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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in

pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 1. A. great B. bread C. break D. steak
Question 2. A. landed B. planted C. naked D. looked

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the
primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3. A. construct B. constant C. connect D. contain
Question 4. A. dominant B. introduce C. faraway D. dishwasher

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 5. After standing in the sun for more than an hour, two of the people in the queue ______ out and they
__________to after some women threw water in their faces.
A. turned/went B. put/threw C. came/turned D. passed/came
Question 6. We expect Linh _____ to the airport late as the plane will take off in 15 minutes.
A. to come B. not to come C. not coming D. coming
Question 7. Befriending can offer volunteers the opportunity to provide support and friendship to a person who may be
going _____ a difficult period.
A. up B. on C. off D. through
Question 8. The little girl started crying. She _____ her doll, and no one was able to find it for her.
A. has lost B. had lost C. was losing D. was lost
Question 9. John will never buy you a drink - he's far too _________.
A. tight-fisted B. pig-headed C. highly-strung D. easy – going
Question 10. As _____________ about this change of schedule earlier, I arrived at the meeting late.
A. not being informed B. not having informed C. not informed D. had not been informed
Question 11. Nobody believed him although he managed to convince them _____his innocence.
A. on B. in C. of D. at
Question 12. As a young actress, Linda tried to resist the ____________to move to Hollywood.
A. tempt B. tempting C. temptation D. temptingly
Question 13. An independent adviser has been brought in __________between the two sides involved in the conflict.
A. to conciliate B. conciliating C. conciliate D. being conciliated
Question 14. If the bride's father _____ the car for the wrong time, she _____ at the Church by now.
A. hadn‘t booked/would have been B. didn't book/would have been
C. hadn't booked/would be D. hadn’t booked/had been
Question 15. They are conducting a wide _____ of surveys throughout Vietnam.
A. collection B. range C. selection D. group
Question 16: Women no longer have to do hard work nowadays as they used to, _________?
A. are they B. aren’t they C. do they D. don’t they
Question 17: He is exhausted. He ___________around the whole afternoon trying to clean the house before the guests
A. has been running B. has run C. be running D. was running
Question 18: He was offered the job______his qualifications were poor.
A. despite B. in spite of C. even though D. Whereas
Question 19: The committee is _______ of well-known mountaineers.
A. contained B. comprised C. included D. consisted

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each
of the following questions.
Question 20. An organization for Educational Development co-operated with our school to establish free English
classes for the poor in the area.
A. put away B. put off C. set off D. set up
Question 21. The company will only employ competent engineers, so they want to see evidence of their work as well
the references from previous employers.
A. ambitious B. unqualified C. proficient D. inconvenient

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) that is OPPOSITE in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 22. Unfortunately, the sunny intervals we were promised have been few and far between.
A. unusual B. extraordinary C. rare D. frequent
Question 23. John: “I think we have done enough work today. I’m feeling tired now”. Alice: “Let’s call it a day and hit
the hay!” A. stay awake B. go to sleep C. take a bath

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
The tradition of gift giving is a worldwide (1)_________ that is said to have been around since the beginning of
human beings. Over time, different cultures have developed their own gift giving customs and traditions.
In France, the gift of wine for the hostess of a dinner party is not an appropriate gift as the hostess would prefer to
choose the vintage for the night. In Sweden, a bottle of wine or flowers are an appropriate gift for the hostess. In Viet
Nam, a gift of whisky is appropriate for the host, and some fruit or small gifts for the hostess, children or elders of the
home. Besides, gifts should never be wrapped in black paper because this color is unlucky and associated with funerals in
this country. Gifts (2)____________symbolize cutting such as scissors, knives and other sharp objects should be avoided
because they mean the cutting of the relationship. Also, in some countries you should not open the gift in front of the
giver and in (3)__________it would be an insult if you did not open the gift.
Beyond the gift itself, give careful consideration to the manner in which it is presented. Different cultures have
different customs regarding how a gift should be offered – using only your right hand or using both hands, (4)_____.
Others have strong traditions related to the appropriate way to accept a gift. In Singapore, for instance, it is the standard
to graciously refuse a gift several times before finally accepting it. The recipient would never unwrap a gift in front of the
giver for fear of appearing greedy.
Understanding these traditions and customs, as well as taking time to choose an appropriate gift, will help you to
avoid any awkwardness or (5)__________ as you seek to build a better cross-cultural relationship.

Question 24. A. exercise B. practice C. work D. task

Question 25. A. what B. that C. where D. who
Question 26. A. others B. other C. the others D. the other
Question 27. A. yet B. instead C. though D. for example
Question 28. A. embarrassment B. embarrass C. embarrassing D. embarrassed

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in
each of the following questions.
Question 29: What I told her a few days ago is not the solution to most of her problems.
A. What I told her B. is C. to D. most of
Question 30: Modern office buildings have false floors under which computer and phone wires can be lain 7
A. office buildings B. false floors C. which D. can be lain
Question 31: Public speaking is quite a frightening experience for many people as it can produce a status of mind
similar to panic. D
A. quite B. frightening C. status D. panic

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions from 32 to 36.
Stars have been significant features in the design of many United States coins and their number has varied from one
to forty-eight stars. Most of the coins issued from about 1799 to the early years of the twentieth century bore thirteen
stars representing the thirteen original colonies.
Curiously enough, the first American silver coins, issued in 1794, had fifteen stars because by that time Vermont
and Kentucky have joined the Union. At that time it was apparently the intention of mint officials to add a star for each
new state. Following the admission of Tennessee in 1796, for example, some varieties of half dimes, dimes, and half
dollars were produced with sixteen stars.
As more states were admitted to the Union, however, it quickly became apparent that this scheme would not prove
practical and the coins from 1798 were issued with only thirteen Stars - one for each of the original colonies. Due to an
error at the mint, one variety of the 1828 half-cent was issued with only twelve stars. There is also a variety of the large
cent with only 12 stars, but this is the result of a die break and is not a true error.

Question 32: What is the main topic of the passage?

A. Stars on American coins B. The teaching of astronomy in state universities
C. Colonial stamps and coins D. The star as national symbol of the United States
Question 33: The expression "Curiously enough" is used because the author finds it strange that _____.
A. Tennessee was the first state to use half dimes
B. Vermont and Kentucky joined the Union in 1794
C. silver coins with fifteen stars appeared before coins with thirteen
D. no silver coins were issued until 1794
Question 34: Why was a coin produced in 1828 with only twelve stars?
A. Tennessee had left the Union. B. The mint made a mistake.
C. There were twelve states at the time. D. There is a change in design policy.
Question 35: Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the denomination of an American coin?
A. Half nickel B. Half-dollar C. Hall cent D. Half dime
Question 36: The word "their" in line 1 refers to _________.
A. features B. coins C. stars D. colonies

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions from 37 to 43.
One day, a middle-aged man asked a taxi to take him to see Chelsea play Arsenal at football. He told the driver
“Stamford Bridge”, the name of Chelsea's stadium, but he was delivered him instead to the village of Stamford Bridge in
Yorkshire. Of course, he missed the match.
What had happened? With the Sat-Nav system in place, the driver in this story felt that he did not need to know where
he was going. He confidently outsourced the job of knowing this information to the Sat-Nav. Using an Internet search
engine takes a broadband user less than a second. And with smartphones at hand, people will be online almost all of the
The same could be true of university education. Today, the average student seems not to value general knowledge. If
asked a factual question, they will usually click on a search engine without a second thought. Actually knowing the fact
and committing it to memory does not seem to be an issue, it's the ease with which we can look it up.
However, general knowledge has never been something that you acquire formally. Instead, we pick it up from all
sorts of sources as we go along, often absorbing facts without realizing. The question remains, then: is the Internet
threatening general knowledge? When I put that to Moira Jones, expert in designing IQ tests, she referred me to the
story of the Egyptian god Thoth. It goes like this: Thoth invents writing and proudly offers it as a gift to the king of Egypt,
declaring it an “elixir of memory and wisdom”. But the king is horrified, and tells him: “This invention will induce
forgetfulness in the souls of those who have learned it, because they will not need to exercise their memories, being able
to rely on what is written”.
“Who wants to be a millionaire finalist David Swift, responding to the same question, recognizes that there was a
problem of young people saying: “I don't need to know that”, but he is far more excited about the educational potential
of the Internet. “There is so much more info out there, giving people far more opportunities to boost their general
knowledge”. After all, the Internet might just help us to forget more and more. But meanwhile, the continuing popularity
of puzzles and games-show shows us that general knowledge is strong.

Question 37: Which best serves as the title for the passage?
A. The Age of the Robot? B. Novel applications of the Sat-Nav System
C. New perspectives on Tertiary Education D. The End of General Knowledge
Question 38: Why did the middle-aged man miss the football match?
A. Because the Sat-Nav in his car was out of order
B. Because the taxi driver was over-dependent on technology
C. Because he did not remember the directions to the stadium
D. Because the search engine in the taxi failed to work
Question 39: The word “outsourced” in paragraph 2 mostly means _______.
A. exchanged B. assigned C. submitted D. imposed
Question 40: The word “that” in paragraph 4 refers to_______.
A. the story B. general knowledge C. the Internet D. the question
Question 41: The word “induce” in paragraph 4 mostly means _______.
A. ease B. limit C. promote D. cause
Question 42: Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the passage?
A. Young people do not seem to bother themselves with memorizing factual information. B. General knowledge tends to
have been mainly acquired through formal schooling.
C. The majority of undergraduates are reluctant to look for answers to factual questions online.
D. On being offered the gift of writing, the king of Egypt was hopeful about its potential. Question 43: Which of the
following can be inferred from the passage?
A. Many universities worldwide have switched to virtual platforms for learning and teaching.
B. Moira Jones is not positive about the potential of the Internet in general knowledge acquisition.
C. When it comes to IQ tests, the ability to recall factual information is of little importance.
D. David Swift believes that informal acquisition of knowledge has been overrated these days.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to
each of the following questions
Question 44: She is more responsible than her brother.
A. She is less responsible than her brother.
B. Her brother is more responsible than she is.
C. She is as responsible as her brother.
D. Her brother isn’t as responsible as she is.
Question 45: She said, "John, I'll show you round my city when you're here."
A. She made a trip round her city with John.
B. She planned to show John round her city.
C. She promised to show John round her city.
D. She organized a trip round her city for John
Question 46: It's such a pity my mother can't attend my birthday party.
A. If only my mother could attend my birthday party.
B. If only my mother had attended my birthday party.
C. I am very sorry that my mother didn't attend my birthday party.
D. I wonder why my mother can't attend my birthday party.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of the
following exchanges.
Question 47: Tim and Peter had a quarrel last week and now Tom is giving Tim advice.
- Tom: “I think the best way to solve that problem is to keep silent.”
- Tim: “______. Silence may kill our friendship.”
A. That’s a great idea B. That’s not a good idea
C. I’m not wrong D. Yes, I think much
Question 48: Helen and Sarah are talking about their school’s field trip.
- Helen: “This is the best field trip we’ve ever had”.
- Sarah: “________. Everyone enjoyed it to the fullest.”
A. I don’t think that’s a good idea. B. I totally disagree
C. You’re right. D. Never mind

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of
sentences in the following questions.
Question 49: Online distribution of pirated publications is illegal. Many Internet users still commit the offence.
A. Such is the offence of many Internet users that online distribution of pirated publications is illegal.
B. As long as many Internet users still commit the offence, online distribution of pirated publications is illegal.
C. Were online distribution of pirated publications illegal, many Internet users wouldn’t commit the offence.
D. Illegal though online distribution of pirated publications is, many Internet users still commit the offence.
Question 50: She had only just put the telephone down when the boss rang.
A. She put the telephone down and the boss rang.
B. Hardly had she put the telephone down when the boss rang.
C. The boss rang back, but she put the telephone down.
D. She had put the telephone down, so she let it ring when the boss rang

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