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Domingo A. Lema Eduardo W. Orellana
Santiago, Chile. Santiago, Chile.

Resumen Abstract

El objetivo principal de esta ponencia es presentar el The main objective of this paper is to present the study,
estudio, análisis y los resultados obtenidos de un proyecto analysis and results of a research and development
de investigación y desarrollo realizado en Chile enfocado a
project conduced in Chile, focused on obtaining new
la obtención de nuevos materiales y diseños de los mismos
que garanticen la durabilidad del hormigón, a lo largo de materials and design them to ensure the durability of
su vida útil. concrete, along your shelf life.

Históricamente, el conferir durabilidad a las estructuras, se Historically, impart durability to structures, has resulted
ha traducido en exigir al hormigón el cumplimiento o in requiring the concrete compliance or restriction of
restricción de ciertos parámetros que no necesariamente certain parameters that do not necessarily guarantee
garantizan la protección adecuada para estos elementos y adequate protection for these elements and can
que pueden generar efectos no buscados, que finalmente generate unintended effects, which finally will mean
se traducirán en mayores costos de construcción y higher costs for construction and maintenance of the
mantención de las mismas. same.

En la actualidad, existen métodos y sistemas de última Currently, there are methods and systems of last
generación, respecto a los tradicionales, que son más generation, compared to traditional that are more
eficaces y de menor costo, que garantizan la protección del effective and less costly, guaranteeing protection of
hormigón frente a la acción de los ambientes y agentes concrete against the action of the agents and aggressive
agresivos. Lo anterior se obtiene mediante un mecanismo environments. This is obtained by a mechanism
que genera cristales en el interior de la masa de hormigón, generating crystals within the concrete mass, the specific
característica específica que provee la adición mineral feature that provides mineral addition called
denominada “PENETRON”, el cuál le otorga al hormigón la "PENETRON”, which gives the capability self-healing
capacidad de autosellar los poros, capilares y fisuras de su concrete pores, capillaries and fissures of its mass,
masa, mediante la formación activa y permanente de through active and ongoing formation of "crystal". The
“cristales”. El mecanismo de cristalización continua se continuous crystallization mechanism produces a very
traduce en un aumento muy sustancial de la vida útil del substantial increase in the shelf life of the concrete and
hormigón y por consiguiente de su armadura de refuerzo, therefore of his armor steel reinforcement, an issue that
cuestión que quedará demostrada en el detalle y will be demonstrated in detail and presentation of this
exposición de esta ponencia. paper.

Palabras Clave: Durabilidad; autosellado; Keywords: Durability; self-healing; waterproofing;

impermeabilización; cristalización; cristales; retracción crystallization; crystals; drying shrinkage, chloride
por secado, autosellado, difusión de cloruros; coeficiente diffusion; chlorides diffusion coefficient; pore;
de difusión de cloruros; poros; capilares; fisuras; sulfatos;
capillaries; fissures; sulfates; capillary absorption; shelf
absorción capilar; vida útil; impermeabilidad; sin
Penetron Admix (sin PA), con Penetron Admix (con PA). life; impermeability; without Penetron Admix (no PA),
with Penetron Admix (with PA)

Domingo A. Lema.: Durabilidad de las estructuras mediante
impermeabilización por cristalización e integración estructural al hormigón.

Introduction immune to deteriorating agents attack and aggressive

environments. Therefore, it is necessary to start by
The sustainability and durability of structures that are defining what is set as concrete durability.
subject to attack by aggressive environments depends

mainly on the materials used in its construction.
Normally, it is considered that the structures are highly Durability
resistant to mechanical stress more than other
conditions, using materials and criteria that do not The ACI 201 code defines the durability of concrete made
with hydraulic cement as "the ability to resist the
ensure the maintenance of the structural capacity over
weather action, chemical attack, abrasion or any other
time product of the action of other agents or solicitations
will be present throughout their shelf life. When it comes process of deterioration" and states that the concrete is
to durability of concrete, the definition should not be durable, must maintain its original shape, quality and the
based on the specification of a minimum compressive service features when exposed to this environment.
strength at the maximum water-cement (A / C) ratio, a
Moreover should be noted that factors exist that affect
minimum cement content or the incorporation of air.
the durability of different ways. They can be external
There are better ways to quantify durability through low
origin when they come from the solicitations of agents
permeability and low shrinkage, concrete performance
and aggressive environments and the effects related to
characteristics that can prolong the service life of a
the placement of concrete and internal origin, when they
structure is subjected to severe exposure conditions.
relation to the design mixture and the conventional
With the extensive use of innovative generation, such as approaches adopted to generate durability. In Figure 1
generated by crystallization impermeability, a concrete the factors affecting the durability and associated
mixture can be optimized for low permeability mineral pathologies if the criteria or protective measures are not
additions. The mineral aggregate PENETRON ADMIX taken is.
addition to concrete, providing unique properties for
waterproofing by crystallization mass pores, capillaries Figure 1. Factors and types of damage or deterioration that affect the
durability of concrete.
and cracks up to 0.4 mm aperture, which ultimately
results in increased durability and lifetime of structures,
minimizing costs maintenance and operation of these

Description of waterproofing known

crystallization Penetron Admix

It is a cementitious capillary waterproofing crystallization
of active ingredients in powder form that reacts with the
moisture of the concrete to form a soluble crystalline
structure. Inside the concrete product chemical
compounds, react with water, calcium hydroxide and
liberated during the hydration of cement and aluminum The problematic in the different works translates to
oxide and other metal salts present in the concrete, deterioration and loss of structural capacity of the
forming the crystals into the pores, capillaries and elements and it is therefore necessary to know the main
fissures. Each time you enter new concrete moisture mechanisms that generate the deterioration of
crystals, a process that is permanent, which is kept in the reinforced concrete, as indicated by Figures 2, 3 and 4.
"latent" to activate whenever the concrete requires are
generated. According to the Report 212.R3-10 Figure 2. Mechanisms that give rise the deterioration of the concrete
by the action of the sulphates.
corresponds to the crystallization additives acting by
being the only ones that qualify as PRAH additives
(additives permeability reduction to hydrostatic
pressure). No adverse effects on concrete.La durabilidad
y la problemática de las estructuras de hormigón

Concrete although it is a very versatile material, not
alone possesses some special properties that make it

Domingo A. Lema.: Durabilidad de las estructuras mediante
impermeabilización por cristalización e integración estructural al hormigón.

Figure 3. Mechanisms that give rise the deterioration of the concrete

by the action of chlorides.
Conventional design criteria for concrete

Currently, to comply durability, both in Chilean standards
as in the ACI 318 code, restrictions are set for design the
concrete mix which are based on:

a) High values of resistance.
Figure 4. Mechanisms that give rise the deterioration of the concrete b) Reasons A / C low.
by the action of ice thaw cycles.
c) High cement contents.

Many studies argue that even when the provisions

allowing more raincoats concrete, also stiffer, fisurables
and with important operational problems, such as the
pot life of the concrete, alteration of setting times and
greater heat of hydration of the concrete obtained
mixtures. As indicated, will produce pathologies and
undesirable effects on the structures such as increased
potential for cracking, reduced modulus, higher creep
In the work, the level of disruption results in costly (creep) and therefore different performance in
repairs or replacement definitely damaged structures, as durability.
shown in Figures 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
Obla, Lobo and Lemay (2005) indicate that the durability
Figure 5. Disintegration by Figure 6. Corrosion by chlorides
requirements of ACI 318 Building Code generally are
based on a low w / cm (water / cementitious material),
minimal resistance and incorporating air , to reduce
permeability to water and salts or chemicals that affect
the durability and service life of the concrete. However,
also note that the ratio w / cm cannot be measured
accurately and even harder to establish a consistent

correlation with the specified strength. Further indicate
Figure 7. High water pressure Figure 8. Drying shrinkage that a concrete can be optimized with the use of
supplementary cementitious materials and innovative
chemical admixtures to achieve the reduction of the
permeability, impermeability testing validated concrete.
Therefore, at the time of durability should be specified
on the basis of performance and impermeability of the
resulting concrete.

Figure 9. Ice thaw cycles This is also verified in Chile where the measurements
made of A / C, water penetration resistance and exhibit
high dispersion and therefore cannot be correlated.
Figures 10 and 11 show the values obtained in controls in
laboratory conditions.

Figure 10. Relationship between the ratio A / C and water penetration

as NCh2262.

Domingo A. Lema.: Durabilidad de las estructuras mediante
impermeabilización por cristalización e integración estructural al hormigón.

To validate the performance of different concretes

developed ware used accelerated and conventional tests
that allowed us to obtain comparative results of all
durability parameters.

The test specimens were prepared in the laboratory

Dictuc the Catholic University of Chile, and specimens
were manufactured in ready-mixed concrete plant which
was also controlled by Dictuc. The self-healing test was
performed in laboratory Concremat Brazil because in
Chile laboratories do not have the equipment or the
Figure 11. Relation between water penetration and resistance as expertise required to support execution this test.
NCh2262. Electron microscopy of these specimens was also
conducted in the Brazilian Portland Cement Association.

Drying shrinkage

The specimens were measured according NCh2221

Chilean regulations and the results are shown in Figure

Figure 13. Decreased length changes of concrete by drying shrinkage,

according NCh2221 standard.

Project Research and Development of High
Durability Concrete by Waterproofing by
Crystallization and Structural Integration to

Companies Cementos Bio Bio SA and Penetron Chile

Limitada, through tax break mechanisms delivering the
new law 20.241para research and development, CORFO
Chile obtained certification to execute a project whose
main objective was to provide the market a type of high
The changes in length for drying shrinkage of concrete
performance concrete durability, resistant to aggressive
were measured for more than one year. The PA concrete
solicitations of agents and environments has a drying shrinkage reduction of 24% compared to
concrete without PA.
The final product was achieved using mixture optimized

design based on the maximum compactness and
including an active mineral admixture called PENETRON Resistance of concrete to sulfates sodium
ADMIX, which is added to the concrete during Concrete specimens were subjected to a solution of
manufacture and reactive chemicals released during sodium sulfate and the reported values in Figure 14,
cement hydration, forming crystals insolubles in the correspond to the average of three specimens. Concrete
pores, capillaries, and cracks up to 0.4 mm designed with PA, being attacked by sulfates was
unchanged in length by expansion. In the concrete
Test specimens were prepared on a laboratory scale and without PA throughout the test period by expansion
industrial, with Portland pozzolanic cement and length change was observed with disintegration of the
aggregates are used in different areas of our country. mass.

Figure 14. Changes in length of concrete exposed to sulfate, according

to ASTM C1012.

Domingo A. Lema.: Durabilidad de las estructuras mediante
impermeabilización por cristalización e integración estructural al hormigón.

sacrificial anodes, this is a technique in retreat because

these elements they deteriorate over time so it must be
replaced in the short term, associated with the high cost
and risk of corrosion that means. If cracks are generated
and are not sealed, moisture and salts enter the concrete
expansion occurring damage, diminishing the structural
capacity of the structures, even if the reinforcing steel is
protected with corrosion inhibitors.

The specimens were tested according to ASTM C1556

and the results obtained are shown in Table 2.
Mortar specimens with and without PA were tested
according to ASTM C1012 and reported in Figure 15 Table 2. Apparent diffusion coefficient of chlorides
values correspond to the average of three specimens.
The requirements for length changes in mortars exposed Initial Superficial
CONCRETE Content Cl Content Cl
to sulphates, are established in the ASTM 1157 standard Time Coefficient
Ci (%) Cs(%) 2
and are shown in Table 1. (Days) Cl(m /s)
C WITHOUT PA 35 0,023 1,084 7,20E-12
C1 WITH PA 35 0,022 1,304 4,90E-12
Figure 15. Changes in length mortar exposed to sulfate according to C2 WITH PA 35 0,015 1,275 6,17E-12
ASTM C1012. C3 WITH PA 35 0,008 1,481 4,66E-12

Noteworthy that the accelerated test method ASTM
C1556 applies a chloride concentration equivalent to
approximately 4.7 fold the true marine environment is
exposed a structure.

Once obtained the values of chloride diffusion

coefficient, we proceeded to evaluate the lifetime of
concrete, using the model of the second Fick's Law of

Table 1. Requirements length changes in mortars made based upon
hydraulic cement. Applying the prediction model indicated the values
shown in Figure 17 were obtained.

Resistance to sulphates Figure 17. Estimated Shelf Life of concrete
6 months (%) 0,10 0,05
12 months (%) ----- 0,10


MS: moderately resistant to sulphates Cement.

HS: highly sulphate resistant cement.

Resistance of concrete to chloride diffusion

Currently, for chloride attack conventional protective

measures such as incorporate corrosion inhibiting
additives to concrete or placing sacrificial anodes are The concrete results of PA predict the service life, before
used in the structure. Regarding corrosion inhibitor the onset of corrosion, 2-3 times higher than that of
additive, there is no certainty that when added to concrete without PA, for a level of chloride concentration
concrete is uniformly distributed in the mixture to of 4.7 times the test of the real environment. Therefore,
achieve fully passivated reinforcing steel. Regarding it can be estimated that the shelf life before corrosion
starts, will be more than 100 years. Then, the concrete

Domingo A. Lema.: Durabilidad de las estructuras mediante
impermeabilización por cristalización e integración estructural al hormigón.

with PA is the best solution to prevent corrosion in Notes:

structures that will be exposed to marine environment -The limit value corresponds to the evaluation criteria stated in the
Manual Durar Cyted.
and has a trial and a reliable model to validate the
-This manual indicates that in severe environments with coating
performance and shelf life of concrete. 1/2
thickness of 30 mm, concrete with capillary absorption ≤ 5E-05 (m/s )
and in less severe environments 10E-04 (m/s ) is recommended.
Resistance of concrete to Ice - thaw cycles
Concretes with PA show values much below the required
Specimens were prepared and were tested according limit for severe environment and coating thickness of 30
NCh2182 standard and the values obtained are shown in mm. Therefore, we can say that there is an optimal
Figure 18. correlation between capillary absorption and
impermeability of the concrete mass generated by the
Figure 18. Resistance of concrete to ice thaw cycles
formation of crystals.

Waterproofing of concrete

Were prepared and tested concrete specimens according

NCh2262 standard. Furthermore, water pressure tests
were performed for extended periods to evaluate age
impermeability than those of the standard, in order to
show the effect of the formation of crystals over time.
Figures 20 and 21 show the values obtained with the test
and applying age extended procedure.

Figure 20. Comparison between water penetration according NCh2262

and water penetration with application of water pressure to 63 days.
The standard establishes a requirement NCh2185
maximum expansion of 0.05% for mixtures with 5%
entrained air, after 50 freeze-thaw cycles.
The values correspond to concrete without entrained
air, which means it is not necessary to incorporate air
into concrete with PA to resist ice thaw cycles.

Capillary absorption

Specimens according to ASTM C 1585 were prepared.
Tests 90 days were performed with prior conditioning of
the specimens, with maintaining water pressure of 0.5
MPa for a period of 28 days and then were tested in a
Figure 21. Comparison between water penetration according NCh2262
normal manner. The values obtained are shown in Figure and water penetration with application of water pressure to 90 days.

Figure 19. Concrete Capillary Absorption

Domingo A. Lema.: Durabilidad de las estructuras mediante
impermeabilización por cristalización e integración estructural al hormigón.

The values shown in Figures 20 and 21 show that in

concretes without PA, the values at the age of NCh2262
rule, are less than 20 mm of water penetration but if it
continues to apply water pressure up to 63 days, this
value increases to 20 mm to 50% more than 28 days.
However, concrete with PA at 63 and 90 days water
penetration decreases 30-40% compared to the values of
the normal age test owing to crystal formation in time.

Self-healing cracks in concrete

As in our country accredited laboratories do not have the
The values indicate that the cracked concrete specimens
expertise and equipment needed for the measurement
with PA. After applying a pressure of 150 m of water
of this property, we resorted to Concremat Brazilian
column of water for eight weeks the crystals that are
laboratory to perform the tests.
generated in decreasing the crack allow water filtration
The specimens were manufactured in Chile Dictuc volume for more than 95%. Concrete without PA, at eight
laboratory and assayed based on GB18445/01 - Chinese weeks it received a reduction of only 60% flow but new
National Standart-Cementitios Capillary Crystalline cracks appear, cannot self-healing them.
Waterproofing Materials. In Figure 22, a summary
description of the test is indicated. Moreover, the flow of
water filtration through the evaluated crack specimens Upon completion in self-sealing test, electron microscopy
and the values obtained are shown in Figure 23 was performed on the specimens to verify the formation
of crystals. Concretes with PA showed formation of
Figure 22. Specimens for testing self-healing crystals in the mass of which are described in Figure 24.

Figure 24. Scanning electron microscopy

Crystals in crack area C1 Calcium carbonate crystals

Scanning 2500x Scanning 2500x.

Molds Filled out

C2 Calcium carbonate crystals C3 Calcium carbonate crystals

Scanning 2500x Scanning 2500x.

Generation of crack Application of pressurized water

Figure 23. Evaluation water filtration volume for at the time

the cracked concrete by means self-healing test.

Domingo A. Lema.: Durabilidad de las estructuras mediante
impermeabilización por cristalización e integración estructural al hormigón.

C without PA does not own crystals or products other than those of The crystals formed in the mass and the crack of
Portland cement, scanning 3500x.
concrete designed with PA, restore the impermeability
over 95%. Concrete designed without PA at the same age
reduces the filtration rate only 60%, but if new cracks are
produced does not have the ability to seal them.

Compressive Strength
Concrete designed with PA obtained a 13% increase in
compressive strength compared to concrete designed
without PA.
Finally, concrete designed with PA provides the following
Drying shrinkage

Concrete designed with PA has a 24% less drying
shrinkage than concrete designed without PA. ü No need to oversize the concrete to comply
Resistencia a los sulfatos de sodio ü Mixture possesses optimized design.
Concrete designed with PA does not experience ü By not using conventional design criteria concrete,
expansion. Concrete designed without PA, which reduces associated pathologies.
undergoes changes in volume expansion during ü Triples shelf life before corrosion starts.
ü Reduce the cost of the structures.
Concrete PA designed with respect to concrete designed ü The use of other additives that do not guarantee
durability is eliminated.
without PA, has 30-40% less water penetration with
applying water under pressure at ages greater than 28 ü Enables compliance durability without using
restrictive criteria mix design.
days (63 and 92 days) ages.

Capillary absorption
Concrete designed with PA values obtained wicking 10
times lower than the maximum limit for severe exposure References
and coating of 30 mm. Concrete designed without PA
does not meet maximum limit.
-ACI 318, Code Requirements for Structural Concrete.

Diffusion of Chloride
-ACI 212.3R-10, Report on Chemical Admixtures for Concrete.
Concrete designed with PA obtains diffusion chloride
coefficient values 50% smaller than the concrete -Karthik Obla, Colin Lobo, Lionel Lemay, NRMCA (2005). Specifying
designed without PA, resulting in an increase of 4.7 times Concrete for Durability, Performance-Based Criteria Offer Best
the shelf life of the structures before corrosion starts, a

environment 4 times more exposure to what exists in -Manual Durar Cyted. Manual Inspection, evaluation and diagnosis of
reality. Not requerid corrosion inhibitor additives. corrosion in reinforced concrete structures.

-Chilean-Standards: NCh2262, NCh2184, NCh2185, NCh147, NCh148,
Resistance to freeze - thaw cycles
NCh2221, NCh1018, NCh1019, NCh1037, NCh1564 y NCh1017.
Concrete designed with PA, compared to concrete
designed without PA, presents expansion values 10 times -Normas ASTM: C642, C1064-08, C1012-12, C1152-03, C1157-03,
smaller and no use of air-entraining admixture is C1218-99, C1556-04 y C1585-04.

required. Concrete designed without PA does not meet
-GB18445/01 – Chinese National Standart – Cementitios Capillary
maximum expansion. Crystalline Waterproofing Materials.

Self-Healing of cracked specimens

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