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History: Reviews of New Books

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All the Way with JFK? Britain, the US, and the Vietnam
Judith R. Johnson
Wichita State University
Published online: 24 Jul 2012.

To cite this article: Judith R. Johnson (2003) All the Way with JFK? Britain, the US, and the Vietnam War, History: Reviews of
New Books, 32:1, 14-14, DOI: 10.1080/03612759.2003.10527651

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rosturerita 9ue did a9uel ma1 paso (“the little Professor Lupher initiates his study with an Britain chose to support President John F.
seamstress who stumbled“ [103]) the popular examination of how the chroniclers of the con- Kennedy’s policies rather than pursue a nego-
image of working class women who move to quistadors compared them to the ancients, tiated peace with the National Liberation
the city seeking a better life and end up in especially the Romans. Based upon their unfa- Front in Vietnam. Although this conclusion
poverty and prostitution. The essay reveals miliarity with the new world and the distance contradicts traditional interpretations, Busch
much about male attitudes and anxieties traveled, the conquistadors supposed their nevertheless demonstrates that the British
toward women’s changing role in Brazilian feats were greater than those of the greatest of wanted to remain a political influence in
society. the ancient Romans. In chapter 2, the author Southeast Asia, strengthen the ties of Com-
The “diseases” here are not always the examines the use of these comparisons to the monwealth members such as Australia and
center of attention. Equally important are the Romans to justify the conquest of the Indies. New Zealand, and counter communist expan-
roles of medical power. Gabriella Obviously, such a study raised a controversy sion during the cold war. He acknowledges
Nouzeilles’s study of hysteria explores how that climaxed in 1550-1551 in a debate that economic factors exerted some influence.
medical control over numerous plagues between Juan Gines de Sepulveda and Bishop However, Busch maintains that Britain’s per-
affected and possibly even created a “plague” Bartolome de las Casas, which is the content of ception of its role and place in the world dom-
of hysteria between 1875 and 1905. chapter 3. The debate itself aroused opposi- inated its decision making process.
Nouzeilles argues that in these cases “hyste- tion, and in chapter 4 Lupher presents four Robert Thompson, who served his govern-
ria could as much embody an act of displaced treatments of the issue-three supporting the ment in Malaya, plays a major role in this
resistance [by the women in question] as Roman model and one opposing it. In the final study. Known for both his success in prevent-
manifest an exasperated abjection” and that two chapters, the author examines the analogy ing a communist takeover and his involve-
doctors, the “policemen of sex . . . systemati- of the Spanish conquest of Latin America with ment in the eventual formation of Malaysia,
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cally and meticulously rewrote the sympto- the Roman conquest of Spain, and the compar- Thompson arrived in Vietnam in 1961, and
matic inscriptions of hysteria as fables of ison of the native cultures of Latin America his position as head of the British Advisory
control” (72). with those of the ancient Mediterranean. Many Mission (BRIAM) brought him in immediate
Ann Zulawski’s study of the Manicomio of these efforts created intellectual tension contact with South Vietnamese as well as
Pacheco asylum in Bolivia looks at the atti- between various scholastics. U.S. military and diplomatic officials. Busch
tudes of hospital physicians during a time of This volume provides a fine addition to the notes that many writers wrongly credit
social change and democratization. She University of Michigan’s History, Languages, Thompson with the “strategic hamlet” pro-
observes that, although some physicians and Culture of the Spanish and Portuguese gram in Vietnam. According to Busch, how-
became swept up in the democratic movement, Worlds, an “interdisciplinary series” that ever, the South Vietnamese government
many who came from privileged backgrounds “promotes scholarship in studies on Iberian began a resettlement program and forced the
“had difficulty recognizing or accepting [the cultures and contacts from the premodern and removal of villagers before Thompson
movement for democracy’s] implications for early modem periods.” Although one might reached Vietnam.
their professional lives” (262). suspect a book on Latin American historiog- All the Way with JFK? is an extremely
This collection will appeal to a broad audi- raphy by a classicist, Lupher has provided a well-written and extensively researched
ence, including readers studying diseases work of first rate scholarship. It fits well into study. The arguments are clearly presented
from well beyond the geographic limits of the field of Latin American historiography and the sources appropriately noted. Of par-
these essays. Editor Diego Armus-whose and complements other works in that area. ticular benefit to the reader is the author’s
introduction is an excellent historiography- Romans in a New World will attract histori- introduction and conclusion to each chapter
observes that the Foucauldian framework was ans, those interested in historiography and lit- where he explains what he will address and
“embraced much earlier and more intensely erature, upper class students, and scholars. then summarizes his findings and interpreta-
in Latin America than in the Anglo-American tions. The photographs enhance the presenta-
academic world” ( 1 I ) . This perspective has J. DREW HARRINGTON tion of this study as do the maps. For those
informed a variety of the studies, but those Troy State University Montgomery unfamiliar with the many organizations and
wary of Foucault should not shy from these agencies from the United States and Great
invigorating essays. The Latin American Britain, Busch has included a list of the
experiences with post-colonial institutions, abbreviations. This is definitely more appro-
industrialization, modernization, and tropical priate for college students than for general
medicine, all of which are represented well in readers, but it does contain information that
Diseirse in the History of Latin America, will all will find useful.
be of interest to individuals from a variety of
academic backgrounds. JUDITH R. JOHNSON
Wichita State University
Brock University Busch, Peter
All the Way with JFK?
Britain, the US, and the Vietnam War Epstein, James
New York: Oxford University Press In Practice: Studies
Lupher, David A. 256 pp., $45.00, ISBN 0-19-925639-X in the Language and Culture
Romans in a New World: Publication Date: January 2003 of Popular Politics in Modern Britain
Classical Models in Sixteenth- Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press
Century Spanish America The Vietnam War remains a focus of attention 206 pp., $21.95, ISBN 0-8047-4662-1
Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press for scholars, former combatants, and the gen- Publication Date: January 2003
440 pp., $59.50, ISBN 0-472- 1 1275-9 eral public. Many recount personal experi-
Publication Date: April 2003 ences, some challenge or revise what histori- In Practice: Studies in the Language and Cul-
ans have written, but few books have explored ture of Popular Politics in Modem Britain is a
In Romcins in a New World, David A. Lupher, the war within the context of the cold war and short volume of essays exploring the utility of
a professor of classics at the University of the actions of American allies. In All the Way the linguistic turn in looking at the cultural
Puget Sound, adds a perceptive volume to the with JFK? Peter Busch examines British history of popular politics in early nineteenth-
study of the classics’ influence on Latin involvement in Vietnam in the early 1960s. century Britain. James Epstein, a professor of
American historiography. During the years 1961 to 1963 Great history at Vanderbilt University and co-editor


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