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Preform Shape Design in Tube Hydroforming Process

Using Equi-Potential Line Method
a a a a
S. A. Tabatabaei , G. Faraji , M. Mosavi Mashadi , M. Shariat Panahi , S. M. Tabatabaee
b c
& R. Bagheri Ghahvechi
Mechanical Engineering Department , University of Tehran , Tehran , Iran
Electrical Engineering Department , Iran University of Science & Technology , Tehran , Iran
Department of Engineering , Islamic Azad University-South Tehran Branch , Tehran , Iran
Accepted author version posted online: 16 Jul 2012.Published online: 07 Mar 2013.

To cite this article: S. A. Tabatabaei , G. Faraji , M. Mosavi Mashadi , M. Shariat Panahi , S. M. Tabatabaee & R. Bagheri
Ghahvechi (2013) Preform Shape Design in Tube Hydroforming Process Using Equi-Potential Line Method, Materials and
Manufacturing Processes, 28:3, 260-264, DOI: 10.1080/10426914.2012.667892

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Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 28: 260–264, 2013
Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1042-6914 print=1532-2475 online
DOI: 10.1080/10426914.2012.667892

Preform Shape Design in Tube Hydroforming Process Using

Equi-Potential Line Method
S. A. Tabatabaei1, G. Faraji1, M. Mosavi Mashadi1, M. Shariat Panahi1, S. M. Tabatabaee2, and
R. Bagheri Ghahvechi3
Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Electrical Engineering Department, Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran
Department of Engineering, Islamic Azad University-South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

The quality of a tube-hydroformed component and the tooling cost and processing time involved in the process are notably affected by the
component’s preform. Hence, it is necessary to produce a proper preform shape for the successful hydroforming from the initial tube to final
shape. In this article, a new technique based on the equi-potential line (EPL) designed in the electric field was used for the first time to find an
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appropriate preform shape in THF (Tube Hydroforming) process. The equi-potential line generated between two conductors of different
voltages show similar trends for minimum work path between the initial and final shapes. Based on this similarity, the equi-potential line
obtained by arrangement of the initial tube and final die was used for preform design. The finite element (FE) method was employed to find
the forming pressure to form the preform shape in the die cavity, and then the effectiveness of this method was compared with previous
methods. It was shown that the new method was simpler and more accurate than the other methods in finding the preform shape. Finally,
experimental tests were carried out to verify the FE results. For this, a tube inside the square die was considered and its preform shape was
extracted from EPL method, then its forming pressure from finite element modeling was used in a THF process. From the results, the pre-
diction of the preform shape by using the EPL method demonstrated to be reasonable. In addition, there was an acceptable agreement
between experimental and FE results. As a result, this approach can be extended to a wide range of practicable tube hydroforming processes.

Keywords EPL; Experiment; FEM; Preform; THF.

INTRODUCTION The preform design by the rigid-plastic finite element

The tube hydroforming (THF) process is a new manu- method was used by Park et al.[4], in which a new concept
facturing technology which has been widely used in the called the backward tracing scheme was introduced and
automotive industry. In the tube hydroforming, it is applied to shell nosing as a two-dimensional plane-strain
required that the final product be produced without problem. Kang et al. [5] applied its three-dimensional
any kind of defects such as bursting, wrinkling or buck- scheme for the first time to the preform design in ring
ling [1]. Selection of proper preform shape, reasonable rolling process. Since then, the scheme has been used in
combination of the internal pressure, and axial feeding various kinds of metal forming processes such as upset-
are important factors in the successful THF process. ting, coining, piercing, and stamping [6].
Hence, it is essential how to produce a suitable inter- In this article, the notion of equi-potential lines is
mediate preform shape for the enhancement of formabil- applied to preform design in the THF process for the
ity from a tubular blank. Preform design in the THF first time. The notion was initially introduced by Lee
shows the design of an intermediate shape between et al. [7] in the forging process. They used the EPLs
initial tube and final product, and it can help to fabricate concept to find the preform shape between the initial
the hydroforming part without defects and excessive loss and the final shape and considered the potential value
of material. Therefore, a suitable preform can reduce of the electric field, initial volume, shape complexity of
production cost, and it is an essential guideline for the final product, and filling ratio as design parameters.
successful hydroforming. From our investigation, for They also determined the valid EPLs as preform shapes
preform shape design in the THF process a straightfor- by considering the proposed filling ratio, and used an
ward and simple way has not been introduced. ANN approximation to find the proper values of such
Generally, the preform design in hydroforming parameters as electric potential, initial volume, and
was mainly carried out through the trial-and-error shape complexity. However, they did not discuss the
approach [2, 3]. possibility of applying EPLs to other forming methods
such as THF. Wang and Li [8] used EPLs to design a
preform for a P=M super alloy disk. Their work, how-
Received July 29, 2011; Accepted August 6, 2011
ever, was limited to two-dimensional, mostly axisym-
Address correspondence to S. A. Tabatabaei, Mechanical Engin- metric cases and the EPLs were located outside of
eering Department, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran; E-mail: forging which led to great difficulties to obtain the actual dimension of the preform.


In this study, the determined preform from EPL FINITE ELEMENT MODELING (FEM)
method was expanded into the inner section of the die The preforms designed in a previous stage were mod-
to predict the forming pressure. In the following, the eled in a commercial FEM software. Due to symmetry,
effectiveness of this method in preform shape design only a quarter of the work piece was modeled. The simu-
was compared with other methods. Finally, the EPL lations were performed using 3D models in which the
method was used for experimentally THF of an geometrical dimensions and mechanical properties of
annealed brass C272000 inside the square die. The main specimens were the same as those of the experiment,
advantage of the applied method in THF is that it is making it possible to compare the simulation results with
more accurate and simpler than the other methods in those obtained experimentally. To mesh the parts 4-node
finding the preform shape [9, 10]. Additionally, it can shell elements (S4 R) were used for deformable materials
be used for preform design in complex or asymmetrical (tube) and 4-node 3-D bilinear rigid elements (R3D4) for
configurations. rigid materials (dies).
The coulomb friction and penalty method was con-
THEORY sidered to model the contact between the die and the
According to the basic principle of electrical analogy, specimens. The friction coefficient was considered as
when the physical object, like force field, magnetic field, 0.05 [11].
or thermal flow field, has the same field equation in form During the FEM and THF processes, the final pro-
as the electrostatic field equation, it can be simulated in duct should be produced without any kind of defects
the same way as the electrostatic field. If the material such as bursting, wrinkling, or buckling. In addition,
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volume remains constant and the velocity field is non- the thinning criterion should be satisfied in final product.
spinning, the following equations hold true [8]: From the engineering vision, thickness reduction in the
final product should not exceed 40% of the initial tube
@2u @2u @2u thickness [12]. By considering all the criteria, the cali-
r2 / ¼ þ þ ¼0 ð1Þ bration pressures during FE simulations were obtained
@x21 @x22 @x23
as 12 and 16 (MPa). The first pressure formed the initial
where u is a velocity potential function of movement or tube inside the preform die and the 16 (MPa) pressure
strain, and xi (i ¼ 1, 2, 3) is the coordinates. According to calibrated the pre-formed tube inside the square die.
basic electrostatic fields, the potential value / at a point
in the electrostatic field satisfies the Poisson’s equation: EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE
To validate the results of the FE model, an experiment
@ 2 / @ 2 / @ 2 / q was carried out for a particular case in which a
r2 / ¼ þ þ ¼ ð2Þ
@x21 @x22 @x23 e0 22  0.5 mm round C272000 annealed brass tube with
the mechanical properties of Table. 1, was formed in a
where q is the charge density and E0 is the dielectric square AISI 420 die of 22 mm side and 2 mm corner
constant. If there is no charge, the governing equation radii, hardened to 45 HRC and lubricated with a mix-
is represented by Laplace’s equation: ture of oil and water.
The stress-strain curve of annealed brass C272000,
@2/ @2/ @2/ obtained from a tensile test based on ASTM-E8 stan-
r2 / ¼ þ þ ¼0 ð3Þ
@x21 @x22 @x23 dard, is shown in Fig. 1. The tube material was modeled
as r ¼ KEn in which K and n are strength coefficient and
The development of the initial preform throughout strain hardening exponent, respectively (Table 1).
the shaping process could be described by EPLs similar During the experimental procedure, two different dies
to those in an electrostatic field [8]. were used. The first die was a die with the shape of the
In the THF process, the tube is formed in the die cav- preform (extracted from EPL method), and the second
ity, thus the forming path is from outer side of the tube die was as the final shape.
to the inner side of the die. Therefore, it was supposed
that the tube was inserted inside the die cavity and volt-
age 0, and 1 were exerted to the outer side of the tube
and inner side of the die, respectively. Then the Figure 2 shows the application of the EPL method in
Laplace’s equation was solved (by using finite element preform shape design for a variety of dies. The preform
or finite difference method) between the two conductors shapes were considered as a contour with 0.5(V) between
(outer side of the tube and inner side of the die) and the zero voltage of the initial tube and 1(V) of the final
points with equal voltages were connected to create a
contour shape. On the other hand, the contour repre- TABLE 1.—Mechanical properties of the tube material.
sented the points around the tube with equal voltage,
which was an intermediate shape between the initial tube Modulus Poison’s Ultimate tensile K
and final die. In this article, Mtalab code and finite of elasticity ratio Density strength (MPa) n
element method was used for solving the Laplace’s equa- 105 GPa 0.30 8200 Kg=m3 170 MPa 298.6 0.2114
tion and drawing the equi-potential lines.

FIGURE 3.—Configuration of the tube inside the die cavity [10].

should be used in that part of the tube and die. From

section B–B point of view, the problem is to find the pre-
form shape of a tube (with 35 mm outer diameter) inside
the square die (with the 36 mm height).By using the EPL
method and exerting the 0(V) to the outer side of the
tube and 1(V) to the inner side of the die, and solving
the Laplace’s equation, the preform shape was obtained
as shown in Fig. 4a. Moreover, Fig. 4 illustrates the
FIGURE 1.—The experimental stress-strain curve for the C272000 material
Downloaded by [University of Otago] at 15:40 21 December 2014

results of the EPL (Equi-Potential Line) and BT

(color figure available online).
(Backward Tracing) methods in finding the preform
shape (of the Fig. 3 configuration).
shape. As shown in Fig. 2, the preform shape follows the As can be seen, the form resulting from the backward
die curvature. tracing method (Fig. 4b), there are no noticeable
In addition, the proposed method has a great capa-
bility in finding the preform shapes in asymmetrical or
complex features (Fig. 2d, e).

Comparison of the Equi-Potential Line Method with the

Prevoius Methods
To investigate the effectiveness of the proposed
method, it was necessary to compare the results of the
EPL method in finding the proper preform shape with
the previous methods. A great portion of the published
articles in the field of preform shape design and especially
in the THF process are dedicated to the backward tracing
method [9, 10]. Hence, in this section, the result of the
EPL method was compared with that of backward
tracing. For this, the configuration in Fig. 3 from Kim
et al. [10] was considered.
In Fig. 3, the dominant cross section variation of the
final product occurs from O–C, thus the EPL method

FIGURE 2.—EPL between initial tube and final shape. (a) Square die; (b) FIGURE 4.—Results of the EPL (Equi-Potential Line) and BT (Backward
equilateral triangle die; (c) trapezoidal die; (d) asymmetrical die; (e) com- Tracing) methods in finding the preform shape of Fig. 3. (a) EPL method;
plex die (color figure available online). (b) BT method [10] (color figure available online).

changes in the tube cross section in the longitudinal and this makes the application of the method to the
direction. However, by using the EPL method (Fig. 4a), problem of preform design quite straightforward [9,
the precise preform shape has been obtained. This indi- 10]. Moreover, the EPL method can be used for preform
cates that EPL results in more accurate preform designs design in asymmetrical or complex shapes (Fig. 2).
compared to the backward tracing method. It should
also be noted that, unlike the BT method, the EPL Results of Actual THF Process
method does not need to calculate the displacement vec- The mesh configuration of the initial tube inside the
tor at each time increment and the boundary conditions preform die in FE modeling is shown in Fig. 5a in iso-
remain the same throughout the design process. The metric view. In this section, to facilitate viewing of
only defined boundary condition is the voltages of 0, 1 the hydroformed parts, the cross section shapes of the
that remain constant during the design process. This is deformed tubes are shown in 2-D view. Although the
to say that the proposed method is not time dependent effectiveness of the EPL method was demonstrated in
‘‘Comparison of the Equi-Potential Line Method with
the Prevoius Methods,’’ it was necessary to evaluate its
application in actual THF process. For this, the ‘‘Experi-
mental Procedure’’ configuration was supposed, and the
preform shape was drawn by solving the Laplace’s equa-
tion. Figure 5b shows the constructed preform shape
between the initial tube and final die. Moreover, FEM
Downloaded by [University of Otago] at 15:40 21 December 2014

results of the THF process are shown in Fig. 5c–e.

Figure 5c shows the deformation shape of the tube inside
the preform die with the 12 (MPa) forming pressure, and
Fig. 5d illustrates the final product after hydroforming
the pre-formed tube with 16 (MPa) pressure. The corner
radius of the final product is shown in Fig. 5e.

FIGURE 5.—(a) Isometric view of mesh configuration of initial tube inside

the preform die; (b) Preform shape between initial tube and square die (for
‘‘Experimental Procedure’’configuration), deformation shapes from the
FE simulations; (c) Initial tube inside the preform die; (d) pre-formed tube
inside the square die; and (e) corner radius of the final product (color FIGURE 6.—(a) Initial tube; (b) pre-formed tube; (c) final shape (color
figure available online). figure available online).

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