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Login to the application using a user account:

1.1. Create an account in the Firebase console:

● Go to the Firebase website ( and sign in with your Google

● Click on "Get started" and then "Add project" to create a new Firebase project for your
mobile application.
● Follow the on-screen instructions to configure your Firebase project, including choosing
a project name, enabling Firebase Authentication, and setting up email and password

1.2. Create Firebase authorization in the application:

● In your FlutterFlow project, go to the "Data" tab and click on "Authentication" in the left-
hand sidebar.
● Click on "Set up authentication" and select "Email/Password" as the sign-up method.
● Enable "Email/Password" authentication by toggling the switch to "On" and click on
"Save" to apply the changes.

1.3. Example of adding authentication to the application:
● In your FlutterFlow project, go to the "UI Builder" tab and design the login screen for your
application using the visual drag-and-drop interface provided by FlutterFlow.
● Add an email input field and a password input field to the login screen, along with a login
● In the "Properties" panel for the login button, go to the "Events" tab and click on the "+"
button to add an "On Pressed" event.
● In the "On Pressed" event, add the following logic using the FlutterFlow visual actions:
● Call the "Sign In with Email/Password" action from the Firebase Authentication category.
● Pass the email and password input field values as parameters to the "Sign In with
Email/Password" action.
● Add a "Success" event that navigates to the next screen after successful login, and an
"Error" event that displays an error message if login fails.

List of plants:
2.1. Manually create a collection of plants in the Firestore Database:

● In your Firebase project, go to the "Firestore Database" tab and click on "Create
collection" to create a new collection for plants.
● Define the fields for the plant collection, such as "name", "cost", "description", etc., and
click on "Create collection" to create the collection.
● 2.2. Display the data from the Firestore Database on the plants screen:
● In your FlutterFlow project, go to the "UI Builder" tab and design the plants screen for
your application.
● Add a list view or a grid view to display the plants data.
● In the properties panel for the list view or grid view, go to the "Data" tab and select the
"plants" collection from the Firestore Database as the data source.
● Map the fields from the plants collection to the corresponding UI components in the list
view or grid view, such as the plant name, cost, and description.

List of fertilizers:
3.1. Manually create a collection of plant fertilizers in the Firestore Database:

● In your Firebase project, go to the "Firestore Database" tab and click on "Create
collection" to create a new collection for plant fertilizers.
● Define the fields for the fertilizer collection, such as "name", "price", "description", etc.,
and click on "Create collection" to create the collection.

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