is given by
that as time passes the maintainable failure rate (i.e. the
pðtÞ½hðkT C tÞ K hððk K 1ÞT C tÞ; t! T; (8) difference between the solid and dotted curves) after a
preventive maintenance action increases in comparison with
and the corresponding increase in the system failure rate is
the same time after a previous preventive maintenance
given by
action. This increase is in correspondence with the
½hðkT C tÞ K hððk K 1ÞT C tÞ½1 C pðtÞ; t! T: (9) modelling assumptions: the higher the failure rate of non-
maintainable failure modes the higher its effect on the
It is obtained that
failure rate of maintainable failure modes.
0 0
rkC1;T ðkT C tÞ K rk;T ððk K 1ÞT C tÞ
Z ½1 C pðtÞ½h 0 ðkT C tÞ K h 0 ððk K 1ÞT C tÞ
3. Cost analysis of the maintenance policy
C p 0 ðtÞ½hðkT C tÞ K hððk K 1ÞT C tÞ:
Therefore, if the system failure rate has the form (4) and It will be supposed that the cost of a minimal repair due
the following conditions hold to a type I failure or a type II failure is the same, equal to cm.
It will be assumed that when both a type I and a type II
1. h(t) is convex increasing, failure occur simultaneously then the total cost of the system
2. p(t) is non-decreasing, minimal repair is 2cm. There is not economic dependence in
system repairs. The extension of the model presented in this
0 0
then rkC1;T ðkT C tÞO rk;T ððkK 1ÞT C tÞ paper to include different repair costs for type I, type II
R.I. Zequeira, C. Bérenguer / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 91 (2006) 460–468 465

and multiple failures (that is, a type I and type II failure at positive and hence
the same time) is rather straightforward.  
The maintenance policy cost per time unit for an infinite v vC ðT; NÞ vC ðT; NÞ
T C O C ; T O 0: (16)
time span is given by the cost rate C(T,N) [21]. vT vT vT
C ðT; NÞ
CðT; NÞ Z C Suppose there is a value of TZT*O0 for which condition
" NT # (13) holds. Hence from inequality (16) it follows that for
XN ð kT
1 TOT*
Z c C ðN K 1Þcp C cm rk;T ðtÞdt ; T O 0;
NT r kZ1 ðkK1ÞT
(10) T C ðT; NÞO CC ðT; NÞ
vT C
N ð kT
and for 0!T!T*
rk;T ðtÞdt
ðkZ1Þ ðkK1ÞT
T C ðT; NÞ! CC ðT; NÞ:
vT C
N ðT
ZHðNTÞ CNLðTÞC pðtÞhððk K1ÞT CtÞdt: (11) Therefore, T* is unique. From (12) it follows that for TOT*
kZ1 0
3.1. Optimal value of T CðT; NÞO 0
The first derivative of the cost rate with respect to T is and for 0!T!T*
given by the following equation.
v 1 v CðT; NÞ! 0:
CðT; NÞ Z T C ðT; NÞ K CC ðT; NÞ vT
vT NT 2 vT C
  Hence T* is minimizes globally the cost function C(T,N).
1 1 v
Z CC ðT; NÞ K CðT; NÞ ; T O 0: (12) Furthermore,
T N vT
Hence the optimal value of T is a positive solution of v
lim T C ðT; NÞ Z 0
T/0 vT C
T C ðT; NÞ Z CC ðT; NÞ
vT C and
or equivalently the optimal value of T is a positive solution
of CC ðT; NÞjTZ0 Z cr C ðN K 1Þcp :

1 v Therefore, if the value of N is fixed and the following

C ðT; NÞ Z CðT; NÞ; (13)
N vT C conditions hold:
1. l(t) is increasing,
v 2. h(t) is convex increasing,
vT C 3. p(t) is non-decreasing,
X ðT 
C ðk K 1Þ pðtÞh ððk K 1ÞT C tÞdt C pðTÞhðkTÞ :
0 then for a given value of N there is at most one value T*O0
for which
1 v
From Eq. (11) it is obtained that C ðT; NÞjTZT * Z CðT ; NÞ: (17)
N vT C
N ð kT
v2 X
rk;T ðtÞdt Z N 2 h 0 ðNTÞ C Nl 0 ðTÞ If such T* exists then the cost rate (10) attains at T* its
vT 2 kZ1 ðkK1ÞT
global minimum. Besides if h(t), l(t) and p(t) are continuous
XN  ðT
C ðk K 1Þ2 pðtÞh 00 ððk K 1ÞT C tÞlðtÞdt and crO0 then T*O0 always exists.
kZ1 0 Note that the case c rZ0 would correspond to
 system replacements at no cost. If crO0 it follows that
Cð2k K 1ÞpðTÞh ðkTÞ C hðkTÞp 0 ðTÞ :
CC(T,N)jTZ0O0 and hence from the continuity of h(t), l(t)
If h(t) is convex increasing, l(t) is increasing and p(t) is and p(t) it follows that always exist T*O0 for which (17)
non-decreasing then the right hand side of (15) is holds.
466 R.I. Zequeira, C. Bérenguer / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 91 (2006) 460–468

The necessary condition for the optimal T is given by h(kTCt)Kh((kK1)TCt)O0, tR0. Thus
( Q Q 
XN  ðT LðN; TÞKLðN K1; TÞ Z N ðN C1;TÞK ðN;TÞ O0:
cm NhðNTÞCNlðTÞC ðkK1Þ pðtÞh0 ððkK1ÞT CtÞdt
kZ1 0 Hence for T fixed L(N,T) is increasing when N increases
 and there is, for T fixed, a unique value of N for which
1 condition (21) holds. Therefore, if h(t) is increasing then for
CpðTÞhðkTÞ Z cr CðN K1Þcp
T TO0 fixed there is only one value of NZN*R1 for which
XN ðT condition (21) holds.
Ccm HðNTÞCNLðTÞC pðtÞhððkK1ÞT CtÞdt :
kZ1 0
(18) 4. Choice of p(t)

It is natural to suppose that the probability that a type I

3.2. Optimal value of N failure provoke a type II failure depends on the existence of
a coupling mechanism [11] and possibly also on the
Let denote degradation with respect to maintainable failure modes.
Q Ð kT Therefore, it can be argued that the following form is a good
ðk; TÞ Z ðkK1ÞT rk;T ðtÞdt: model for p(t):
The approach of Nakagawa [15] will be used. For the pðtÞ Z p0 C d0 lðt K ðk K 1ÞTÞ;
optimal value of N the following condition should hold: (22)
ðk K 1ÞT % t! kT; d0 ; p0 R 0
CðT; N C 1ÞR CðT; NÞ: (19)
or equivalently
If the optimal value of N is greater than 1, then the
following condition should hold also: pððk K 1ÞT C tÞ Z p0 C d0 lðtÞ; 0% t! T; d0 ; p0 R 0;

CðT; N K 1ÞO CðT; NÞ: (20) where p0 and d0 model the effect of the coupling
mechanisms and l(t) embodies the effect of maintainable
Let define the function L(N,T) in the following way: failure modes degradation on occurrences of multiple
8 failures, i.e. type I and type II failures at the same time.
< Q XN
N ðN C1;TÞK ðk; TÞ if N Z1; 2;.; To justify the form (22) let us suppose that p(t) is a
: kZ1 probability and that failures modes correspond to
0 if N Z0: subcomponents of a series system. Let us suppose further
that the system has multiple failures at time t if and only
Condition (19) is equivalent to if a type I failure at time t provoke instantaneously a type
cr Kcp II failure. Hence the contribution of the degradation of
LðN; TÞR :
cm maintainable failure modes to multiple failures can be
supposed to be a function of the failure rate of the
Condition (20) is equivalent to
maintainable modes. This leads to the factor l(tK(kK
cr Kcp 1)T), (kK1)T%t!kT, in (22). The contribution of the
OLðN K1; TÞ:
cm coupling mechanism to the probability of multiple failures
Hence for the optimal N the following condition holds can be supposed, as a first approximation, to be constant
as a function of time. This leads to the factor d0 when
cr Kcp multiple failures depend on some coupling mechanism
LðN; TÞR OLðN K1;TÞ: (21)
cm and also on the degradation with respect to maintainable
Consider that the value of T is fixed. It is obtained that failure modes. The term p0 in (22) would consider the
Q Q case when multiple failures depend only on some kind of
ðk C1;TÞK ðk; TÞ Z DHðk C1;TÞKDHðk;TÞ coupling mechanism (and not on the degradation with
ðT respect to maintainable failure modes). Note that if p(t)
C pðtÞ½hðkT CtÞdt Khððk K1ÞT CtÞdt; has the form (22) and it is supposed to be a probability
then the maintenance policies (T,N) should be restricted to
where values of T for which 0%p(T)%1. For a reference on
ð kT coupling factors and mechanisms see [11].
DHðk;TÞ Z hðtÞdt: As it has been said before p(t) can be interpreted as a
measure of the vulnerability of maintainable failure modes
If h(t) is increasing then for TO0 fixed it holds with respect to type I failures. It can be expected that this
that DH(k,T) is increasing when k increases and vulnerability is a function of the failure rate l(t).
R.I. Zequeira, C. Bérenguer / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 91 (2006) 460–468 467

Cost rate h(t) and l(t) are known or can be estimated. In practice
simultaneous failures would correspond to failures of
55 different components in a short period of time. Simul-
taneous failures would give information on coupling of
50 failures types provided that coupling mechanisms can be
determined. Note that if d0Z0 in (22) then a natural
estimator of p0 is the total number of simultaneous failures
40 divided by the total number of failures of non-maintainable
failure modes. For the estimation of d0, data is needed on
times of multiple failures after preventive (imperfect)
30 maintenance actions because d0 and l(t) appear multiplied
in (22).
20 10
0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0 5. Weibull distribution
Suppose maintainable failure modes when p(t)Z0 and
Fig. 2. Cost rate as a function of T and N.
non-maintainable failure modes have a Weibull distribution
Since equation (22) is a linear function of l(t) hence the such that L(t)Zatb and H(t)Zatb. In this case d0 has the
form (22) could be used to model the effect of non- form
maintainable failure modes on maintainable failure modes, d
even if p(t) is not considered to be a probability and failure d0 Z h  ibK1 :
modes do not correspond to subcomponents of a series bað1=bÞ G 1 C b1
In order to simplify, the analysis it will be considered bZ
Note that if p(t) has the form the form (22) then p(t) has
2. That is, it will be considered that the failure rate of non-
the same monotonicity and convexity properties as l(t) if
maintainable failure modes is a linear function of time. Then
the system failure rate is given by
d0 will be expressed in the following way
 ðN K1 rk;T ðtÞ Z2at½1 C p0 C abd0 ðt K ðk K 1ÞTÞbK1 
d0 ¼ d$ l eKLðtÞ dt ; C abðt K ðk K 1ÞTÞbK1 ; ðk K 1ÞT % t! kT:
Hence, it is obtained
to state the model as a function of a scalar d rather than as a
function of d0 which should be in time units. N ð kT
If the maintenance policy described in this paper is used rk;T ðtÞdt Z aðNTÞ2 C NaT b
kZ1 ðkK1ÞT
then the model presented would be useful when there is   
N bK1 ðN K 1Þ b
statistical information on single and simultaneous failures of C 2aNT 2
p0 C d0 aT C :
the two-component series system, and when the failure rates 2 2 b C1

Table 1
Optimal policy and minimum cost rate for different values of cr and dZ2

cr 2 5 10 20 30 40 50
T 0.262 0.208 0.216 0.188 0.180 0.162 0.164
N* 1 3 4 7 9 12 13
N*$T* 0.262 0.624 0.864 1.316 1.620 1.944 2.132
C(T*, N*) 13.5 20.2 26.9 35.8 42.5 48.1 53.1

Table 2
Optimal policy and minimum cost rate for different values of cr and dZ1

cr 2 5 10 20 30 40 50
T 0.282 0.224 0.235 0.226 0.212 0.199 0.201
N* 1 3 4 6 8 10 11
N*$T* 0.282 0.672 0.940 1.356 1.696 1.990 2.211
C(T*, N*) 12.9 19.3 25.6 34.2 40.7 46.1 50.9
468 R.I. Zequeira, C. Bérenguer / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 91 (2006) 460–468

Therefore, if bO1 then, for given N, the optimal value of A specific dependence structure by means of the failure
T is the unique solution of the following equation. rates of maintainable and non-maintainable failure modes
 has been used. Future research is needed to analyze the
c cp
T r CðN K1Þ CaðNTÞ2 CNaT b problem addressed here by using other dependence
cm cm
   structures. The model presented in this paper could be
2 N bK1 ðN K1Þ b extended to sequential preventive maintenance policies.
C2aNT p0 Cd0 aT C
2 2 b C1

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