Industrial Visit: Kisan Dana Udhyog

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Industrial Visit

Kisan Dana Udhyog

Patan Ind . Esate ,Lalitpur,Kathmandu

Photo of the factory

A. Introduction:
The field visit organized by the V.S Niketan college in 29th January
2023. Where class 12 management business students were taken to
the Patan Industrial area where we student had a chance to learn
about the firm first hand. The firm that we visited was the Kisan Dana
Factory established by Mr. Radhe Shayam Bhandari. Kisan Dana
factory is a poultry feeds factory where about 17-19 lakh of poultry
feeds are made in a yearly basis. Though being a small scale industry
it distributes its product 30% in Nepal and 70% aboard. So, because of
the booming market sales of the company are high. As Nepal has
about 76.11 million population of the poultry like Hens and Ducks the
market of this product is just tapped with high profit road ahead. Due
this reason the company’s total valuation in today’s date is about 70-
90 lakhs. With the help of our College we had the chance to learn a lot
about the working conditions as well as the process of the production
of the poultry feed. We got to learn about the business benefits and
how a firm survives in this competitive market. As Nepal’s poultry
population is high which is about 76.11million including both the
Hens and Ducks. So there is high demand of this product.

B. Objective of the visit:

As industrial visit is considered as one of the tactical methods of
teaching. Its main objective is to let students know things practically
through interaction, working methods and employment practices. So
the students to class 12 Business batch was taken to the Dana
Udhyog for different objective which are listed below:-

 To give exposure from academic point of view.

 To give an exposure to the student about the practical working
 To provide students a good opportunity to gain full awareness
about industrial practices.
 To give awareness about the new technologies.
 To understand the manufacturing process involved in producing
high-quality feed products for different poultry species.
 To learn about the various stages of the manufacturing process,
from sourcing raw materials to packaging and shipping the
finished products.
 To learn about the different ingredients used in poultry feed and
their specific nutritional properties.
 To observe the quality control measures that are in place to
ensure that the feed products meet specific nutritional
requirements and are free from contaminants.

C. Description of the Visit

During the Industrial visit we students had various range of activities
that we got engaged into such as:-

i. Touring the facilities:-We student had a privilege that the whole

industry was open for us specifically as there was a holiday for
the employees of the industry so the owner Mr. Radhe Shayam
Bhandari himself toured us all around the industry. There were
large number batches of poultry feeds already made just to show
us the result. The owner Mr. Radhe Shayam Bhandari also
showed us the machines that were used for the production. And
show us around the industry and the raw material for the
production of poultry feed. As we got to talk with the industry
owner we got the chance of talk with him about the number of
employees and about the profits and the valuation of the company
which is already explained in the introduction.

photo of the machinery

photo of the batches of poultry feeds

ii. Learning about the feed formulation:-According to the owner the

feeds were formulated using the machine in a high quantity the
raw material used in the process of making the feeds are brought
from the local vendor and mainly the domestically available goods
are only used in production of the feeds. The ingredients used in
the poultry rations usually include many cereals like maize, rice,
wheat, oat, barley; and a few cereal byproducts such as wheat-
bran or rice polish, animal and vegetable protein sources like fish-
meal, meat-meal, soybean-oil-meal, groundnut-cake, etc.
according to their availability. These are then grinded and mix
through the machinery.

Photo of the grinder and mixer

D. Analysis
During the visit we could see the industry was a small scale so we
thought it would be a really small producer of the product but through
interacting with the employees and owners of the business we got our
realty checked as the whole firm was much more bigger from inside. As
from the production to its distribution were done in high scale. And
through such a small investment, the business was still booming.
There some negative take in the firm like its sanitation and the worker
sanitation but the owner talked about it as well discussing about the
sanitation of the firm. The finished product the feeds were stored at
cold place to preserve it but as the summer season is approaching
those product will be stored elsewhere making the product preserve in
best quality.
E. Conclusion
Through this industrial visit we students got to learn so many things
about a firm like understanding about the production process,
manufacturing process, knowledge of the industrial practices, etc. We
also got a lot of knowledge about the technologies used in the industry,
we got to learn about the industries distribution process. The whole
visit was very fun and educational. It provided us the opportunity to
learn more about the outside world outside than just reading books. It
provided us an opportunity to know about the products mainstream in
the country and an opportunity to learn about the industry. It
provided us the knowledge about the merits and demerits to the
industry which will be a great assets for us.

F. Reference

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