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MATHEMATICS- III (Differential Calculus) ~ BSC-301

Presented by: MOHINI BRAHMA

Roll No.- 14200121194
Submitted to: Sahana Sengupta

20-Aug-22 1
Department of Computer Science Engineering

1. Abstract 3
2. Introduction 4
3. Basics of Graph 4
4. Types of Graph Theory 6
5. Properties of a Graph 11
6. Theorems of Graph 12
7. Applications of Graph 14
Theory in Computer
8. Conclusion 17
9. Bibliography 18
10. Acknowledgement 19
11. Glossary 20

Graphs are thought to be a fantastic modelling
tool that may be used to model a variety of
relationships between any physical situation.
Graphs can be used to represent a wide range
of real-world issues. In order to illustrate the
value of graph theory, this paper examines
various concepts related to it and how they are
used in computer science. These Examples
Are Specifically Presented To Project The
Concept Of Graph Theory And To Illustrate Its
Purpose And Importance In Computer Science
Engineering. Connectivity, constraints,
colouring and drawing of graphs, and graphs.
In some ways, this paper provides an overview
of Graph Theory's applications in
heterogeneous fields, however it primarily
focuses on computer science applications
that make use of Graph Theoretical

Graph Theory is a branch of discrete mathematics. In
mathematics and computer science, graph theory is the
study of graphs which are mathematical structures used
to model pair wise relations between objects. There is
wide use of graphs in providing problem solving
techniques, because it gives an intuitive manner prior to
presenting formal definition. To analyze the graph theory
application two problem areas are considered-----1.
Classical problem 2. Problems from applications.

Basics of Graph Theory:

A graph is a type of data structure that has two main characteristics:
 A node or a vertex.
 A connection between two nodes that is identified by unique pair
is known as as an Edge E or Ordered Pair. The pair is ordered
because is not the same as in a directed graph.The edge may
have a weight or, in the case of an unweighted graph, is set to

 Adjacent node: A node ‘v’ is said to be adjacent node of node

‘u’ if and only if there exists an edge between ‘u’ and ‘v’.
 Degree of a node: In an undirected graph the number of
node incident on a node is the degree of the node.
In case of directed graph ,Indegree of the node is the number of
arriving edges to a node.Outdegree of the node is the number
of departing edges to a node.

 Degree of Vertex: It is the number of vertices adjacent to a

vertex V. It is denoted by deg(V).

 Isolated node: A node with degree 0 is known as

isolated node. Isolated node can be found by Breadth first search
(BFS). It finds its application in LAN network in finding whether
a system is connected or not.

 Isolated Vertex: A vertex with degree zero is called an

isolated vertex.
o Example

 Path: A series of n+1 nodes is considered to be a path of length "n"

connecting node "u" and node "v."
o P(u,v)=(v0,v1,v2,v3…….vn)

 Pendent Vertex: By using degree of a vertex, we have a

two special types of vertices. A vertex with degree one is called a
pendent vertex.

 Parallel Edges: In a graph, if a pair of vertices is connected

by more than one edge, then those edges are called parallel edges.
Types of graphs:

 Directed graph: A graph in which the direction of the

edge is defined to a particular node is a directed graph.

1. Directed Acyclic graph: It is a directed graph with

no cycle.For a vertex ‘v’ in DAG there is no directed edge starting
and ending with vertex ‘v’.
Application: Critical game analysis,expression tree evaluation,
game evaluation.
 Tree: A tree is just a restricted form of graph.That is, it is
a DAG with a restriction that a child can have only one

 Undirected graph: A graph in which the direction of
the edge is not defined.So if an edge exists between node ‘u’ and
‘v’,then there is a path from node ‘u’ to ‘v’ and vice versa.

 Connected graph: A graph is connected when there is

a path between every pair of vertices.In a connected graph
there is no unreachable node.

 Complete graph: A full graph is a straightforward n-vertex
graph with exactly one edge connecting every pair of vertices. K n stands
for a complete graph with n vertices. In a complete graph, there are n
vertices and n*(n-1)/2 edges total.

There are also several types of graphs distinguished on the basis of

edges, their direction, their weight, etc. They are:

1. Simple graph – A simple graph is one in which no two

edges connect the same set of vertices and each edge connects
two distinct vertices.


2. Multigraph – A multigraph is a graph in which a single

pair of vertices may be connected by more than one edge.
The multiplicity of edge indicates how many edges there are
between any two vertices because there might be more than one
between any two vertices.


3. Bipartite Graphs – A simple

graph is said to be bipartite if its
vertex set can be divided into two
disjoint sets such that every edge
in has its initial vertex in the first set
and the terminal vertex in the second
set. Total number of edges are (n*m)
with (n+m) vertices in bipartite graph.

4. Null Graph: A graph of order n and size zero is a graph

where there are only isolated vertices with no edges connecting
any pair of vertices.


5. Subgraph: A graph G1 = (V1, E1) is called subgraph of a

graph G(V, E) if
V1(G) is a subset of
V(G) and E1(G) is a
subset of E(G) such
that each edge of G1
has same end
vertices as in G.

Types of Subgraph:
 Vertex disjoint subgraph: Any two graph G1 = (V1, E1)
and G2 = (V2, E2) are said to be vertex disjoint of a graph
G = (V, E) if V1(G1) intersection V2(G2) = null. In figure
there is no common vertex between G1 and G2.
 Edge disjoint subgraph: A subgraph is said to be edge
disjoint if E1(G1) intersection E2(G2) = null. In figure there
is no common edge between G1 and G2.

Some special Simple Graphs :

2. Cycles– Cycles are simple graphs with vertices n>3 and edges
{1,2},{2,3},....{n-1,n} and {n,1}. Cycle with n vertices is denoted as Cn.
Total number of edges are n with n vertices in cycle graph.

6. Wheels Graph– A wheel is just like a cycle, with one

additional vertex which is connected to every other vertex.
Wheels of n vertices with 1 addition vertex are denoted by Wn.
Total number of edges are 2*(n-1) with n vertices in wheel

7. Regular Graph: A simple graph is said to be regular if

all vertices of a graph G are of equal degree. All complete graphs
are regular but vice versa is not possible.


Properties of a Graph:-
Radius of a Connected Graph- The minimum eccentricity from
all the vertices is considered as the radius of the Graph G. The minimum
among all the maximum distances between a vertex to all other vertices is
considered as the radius of the Graph G.
Notation − r(G).
Example − In the above graph r(G) = 2, which is the minimum eccentricity
for ‘d’.

Diameter of a Graph- The maximum eccentricity from all the

vertices is considered as the diameter of the Graph G. The maximum
among all the distances between a vertex to all other vertices is
considered as the diameter of the Graph G.
Notation − d(G)
Example − In the above graph, d(G) = 3; which is the maximum

Central Point- If the eccentricity of a graph is equal to its radius,

then it is known as the central point of the graph. If e(V) = r(V),
then ‘V’ is the central point of the Graph ’G’.
Example − In the example graph, ‘d’ is the central point of the graph.
e(d) = r(d) = 2

Centre- The set of all central points of ‘G’ is called the centre of the
Example − In the example graph, {‘d’} is the centre of the Graph.

Circumference- The number of edges in the longest cycle of ‘G’ is

called as the circumference of ‘G’.
Example − In the example graph, the circumference is 6, which we
derived from the longest cycle a-c-f-g-e-b-a or a-c-f-d-e-b-a.

Girth- The number of edges in the shortest cycle of ‘G’ is called its
Notation − g(G).
Example − In the example graph, the Girth of the graph is 4, which we
derived from the shortest cycle a-c-f-d-a or d-f-g-e-d or a-b-e-d-a.

THEOREM 1: The maximum degree of any vertex in a
simple graph with n vertices is n-1.

THEOREM 2: The maximum no. of edges in a connected

simple graph with n vertices is {n*(n-1)}/2.

THEOREM 3: The sum of the degrees of all vertices in a graph

is twice the number of edges in the graph.

THEOREM 4: The no of odd vertices in any graph is even.

THEOREM 5: A complete graph with n vertices consists of
n*(n1)/2 no. of edges.

THEOREM 6: The minimum no. of edges in a connected

graph with n vertices is n-1.

THEOREM 7: The minimum no. of edges in a simple graph
(not necessarily connected) with n vertices is n-k, where k is the no.
of connected components of the graph.

THEOREM 8: In a di-graph, the sum of the out-degrees of all

vertices= the sum of the in-degrees of all vertices= no. of edges in
the di-graph.

THEOREM 9: A graph G with vertex set V is disconnected if

and only if there exists two no-empty disjoint sets V1 and V2 such
that V=V1UV2 and there exists no edge in G whose one end vertex
belongs to V1 and the other end belongs to V2.

THEOREM 10: If a graph has exactly two vertices of odd

degree there must be a path joining these two vertices [i.e., the
two vertices are connected].

THEOREM 11: A simple graph with n no. of vertices and k

no. of components can have maximum {(n-k)(n-k+1)}/2 no.
of edges.

THEOREM 12: A bipartite graph cannot contain a cycle

of odd length.

THEOREM 13: If a simple graph does not contain any

cycle of odd length then the graph is a bipartite graph.

THEOREM 14: Every vertex, except the origin and

terminus vertices of a walk whose all edges are distinct (i.e,
Trail) is even vertex.

THEOREM 15: Every u-v Trail contains a u-v path.

THEOREM 16: A connected graph is an Euler Graph if
and only if all vertices of G are of even degree.


The theory of graphs had made the field of computers to develop
its own graph theoretical algorithms. These algorithms are used in
formulating solutions to many of computer science applications.
Some algorithms are as follows:

❑ Shortest path algorithm in a network

❑ Kruskal’s - minimum spanning


❑ Euler’s- graph planarity

❑ Algorithms to find adjacency


❑ Algorithms to find the


❑ Algorithms to find the cycles in a


❑ Algorithms for searching an

element in A data structure (DFS,BFS).

A.Network System:-
To analyze the graph theory application in networking two
areas are considered:

1. Graph based representation It gives different point

of view; It makes problem much easier and provide more
accurate definition.
2. Network theory----> It provides a set of techniques for
analyzing A graph and applying network theory using A
graph representation.

B. Data Structure:-
❖ It must be rich enough in structure to mirror actual
relationship of data in real world.

❖ The structure should be simple enough that one can

effectively process data when necessary.
These two considerations is fulfilled by the graph theoretical
C. Software engineering:

❖ During requirements
specification, data flow
diagrams are used where
vertices represent
transformations and edges
represents the data flows

C. Data mining:-
Graph mining is the main application area of graph theory in
data mining. There are five theoretical based approaches of
graph based data mining. They are:




D. Data base designing: -

➢ Storage system that provides index free adjacency

➢ Analsing tool for interconnection

➢ Powerful tool for graph like-query

➢ Graph databases are often faster for associative data sets that
map more directly to the structure of object-

oriented applications.

E. Image
 To find edge boundaries
using graph search
algorithms in

 To calculate he alignment
of the picture.

 Finding mathematical constraints such as entropy by using

minimum spanning tree.


Graph theory allows us to model and analyze the structure

of a network. Graph theory, which is mainly topological,
favors quantitative as well as qualitative approaches.
Research on network dynamics has taken two different
roads. The first one, which results from operational
research, deals with network optimization problems. The
algorithms and models produced in this framework are
especially useful for experts in spatial planning. The second
approach is characterized by the analysis of the rapid and
universal development of digital communications centered
on the Internet. This type of research, which is more
theoretical, offers several examples of geographical

The following resources has been used for the successful
completion of the report on Graph Theory and it’s Applications
on Computer Science and Engineering:-

 Engineering Mathematics By B.K. Pal and K. Das

 of graphs

 in mathematics



Firstly, I would like to express my hearty

gratitude to my respected teacher Mrs.
Sahana Sengupta who gave me the
opportunity to work on this assignment
based on the topic-“GRAPH THEORY AND IT’S
helped me in doing a lot of Research work
on the topic and as a result I came across a
lot of new things which helped me to
develop my knowledge immensely.
Secondly, I would like to thank my friends
who helped me a lot in finishing
the assignment within the given time period
with their knowledge.
Lastly, I would like to thank my parents for
constantly supporting me and providing me
with all the needful sources for the
successful completion of the report.

Square brackets [ ]:-
G[S] is the induced subgraph of a graph G for vertex subset S.

The achromatic number of a graph is the maximum number of colors in a complete

1. A graph is acyclic if it has no cycles. An undirected acyclic graph is the same thing
as a forest. An acyclic directed graph, which is a digraph without directed cycles, is
often called a directed acyclic graph, especially in computer science.
2. An acyclic coloring of an undirected graph is a proper colouring in which every two
color classes induce a forest.

adjacency matrix:-
The adjacency matrix of a graph is a matrix whose rows and columns are both
indexed by vertices of the graph, with a one in the cell for row i and column j when
vertices i and j are adjacent, and a zero otherwise.

1. The relation between two vertices that are both endpoints of the same edge.
2. The relation between two distinct edges that share an end vertex.

A graph automorphism is a symmetry of a graph, an isomorphism from the graph to


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