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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris

Hari/T anggal : 2023.
Kelas/ Semester : XI / ( Genap )
Waktu :

I. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat pada pilihan A, B, C, dan D di
bawah ini!
1. Woman : Why don't you go with your brother to watch a movie?
 Man : That's a good idea but i prefer to stay at home for studying  'cause I will have a
math test tomorrow.
 What is the woman express?

 A. Asking for opinion  C. Asking for  D. Giving suggestion
 B. Giving Opinion suggestion  E. Asking for help

2. Woman : Why don't you go with your brother to watch a movie?

 Man : That's a good idea but I prefer to stay at home for studying  'cause I will have a math
test tomorrow.
 What will the man do?

 A. Go to The theatre  C.Stay at home to  D. Study at home

 B. Go to school for watch TV  E. Go with his brother

3. Anna : Ouch ....It's hurt me so much.

  Anni : You had better see the doctor now. I'll accompany you.
  Anna : Ok. Thanks.
What is Anni mean with her utterance?

A. She recommends Anna to go to  the doctor

B. She obligates Anna to go to the doctor
 C.She permits Anna to see the doctor
 D. She allows Anna to see the doctor
 E. She wants Anna to make appoinment with her doctor

4. Meldy : Do you have any recommendations for a good hotel in Jogja?
  Khasim :You can try Jogja Rich Hotel. It's one of the best hotels in Jogja.
Meldy : Great .Many thanks.
The underlined sentence express...
A. Asking for opinion C.Asking for suggestion E.Asking for help
B. Giving opinion D.Giving suggestion

Read the text then answer the questions No 5-7

Martin Priyanto had graduated from Diponegoro University when he got a scholarship to take
applied Linguistics from Putra Malaysia University. He is agreat teacher. He has been teaching
English in Senior High School since the late  2000s. He has spoken English fluently since he was
a child. He lived in America for five years due to his parents's occupation. He has edited and
written nine English educational books. By the end of this years, he will have written ten English
educational books.
5. The main idea of paragraph above is...

A.Martin Priyantois a great teacher

 B.Martin Priyanto is a great creator
 C. Martin Priyanto is a great innovator
 D. Martin Priyanto is a great fasilitator
 E. Martin Priyanto is a great motivator

6. Martin Priyanto is a amazing teacher because...

 A. He has constributed his time and many things for education
 B.He produced many educational books
 C.He taught for money
 D. He loved children so much
 E. He liked to teach a lot better than stay at home
7. Why can Martin speak English well?
 A. He was born in English
 B. He join English course since he was child
 C. He learned hard from his parents
 D. He lived in America for some years
 E He studied at foreign school
8 . There are some elements of poem, except... 

A. Rhythm  C. Forms  E.Content

 B. Sounds  D.Imagery

9 . Diana reads…..newspaper today C.the E.In
B.a D.but
10 .I use…..uniform today C.but E. the
B.a D.also
11.Cindy has….. new boyfriend
A.the C. a E. In
12.Is it……new album of you? C.the E. in
B.a D.either
13.My mom cook……delicious food C.a E. also
B.either D.the
14……beautiful doll is very expensive C.either E. in
B.a D.also
15……..University that you want is very good C.either E. the
B.a D.also
16……man that you love is very kind Ceither E. In
B.a D.also
17.I see….beutiful girl here C.the E. In
B.a D.also
18.I drive… C.a E. in
B.the D.also
19.I see…..teacher in the class
A.a C.the E. either D.also
20.I know that he buys …….house in this area C.the E.In
B.a D.also
21.   Handy : Hello, I’m Handy.
Dini : Hi, I’m Dini.
Handy : . . .
Dini : I live on Jl. Raya Cinunuk 22
A.    How do you do? C. Where do you live?  E. what are you doing ?
B.     Where are you? D.    How are you?
22.   Wina : Where are you from Erna?
  Erna : . . . from Garut.
A.    She is C.     I am E. We are
B.     He is D.    They are 
The dialogue is for questions 23-25
Rafi : Hi, I’m Rafi. What’s your name?
Siti : . . . (23) It’s glad to see you.
Rafi : . . . (24) Where are you from, Siti?
Siti : I’m from Bandung . . . (25)
Rafi : I’m from Bekasi.
23. A. How do you do? B. What’s up? C. What a beautiful boy
D. Hello, I’m Siti E. How are you
24.  A. It’s so nice C. Good morning E.Good night
B. Glad to see you too D. Thanks
25.   A. How are you? C. What about you?  E. What are you doing
B. What’s up? D. Where do you live
26.  Bujang : What is your name?
 Adit : . . . .
A.   My name was Adit C.     My name is Adit E. My Name are
B.  My name were Adit D.    My name are Adit
27.  Bobby : Hello, I’m Bobby.
  Sany : Hi, I’m Sany.
  Bobby : Where do you live?
  Sany : . . .
A.  I was born in 2000 C. I live on Jl. Kesatuan E. OK
B.   I am from 96
Sumedang D.    I am fine
28.  Dini : . . . .?
 Fahri : I’m from Tangerang.
The correct sentence to fill in the blank is . . .
A.    How are you C.   Where are you D.    What’s is your name
B.     How do you do from E. What are you do
 29.  Marni : Siti, this is Aji. Aji, this is Siti.
 Aji : How do you do, Siti?
 Siti : . . . 
A. How do you do, C.     How are you, Marni? E. Where are you ?
Aji.  D.    How are you doing,
B.     How are you, Aji? Marni?
30. Tiara : . . .?
 Sulthon : I was born in Sumedang.
A.When were you born C.   When was you born E. What you born
B. Where was you born D. Where were you born
 B. Essay

Surabaya, 1st February 2022

Dear Igon

How are you? Hope everything is okay with you. I’m all right here.
We are going to have the national examination, aren’t we? Are you well prepared for it? Well, to
be honest, I just have some difficulties in preparing for it, especially in science. There are extra
lessons in my school and I take them all. But, I feel that they don’t help. I’m still confused in
solving mathematic problems. I’m just worried that I fail the national examination. Do you have
any suggestion for me? I really appreciate your help.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Your buddy
1. What does the letter tell us about?
2. Why is Fahim worried that he may fail the national examination?
3. “I’m still confused in solving mathematic problems.” The word “confused” means ……
4. What must be prefared by fahmi ?
5. What is meaning of “I fail the national examination”.

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