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Health, safety, security and environment (HSSE) are of top most priority in the oil global oil
industry today. This has necessitated the relevant statutory authorities in the industry like
the ISO, API, ASME to enact some basic quality practices and procedures to prevent some
unwanted occurrences that poses threat to life and property. In ASHBARD ENERGY where
HSSE is of paramount importance, it’s therefore significant that all the portfolio has its
defined objective to ensure the security of life and property at the workplace.

This document serves to ensure the following objectives

 To integrate QA/QC practices into all sections of the workforce by defining the
procedural approach that cuts across all sections of the organisation.
 To monitor personnel Level of HSE awareness and compliance.


This document defines the HSSE objectives per entity for all ASHBARD activities both
onshore and Offshore which would serve as the basics for the appraisal scheme for each
portfolio based on the extent of compliance to the stated procedures.

Ashbard Energy Company Limited.

Managing Director:

 He/she shall champion the enactment of all applicable Health, Safety, Security and
Environmental policies by means of Authentication.
 He/she shall ensure by means of approval that every entity in the workforce
undergoes the relevant HSSE and Technical trainings based on the Technical
requirement from the entity.
 He/she shall alongside the safety Officer and the General Manager nominate and
present Anomaly award to the beneficiary.
 He/she shall supervise the Company’s HSSE management review meetings.
 He/she shall

General Manager:

 The General Manager shall ensure the strict adherence to approved HSSE practices
and policies by each personnel by means of query and other Disciplinary actions to
 He/she shall report a reasonable number of anomalies per month.
 He/she shall ensure proper enforcement of the company’s HSSE policies.
 He/she shall initiate and supervise management periodic tour around the office

HSE Officer:

 He/she shall advice management on all imminent hazards associated with all the
organisations operations within and outside the company premises.
 He/she shall communicate all relevant company HSSE policies to all staff.
 He/she shall monitor the extent of compliance per portfolio to all company policies
within and outside the company’s premises.
 He/she initiate the review of all company’s stated HSSE Policies
 He/she shall advice management on the necessary trainings

Ashbard Energy Company Limited.

 He/she shall be responsible for the induction of Visitors and New Employees.
 He/she educate and encourage the habit of Anomaly reporting by entity by means of
 He/she shall prescribe the necessary PPEs per entity for procurement.
 He/she shall communicate all imminent HSSE information to all personnel.
 He/she shall ensure proper book keeping of all safety documents which includes but
not limited to regular update of the HSSE statistics board(KPI), proper anomaly
 He/she shall initiate and conduct safety/emergency drills.
 He/she shall specify the periodicity of HSE management review meeting and shall
communicate to all personnel involved by means of memoir.
 Shall keep tracks of all Third party certifications of the company’s equipment.

Base Supervisor:

 He/she shall enforce all approved safety practices amongst the Technical crew.
 He/she shall define the modalities for the training of Technical employee
 He/she shall supervise the daily tool box meeting before the start of any technical
activity within and outside the company’s premises
 He/she shall enforce proper housekeeping at the Technical office and at the Test
 He/she shall supervise the activities of Vendors/contractors activity in all aspect of
the company’s operation.
 Shall train all personnel involved on the use of any new equipment procured.

Technical crew:

 Shall wear the necessary PPEs before commencement of any Activity within and
outside the company premises.
 Shall report reasonable number of anomalies per week.

Ashbard Energy Company Limited.

 Shall ensure proper housekeeping at all areas of the company’s operation.
 Shall ensure proper manual handling operation during all company’s operations
within and outside the company’s premises.

Head of Administration/Finance:

 He/she shall coordinate the procurement and issuance of all the necessary PPEs to
all staff per portfolio.
 He/she shall ensure the remission of all necessary
 He/she shall make provisions for the evacuation of all generated wastes within the
company’s premises.
 He/she shall report reasonable number of anomalies.

Executive Secretary/PA:

 He/she shall co-ordinate/supervise the issuance of PPEs to all personnel.

 He/she shall document the minutes of the HSE management review meetings.
 He/she shall keep track of all personnel Training records and certifications.
 He/she shall arrange and coordinate trainings for all personnel.
 He/she shall report reasonable number of anomalies.
 Shall ensure proper work ergonomics while on duty.


 He shall drive within the specified speed limit within and outside the company’s
 Shall maintain proper maintenance history of the company’s vehicle.
 Shall report reasonable number of anomalies.

Ashbard Energy Company Limited.

 Shall ensure the up-to-date availability of all safety materials in the company’s
vehicle which includes but not limited to Fire Extinguishers, Seat belts, Air bag etc.


 Shall inform management of all security threats to the organisation.

 Shall report reasonable number of anomalies.
 Shall be part of the Emergency rescue team.
 Shall initiate security drills.
 Shall worn off intruders around the company’s premises.


 Shall carry out proper cleaning and housekeeping at the Companies premises.
 Shall report reasonable number of anomalies per week.
 Shall ensure proper waste segregation of the company’s generated wastes.

Community liaison Officer:

 He/she shall ensure that the company maintains a healthy relationship between the
community and Ashbard Energy.
 Shall inform the company of any security issue around the company’s operating
 Shall report reasonable number of anomalies.

Third Party Contractors:

 Shall adhere to all company’s stated HSSE policy.

Ashbard Energy Company Limited.

 Shall provide evidence of Authenticity of any material supplied for use or to be
installed at the company’s premises.
 Shall be inducted on the safety management system before commencement of

Ashbard Energy Company Limited.

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