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School of Business and Entrepreneurship (SBE)
Principles of Marketing (MKT-201)
Semester: Spring 2021
Group Name: Vikings
Submitted to:
Zakia Binte Jamal

Submitted by:
1. Alif Mohammad Solaiman………………………….Id:1910029
2. Anujit Dutta…………………………………………..Id:1910762
3. Faysal Mahmud Arnob……………………………..Id:2020266
4. Asif Ahamed……………………………………….Id:2020991
5. Fahad Abdul Aziz…………………………………..Id:2021730
6. Jarin Tasnim…………………………………………Id:2022273

Date of Submission: 06/04/2021

BRAC (Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee) based in Bangladesh, is currently
(2016) the world's largest non-governmental development organization. Established by
Fazle Hasan Abed sir in 1972 soon after the liberation of Bangladesh, BRAC is currently
present in all 64 districts of Bangladesh, with over 7 million micro-finance group
members, 37,500 non-formal primary schools and more than 70,000 health volunteers.
BRAC is the largest NGO by number of staff employing over 120,000 people, the
majority of whom are women.Which known formerly as the Bangladesh Rehabilitation
Assistance Committee, then as the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee, and
later as Building Resources Across Communities.

Portfolio of BRAC

BRAC Bank LTD Delta BRAC Housing (DBH) Finance Co. LTD BRACNET

Guardian Life Insurance IPDC Finance LTDBRAC IT Services LTD BRAC Tea

Aarong BRAC Dairy BRAC Seed and Agro BRAC Artificial Insemination

BRAC Nursery BRAC sericulture BRAC Fisheries BRAC Recycled Handmade Paper
BRAC Cold Storage BRAC Salt BRAC Printing Pack BRAC Sanitary bKash
Napkin and Delivery Kit

Star Cash cow

 Aarong Dairy.  Aarong.
 Bkash.  BRAC bank.
 BRAC Nursery

Question mark Dogs

 Seed and Agro.  BRAC Sericulture.
 BRAC Artificial Insemination.  BRAC Cold Storage.
 BRAC Fisheries.  BRAC salt.
 BRAC Sanitary Napkin and
Delivery Kit.
Stars are leaders in high growth markets. Stars grow rapidly and therefore use large
amounts of cash. Stars also have a high market share and therefore generate large amounts of

1. bKash
BKash is a financial service based on mobile banking. It operates under the authority of Bangladesh Bank
as a subsidiary of BRAC Bank Limited.
It was launched in 2011 by IqbalQuadir and Kamal Quadir, with the latter currently serving as the CEO of
the organization. Through bKash, users can deposit money into their bKash accounts and then perform a
number of services, including sending and receiving money electronically.

2, Aarong Dairy
Also known as BRAC Dairy, Aarong Dairy was established in 1998 with a goal to create an income-
generating sectorfor dairy farmers and allowing them to make a profit.
Today, Aarong Dairy has about 30 percent market share in the Bangladesh milk market. Besides
producing milk, BRAC Dairy has also expanded to cattle development, vaccinations and other services.
Cash Cows are most profitable brands and should be milked to provide as much cash as
possible. the cash goined from cows should be invested into star to support their further
growth. according to growth-share matrix. Corporation
should not invest into cash cows to induce growth but only to support them so they can
maintain their current market share

Aarong is a handicraft and handicraft business company in Bangladesh. BRAC Director Sir Fazle Hasan
Abed established Arang on December 16, 1987. At present, Arang has a total of 21 branches in 7 cities of
Bangladesh including Dhaka and Chittagong.
 At present the company holds 65% market share where as the rest of 35%market share holds
by the other multi-national and local companies.

BRAC Bank is a private commercial bank in Bangladesh, operated by the BRAC development
organisation, focused on Small and Medium Enterprises (SME). The bank has its head office in
Dhaka, Bangladesh. It has 186 branches and 50 agent banking outlets and 448 ATM's as of 31
December 2018
Brac Bank shareholders approve 15% dividend at 21st AGM

BRAC Nursery
Sells high quality seedlings potted plants and additional landscaping services to promote tree plantation.
BRAC nursery has been awarded first prize in the NGO category at the National tree fair consecutively
for nine years.

BRAC Seed and Agro Enterprise has 19% market share in hybrid rice, 23% in hybrid maize, 36% in
potatoes (of organised seed supplied) and 8% in vegetables

QUESTION MARK Product in this segment tends to make least market share when
there is high market growth in the industry.
Those with a fast growth rate but no substantial market share are considered questionable
prospects. There are question marks in the upper right corner of the grid. They typically develop
rapidly, but at the expense of a significant portion of the company's resources. This quadrant's
contents should be checked on a regular basis to decide if they are worth keeping.

1, BRAC Artificial Insemination Enterprise

BRAC’s artificial insemination initiative began as a partnering initiative with the Bangladesh
government’s livestock department in 1987. The aim was to provide people from low-income
groups in rural areas with access to better quality cattle breeds. While BRAC provided cattle as
assets to such people, the situation was not ideal, as these cows could only produce an
average of 1.25 litres of milk per day (according to a 2003 survey done by BRAC). This amount
of productivity did not help the target groups generate a decent income. BRAC thought that the
solution could be breeding higher yielding dairy cows’

2, BRAC Fisheries
BRAC Fisheries was initiated in 1976 as a post war rehabilitation effort for destitute women in
remote areas. These areas, which were surrounded by water bodies that had no previous use,
provided the locals with the opportunity to earn an income. BRAC’s intervention carved a
pathway for them to use their local assets and resources to generate income. Initially, BRAC
provided training and technical support to the people interested in cultivating fish, and the social
mission back then was to provide these previously unemployed people with work that would
lead to financial solvency for them. However, soon BRAC realised that there was a lack of
quality fish spawn in the market as it was difficult to collect the product from the government or
external sources and supply it to the local fish farmers. To meet the demand, BRAC initiated its
own fish hatchery, which then evolved into an enterprise in 2008, with a new social goal to their
existing agenda – making quality fish spawn easily available to the fish cultivators of rural

3, BRAC Seed and Agro Enterprise

Quality seeds are one of the necessary factors for high yields. To ensure quality seed supply,
BRAC has been marketing hybrid maize seeds since 1994, and hybrid rice seeds since 1998. It
also started producing hybrid maize seeds in 1996-97, vegetable seeds in 1996, and hybrid rice
seeds in 2001. BRAC has established the value chain system of production and distribution for
seeds and other agricultural inputs, allowing the enterprise to offer fair prices to the farmers.
BRAC Seed and Agro Enterprise focuses on supplying quality agricultural inputs, appropriate
production and post-harvest technologies to enhance production and reduce post-harvest
losses to optimise the profit of poor and marginal farmers. Additionally, it is important to BRAC
to use sustainable methods, so that agricultural development does not occur at the cost of
environment harmony.
These are some question marks companies of BRAC because these products are high growth rate but
don’t have that much of market shares.

Dogs generate very little cash because of their low market share in a low growth market.
BCG refers to these products as cash traps. Although they may be sold profitably in the market,
Dogs are net cash users and BCG indicates that, in terms contributing to growth, they are
essentially worthless.

1, BRAC Sericulture
BRAC Sericulture has created a direct link with Aarong for the marketing of BRAC Silk and silk goods.
Sericulture products such as silk sarees, dupattas, scarves and unstitched fabric are being sold directly
through Aarong outlets.

At present, 5,927 participants are under BRAC Sericulture Enterprise, ... with imported silk from
China led to disruption of our cocoon market.

2, BRAC Cold Storage

BRAC Cold Storage has for the capacity to store 60,000 bags of potatoes, each bag holding
approximately 80 kilogrammes. BRAC Cold Storage is different from other cold storage facilities
because of the quality of service it provides. Unlike many competitors, BRAC Cold Storage does
not skirt the high diesel costs to properly run the generators for the sufficient cooling of potatoes

3, BRAC Salt
Bangladesh's salt market would be externally controlled and local salt farmers may even lose their
livelihood due to competition. With this in mind, BRAC started producing salt and eventually convinced
the government that there is now less need for imported salt.

BRAC Salt not only supports the salt farmers but also its consumers, who almost exclusively belong to
the underprivileged social groups from the rural northern regions of the country .

4, BRAC Sanitary Napkin and Delivery Kits (SNDK)

BRAC Sanitary Napkin and Delivery Kits (SNDK) enterprise was established in 1999 as a response to the
public health needs of schoolgirls and poor women in rural areas. BRAC’s education programme
identified that young girls were skipping school during menstruation due to inadequate hygiene
facilities. The girls were also too embarrassed to ask male members of the family to buy sanitary











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