Physiological Psychology - Critique Paper

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NAME: Joan Marie P. Lucena COURSE/YEAR & SECTION: 2 - A


This paper talks about a video conference from TED entitled “You can grow new
brain cells. Here’s how.” by Sandrine Thuret. Thuret is a neuroscientist involved in the
science behind adult neurogenesis - the formation of new neurons in our brain. The
video talks about this idea, how it affects our mental health, and our influence on

Thuret had a conversation with her oncologist friend, who is confused about why
his patients still had symptoms of depression after being cured of cancer. She
explained that it would make sense because the drugs he gave on her patients to stop
the cancer cells from multiplying also affects the production of the newborn neurons
in their brain. She went on more explaining to him, in her lab, that neurogenesis
happens in the hippocampus. That which is responsible for emotion, mood, and,
memory. These neurons are vital for memory and learning. The results from her lab
that if we stop the brain from generating new neurons, it also stops memory abilities.

In her study with her friend about neurogenesis and depression, they used an
animal model to conduct the research. It showed that the animal with depression can
be seen with a lower rate of neurogenesis. After that, they gave the animal
antidepressants that increase the production of neurons as well as the symptoms of
depression. If one stops the neurogenesis, it can also reduce the usefulness of the
antidepressant. This is what she had explained that the cancer drug he gave to his
patients affected the generation of both cancer cells and newborn nerve cells.

We can assume that neurogenesis is important for our daily function, especially
in the enhancement of our mood and memory.

As this is important, there is a question of whether we can control it. Thuret

suggested that we can control it. She pointed out that our lifestyle contributes to or
contradicts neurogenesis. Learning and a good diet help in the formation of new
neurons and a negative lifestyle like sleep deprivation and stress can counter it.
Getting older contributes to decreasing neurogenesis, which we can observe with how
elder people forget things.

In her mentor’s research, mice who were given running wheels displayed
activity of neurogenesis in their brain than mice who did not have running wheels.
This is an assumption that any activity that stimulates blood flow in the brain
enhances neurogenesis.


We had believed that neurogenesis only happened at the prenatal stage. In

Sandrine Thuret’s talk, it is possible that the brain had the ability of neuroplasticity
and neurogenesis. But there is still a need for more research about how to cure
cancer, or any cell diseases, without endangering the patient’s mental health and
neurogenesis, and would it be possible for people with Alzheimer’s to be cured.

The good side of this is that we now know that there is a link between
neurogenesis, one’s mental health, and our lifestyle. If further research would be
conducted, other possible methods will be available for helping people with lifestyle
and mental health issues, specifically depression.


Thuret’s research on her lab helps in solidifying evidence of neurogenesis. And

with that knowledge, we dig deep into understanding how our brain works and its
processes, bringing more awareness of what our brains can do. This I can say that
what we do, affects our brain, and what our brain does also affects us. And with that,
we need a positive interaction between our brain and our activities.


You can grow new brain cells. Here’s how | Sandrine Thuret. (2015, October 30). [Video].


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