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Chemosphere ± Global Change Science 2 (2000) 425±434

Abatement technologies for N2O emissions in the adipic acid

A. Shimizu *, K. Tanaka, M. Fujimori
Asahi Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., Leona Plant 4-3401, Nagahama-cho, Nobeoka, Miyazaki 882-0854, Japan
Received 21 June 1999; accepted 11 January 2000

Importance of this paper. Plants manufacturing adipic acid (AA), the material for nylon 6, 6, are operating throughout
the world and have been pointed to as one of the sources of nitrous oxide. The capacity of nitrous oxide from all adipic acid
plants in the world is estimated at 576,250 t per year. The major adipic acid manufacturers have now begun to operate nitrous
oxide reduction facilities and these plants now emit only a small part of the nitrous oxide that they produce. Forecasts say
that more than 80% of the nitrous oxide produced by all adipic acid plants in the world will be eliminated by 1999±2000.


Adipic acid (AA) is the main intermediate in nylon 6, 6 that is manufactured by polymerization condensation of AH
salt (hexamethylenediammonium adipate). Adipic acid is also an intermediate in the production of polyester-polyol, a
material used in polyurethane.
Annual production capacity of AA for 1998 was estimated to be 2.3 million metric tons and about 80% of that AA is
used to manufacture nylon 6, 6. Almost all AA is produced by nitric acid oxidation of KA oil, a mixture of cyclo-
hexanone and cyclohexanol.
The reaction of nitric acid oxidation unavoidably generates nitrous oxide. The N2 O emission coecient for Japan's
AA plant is approximately 0.25 kg-N2 O/kg-AA. If the N2 O output from all adipic acid plants is calculated using the
N2 O emission coecient described above and the world's AA production capacity then we obtain a ®gure of 576,250
metric tons per year, but if we calculate only that which will be clearly reduced by 1999±2000, a reduction of ca. 80% has
already been achieved. This is because the N2 O abatement equipment of the major AA manufacturers is scheduled to
have completed startup by 1999±2000.
The main technologies used to reduce nitrous oxide in the adipic acid industry are catalytic decomposition and
thermal destruction. These methods convert nitrous oxide into nitrogen and oxygen. Catalytic decomposition operates
at about 500°C and thermal destruction operates at and over 1000°C. Using these reduction technologies allows the
adipic acid manufacturers to reduce N2 O emissions by 90% or more. Ó 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Catalytic decomposition; Thermal destruction; Nitric acid oxidation; Nitrous oxide; Abatement technology

1. Introduction

Literature on nitrous oxide emissions point to

chemical equipment in the adipic acid (AA) process as
generators of nitrous oxide (Thiemens and Trogler,
Corresponding author. Fax: +81-982-22-6557. 1991; Reimer et al., 1995, 1994; RITE, 1996, 1997, 1998,
E-mail address: (A. 1999). Thiemens and Trogler (1991) have pointed out
Shimizu). the in¯uence of nitrous oxide emission caused by AA

1465-9972/00/$ - see front matter Ó 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 4 6 5 - 9 9 7 2 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 2 4 - 6
426 A. Shimizu et al. / Chemosphere ± Global Change Science 2 (2000) 425±434

plants upon the EarthÕs atmosphere. The 1992 IPCC Table 1

report says that the total N2 O emitted from all natural Production capacities of adipic acid (1998)
and anthropogenic sources is 5.2±16.1 Tg-N/y and the Producer Region Capacity t/yr
nitrous oxide emitted by the AA industry is 0.4±0.6 DuPont North America 695,000
Tg-N/y. UK 205,000
In 1991, the main AA manufacturing companies, Singapore 110,000
Asahi, BASF, Bayer, DuPont, ICI (cf. Appendix A (a)) Solutia USA 320,000
and Rhone-Poulenc (cf. Appendix A (b)) convened a Others USA 15,000
meeting, under their own volition, called the N2 O Inter- Rhodia France 240,000
Industry Group Meeting (cf. Appendix A (d)) and from Brazil 55,000
then on these companies exchanged technology that Korea 50,000
BASF Germany 235,000
accelerated research and development on N2 O abate-
Bayer Germany 50,000
ment techniques. All these companies have already an-
Radici Italy 50,000
nounced the N2 O abatement technologies they are using CIS, East Europe 65,000
and are reporting their schedules for the operation of China 92,000
N2 O abatement processes in the world's major AA Asahi Japan 120,000
plants by 1999±2000 (Reimer et al., 1995, 1994). Others Japan 3000
This paper gives the present state of N2 O abatement
technologies and the future trends in development. Total 2,305,000

Nitrous oxide is a byproduct in the course of nitric

2. The adipic acid business acid oxidation as reactions (1) and (2) show. The logical
emission coecient in reaction (2) is 0.30 kg-N2 O/kg-
Adipic acid is an important monomer that is an AA, but the emission coecient actually measured at the
intermediate of nylon 6, 6, made by polymerization Nobeoka Works of Asahi Chemical was 0.25 kg-N2 O/
condensation with hexamethylene diamine (HMDA) kg-AA (survey by Miyazaki Prefecture in 1994), which is
and as an intermediate in the polyester polyol that because in the actual reaction, part of the nitric acid
makes up polyurethane. The world's AA production becomes NOx and N2 (Thiemens and Trogler, 1991).
capacity for 1998 is estimated at 2.3 million tons per
year. About 80% of that AA goes into the production
of nylon 6, 6. Nylon 6, 6 is used to make the widely
used products of tire cord, carpets, textiles, upholstery 4. N2 O generated quantities
and auto parts.
Table 1 shows the estimated manufacturing capacity Table 2 shows the estimates for manufacturing ca-
of all AA manufacturers in the world and that the ca- pacity of nitrous oxide by all AA manufacturing plants
pacity in the entire world is 2,305,000 t/yr in 1998 (PCI, and the estimated reductions in nitrous oxide for 1999±
1996; cf. Appendix A (e)). 2000.
When we use the 0.25 nitrous oxide emission coe-
cient described above, the total nitrous oxide capacity for
AA manufacturing plants is 576,250 t/yr (0.37 Tg-N/y).
3. The mechanism by which N2 O is emitted from adipic These ®gures are in good accordance with ®gures in
acid plants the previous paper by Thiemens and Trogler (1991). In
short, if there were absolutely no abatement of N2 O by
Reactions (1) and (2) indicate the nitric acid oxida- AA plants this is the quantity of N2 O that would be
tion reaction. emitted, but because the N2 O abatement of the major
manufacturers has proceeded to the great extent that it
has at present, as will be described later, the numbers for
actual N2 O emissions are quite a bit below this. If we
take the rate of decomposition for the N2 O decompo-
sition process to be an average of 90% (cf. Appendix A
(f)), then the total N2 O reduction quantities for 1999±
2000, for just the main companies, is a total 520,000 t/yr,
and 81% of the entire N2 O generation capacity is re-
duced for 1999±2000. It probably understates the num-
ber of N2 O reduction quantities because the announced
A. Shimizu et al. / Chemosphere ± Global Change Science 2 (2000) 425±434 427

Table 2
Estimated amount of N2 O abatementa
Capacity t/yr N2 O t/yr
AA N2 O Reduced Emitted
Major producers 2,080,000 520,000 >468,000 <52,000
Others 225,000 56,250 No information

World total 2,305,000 576,250 >468,000

0.37 Tg-N/y Reduction rate >81%
Major producers: Asahi, BASF, Bayer, DuPont, Rhodia, Solutia.
Premises: Proportion of N2 O generation ˆ 0.25 kg-N2 O/kg-AA. Decomposition rate of N2 O ˆ 90%.
Reduced N2 O ˆ N2 O Capa. ´ 0.9 Emitted N2 O ˆ N2 O Capa. ± Reduced N2 O.
Announced decomposition values of the actual processes: Asahi 98%, BASF 90±95%, Dupont 98%. No information on other plants.

values of the N2 O reduction processes at the actual

plants are between 90% and 98% (Reimer et al., 1994,
1995; cf. Appendix A (g)). Since it is possible, in prin-
ciple, to reach a rate of N2 O decomposition of close to
100%, there is also a possibility that future technological
development will increase the mean rate of decomposi-
tion of these processes even further.
The emissions from AA plants were calculated to be
less than 5% of all N2 O generated by natural and an-
thropogenic sources in the entire world in the 1992 IPCC
report. With the current abatement technologies this
Scheme 1. Elementary reactions of N2 O decomposition.
value falls to 1%, or less, by 1999±2000.
The industrial source of N2 O except AA plant is
dodecanedioic acid plant (Thiemens and Trogler, 1991)
Dodecanedioic acid is a material for nylon 6, 12, and
manufactured by nitric acid oxidation of cyclododecanol
and cyclododecanone (Weissermel and Arpe, 1994).
Compared with AA plant, production capacities of
dodecanedioic acid are small. Therefore, the N2 O gen-
erated from dodecanedioic acid plant may be negligible. Scheme 2. Reaction network for N2 O decomposition reaction.

5. Technology for reducing N2 O in the adipic acid important until the reaction temperature goes over
industry 800°C. The generation of N2 and O2 is exothermic, and
the heat of reaction is calculated from Eqs. (1) and (2) as
5.1. Mechanisms for decomposing N2 O ÿ8:5 kJ/mol. The NO generation reaction is endother-
mic and its heat of reaction is calculated from Eqs. (1)
Many scholars have been examining the chemistry and (3) as +8.5 kJ/mol.
for the decomposition of N2 O (Loirat et al., 1985;
Kuratani and Tsuchiya, 1978). Scheme 1 shows the el- 5.2. The processes of decomposing N2 O by the companies
ementary reactions of N2 O decomposition. Eq. (1)
shows the initial reaction. M signi®es many di€erent The N2 O abatement technology of the major AA
kinds of compounds such as N2 O, N2 O or O2 . Eq. (2) manufacturers is chie¯y the catalytic decomposition
shows that the major reaction generating material in the process or the thermal destruction process (Reimer et al.,
decomposition of N2 O is N2 and O2 . Eqs. (3) and (6) are 1994, 1995). Other than these processes, there are
for the NO generation reaction and Eq. (5) is the NO2 reports of a method that consumes N2 O as an oxidant
generation reaction. for phenol synthesis (cf. Appendix A (g)). Table 3 brings
Scheme 2 shows the mutual relationship between the together all the processes used by the companies (Reimer
elementary reactions. N2 O and NO are mutually con- et al., 1994, 1995). Below we will give a general de-
verted by Eqs. (3), (6) and (5). N2 O is converted into N2 scription of the technology for each company that has
and O2 as indicated by Eq. (2). NO generation is not been made known through their patent applications.
428 A. Shimizu et al. / Chemosphere ± Global Change Science 2 (2000) 425±434

Table 3 the ¯ow system requires rarefying the process gases to

N2 O abatement technologies maintain the catalyst temperature at optimum level. The
Producer Technology Start up improved method introduces the process gas containing
Asahi Thermal 1999 N2 O into several stages of a ®xed bed plug ¯ow reaction
BASF Catalytic 1997 column that reduces the quantity of rare®ed gases to
Bayer RFBa 1993 control the reaction temperature and maintains the N2 O
DuPont Catalytic 1997 decomposition reaction at the prescribed temperature to
RFBa 1958, 1976, reduce energy costs. Fig. 1 shows the reactor described
1994 in the patent. Numbers 17, 18, 24 and 25 are inlets for
Rhone-Poulenc Thermal 1997 the process gas, 19 is the preheating chamber, 22 is the
Catalytic 1998 catalyst layer and 26 is the outlet for generated gas.
Solutia Phenol production 2000
Descriptions of patents other than those that have
Reducing ¯ame burner. been submitted by the AA manufacturers are given here.
Air Products & Chemical and Engelhard (1993, 1991)
has reported a hydrotalcite catalyst that contains metal
5.2.1. Catalytic decomposition process and a metal-ion-exchanged zeolite catalyst, Grande
BASF announced in 1997 that it would introduce Paroisee (1993) has reported on a moldenite/NH4 /Fe
N2 O decomposition equipment that uses the catalytic catalyst, and Agency of Industrial Science and Tech-
method (cf. Appendix A (f)). It then completed N2 O nology (1996) has reported on a catalyst that is Rh2 O3
decomposition equipment for an AA 240,000 t/yr plant supported on Al2 O3 .
at 13 million Deutsche Marks and announced that it had Table 5 gives a summary of the reaction conditions
achieved a decomposition rate of 95% (cf. Appendix A and results for using the above catalysts.
(g)). The catalyst used in the patent application is either Fig. 2 shows the process that was made public by
a spinel type CuAl2 O4 , a catalyst that are Ag and CuO BASF (1997). Exhaust gases 1 and 3 containing N2 O
supported on Al2 O3 , or a catalyst that is Ag supported and NOx from the plant pass through compressor V1
on Al2 O3 . When the catalysis is around 500°C using the with air ¯ow 2 to increase the pressure. That makes the
o€ gas which contains 23% N2 O, from the actual AA temperature of mixed air ¯ow 4 250±350°C. Heat ex-
process, all of these catalysts give a decomposition rate changers WT1 and WT2 cool air ¯ow 4 to 30±40°C, it
of 99% or higher. Table 4 shows the major gas compo- then becomes air ¯ow 5 that passes through absorption
sitions that have been emitted from the AA process column K1 to recover NOx as nitric acid. Air ¯ow 6 that
(BASF, 1991, 1993, 1994a,b). exits absorption column K1 is heated to 450±500°C by
DuPont announced that its catalytic process worked heat exchangers WT1 and WT3 and is then supplied to
in 1997 and that the catalyst was CoO and NiO sup- decomposition reactor C1. WT3's heat source is the gas
ported on ZrO2 (cf. Appendix A (d)). When N2 O of after N2 O decomposition. The catalyst in reactor C1
100% concentration is processed at a reaction tempera- decomposes N2 O and discharges air ¯ow 9 at approxi-
ture of 402°C, the N2 O decomposition rate is 98.5%. mately 800°C temperature. The air ¯ow after decom-
When ZrO2 is used as the support, it has good low position is cooled to 260±300°C by heat exchangers
temperature activity compared to Al2 O3 , with degrada- WT3 and WT4 to become air ¯ow 10. Heat exchanger
tion also decreased (DuPont, 1993). WT4 recovers the decomposition heat from N2 O as
Asahi Chemical (1993) has proposed a catalyst that is steam. Air ¯ow 10 is introduced into adiabatic reactor
CuO supported on Al2 O3 . According to our investiga- C2, that contains an NOx reduction catalyst which re-
tion, processing the AA plant emission gases that con- duces the NOx to N2 and O2 . The temperature of air
tain 34% N2 O at a reaction temperature of 620°C gives ¯ow 11 at exit C2 is 265±310°C, and turbine T1 gives
an N2 O decomposition rate of 99.5% and higher. Asahi adiabatic expansion of the air ¯ow and discharges it into
(1999) has also proposed a further improved catalytic the atmosphere at 100°C.
decomposition device. The catalytic decomposition in Either the isothermal reactor or the adiabatic reactor
is believed appropriate to use as the decomposition re-
actor in catalytic decomposition of N2 O, but it is not
Table 4
clear what type of reactors the AA manufacturers are
O€-gas analysis of ADA plant
actually using. The form of the adiabatic reactor is one
Component Mol/% in which the reaction device is a ¯ow system column type
N2 O 23 ®xed bed. With the isothermal reactor, a reactor device
NO2 17 is used that has a structure made from a cooling agent
N2 47 and a heat exchanger and a ¯ow system multi-duct
O2 7.5 catalyst ®lled layer (BASF, 1997). The N2 O emitted
H2 O 3.0
from an AA plant has high concentration, thus
A. Shimizu et al. / Chemosphere ± Global Change Science 2 (2000) 425±434 429

Fig. 1. Reactor for the catalytic decomposition.

Table 5
Reaction conditions and results of catalytic decomposition
Cat Metal Temperature Conv. SV (1/h) N2 O conc. Experimental
(wt%) (°C) (%) of inlet (%) term (h)
ZnO, CuAl2 O4 /Al2 O3 480 > 99:9 4000 23 1036 BASF
MgO, CuAl2 O4 /Al2 O3 480 > 99:9 4000 23 1025 BASF
CaO, CuAl2 O4 /Al2 O3 480 > 99:9 4000 23 1013 BASF
Ag, CuO/Al2 O3 Ag:14.9 490 > 99:9 4000 23 242 BASF
Ag/Al2 O3 Ag:14.2 550 > 99 4000 23 550 BASF
CoO, NiO/ZrO2 Co:0.916 402 98.5 600 100 DuPont
CuO/Al2 O3 Cu:2.4 620 > 99:5 3350 34 2400 Asahi
Co±Al-hydrotalcite Co/ 450 99 30,000 0.1 Air products,
Al:2.2 Engelhard
Cu±ZSM-5 Cu:4.0 400 95 30,000 0.1 Air products,
Mordenite/NH4/Fe 540 99.7 13,300 50 Grande Paroisse
Rh2 O3 /ZnO Rh:0.5 500 100 40,000 0.1 MITI

presenting the possibility of temperatures rising higher The heat of the reaction of N2 O decomposition is
than the temperature tolerances of the reactor and the comparatively high at ÿ81:5 J/mol, and the generated
catalyst and this requires special caution when an adia- heat can be used in steam generation by process gas
batic reactor is used. It is important that the temperature preheaters and boilers. The ability to recover heat is an
at the reactor outlet will have to be held to about 800°C. advantage of the decomposition processing of N2 O
The temperature of the adiabatic reactor is controlled by generated from the AA process.
the quantity of rare®ed gases that are supplied with the There is a possibility of the life of the catalyst be-
process gas and the temperature of the isothermal re- coming a problem with catalytic decomposition. The
actor is controlled by the reactor coolant (molten salt). deterioration of catalysts, for example Pd/Al2 O3 and
A method has been proposed for controlling reactor CuO/ZnO, have been reported in the patent application
temperature by returning UOP to the reactor after de- (Asahi, 1993). The detailed data of deterioration for the
composition and after the gas has cooled (UOP, 1993). catalyst in Table 5 have not been disclosed. We are
Fig. 3 shows the process ¯ow in that method. In the awaiting further data in order to obtain knowledge on
diagram, 1 is the ¯ow of gas containing N2 O, 2 is the this point.
NOx removal process, 14 is the N2 O decomposition Fig. 4 is a conceptual diagram of the catalytic pro-
section, 30 is the heat exchanger, 55, 56 and 57 are the cess.
recycle lines, and 25 and 50 are the discharge lines. There
are also methods for controlling reactor temperature by 5.2.2. Thermal destruction process
inserting external air, but this method is thought to be The thermodynamics and kinetics on the elementary
advantageous in heat terms because the gas is recycled reactions of N2 O decomposition have been studied in
after the reaction. detail (Loirat et al., 1985; Kuratani and Tsuchiya, 1978)
430 A. Shimizu et al. / Chemosphere ± Global Change Science 2 (2000) 425±434

Fig. 2. Catalytic decomposition process.

Table 6
Thermal destruction of N2 Oa
Component Concentration
Feed (mol/%) Product (mol/%)
N2 O 51.0 0
NO 0.02 2.63
NO2 0.20 8.28
CO2 5.52 4.57
Fig. 3. Temperature control of the catalytic decomposition O2 5.57 16.21
process. N2 37.7 68.31

Total ¯ow rate 2.87 Nm3 /h 3.46 Nm3 /h

Reaction conditions: Temperature: 1054°C. Pressure: 1.5 kg/cm2 .
LV:44.7 cm/s. Residence time: 1.2 s.

recovered as nitric acid. The air ¯ow from which NO2

has been removed is fed into the plug ¯ow reactor 19
where thermal destruction reaction is performed on the
N2 O. After thermal destruction, air ¯ow feeds into a
plug ¯ow reactor tube so that it can be heated externally
and used to heat process gas. The air ¯ow then feeds into
Fig. 4. Conceptual diagram of catalytic process.
boiler 20 to be heat-recovered, it is then cooled to room
temperature by heat exchanger 24, and then feeds to
and a reaction simulation is feasible. Because the de- absorption column 27 where the NOx is recovered as
composition reaction of N2 O into N2 and O2 is an nitric acid. Asahi Chemical (1999) has also applied for a
exothermic reaction, if the decomposition is done on patent on an improved N2 O processing equipment. This
adiabatic condition, the heat of the reaction will con- method heats part of the gas, which contains N2 O,
tinue the decomposition. supplied to the reactor to start a decomposition reaction
Asahi Chemical (1986) has proposed a method of and the remaining gas that contains N2 O is supplied in
decomposing N2 O into nitrogen and oxygen and one several stages to the decomposition reactor to be de-
that recovers NO generated as nitric acid. Table 6 shows composed. Fig. 6 shows the reactor that is described in
that allowing the N2 O in the gas emitted from an AA the patent description. Numbers 1 and 4 in the diagram
plant to remain in a reaction furnace for 1.2 s at 1054°C are the entrances for the process gas 2 is the preheating
decomposes the N2 O 100% and converts 21% of the chamber, 5 is the thermal destruction chamber, 6 is the
N2 O supplied into NOx . Fig. 5 shows the process ¯ow exit for the generated gas. In this method, the quantity
described in the published patent. The exhaust gas of energy that is supplied to the reactor to sustain the
generated from AA reaction process 8 is ®rst pressurized N2 O decomposition reaction is kept extremely low. For
to 1±2 kg/cm2 by water-sealed pump 16 and after the energy input a combustible gas such as hydrogen or
NO contained is oxidized into NO2 in oxidation column methane is used, and the amount of heat input required
17, it is fed into absorption column 18 and the NO2 is for 1 Nm3 decomposition of the 550°C process gas that
A. Shimizu et al. / Chemosphere ± Global Change Science 2 (2000) 425±434 431

Fig. 5. Thermal decomposition process.

Fig. 6. Reactor for the thermal destruction.

contains 33.9 mol% N2 O is 46.0 kJ and the decompo- a ¯ame. This method mixes methane gas with a gas
sition rate is given as 99% or higher. containing 660°C N2 O in a mixing tee and heats it to
The thermal destruction method has the advantage of 850°C or higher to create a decomposition reaction.
being able to recover NO as nitric acid. It is also supe- Using this method to process the exhaust gas from an
rior on the point of given o€ with almost no industrial AA plant that contains 57% N2 O gives an N2 O con-
waste discharge because there is no replacement of cat- centration at the reactor exit of 200 ppm or less at
alyst. Asahi Chemical began the operation of its thermal 1050±1254°C of decomposition temperature. It also
destruction method in 1999 at an investment cost of 600 generates about 10% NOx from the N2 O which can be
million yen to achieve a 98-plus-percentage rate of de- recovered as nitric acid. The amount of methane for
composition. processing gas 20 SCFM (ft3 /min) containing 57 mol%
DuPont (1995) has proposed a method of sponta- N2 O is 30,000 BTU/h (1 BTU ˆ 1.055 J) by conversion
neously maintaining the thermal destruction of N2 O, of heat volume.
by starting the destruction by placing methane com- Hoechst (1992) has proposed a method of decom-
bustion of process gas containing N2 O in contact with position that sprays the process gas containing N2 O into
432 A. Shimizu et al. / Chemosphere ± Global Change Science 2 (2000) 425±434

a ¯ame created by combustion of natural gas. This

method uses ¯ame temperature to decompose the N2 O,
but it uses more fuel than the DuPont method described
above. Processing 240 m3 /h cubic meters per hour of
N2 O, for example, takes 15.2 m3 /h of natural gas and
113 m3 /h of air. The concentration of N2 O in the gas
after it has passed the reactor is 80 ppm.
Bayer does its processing using a reducing ¯ame
burner (RFB) (Reimer et al., 1994, 1995). A patent has
been applied for the combustion device (Bayer, 1991) for
achieving the reducing atmosphere, but it is not clear
whether this method will be used in the processing of
N2 O. Fig. 8. Conceptual diagram of thermal process.
Rhone-Poulenc (1995) has proposed a method that
uses plasma to convert N2 O into NOx . This method
discharges an arc into the air ¯ow containing N2 O to able to recover NOx because its decomposition temper-
generate plasma and convert that N2 O into NOx . Fig. 7 ature is higher than the catalytic process.
shows the device. The air ¯ow containing N2 O is pre-
heated in gas preheater 7 to pass out of nozzle 3, be-
5.2.3. Phenol synthesis
comes plasma by the discharge of an arc across
Monsanto (cf. Appendix A (c)) has announced its
electrodes 10, converts to NOx in area 6, and then exits
schedule of placing in operation by a target date of
from 17. In radiation form, the six electrodes are set in
1999±2000 a process for processing N2 O as the result of
opposition so that there are three pairs each. The
using zeolite as the catalyst and causing benzene to react
amount of electricity required to process gas containing
with N2 O and producing phenol (cf. Appendix A (h)).
31.6±50.9% N2 O at 22.0±81.8 Ndm3 /min is 0.8 to
This method takes as its base the technology from the
2.1 kW. The reaction rate when process gas containing
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis (1995). When a reaction
50.9% N2 O is supplied at 25°C and an equivalent of
is made at SV 600 hÿ1 and a reaction temperature of
37.4 Ndm3 /min is 26.1%, and the NOx selection rate is
430°C using a ZSM-5 zeolite catalyst that contains
0.45% Fe2 O3 , they have achieved results of a 98% phenol
Fig. 8 shows a conceptual diagram of the thermal
selection rate and a 100% N2 O reaction rate. The se-
destruction process. It has the major feature of being
lectivity with the cumene method is reportedly about
93%, so that the selection rate with the N2 O oxidation
method is much better. This method might be dependent
on location and production quantity of the AA plant so
that it places restrictions on the freedom of plant design
but a lot of attention is being given to it as a method of
N2 O decomposition and phenol production.

6. Future trends

Because of the high 20±60% N2 O concentration in

exhaust gas from the AA process, N2 O decomposition
heat can be recovered and reused in N2 O decomposition
or it can be used as steam for other processes in the
factory. Taking into consideration the large e€ect that
these processes have on reducing the environmental
burden, the capital costs are relatively low. However,
there are problems with the heat source in the abatement
of exhaust gases with low N2 O concentration in pro-
cesses other than AA, because of the low quantity of
heat generated along with the decomposition and the
need to heat the large quantity of gases that coexist with
N2 O to a temperature sucient for decomposition. If
Fig. 7. Plasma chemical reactor. petroleum products are used for the heating source, then
A. Shimizu et al. / Chemosphere ± Global Change Science 2 (2000) 425±434 433

carbon dioxide will be produced. This is why it is Chemical News Decmber 1, 4, p. 38, (f) 1997. Financial
thought that highly active low temperature catalysts will Times February 3, p. 20, (g) 1998. European Chemical
have to be developed. Caution must be given to carbon News 12±18 January, p. 43, (h) 1996. Chemical Market
dioxide generated from the heating source and the Reporter December 30, p. 1, (i) 1997. Chemical Week
quantity of N2 O that is decomposed in the thermal de- November 5, 159, p. 22.
struction processes.
The technologies for N2 O abatement in AA manu-
facturing seem generally to be complete but it is be-
lieved that there is still room for improvement. It is References
hard to discuss the question of catalyst deterioration
Agency of Industrial Science and Technology, Japan, 1996.
because few data on this subject have been released,
Kokai H8-224474.
but if we assume that catalyst deterioration is a general Air Products & Chemical and Engelhard, 1991. US07/790611,
phenomenon, there will be costs for new purchases of Kokai H5-245384.
replacement catalyst. The thermal destruction process Air Products & Chemical and Engelhard, 1993. US08/113023,
generates relatively large amount of NO in high tem- Kokai H7-163870.
perature decomposition. Therefore, it is hoped that Asahi Chemical, 1986. Kokai S61-257940, 1993. Kokoku H5-
equipment materials with high temperature resistance 79657.
will be developed because if the furnace's ability to Asahi Chemical, 1993. Kokai H5-4027.
withstand heat increases, the amount of recovered ni- Asahi Chemical, 1999. WO99/25461.
tric acid increases. BASF, 1982. DE3244370.6, Kokai S59-109226.
BASF, 1991. DE4029061.1, Kokai H4-247238.
Since new AA plants are scheduled to be built in
BASF, 1993. WO93/04774, Kohyo H6-509984.
various parts of the world (cf. Appendix A (i)) and it can BASF, 1994a. WO94/16798, Kohyo H8-505567.
be predicted that some of the plants do not have N2 O BASF, 1994b. WO94/02244, Kohyo H7-509398.
decomposition processing, there should be continued BASF, 1997. WO97/10042.
improvement in the technology to introduce it into those Bayer, 1991. DE4116950.6, Kokai H5-253446..
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