Ip PT Ip Science Y3 t2019

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Class: Date:

Year 3:
B3.2 Teeth topic test

1 This is a human tooth.

What is this tooth used for?

A chewing

B cutting

C gripping

D slicing

2 a) Put one tick (¸) in each row to show
which animals are carnivores and which
are herbivores.

Carnivore Herbivore

b) Foxes eat meat and plants.

What is the scientific name for animals
that eat meat and plants?

3 The picture shows a set of human adult
teeth from the lower jaw.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

There are four different types of teeth.

Write the number of one tooth of each type
in the table below.

Type of tooth Number





Total for test = 9 marks

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