Answer - The Vulture and The Great Spirit Class 8 #Anwser - Key

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9 The Vulture

and the Great Spirit a

contemplating: meditating, thinking deeply swooped: move rapidly downwards through
the air
appealing: attractive bide his time: here, wait patiently
fret: worry for something good
stance: the way someone stands
Reading correct a n s w e r s to complete these
A. Choose the

1. The Vulture was upset because

a. he didnt have enough food to eat.
b. other birds snatched away his food.
Cothers ran away from him and called him ugly.
2 The Vulture wanted
b. ro be born as a human being.
t o hunt and eat.
C. to feed on dead bodies.

3 The Vulture had to feed on dead bodies of other creatures

a. the Great Spirit refused to provide him food.
b. he had to prove his strength and power.
, i t was hisjob to keep Mother Earth clean and beautiful.
4. The Vulture is number one in.
a. intelligence. patience and strength.
C. arrogance and power.

hsLDe in idotail

Jwhdid th Vullne amt ta

meet te the lueat d p i n i t 2
h The Vultur a t te met the
LuLat Ap t hecause h L0amtd
te kmS the \amLDex Le vAeme

2 What ceuldthe vdLtune vtetusleuld

h e t uwmdHAand
h VuitL CeuA net wnduxatand
the bupesr ehis lamdD
Muhy ethex iamimal and bixds
LAeci dRHLaHaid e him
3 Lhat accerdung te uhe biruol
shut doeHLIhe simgth sAmd
Q u a l u t i e ofthe Vultoe 2
ccAAdimq Te dtho Ureat Ahuit
he Vulltta's HLalest slamgth.
Laekuhis sbaiwmce that he ethen_
AMumak en eath Cam eq,u a l
Jis jaus has the pedeN ito lkas
abat tha dUnengeat ef Csale
his apheuamcL dhat domandrd
a Amd WApLctL

4 Lhatwas tho Vulliva dberialja

n The Vulture shecial jeb woas de kaap
mah eaithaAceam. and
sboautiul hy gating id of the
badios_alll dhe uing Calux -

aplar thyvhad diedl_


5 Jhyactomdimg te the Gouat

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