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Dr. Rajesh Gaur

Technical Communication

Technical Communication

 A content or method or an  The word ‘Communication’

object that has specific comes from the Latin word
commūnicāre, meaning ‘to
characteristic, terminology,
share’. It is the ‘sharing’ of
subject matter, skill, of a
information between two or
particular art, science, more individuals or within a
profession, trade, or group to reach a common
industry . understanding.
 Something that has a  Creation or mutual exchange or
technique or is related to sharing of thoughts, ideas,
views, opinion, feelings, facts
technology, Methodology,
and information between or
Definition, Process,
among two or more people
Comparison, Classification, (sender/s and receiver/s)
Causal Discussion, pattern through verbal or non verbal





 Sender: the person or entity originating the communication

 Message: the information that the sender wishes to convey
 Encoding: how the sender chooses to bring the message into a form
appropriate for sending
 Channel: the means by which the message is sent
 Receiver: the person or entity to whom the message is sent
 Decoding: how the receiver interprets and understands the message
 Feedback: the receiver's response to the message
Features of Communication

(i) Communication is a two-way Process.

(ii) It is a continuous and unending/ ongoing process.

(iii) It aims at developing mutual understanding of the


(iv) Both sender and receiver are equally important.

(v) It aims at achieving the organizational objectives.

(vi) It has forms e.g. order, instruction, report, queries etc.

(vii) It may be oral or written. It may be formal or informal.

What is Technical Communication?
 Communicating about technology
 Writing about technology
 Communicating about scientific
 Writing highly detailed information for
specific audiences
 Preparing user-centered documents
 Training people to use technology
Defining Technical Communication

 Technical communication is the process of mutual

exchange or sharing of scientific, engineering, and
technique or other technical information or defining,
creating and delivering information for the safe,
efficient and effective use of products (technical
systems, software, services).

 According to European Association for Technical

Communication “Technical communication is the
process of defining, creating and delivering
information products for the safe, efficient and
effective use of products (technical systems,
software, services).”
What Technical communicators do?
Technical communicators present
technical processes or products by
using special methods of research or
pre published documents, web pages,
computer-based training, digitally
stored text, audio, video, and other
The value that technical
communicators deliver
is two fold

They make information They advance the goals

more useable and of the companies or
accessible to those who organizations that
need that information
employ them
Different jobs for Technical Communicators

Technical Writers & Editors

Information Architects
Technical Illustrators
Globalization & Localization
Usability & Human Factors
Visual Designers
Web Designers & Developers
Teachers & Researchers
of Technical Communication
Trainers and
E-Learning Developers
Forms Designer

Graphic Designer
Instructional Designer
Legal Writer
Public Relations Specialist
Science Writer
Acquisitions Editor
Business Analyst
Content Management
Copy Editor
Graphic Designer
Information Designer
Media Specialist
What makes a good technical communicator?

You need to be someone who can bridge the gap between the experts
and those who are trying to understand. To do this effectively, you
must be:
• Able to see things from someone else’s perspective, sorting the
important from the irrelevant in a particular situation
• A fast learner who can explore products and services with minimal
information and guidance
• A good face-to-face communicator who can build relationships with
experts and question them skillfully
• An excellent distance communicator who can use words, pictures,
diagrams, animation, and sound (where appropriate) to convey
information clearly.
Characteristics of Technical
According to Markel, technical communication has seven
major characteristics, and these are shown below:
 Addresses particular readers
 Helps readers solve problems
 Reflects an organizations goals and culture
 Is produced collaboratively
 Uses design to increase readability
 Consists of words or graphics or both
 Is produced using high tech tools
 These characteristics are in high contrast with the
characteristics of narrative prose, which is shown in the next
General vs. Technical Communication

General Communication Technical Communication

 Contains a general message • Contains a technical message
 Informal in style and approach • Mostly formal
 No set pattern of communication • Follows a set pattern
 Mostly oral • Both oral and written
 Not always for a specific • Always for a specific audience
audience • Frequently involves jargon ,
 Does not involve the use of graphics etc
technical vocabulary or graphics

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