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Kỹ năng tổng hợp 2 – Bài KT2

Câu 1:

1. ‘Judy hasn’t asked me about my holiday,’ said Mike.

Mike said …………………………………………..

2. ‘The police are watching your house,’ said my neighbour.

My neighbour said…………………………………………..

3. ‘I don’t want to study medicine,’ said Clare.

Clare said…………………………………………..

4. ‘The assistant took my credit card,’ said the girl.

The girl said …………………………………………..

5. ‘We didn’t see anything,’ said Mary and Ed.

Mary and Ed said …………………………………………..

6. ‘I’m not a fan of horror stories,’ said James.

James said …………………………………………..

7. ‘Ben’s gone out,’ said Alice.

Alice said …………………………………………..
Trả lời:
1. Mike said that Judy hadn't asked him about his holiday
2. My neighbour said to me the police were watching my house.
3. Clare said he didn't want to study medicine.
4. The girl said the assistant had taken her credit card.
5. Mary and Ed said they hadn't seen anything.
6. James said he wasn't a fan of horror stories.
7. Alice said Ben had gone out
Câu 2:

1. The boy said he hadn’t stolen the car. He just wanted to go j_ _ _ _d_ _ _.

2. He doesn’t like having kids in his shop because he’s worried about s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3. There’s a problem with v_ _ _ _l_ _ _ in our area. There’s a lot of graffiti and kids
smash things.
4. We went to the police station to report the t_ _ _ _ of my bike.

5. Police q_ _ _ _ _ _ _ed the young man because they thought he might be the killer.

6. The b_ _ _ _ _r came into the house through a window.

7. ‘Hands up and don’t move! This is a r_ _ _ _ _y!’ said the man in the mask.

8. I read about the m_ _g_ _ _ in the paper and now I don’t walk alone in the streets at

9. The fire wasn’t an accident. It was the work of a_ _ _ _ _ _ _s.

Trả lời:
1. joyriding
2. shoplifters
3. vandalism
4. theft
5. questioned
6. burglar
7. robbery
8. muggings
9. arsonists
Câu 3:

Wherever you go these days, everyone is talking about Ophelia. Her photo is on every
billboard, her songs are playing in every shop. Our reporter, Jane Wilkes, met her in a
café in London.
Jane: So, Ophelia, it’s really nice to meet you. Is that your real name, by the way?
Ophelia: Yes, I’m afraid it is. Of course, everyone knows Ophelia is a character in a
play by Shakespeare. My parents loved the name, so now it’s mine too.
Jane: Hm. Ophelia is a tragic character in the play, but things seem to be going well for
you since you became famous suddenly last year.
Ophelia: Yes, the last year has been incredible. I was singing in my school show when
a famous theatre director heard me. I was invited to go to an audition for a part in a big
musical in London.
Jane: Yes. And when people heard you sing at the premiere, all the tickets for the
show were sold out in two days!
Ophelia: It was amazing. When the show finished, I started working on my own songs,
and my CD came out before Christmas. Apparently, a million copies have been sold
Jane: And I believe you’re working on a book about your life – so far!
Ophelia: Yes, I am. It’s crazy. I’m only nineteen, and my mother asked me: ‘What is
there to say about someone so young?’ But I was asked to do it, and I’m working with
a very good writer, so I hope my fans won’t be disappointed.
Jane: So your biography will be published in June.
Ophelia: Yes, that’s right.

1. Ophelia chose her name when she saw a play. _____

2. Ophelia sold tickets at a theatre in London. _____

3. Ophelia’s CD has been very successful. _____

4. It was Ophelia’s idea to write about her life. _____

5. Ophelia’s writing an autobiography of her life so far. _____

Trả lời:
1. F
2. F
3. T
4. T
5. T
Câu 4:

Your English-speaking friend is doing a school project on national legends and wants
to know about a famous legend in your country. Write an email to your friend about

• Say what the legend is.

• Explain the story behind the legend.
• Say what you think people can learn from the legend.
• Say if the legend has made a difference to how you live your life.
Trả lời:
Dear my friend!
I write a letter to tell you about my country’s origins. Under the reign of the sixth Hung
King, a 60-year-old woman lived in Phu Dong village or Bac Ninh province today. One
day, she found a huge footprint in the field. Her curiosity got the better of her and she
set foot in this footprint. She became pregnant on her way home. She gave birth to a
son and named him Giong. Giong was an interesting child. Even at three years old, he
could not speak. At that time, the northern country wanted to occupy Vietnam. Giong
suddenly asked his mother to invite the messenger into their home. After the
messenger told the king of Giong, he brought the iron horse and sword to Giong’s
house. Giong rode the iron horse to battle and used the iron sword to kill the
aggressor. After defeating the aggressor, Giong rode the iron horse straight to the sky.
The legend has been made up to encourage everybody about the patriotism and the
valiant to save our country. I think this story can help you finish the school project.
All the best.
Nguyen Tuong

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