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‘The Diamond’: a structure

for simulation debrief
Peter Jaye1, Libby Thomas1 and Gabriel Reedy2
Simulation and Interactive Learning Centre (SaIL), Guys and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation
Trust, London, UK
King’s Learning Institute, King’s College London, UK

SUMMARY through teaching simulation approach to high-quality debrief- Debriefing is

Background: Despite debriefing debriefing to hundreds of faculty ing on non-technical skills. the most
being found to be the most members over several years. The Feedback from learners and from
important element in providing diamond shape visually repre- debriefing faculty members has
effective learning in simulation- sents the idealised process of a indicated that the Diamond is element in
based medical education reviews, debrief: opening out a facilitated useful and valuable as a debrief- providing
there are only a few examples in discussion about the scenario, ing tool, benefiting both partici- effective
the literature to help guide a before bringing the learning back pants and faculty members. It learning in
debriefer. The diamond debriefing into sharp focus with specific can be used by junior and senior
method is based on the technique learning points. faculty members debriefing in
of description, analysis and Innovation: The Diamond is a pairs, allowing the junior faculty based medical
application, along with aspects of two-sided prompt sheet: the first member to conduct the descrip- education
the advocacy-inquiry approach and contains the scaffolding, with a tion phase, while the more reviews
of debriefing with good judgement. series of specifically constructed experienced faculty member
It is specifically designed to allow questions for each phase of the leads the later and more chal-
an exploration of the non-technical debrief; the second lays out the lenging phases. The Diamond
aspects of a simulated scenario. theory behind the questions and gives an easy but pedagogically
Context: The debrief diamond, a the process. sound structure to follow and
structured visual reminder of the Implication: The Diamond specific prompts to use in the
debrief process, was developed encourages a standardised moment.
© 2015 The Authors. The Clinical Teacher published by Association for the Study of Medical Education and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 171
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There are only a INTRODUCTION
few examples in

igh-fidelity simulation uses
the literature life-size manikins in actual
to help guide a or recreated clinical
debriefer environments to provide a clinical
training experience without
posing any risk to real patients.
It can be used for all types of
health care professional at any
stage, pre- or post-qualification.
Although it is used for many
types of training, it is ideally
suited for the teaching of
non-technical skills such as
teamworking, prioritising and
leadership, and it provides a
unique opportunity for inter-
professional education.1

Simulation-based medical
education reviews consistently
find debriefing to be the most
important element in providing
effective learning.2,3 A commonly
used definition of debriefing is a
‘facilitated or guided reflection in
the cycle of experiential learning’ episodes of the authors, our decrease in didactic teaching.
that occurs after a learning work training over 500 novices Candidates talked more and
event.4 Despite the recognised on courses and in practice by shared more clinical stories that
importance of debriefing, there ‘debriefing the debrief’. These illustrated non-technical skills
are only a few examples in the experiences suggested that a (NTS); however, facilitators were
literature to help guide a structured visual reminder would still rarely able to develop
debriefer.5,6,7 Leading experts in benefit faculty members and specific, personalised learning
the field have called for work to participants. points for learners to take away.
‘define explicit models of debrief-
ing’.8 In response to this, the We observed that faculty Recognising these issues, we
authors set out to develop a clear members often start a debrief believed the debrief sheet needed
and simple visual aid to debrief- confidently, but can find it further evolution. This was when
ing of clinical events, be they difficult to structure a discussion two ideas intersected.
simulated or real. around non-technical skills. They
1. Integrating a cognitive
frequently allowed technical skills
scaffold of question prompts
The debriefing method upon to dominate the discussion, used
separated by clearly signpost-
which diamond is based has at its closed questions and reverted to
ed transitions between phases.
core the technique of description, didactic instructional approaches
analysis and application,5 along or traditional feedback tools, 2. Using the diamond shape to
with aspects of the advocacy- such as Pendleton’s rules.9 visually represent the idealised
inquiry approach and of debrief- process of a debrief: opening
ing with good judgement.6 We developed an initial out a facilitated discussion
debriefing aid for new simulation about the scenario, before
CONTEXT faculty that listed specific bringing the learning back
questions, prompts, and remind- into sharp focus with specific
The debrief diamond was devel- ers used in the description, learning points.
oped through the work of the analysis, and application debrief-
authors at the simulation centre ing model. This was integrated INNOVATION
of a large academic health into our faculty member debrief-
sciences centre and hospital ing courses and used during all of The Diamond was developed
system in the UK. The Diamond our simulation courses. We as a double-sided page (see
was developed over time based observed an increase in the Figures 1 and 2). The first side
on the personal debriefing quality of facilitation and a contains the scaffold, with a
172 © 2015 The Authors. The Clinical Teacher published by Association for the Study of Medical Education and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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series of specifically constructed It enables
questions for each phase of new faculty
the description, analysis and
application debrief. The second
members to
side lays out the theory behind practise their
the questions and the process debriefing
enabling the debriefing fac- skills
ulty member to quickly remind
themselves of the learning
environment that they are trying
to create, and how this can be

Although the question prompts

may seem didactic and inflexible,
this is purposeful, and suits the
aim of a cognitive scaffold. It
enables new faculty members to found that retaining the specific Description
practise their debriefing skills, components, such as transitions The description process in-
initially with close adherence to (e.g. ‘this scenario was designed volves taking the group through
the prompts. When the faculty to show…’), serves to signpost an ‘agreed description’ of the
member is more experienced, the the process for both learners and scenario that has just finished.
model can act as a guide rather faculty members, and thus This should be performed
than a script. Faculty members improves the quality of the action-by-action, restricting the
experienced in debriefing have debrief. discussion to facts and avoiding
emotion. The facilitator should
Debrief Diamond: Key Phrases to Remember start the debrief with a simple
non-judgmental phrase, and then
direct the conversation to those
candidates not involved in the
scenario to engage them in the
process. This allows the scenario
participants to rest and to reflect
on their colleagues’ recollections
of the events, before giving their
own accounts.

We argue that it is vital that

the facilitator acknowledges
comments about the perceived
quality of the performance, but
redirects away from performance
evaluation at this stage; the
focus should remain on creating a
shared understanding of what
actually occurred in the scenario.
This ensures that scenario
participants do not feel under
attack, and that a safe learning
environment is maintained.

Interestingly, we do not use a

venting ‘How do you feel?’
question initially, as suggested
by Rudolph et al.6 We have not
found this necessary, and
postulate that this may be
cultural, in that the model was
Figure 1. The first side of the Diamond contains the scaffold with a series of specifically constructed
developed in a UK rather than in
questions for each phase of the description, analysis and application debrief a US setting.
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At the end of The analysis phase is where
the descriptive the facilitator structures the
debrief around non-technical
phase, the skills. Our faculty training
facilitators can recommends that only one skill is
clarify any explored in each debrief, to avoid
outstanding cognitive overload for the
clinical issues learner. We encourage facilitators
to focus on the skill that the
or technical learners – not the faculty
questions members – feel was most relevant
within the scenario. Faculty
members can then construct a
framework within which these
skills can be examined and
developed, using as a basis the
shared and agreed experience of
the scenario and the clinical
experience of all participants.

Once these are aired, the

facilitator should illustrate
positive (and, we argue, only very
carefully, and with extreme
caution, negative) examples of
the non-technical skill that is to
be the focus. Guiding the
conversation, the faculty member
can help to break this skill or
behaviour down into specific
actions that participants can use
in their clinical environments.
This is a facilitative process,
Figure 2. The second side of the Diamond lays out the theory behind the questions and the debrief-
ing process during which the faculty member
reflects and summarises the
suggestions of the group,
At the end of the descriptive issues to prevent them from reframing them in non-technical
phase, the facilitators can clarify dominating the analysis phase. language, as appropriate.
any outstanding clinical issues or
technical questions. The Diamond Analysis The facilitator next moves
offers faculty members the The analysis phase starts with through the transition with the
prompt ‘This scenario was an open question, such as ‘how phrase ‘So what we have talked
designed to show…the recom- did you feel?’, directed to the about in this scenario is… What
mended management of which scenario participants. It is impor- have we agreed that we could
is…’ This phrase allows the tant that faculty members allow do?’ This reinforces the learning
faculty members to clarify the enough time for the candidates about the NTS, ensuring a greater
intentions of running the to compose their answer, even if likelihood of remembering the
scenario, but accepts the a few moments of silence seems detail in clinical practice
limitations and emergent nature uncomfortable. It may be neces- settings.
of simulation as a learning sary to follow up the response
setting. Summarising the clinical with ‘why?’, or similar prompts, Application
management reinforces appropri- which can be asked multiple This phase encourages par-
ate clinical knowledge, skills, times until underlying feelings ticipants to consider how they
protocol adherence or behaviour, and motivations are revealed. may apply the knowledge in
and addresses potential miscon- This cycle can be reflected back their own clinical practice. This
ceptions without specifically to the group to compare and aspect can be the most challeng-
focusing on the performance of contrast perceptions and feel- ing for faculty members, as the
participants.6 It also lessens the ings, and to explore the nature learning needs to be drawn to
opportunity for collusion, and of any potential dissonance a conclusion in a very focused
draws a line under the clinical expressed. way, without the introduction of
174 © 2015 The Authors. The Clinical Teacher published by Association for the Study of Medical Education and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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alternative suggestions. Faculty design-based inquiry exploring sional education using simulation. Debriefing
members should ask for specific how the intentions of the design J Interprof Care 2008;22:499–508. facilitators
summary points from the par- are being reflected in actual
ticipants who made particular debriefs, and in-depth interaction
2. Issenberg SB, McGaghie WC, need both
Petrusa ER, Lee Gordon D,
suggestions about non-technical and conversational analysis of Scalese RJ. Features and uses of
skills and behaviours during the video recordings of diamond- high-fidelity medical simulations techniques
analysis phase. It is important based debriefs, which will that lead to effective learning: a
BEME systematic review. Med Teach
and a clear
to allow one or two participants demonstrate the extent to which structure to
to contextualise this skill within diamond-based debriefs show
their own working environment. clear evidence of learning and 3. McGaghie WC, Issenberg SB, Petrusa optimise
ER, Scalese RJ. A critical review of learning during
This emphasis on applying the engagement with the simulation simulation-based medical education
new skills to their own environ- experience. research: 2003–2009. Med Educ a debrief
ments finishes up the debrief in a 2010;44:50–63.
focused, yet personalised, way. The feedback received from 4. Fanning RM, Gaba DM. The Role
debriefs of over 6000 learners in of Debriefing in Simulation-
IMPLICATIONS our centre, and from other allied Based Learning. Simul Healthc
centres, shows that the Diamond 2007;2:115–125.
Based on experiences in our encourages a standardised 5. Steinwachs B. How to Facilitate
centre, we argue that debriefing approach to high-quality debrief- a Debriefing. Simulation Gaming
facilitators need both specific ing across courses and institu- 1992;23:186–195.
techniques and a clear structure tions, benefiting both participants 6. Rudolph JW, Simon R, Dufresne RL,
to optimise learning during a and faculty members. It facili- Raemer DB. There’s No Such Thing
as ‘Nonjudgmental’ Debriefing: A
debrief.10 We have developed the tates debriefing in pairs, as the
Theory and Method for Debriefing
Diamond to address this need. transition phases are a perfect with Good Judgment. Simul Healthc
Currently there is considerable point to switch faculty member; it 2006;1:49–55.
variation between the perceived also allows junior faculty mem- 7. Dieckmann P, Molin Friis S,
ideal role of the debrief facilita- bers to conduct the relatively Lippert A, Østergaard D. The art
tor and what is actually executed unproblematic description phase and science of debriefing in simula-
during real debriefing sessions.7 while more experienced faculty tion: Ideal and practice. Med Teach
We argue that a tool such as the members lead the later and more 2009;31:e287–e294.
Diamond could help address this challenging phases. 8. Raemer D, Anderson M, Cheng A,
gap. Fanning R, Nadkarni V, Savoldelli
G. Research regarding debriefing as
As a cognitive scaffold for
part of the learning process. Simul
Further research is currently in novice facilitators, we suggest Healthc 2011;6:S52–S57.
process to define the extent to that the Diamond gives an easy
9. Pendleton D, Schofield T, Tate P,
which this model does indeed and pedagogically sound struc- Havelock P. The consultation: an
assist faculty members with the ture to follow, with specific approach to learning and teaching.
delivery of the post-simulation prompts to use in the moment. Oxford: Oxford University Press;
debrief, and to what extent it 1984.
enhances the learning of partici- REFERENCES 10. Dismukes RK, Gaba DM, Howard
pants. This includes research SK. So Many Roads: Facilitated
1. Robertson J, Bandali K. Bridging Debriefing in Healthcare. Simul
validating the use of the Diamond
the gap: Enhancing interprofes- Healthc 2006;1:23–25.
in other settings, a more rigorous

Corresponding author’s contact details: Dr Peter Jaye, Director of SaIL Centres, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, Simulation
and Interactive Learning (SaIL) Centre, 1st Floor, St Thomas House, St Thomas Hospital, Westminster Bridge Road, London, SE1 7EH, UK.

Funding: Funding for the faculty development courses was mainly from the London Deanery STELI Project – Simulation and Technolgy
Enhanced Learning Initiative.

Conflict of interest: None.

Acknowledgements: None.

Ethical approval: Specific ethical approval was not required for this project. The SaIL Centres have blanket ethical approval from its
local ethics board for continuing educational research. No patients were involved in this research at any point.

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use,
distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.

doi: 10.1111/tct.12300

© 2015 The Authors. The Clinical Teacher published by Association for the Study of Medical Education and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 175
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