Summary of A Conceptual Design of Low Fouling and High Recovery FO-MSF

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A conceptual design of low fouling and high recovery FO–MSF

desalination plant (2014)
Ali Altaee (a), Guillermo Zaragoza (b)
(a) Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of West of Scotland, Paisley PA1
2BE, UK. (b) CIEMAT-Plataforma Solar de Almería, Ctra. de Senés s/n, 04200 Tabernas,
Almería, Spain

Thermal desalination is the earliest technology for salt expulsion from seawater and fresh
water preparation. In thermal desalination seawater is heated to the boiling point and the
condensate is gathered in trays as the product water. There are two noteworthy advances
in thermal desalination; these are Multi Stage Flashing (MSF) and Multi Effect Distillation
(MED). Forward diffusion (FO) has several applications in water and effluent treatment and
brine desalination. during this paper, the field-grade officer was urged for brine pretreatment
to the thermal desalination processes like Multi Stage Flashing (MSF). The integrated FO–
MSF hybrid system was designed to scale back the price of desalinization during which the
brine reject from MSF was recycled and reused as a draw resolution within the FO process.
a straightforward model was urged here to estimate water flux and power consumption
within the FO method and compared with Nanofiltration (NF) method that was antecedently
utilized in water softening. The simulation results showed that for feed salinities between
32,000mg/L and 50,000mg/L the recovery rate within the NF was over that within the FO.
it's conjointly found that the water porosity and specific power consumption was higher
within the NF than that within the FO. However, power consumption within the FO wasn't full
of the feed salinity whereas it magnified with feed salinity in NF. Therefore, the FO method
has the potential to switch the NF water pretreatment for thermal desalination. FO– MSF
hybrid framework was intended for seawater pretreatment and the expulsion of ionic
species which are mindful of scale deposition on the heat exchanger tubes in the thermal
desalination forms. In the present investigation, the exceptionally thought brackish water
dismiss from MSF was utilized as an draw solution the FO membrane framework. Such
design will diminish the operation cost of the FO process and the measure of salt water
reject to the ocean. A straight forward model was recommended for assessing power
utilization in the FO procedure. The reenactment comes about demonstrated that the FO is
more effective than the NF as far as power utilization. Notwithstanding, the recuperation
rate and water penetrability were constantly higher in the NF films. This demonstrates the
FO procedure requires more film zone than the NF. In opposition to NF, and in light of the
energy model proposed here, the particular power utilization in the FO wasn't affected by
the feed salinity. For a given nourish saltiness, it was discovered that the particular power
utilization in the FO diminished with expanding the recuperation rate. This will expand the
proficiency and the recuperation rate of the thermal desalination process. The process
advantages of interest out numbers the inconveniences which makes it an appealing choice
for seawater pretreatment. One of the significant FO players is Modern Water Company,
which has constructed various small scale seawater treatment plants in the Middle East and
China. The organization would be occupied with putting resources into new undertakings
and such an examination would be a decent open door. In light of the present investigation,
FO-Thermal desalination hybrid has the capability of lessening antiscalant use in the warm
desalination and running the plant at a hoisted TBT.

Name: Faisal Mumtaz Ahmed

Student ID: 20101361
Major: College of Engineering, Dept of Chemical Engineering, M.Sc Chemical Engineering
Course: CHENG534-Water Desalination
Lecturer: Prof. Nader Al Bastaki

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