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Environmental Problems:

The Municipality of Dao is classified as 4th class Municipality of the province of Capiz. It is also called as
the clean and green Municipality of Capiz but the major problem of Municipality of Dao is that the solid
waste management, because of some garbage that don’t have area to throw it, and cutting trees
without permission or any permit from the DENR.


As what I know about those major problems in our Municipality is that I felt sad and pissed because we
don’t have solid waste area. That’s why we throw our sack of garbage at the side of our plaza where the
solid waste area was before. Everyday I saw many sack of garbage at the side of plaza because it was
only collected every 2 days in a week instead everyday, it has unpleasant smell and it looks dirty because
it is scattered by the dogs . Some of it are not rearrange into its proper disposition, that’s why when
there is a strong rain it is scattered around the area and it makes our street flood because of the
garbage that flows in the creek. Also there is a part in our Municipality that the mountain before was
green but time goes by, the structure of it was visible because of illegal logging.

Possible Solutions:

The possible solution that will help to our environment in terms in solid waste management that our
LGU’s should put an exact place disposition of garbage where the resident can throw and it should
collected everyday by the dumpster for its to look clean. And it can help the dumpster to have a job for
them to buy their needs in their everyday life. Another possible solution is recycling or recovery of
resources it is process of taking useful but discarded items for the next use. Plastic bags, tins, glass and
containers are often recycled automatically since, in many situations, they are likely to be scarce
commodities. Last is composting, due to a lack of adequate space for landfills, biodegradable yard waste
is allowed to decompose in a medium designed for the purpose. Only biodegradable waste materials are
used in composting. It is a biological process in which micro-organisms, specifically fungi and bacteria,
convert degradable organic waste into substances like humus. This finished product, which looks like
soil, is high in carbon and nitrogen. Good quality environmentally friendly manure is formed from the
compost that is an excellent medium for growing plants and can be used for agricultural purposes. While
in cutting trees or illegal logging the LGU’s should give seminars in every barangay about illegal cutting of
trees or spreading the word about the impacts of illegal logging through , social media, political groups,
and community programs can help people understand the issues at hand which can eventually help
address the matter so that they’re aware that cutting of trees without permit is illegal and can face
penalty for those people who caught by the authority.

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