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For Western Sydney BBUS & MBA programs

It is important that you read and apply these guidelines very thoroughly. By taking the exam, you
confirm that you have done so and that you will not engage in any forms of behaviour that could
be considered an exam fraud according to Western Sydney BBUS or MBA program.
Devices needed to be prepared in advance:
● A fully charged laptop to be brought into the exam room to take the exams on e-learning
o For CLOSED-book exams: Unauthorized materials such as coursebooks,
notebooks, secondary computer/laptop or screen as well as other electronic
devices, etc. must be left outside the test area. Students must use the given draft
paper (with the proctor's signature).
o For OPENED-book exams: Only ONE laptop/computer device is allowed to do
the test and access test-related materials. Collusion, discussion and copying
answers under any forms i.e., text message, email, phone call, shared/editable
online files or pages, etc. are prohibited. Students may use printed materials,
calculators (appropriate to regulations of each course) but are NOT allowed to use
a secondary laptop, computer, or screen as well as other electronic devices such as
cellphone, tablet, smart watch, etc.
● Laptops need to be fully charged in case the battery runs out during the test. Chargers for
laptop need to be prepared.
Before Exam
1. Navigate to e-learning Western Sydney ( and
check your examination instructions as well as resources that are allowed in the exam and
how to submit the test (as the example shown below).

Note: Exam instructions may vary for each subject. Therefore, students should
thoroughly read the instructions on how to start and submit the test.
2. Prepare Student card (other options are ID card, Passport, or Driving license).
During Exam
1. Students must be present at the exam room 15 minutes prior to the exam time and sit at
the correct registration number. Students arriving late after 15 minutes from the start of
the test time will not be allowed to take the test.
2. Before the exam starts, proctors will check and compare the information on students’ ID
cards with that of the exam list for identity verification. Proctors are to check any
permitted materials in that exam outlined by lecturers and the exam regulations. Proctors
are to sign and give the draft papers to students, reminding them to write down their
student ID and not to write anything before the exam starts.
3. Students must close all irrelevant programs/windows/tasks running on the laptop. Exit
software with messaging and calling functions such as Zalo, Viber, Messenger,
WhatsApp, etc. before accessing the e-learning website.
4. Students will then be required to access the Western Sydney e-learning system at and select the exam subject on the dashboard page.
5. Navigate the exam in the “Assignments” section with the title “Mid-term Exam” or
“Final Exam”.

Or find the exam in the Module with the corresponding name on the Home page.

6. When the proctor gives a signal, the students click “Start the quiz” to start taking the test.
7. Handling of violations of the exam regulations for the form of in-person examinations
applied in accordance with the “Regulations on responsibilities of students and trainees in
the final exams and graduation exams” issued together with Decision No. 181/QD -
University of Economics and Business, November 12, 2013 by the Director of the
International Training Institute.

Note: In addition to the provisions in the "Regulations on responsibilities of students and

students in the final exams and graduation exams'' above, for exams on e-learning,
students must exit all the communicating software such as: Zalo, Viber, Messenger,
WhatsApp, etc. (those running in the background are also not allowed). For closed-book
exams, during the exam, students can only open a single tab to access the e-learning site
to take the test. With open-book exams, students can open many tabs to refer to
documents, but cannot open online sharing and working sites such as Google Docs,

Google Sheet, etc.; cannot open websites or softwares using AI such as chatgpt, voicegpt,
and cannot open TEST BANKS, etc. Students who violate the above regulations will be
subject to test suspension.

8. On completion of the exam, students are to keep the submission screen and alert the
proctors for checking. Once it is done, the proctor will ask candidates to exit the test,
exit the web browser and turn off the computer before leaving the exam room.

Note: Students are required to remain in the exam room until two-thirds of the allotted
test time has passed, and only when they have completed and submitted their exam, and
received approval from the proctors.

Thanks for your time and good luck on your exam!



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