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Learning Styles Assessment Activity

Name: Date:


Welcome to the learning style assessment activity using the VARK questionnaire. The VARK model
categorizes learning styles into four types: Visual, Auditory, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic. By
understanding your dominant learning style, you can adapt your study techniques to maximize your
learning potential.


1. Visit the VARK questionnaire at;
2. Read the instructions provided on the VARK questionnaire page.
3. Respond to each question based on your personal preferences and experiences.
4. Choose the response option that best describes your preferred way of learning in each
5. After completing the VARK questionnaire, you’re learning style result will be generated. It
will indicate your dominant learning style preference, such as Visual, Auditory, Read/Write,
or Kinesthetic.

Dominating Learning Style Preference: ____________________________

Answer the following questions.

a. How does your identified learning style (Visual, Auditory, Read/Write, or Kinesthetic) resonate
with your preferred ways of learning and processing information?

b. Reflecting on past learning experiences, can you identify specific study methods or activities that
have worked well for you based on your learning style?

c. How might understanding your learning style help you approach future learning tasks or
academic pursuits more effectively?

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