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2008 年雅思考试口语讲义
1. introduction
2. individual long turn
3. two-way discussion

speaking interview
examiner / interviewer

Good morning.
Come in and take a seat.
Can you tell me your full name, please?
What shall I call you?
Can I see your identification please?
Can you tell me where you are from?

IELTS Speaking Band Descriptors 评分标准
Fluency and coherence Lexical resource Grammatical Pronunciation
range and
9  speaks fluently with  uses  uses a full
only rare repetition or vocabulary with range of
self-correction; any full flexibility and structures
hesitation is content- precision in all naturally and
related rather than to topics appropriately
find words or grammar  uses idiomatic  produces
 speaks coherently language consistently
with fully appropriate naturally and accurate
cohesive features accurately structures apart
 develops topics fully from ‘slips’
and appropriately characteristic of
native speaker
8  speaks fluently with  uses a wide  uses a wide  is easy to
only occasional vocabulary range of understand
repetition or self- resource readily structures flexibly throughout,
correction; hesitation is and flexibly to  produces a with L1 accent
usually content-related convey precise majority of error- having
and only rarely to meaning free sentences minimal effect
search for language  uses less with only very on
 develops topics common and occasional intelligibility
coherently and idiomatic inappropriacies or  uses a wide
appropriately vocabulary basic/non- range of
skillfully with systematic errors phonological
occasional features to
inaccuracies convey
 uses meaning
paraphrase effectively
effectively as
7  speaks at length  uses  uses a range of
without noticeable vocabulary complex
effort or loss of resource flexibly structures with
coherence to discuss a some flexibility
 uses a range of variety of topics  frequently
connectives and  uses some less produces error-
discourse markers with common and free sentences,
some flexibility idiomatic though some
 may demonstrate vocabulary and grammatical
language-related shows some mistakes persist
hesitation at times, or awareness of
some repetition and/or style and
self-correction collocation with
 uses
6  is willing to speak at  has a wide  uses a mix of  can be
length, though may enough simple and understood
lose coherence at vocabulary to complex throughout,
times due to occasional discuss topics at structures, but though
repetition, self- length and make with limited mispronuncia
correction or hesitation meaning clear in flexibility tion may
 uses a range of spite of  may make occasionally
connectives and inappropriacies frequent mistakes cause
discourse markers but  generally with complex momentary
not always paraphrases structures, strain for the
appropriately successfully though these listener
rarely cause
5  usually maintains  manages to  produces basic
flow of speech but uses talk about sentence forms
repetition, self- familiar and with reasonable
correction and/or slow unfamiliar topics accuracy
speech to keep going but uses  uses a limited
 may over-use certain vocabulary with range of more
connectives and limited flexibility complex
discourse markers  attempts to structures, but
 produces simple use paraphrase these usually
speech fluently, but but with mixed contain errors
more complex success and may cause
communication causes some
fluency problems comprehension

4  cannot respond  is able to talk  produces basic  produces

without noticeable about familiar sentence forms some
pauses and may speak topics but can and some correct acceptable
slowly, with frequent only convey basic simple sentences features of
repetition and self- meaning on but subordinate English
correction unfamiliar topics structures are pronunciation
 links basic sentences and makes rare but overall
but with repetitious frequent errors in  errors are control is
use of simple word choice frequent and may limited and
connectives and some  rarely attempts lead to there can be
breakdowns in paraphrase misunderstanding severe strain
coherence for the
3  speaks with long  uses simple  attempts basic
pauses vocabulary to sentence forms
 has limited ability to convey personal but with limited
link simple sentences information success, or relies
 gives only simple  has insufficient on apparently
responses and is vocabulary for memorized
frequently unable to less familiar utterances
convey basic message topics  makes
numerous errors
except in
2  pauses lengthily  only produces  cannot produce  speech is
before most words isolated words or basic sentence often
 little communication memorized forms unintelligible
possible utterances
1  no communication possible; no rateable language

录像中 5、6、7 分标准的描述如“less common”、“awareness”都可以去前面的






1. Do you like flowers? (why?/why not?)
2. What’s your favorite flower?
3. When do Chinese people give flowers to other people?
4. What meaning do flowers have for Chinese people?
5. Do people in China like growing flowers?

策略 Answer+1



They’re pretty and smile nice.
They cheer me up and make the place look nice and cheerful.
I’m not too fond of flowers but they do brighten up a room.

Addicted to their fragrance.

Last a long time
So happy and cheerful.


1. How do you usually spend the weekend?
2. Are weekends important to you? (Why?/Why not?)
3. Which do you prefer, Saturday or Sunday?
4. How does the average person in China spend his or her weekend? = (What do
they do?)
5. Do you think people should be paid overtime to work on weekends?
周末做什么——I sleep late, and watch movies. I go out with my friends, or work on
different stuff I haven’t had time during the week. go out to eat, go for walks, go to
the mall, go to the grocery store.
Saturday is mostly shopping and cleaning the house. On Sundays, I relax, play
computer games and go to the movies.
周么重要吗——Very, it’s some of the only time I can use for my hobbies, or spend
with my family. It gives me time to do things I wanted to do but couldn’t during the
I work every other weekend. The weekends I'm actually off are extremely important
to me. I need to recharge my batteries.
They are just like any other day to me./Just as normal as any other day ‘cause I'm
freaking busy even on a Saturday.
周六日选择——Saturday because I can sleep late and stay up late. Sunday is okay,
but I have to go to work the next day, so I have to go to bed early.
Sunday, much quieter and more relaxing, more laid back. Saturday is all about
周末加班给钱吗——Definitely/absolutely! Working overtime is an extra, and it
takes away the relaxation time so many people need, so people should be
compensated for it.
We don't get paid overtime in my office but if we work overtime or on weekends or
holidays, we get compensatory time off. If you work 4 hours on Saturday, you get 4
hours off some other time.

1. Is your name very important to you?
My name means a lot to me, as it was chosen by my grandfather.
No it isn't. To me it's just a couple of sounds put together.
2. Does your name have any special meaning?
Well, my first name is …, which means …, and my middle name is …, which means "a
waterfall or a pool under a waterfall".
Not very special/it's rather ordinary., but I like it anyway.
My names are random... my parents couldn’t think of anything better...
I was named after a song in the 70's.
3. When Chinese people name their children, are there any special customs that
are followed?
The Chinese think a name may somehow determine the future of the child.
Therefore, all possible factors must be taken into account when they are naming
their children.
Another custom is to find the newborn baby's Eight Characters (in four pairs,
indicating the year, month, day and hour of a person's birth, each pair consisting of
one Heavenly Stem and one Earthly Branch, formerly used in fortune-telling) and the
element in the Eight Characters. It is traditionally believed in China that the world is
made up of five principal elements: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. A person's
name is to include an element that he lacks in his Eight Characters. If he lacks water,
for example, then his name is supposed to contain a word like river, lake, tide, sea,
stream, rain, or any word associating with water. If he lacks metal, then he is to be
given a word like gold, silver, iron, or steel.
Some people even believe that the number of strokes of a name has a lot to do with
the owner’s fate. So when they name a child, the number of strokes of the name is
taken into account.
4. Do many people in China have a nickname?
Shows degrees of imtimacy
Reflects our character or personality


1. 即兴作答
2. 将题目抄录到卡片或笔记上
3. 再次作答,将比较好的关键词记录到题目旁,或参考资料、口语书、网络
4. 反复演练(考前至少 8 遍)

1. Where were you born?
2. What kind of place is your hometown?
has long history
Rich in history
Cultural atmosphere
Great place to live
a fun place
exciting place to visit
old neighborhoods
job opportunities
The one thing I do like: people here are nice; there is a good sense of community.
I love where I live because I have so many friends here, I've lived here all my life, I like
the weather, and there are so many fun things to do.
It's a wonderful and incredible city
3. What's the most famous (= well-known) place in your hometown?
4. What's the oldest part (the oldest area/section) of your hometown?
5. How has your hometown changed in recent years?
6. Would you say it's a good place for children to grow up?

1. Do you like sports?(可以将原因、细节)
My favorite sport is basketball. I like watching it. But I’m not really good at any sport
because I’m not athletic.
2. What is your favorite sport?
My favorite sport is definitely soccer! I love the feeling of being out there on the
Soccer! It’s one of the most highly athletic, demanding and competitive sports!
3. Why do you like it?
Volleyball. I like serving in volleyball. It is all I can do well. When I was in high school, I
wasn’t popular. But I was always called to serve in volleyball. It was the only time I
was popular!
Breast stroke 蛙泳
4. What is the most popular sport in your country?
5. Which is your favourite Chinese sports team?
6. Has this sports team been successful recently?
7. Do you like to do daily exercise?
8. How much time do you spend exercising?
9. What are the advantages of doing regular exercise?

1. Do you like reading? (why/why not?)
Sure...but I'm only doing it 30-40 minutes a day right before I go to sleep..
It's a wonderful way to relieve stress and to relax. Stress reliever.
Well, not that much, just too lazy to pick up a book. But I do enjoy reading …
I love to read! Books, magazines, newspapers.
2. What kinds of things do you like reading? 
I've lately been read into classics. Harry Potter Series.
Autobiography, adventures.
I tend to like stuff that's completely different from my life, I get
really into historical fictions and fantasy.
I read true crime, biographies of actors and actresses, World War II,
non- fiction and stories, a taste of comedy, astrology books and
quite a few dramas.
I like to read things according to the mood I am in, sometimes it’s
all mushy stuff, other times history and mysteries.
3. What types of book do you dislike reading?
Horrors. Textbooks. they just put me to sleep. I can't stand them.
Usually biographies or autobiographies, because they're too much fact and not
enough fun or fiction. I know that's the point, but that's so boring for me.
Mushy romance novels. I just can't get into them. I personally find them very dull.
4. Do you think reading is important? (Why?/Why not?)
It's really not a thing of importance- it’s more of a hobby to some
I believe reading is essential. important skill that everyone needs,
the key to
success and learning, sometimes reading solves some of my everyday
5. Is reading popular in your country with young people?
I don`t think so. There’s just too much other stuff the younger generations do these
days, like…
Reading isn't one of those things that we have to do anymore- we have other things
to keep us company like TV, movies, radio, music, video games, nature, etc. Some
people will never love to read, and there is nothing wrong with that. It’s just their
I cannot speak for all young people but my classmates all love to read and we lend
out our favorite books to each other, and like talking about what we like so much
about the book.


Describe ……
You should say……1、2、3、4、
看完问题后,考官让考生准备一分钟,可做笔记;开始发言,时间为 1-2 分钟,
约 15-18 句话,约两百字

每个类别准备 4、5 个话题,共 20 个左右

1. A person who took care of you when you were a child
2. A person who likes to help others
3. Interesting old person
4. A person you want to be similar to
5. A person who is good at his/her job
6. Teenager
7. School friend
8. Famous person in your country
9. Leader
10. Visitor to your home
11. A relative of yours
12. A family your are familiar with
必备题:1.身边的人,最好年纪较大 2.明星 3.其他,如小孩

话题陌生或准备不充分时如何利用 1 分钟时间备考
1. 15-20” 迅速读题、果断确定话题
2. 40-45” 聚焦于最能延伸的 1-2 个分问题

a city you'd like to travel or living
your room
cafe or restaurant

抽象:TV show、film、sports


Describe your favourite cafe or restaurant.
You should say:  
where it is
how often you go there
what kind of food they serve there
and explain why you like this place.

接下来说 1-2 分钟时,参考下面这个经典结构

壱. 引出话题
弐. 事实性问题简单作答
参. 解释性问题多拓展
 Reason
 Comparison
 Anecdote
 Future aspiration

OK, then, I’m going to talk about…
Right, I’d like to tell you about…
There are a few …, but the one that I would like to mention is …
Honestly, I’m not too familiar with …, but I’ll give it a shot…

creative and amazing,

they serve the best…I’ve ever tasted.
The meat is tender…
It’s just got the flavor that makes my mouth water when I walk by it.
The portion is generous.

环境 decor, there’s so much to look at around you.


Describe your favourite weather.
what it is
when it usually occurs
what you do
and explain how it affects your feelings. 
第三部分约 4-5 分钟,有 8-9 个问题

Is Western food very popular in China?
How is restaurant food different to home cooking?


Describe a (foreign) film you watched lately and

You should say:
What the name was
When you watched it
What the film was about
and explain why you enjoyed it.

The film tells the story of a man with a low IQ and his epic journey through life. The
hero of the film, Forrest Gump, has a low IQ but despite that, he leads a truly
charmed life.

He has accomplished great things in his life, meeting historical figures, influencing
popular culture and experiencing first-hand historic events.

He teaches Elvis Presley to dance, becomes a football star, meets John F. Kennedy,
defeats the Chinese national team in table tennis, opens a profitable shrimping

"Forrest Gump" is a story of a man who rose above his challenges, and who proved
that determination, courage, and love are more important than ability.

Of course, don't expect a story. The whole movie is all about special effects and giant
robots leveling down a city. Basically two factions, the autobots and the decepticons,
are fighting for a mysterious cube known as the ‘Allspark’, their source of life. A high
school boy, Sam, is pulled into this war because he bought a car that happened to be
an autobot, Bumblebee.
best movie I've seen in a long time!
I was always watching the cartoon as a kid. So I knew most of the characters. My
favorite character is BumbleBee…
The special effects are amazing. It is all action, there are very fewdull parts to the
movie. The fighting scenes are remarkable.
I didn't know that modern day special effects could produce images so fantastic
and realistic!

I heard that they've already started working on a sequel.

结构——答案+ 1 + 1
题型(7 个)
1. Express your opinions and support them
2. Assess positive and negative points
3. Describe changes
4. Compare and contrast
5. Make predictions
6. Offer solutions or suggestions to problems
7. Stating standards and qualities

What types of film are most popular in China?

答案——It’s hard to generalise/There’s no one type of film which is the most
popular in China actually/Depends on age groups.

Compare the films that older people like to watch with those that younger people
答案——Well, … and … are quite different when it comes to ….
+1——Mostly, older people like slow tempo movies with not-so-abstract plots, like
movies …….
+1——Compared with them (whereas), young people have a broader range of
taste. They like almost all kinds of films, especially ………………………...

How has science and technology affected the way films are made today?
答案——significant impact
+1——Computer is playing a more important role in today’s films to make special
effects. The development of science and technology enables companies to produce
more successful sci-fi movies, like the … and Star Wars series.
+1——sound track

What influences do Chinese films have on Chinese society?

I’m not sure what I think about…
I really don’t know…
I tend to think that…
On the whole, it seems that…
Generally I would say that…
Even though some people feel…I actually think…

答案——change society to some extent.

+1——Some good movies tell people what is good and what is wrong through telling
stories. Such movies will teach people to do the right thing and help people to stick
to some values of the society, like…… and……. Positive role models.
+1——Other movies make people more aware of an issue.

What do you think about censorship?


Disadvantaged groups
Rights and freedom
Environment and sustainability


Describe a famous person in China (sports star,
film star, etc.) that you admire.
You should say:
who the person is
what the person does
why the person is famous
and explain why you admire this person.
good sportsmanship 良好的运动精神
warm personality 平易近人的性格

Well, I’m from Singapore and we’re all crazy about soccer there, so I think the people
I admire most are all soccer players. If I had to choose people, it would be David
Beckham and Ronaldo.
Well, I’m a big fan of England, and I think Beckham is the best player England has
ever had.
They’re both really talented players. But there are other reasons. For one thing, they
both have their own unique style. Because they’re so original, people want to be like
them! Like, when Beckham gets a new hairstyle, it becomes the new fashion.
Well, I think the other thing that makes them stand out is that they both have a lot of
courage. Both have had to really fight hard to get to where they are today.
He worked hard, got through a lot of injuries, and became the top player in the world

Self-deprecating sense of humor

Always great to see players take out personal time to do charity work. Nice to see
athletes give back to the community, no matter which community it is or what
language it speaks.

It’s cool. I'm glad a major sports figure is making a stand for the environment,
especially in china.
In china there is a TV commercial of Yao playing basketball, and suddenly a poacher
is about to shoot an elephant. Yao runs of the court and jumps into the line of fire,
taking the bullet in the chest for the elephant.

Higher social status
Great sense of accomplishment
Make decisions

A wonderful woman
He grew up in a pretty rough time here in China. Things were a lot more difficult than
they are now, but through it all he always maintains a happy outlook on life.
He has taught me a lot about just being happy with the things that you have to do
and also to take time to enjoy life.
Laugh at life

She lived pretty close to my neighborhood, so I could walk to her house. I did,
everyday after school. We would go shopping together, watch TV together. I just
loved listening to her talk about her parents and childhood, about her grandparents,
about her views on life in general.


Describe your favorite room in your home.
You should say:
Which room it is
How big it is
What furniture it has.
And explain why you like it.

Which room it is?

2-bedroom flat 两居室
quiet neighborhood 安静的小区, comfortable 舒服, cosy 温暖, airy bedroom,
Beautifully furnished 装修漂亮, bright and sunny 采光好, a room with a view, looks
on to a garden,bedside table 床头柜,nice and cheerful 清新亮丽
It always gives me a sense of peace and it is the perfect place for me to go, whenever
I need to be alone or just want to relax.
I decorated it to my taste, and it has my nice fluffy bed and my computer.
Because that is where I can be creative and please my family. I love a big airy kitchen
with lots of room to move around.
I grow most of my plants in that room. It gives me a sense of being outdoors, which is
very relaxing and soothing for me.

Describe your favorite room in your home.
Describe a room you lived in when you were a child.
Describe the ideal home you would like to live in.

Describe a hotel you stayed at or have seen.
You should say:
The name of the hotel
Where it was
What facilities it had
And explain your impressions of this hotel.


I have stayed in many hotels and would rate this as having one of the best rooms.
The rooms are quite large. The hotel has a pretty relaxed and easy-going feel about it
and the staff were excellent. The staff are polite and helpful, without being pushy. My
overall impression of the hotel and staff was nothing but excellent.
It was so nice to sit at the balcony in the evening and watch the seaside. (Hotel staff
will bring ice every evening, so you can have a drink or two at the balcony...)

We stayed at the Holiday Inn hotel and found it to be a great place to stay.
The rooms we had faced the beach and could not have been any more fantastic.
The staff are fantastic and cannot do enough for you.
There’s nothing he doesn’t know about the city.
The hotel was incredibly beautiful and the cuisine was awesome.
The rooms were stunning too.. very well decorated and very clean and modern.

Describe a music hall you have seen or been to.
You should say:
Where it is
What kind of music is performed
When you last went there
And explain your impressions of this place.

Honestly, I rarely go to concerts or music halls since I’m not really artistic…
I’m going to talk about…arts centre / auditorium /theatre in my city/university.

Where it is
+外观, eye-catching, landmark.

What kind of music

All sorts of performances.
One of the best venues anywhere in the city to enjoy live music.

When you last went there

I can’t recall exactly.
A gorgeous violin solo
Talent show
Stand-up comedy

Nice place, relaxed and comfortable facilities. Seat
A place for people to go and enjoy art and participate in art





Describe an item of furniture that you use often.
You should say:
what it is
where it is
what it looks like
and explain how or why you use it.

点题 A piece of furniture I use often is a small folding chair.

描述 It’s made of green canvas material and because it is a folding chair, I can easily put it
away and out of sight when I’m not using it. It’s convenient for me because my room
is small and I don’t have space for a lot of furniture. I also don’t like clutter so by
putting the chair away after I use it, it helps my room look a little tidier. I keep the
chair in my bedroom where I spend a lot of time. It’s the one place in the house that
I have to myself so I spend a lot of time there either studying or working. I’m in my
last year of university so I have many writing assignments and individual research to
I do most of my writing on computer using my laptop so it’s convenient and
comfortable to sit in my chair with my computer on my lap either typing or reading
or both. As I said the chair is made of canvas and of course the frame is aluminum so
it’s lightweight and easy to put away and take out whenever I need it. Surprisingly it
is very comfortable for a folding chair and that was the most important factor for me
when I chose it. It was also very inexpensive. It’s not a very beautiful piece of
furniture, but it has definitely been one of the most practical things I’ve bought in a
long time.

Durable 耐用的
easy-to-clean 容易清洗
Easy to assemble 容易组装
transform into a full-size bed 改成大床
Describe a useful piece of (electrical) equipment other
than computer that you use at home or at work.
You should say:
        what it is
        how long you have been using it
        how you learned to use it 
And explain why this item is useful to you. 

very thin, sleek, and also comes in a sexy colour of black

It is easy to use to start, necklace band, battery life, picture quality, big screen for
Extremely versatile. it holds up to 1,000 songs,lightweight, is easy to carry around
with me, a solution for listening to music while mobile.

Well, in my home there are a lot of appliances that are very useful. But if I had to
choose the one that is the most important to me, I would say it’s my……….. (digital
camera, MP3, Ipod nano, PSP,CD player)
I have had it for like a year now and it has worked absolutely perfect since I got it.
very thin, sleek, and also comes in a sexy colour of black.
It is easy to use to start, but some features require a bit of practice.
necklace band, battery life, picture quality, big screen for videos

1. Extremely versatile. it holds up to 1,000 songs,
2. lightweight, is easy to carry around with me., a solution for listening to music
while mobile.

环境问题 Describe an environmental problem in

your city.
You should say:
What this problem is
How long it has existed
What the causes of the problems are
and explain how this problem could be

普通版——Ok, I’d like to talk about…很严重的问题
高级版——Well, there are many kinds of …感觉最强烈的/major/让我担心。

普通版——It has existed for…
高级版——It’s been around for…越来越严重了(even worse, urgent)

Two main reasons
Increasing number of cars, car emissions,
Factories…too many pollutants. (produce, release, shoot out)

Solution, complicated, basically
Government (take steps, pass laws, launch educational campaigns.

Take a drastic step to curb the use of plastics.
introduce a bill that would ban plastic bags and other plastic items
develop a sense of responsibility

do small things
do more recycling
become volunteers
change our ways


Describe a wild animal in China.
You should say:
what the animal is 
        what it looks like 
where it lives
and explain how you feel about this animal.
点题 Ok. I’ll describe an endangered animal in northeastern China. It’s called the
Manchurian or Siberian tiger.

描述 Manchurian tigers are very impressive animals. Like all tigers, they have orange and
black stripes and a white underside, and powerful claws and teeth. The largest are
nearly 1.5 meters tall, and can weigh between 300 and 400 kilos of muscle! They’re
the largest of the cat family, and the most effective and dangerous hunters. They’re
found all over Siberia and in a few places in northeastern China. They usually hunt
and live alone, and only meet other tigers during the mating season. I think there
are less than 50 of them in the wild in China. There are more kept in captivity, in
zoos or special parks. There is one wildlife park in Harbin that is famous for its many
Manchurian tigers.
Most Chinese admire the tiger as a symbol of strength and fierceness. Tigers have
had a place in Chinese culture for thousands of years. They are found in Chinese
literature new and old, and are the subject of many famous paintings. But I don’t
think many Chinese know that this special breed of tigers is all but wiped out in the
wild. I hope more efforts will be made in the future to protect the tiger’s
environment. Without the forests they live and hunt in, Manchurian tigers can only
exist in captivity.


Means so much to China
Living icon
Soft, fluffy
Just sit there, chewing bamboos

They may seem dumb, but they are actually really funny and smart. They bite your
fingers, and flirt with pencils or try to fight them.



Describe a positive change in your life.
You should say:
when it happened
where it happened
what the change was
and explain how you have benefited from this
Since meeting him, my attitude towards life and other people has changed
dramatically. Sounds corny, but it is true. If we hadn't gotten together, I'd be a
completely different person now.

Up to that point in my life I had been following their advice.

That was my first major decision, although a bad one upon reflection. But it was my
decision nonetheless. After that I started being more independent and making my
own choices for good or bad.

Describe an artistic activity that you did (e.g. painting, sculpting, etc.) at school or
You should say:
What the activity was
When you did it
How you did it
And explain how you felt about it.


Origami crane 千纸鹤

Making clay animals 捏泥人

Roll the ball of clay into a tube shape. This will be the animal's body.
Break off a portion of the tube and roll into a ball for a head.
Cut the long thin tube into 4 even pieces
Attach the legs to the body.

Sculpting with clay is a fun, creative activity that anyone can enjoy.
It's inexpensive, relatively quiet and kids love it. Making animals with clay allows
children to use their hands and their imaginations.
有话可说最重要 *****
词汇、词组要地道 ****
语法偶尔复杂化 **
说话自信有语调 **


夜生活 nightlife
• What do you (like to) do in the evenings?
• Is there much (or, any) difference between what you do in the evenings and
in the daytime?
• Do you go out much in the evenings?
• What sorts of nighttime activities are available in your hometown?

Do you think museums and art galleries are important for children?
Museums are a great educational tool…

Do you like reading?
——Sure...but I'm only doing it 30-40 minutes a day rigth before I go to sleep.. It's
a wonderful way to relieve stress and to relax.

What kinds of things do you like reading? 
——I tend to like stuff that’s completely different from my life, I get really into
historical fictions
要学会去 paraphrase,即换个说法

I don’t think so. There’s just too much other stuff we can do these days, like…

Compare residential and commercial buildings.

Describe a good law in your country.
You should say:
What the law is
How you first learned about it
Who benefits from this law
And explain why you think this is a good law.

ban on the use of plastic bags
ban on smoking in public places

Honestly, I’m not familiar with the various laws in China. But lately I’ve been reading
a lot about…
I’ve never seen a law attract so much public attention before it went into effect.

第一部分每天练 20 分钟
至少准备 20 个话题卡



Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Cambridge advanced learner’s dictionary


charming, humorous…

6:59-7:03 之间的请删掉,里面有句话是 out of mind,用错了,把这个时间段的




Iron lady




比如说芙蓉姐姐,可以把“芙蓉 sister”放到 google 的搜索框里会找到很多“芙
蓉姐姐”英文怎么说——sister lotus,然后再把英文再次放进搜索框,就能找到

比如说——what subject are you studying?



BBC Learning English

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