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Overview of French Revolution

1.True or False 

The French Revolution lasted for 17 years.

The French Revolution kind of changed the social and political structure of France. 

Many of the new political ideas and alliances of the French Revolution were formed in political

The First Estate paid most of the taxes, while the nobility lived lives of luxury and got all the
high-ranking jobs.

The French Revolution put an end to the French monarchy, feudalism, and took political power
from the Catholic church.  

2. Multiple choices 

a. Before the French Revolution, the people of France were divided into social groups called

(Residents, civilians, estate) 

b. The darkest period of the French Revolution is called the Reign of ______ which lasted from
1793 to 1794.  

(Terror, horror, Thanos)  

c. Thousands of people were executed including during the Reign of Terror Queen
__________and many of Robespierre's political rivals. 

(Elizabeth, Victoria, Marie Antonette)  

d. The French revolution began on _____________. 

(July 14, 1789, November 8, 1789, July 14,1788) 

e. The First Estate included the clergy (church leaders), the Second Estate included the nobles,
and the Third Estate included the _________. 

(Jews, poor, commoner) 

French Revolution ( Causes )

1. What kind of government did France have before the French Revolution?  
a. Republic 
 b. Democracy 
 c. Monarchy 
 d. Communist 
 e. Socialist 
2. What were the social classes of France called?  
a. Castes 
 b. Grades 
 c. Ranks 
 d. Estates 
 e. Stations 
3. Who paid the majority of the taxes in the French government?  
a. Nobles 
 b. Commoners 
 c. King 
 d. Wealthy 
 e. Church 
4. What caused the French government to get into so much debt?  
a. War with Great Britain 
 b. They helped the United States in the Revolutionary War 
 c. Lavish spending by the king 
 d. All of the above 
 e. None of the above 
5. The price of what common food skyrocketed prior to the French Revolution?  
a. Rice 
 b. Wine 
 c. Corn 
 d. Chocolate 
 e. Bread 
6. True or False: The commoners had to pay all sorts of taxes, while the wealthy nobles were exempt
from many of the taxes.  
a. TRUE  
7. What social class did the commoners and peasants belong to?  
a. First Estate 
 b. Second Estate 
 c. Third Estate 
 d. Lower Estate 
 e. Upper Estate 
8. What social class did the clergy and church leaders belong to?  
a. First Estate 
 b. Second Estate 
 c. Third Estate 
 d. Lower Estate 
 e. Upper Estate 
9. What was the 'gabelle'?  
a. A tax placed on salt 
 b. A type of bread eaten by the commoners 
 c. A labor tax where peasants had to work for free 
 d. The heir to the French king 
 e. The name of the French government before the French Revolution 
10. Which of the following was a major cause of the French Revolution?  
a. Debt and taxes 
 b. Famine 
 c. Changes in culture 
 d. Politics 
 e. All of the above 
What was the political system of France before the French Revolution called? 
a. Ancient Regime 
b. Monarchy 
c. Revolutionary 
d. Tyranny 
 What was the main source of food in france? 
a. Wheat 
b. Bread 
c. Oats 
d. Preserved fruits 
e. Nuts 
What was the new idea created when culture changes happened? 
a. Revolution and democracy  
b. Liberty and equality  
c. Sociality and Equity 
d.  Communism and Socialism  
Who were the people of the First Estate? 
a. Clergy 
b. Civilians 
c. Nobles 
d. Kings 
e. Aristocrats  

Storming of the Bastille

1. The Storming of the Bastille is considered the starting point of what major historical event?  
a. American Revolution 
b. World War I 
c. Hundred Year's War 
d. French Revolution 
e. Napoleonic Wars 
2. What was the original purpose of the Bastille?  
a. Meeting place for government officials 
b. Storage facility for grain 
c. Fortress to protect Paris 
d. A marketplace 
e. A palace for the king 
3. What was stored in the Bastille that the revolutionaries needed?  
a. Grain 
b. Gunpowder 
c. Bread 
d. Cannon 
e. Swords 
4. What was the Bastille being used for when it was stormed by the revolutionaries?  
a. State prison 
b. Home for government officials 
c. Fortress to protect Paris 
d. Storage facility for grain 
e. A marketplace 
5. Which French social class of people stormed the Bastille?  
a. First Estate 
b. Second Estate 
c. Third Estate 
d. Lower Estate 
e. Upper Estate 
6. True or False: No one was killed during the Storming of the Bastille.  
a. TRUE  
7. Who was in charge of the Bastille for the French government?  
a. Marquis de Lafayette 
b. Maximilien Robespierre 
c. George Danton 
d. Arnaud de Laporte 
e. Governor de Launay 
8. What day did the Storming of the Bastille take place?  
a. Fourth of July 
b. Fourteenth of July 
c. Fourth of June 
d. Fourteenth of June 
e. Sixteenth of May 
9. How many prisoners were freed from the Bastille?  
a. 7 
b. 20 
c. 50 
d. 75 
e. 200 
10. What happened to the Bastille over the next several months?  
a. It was turned into a museum for the revolution 
b. It was used to house prisoners from the government 
c. It was used to store supplies for the revolutionaries 
d. It was destroyed and turned into a pile of rubble 
e. It became housing for the poor people of France 
Choose the correct answer and fill in the blank 
(1) How many revolutionaries were killed during the fighting? 
a. 100 
b. 269 
c. 275 
(2) Who were the revolutionaries primarily comprised of during the Storming of the Bastille? 
a. Nobel and aristocrats 
b. Peasants and famers  
c. Craftsmen and store owners 
(3) Who was the military leader of the Bastille? 
a. Maximilien Robespierre 
b. George Danton 
c. Governor de Launay 
(4) The date of the Storming of the Bastille, July 14, is celebrated today as the______________. 
a. French women’s day 
b. French National Day 
c. Bastille National Day 
d. French national martyrs' day 
(5) Who did the revolutionaries beheaded then spiked his head and paraded it around Paris? 
a. Vraicqueurs 
b. Napolean 
c. Governor de Launay 

Estate – General

1. Who was King of France when the French Revolution began?

a. King James I
b. King Henry VIII
c. Napoleon
d. King Louis XVI
e. King George V

2. Which of the following best describes the First Estate?

a. Nobility
b. Majority of the population
c. Peasants and laborers
d. Clergy such as priests, monks, and nuns
e. They held most of the high offices in the land

3. Which of the following best describes the Second Estate?

a. Nobility
b. Majority of the population
c. Peasants and laborers
d. Clergy such as priests, monks, and nuns
e. They paid the labor tax and the salt tax

4. Which of the following best describes the Third Estate?

a. Nobility
b. The smallest of the estates
c. Peasants and laborers
d. Clergy such as priests, monks, and nuns
e. Didn't have to pay most of the taxes

5. Why did the king call the Estates General to meet in 1789?
a. To discuss creating a democracy
b. To discuss the financial problems of the French government
c. To declare war on Great Britain
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

6. Which of the following best describes the Estates General?

a. The region in Paris where the middle class lived
b. Powerful nobles that advised the king of France
c. A number of large homes owned by the French nobility
d. High ranking officials that ran the French government
e. The legislative body of France before the French Revolution that had little real power

7. True or False: According to French law, the Estates General met once a month to discuss issues with
the king.

8. After being called together, what did the Estates General argue about before the Third Estate broke
a. Where the king would sit
b. Which estate would sit in front
c. How to lower France's debt
d. How to vote
e. What to have for lunch

9. Which of the French estates formed the National Assembly and began running the country?
a. First Estate
b. Second Estate
c. Third Estate
d. Lower Estate
e. Upper Estate

10. Where did the National Assembly meet after the king closed their regular meeting place?
a. At a tennis court
b. At a local pub
c. At a restaurant
d. At a member's house
e. At the market square

Multiple Choice Questions 

1.In which year, did King Louis XVI called a meeting of the Estates General? 
(a) 1789 
(b) 1788 
(c) 1787 
(d) 1798 
2. When was the last time the estate generals were called before 1789? 
(a) 1760 
(b) 1641 
(c) 1614 
(d) 1714 
(e) 1580 
3. Who can call the Estate General?  
(a) monarch, king 
(b) rich spoiled man 
(c) peasants  
(d) nobody  

4. What was the name of the tennis court? 

(a) the Salle des Etats 
(b) gabelle 
(c) Jeu de Paume 
(d) Sainte-Marie 
(e) Villeneuve-Saint-Georges 

5. When did the most famous and influential meeting of the Estates General occurred? 
(a) 1790 
(b) 1789  
(c) 2023 
(d) 1777 

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