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Mbote, Paui CarIson Partne「ship (PCP) friends!

Spring has been a season oftravei, retreat, and weicoming Reverend P「esident Duale and his wife,

」osephine, from the Covenant Church ofCongo to Chicago. After Ren6e and Craig each traveled to
DR Congo in February and March respectiveiy, the PCP staffand PCP Medical Ambassado「sjoined
togetherfo「 an in-PerSOn retreat in April, tO CeIebrate Godt provision and conside「 pIans for

the upcoming two years. In May′ PCP was thri=ed to weicome President Duaie and 」osephine
for a week in Chicago′ SPeCifc訓yfor ou「 May 12-13 Board ofDirectors meeting.They had
been waiting for over a year to obtain visas and confirm their trip! President DuaIe se「ves

as an advisory PCP Board member in his roie of President and Legal Representative ofthe
Covenant Chu「ch ofCongo (CEUM).

却efy(非「 e e車型〔出てe憾井甜ng曲直v
Serve GIobaliy and many other Covenant sta苗for a beautifui event. ECC Presidentlilmmy
Swanson-D「aheim weicomed President Duaie and 」osephine, fa川owed by an upi価ng

PrOgram Of more encou「aging weIcome messages, WOrShip in song, and a fdiowship meai

President Duale brought many encouraging and heipfu=nsights to the Boa「d throughout
Our 2 days together・ He expressed deep gratitude for PCPt pa「tne「ship ofnearly 60 years.
He emphasized, ‘’PCP is a rare, P「eCious entity - that our iove for God, forthe CEUM, and

fo「the peopie ofCongo has endured throughout decades and shows that our partnership

We wouId have been thr川ed ifyou, Our PCP family ofsupporters, COuid have met President
DuaIeand」osephine.Theyare a dearcoupiewho a「e ca=ed byGod to serve in the highest
leadership role ofthe Covenant Chu「ch ofCongo.They se「ve with love and g「ace, and we are
indeed bIessed to partner with them
and the entire CEUM.

Piease enjoy this edition ofthe PCP

P「omise, giving thanks to God fo「 His

PrOVision in partne「ship ministries that

PrOCIaim the Gospei.

Grace and Peace to you,

Dr. Renee N. Haie Ren食Hale, 7Z]mmy Sw。nSOn-Dmheim,付ev; DuaIe, 。nd

Executive Dire⊂tOr M。m。 Jo5ePhine 。t fhe we/come rec印でion. Sc。n脇e OR

⊂ode fo re。d fheんIl 5tOry 。nd wcItCh the highlight v/deo.

GrcJ。e Shim, Executive Minister of5erve G/ob。恢visited the Covenant Church ofCongo

fd両he斤rst fime jn M。rCh 2023, aIong with Renきe H。Ie, JosefRasheed 。ndJ。mOI
仔。5heed PhotO5 r。ken byJ。m。/ Gr。`e Sh。reS her experience.

Myfirst trip to the CEUM and giobai persome=n Congo is best desc「ibed as
′’unexpected〃- mOmentS Ofwonder at the surprlSlng WayS I so ciearIy witnessed

Godt generosity, Pe「SeVeranCe, and joy through his people.

As ourtiny piane landed in Karawa,We StePPed out into a sea ofpeopie lining
the grass field to weicome us with eager smiies and handshakes.丁his generous
hospita看itywas part ofevery outing marked by singing, dancing, food, and words of
hono「 and g「eeting. ln a Ieaders’gathering, President Duaie invited me to kneel as

they iaid hands on meto anoint me in p「ayeras a new Ieader. 1 tearfu=y received thei「 CEUM /e。der5 PrCJyed over Gr。`e

OutPOuring of unexpected powerful bIessings and gene「osity. A moment l w川not


丁he Congoiese medicai sta什gave us a tour ofthe hospitai fac冊es with patient-
fi=ed beds, Outdated equipment, and peopie with needs that outweighed avaiIable
「esources. Child maInut「ition and matemai heaith are dire issues.Yet′ the sta什each

Sha「ed about the b看essing ofp「oviding care to those who have nowhere else to tu「n.
丁his enables the doctors and nurses to persevere amidst very Iimited resou「ces. An

unexpected lesson in how people are abIe to do so much with so IittIe.

On Sunday, We StOPPed at a v川age on the wayto Gemena where we were honored

guests at the dedi⊂ation se「vice ofa new church buiIding.Thousands ofpeop看e sang
and danced as they Ied us into the sanctuary bursting withjoy and celeb「ation. Life
in Congo is not easy; POVerty is evident and unjust.Yet,joy seems to triumph in the
hope of etemity.丁his is not circumstantial joy ̄but unexpected joy that rises above  ̄ ̄ ̄

What isn’t and anchored in Godt promises and saivation.

丁hese are onIy some ofthe ways God reveaied himselfthrough sisters and brothers
Grc]Ce Visited p。tients /n the new K。mWa
Whose life and cuiture are so different from mine.What a p「iviIege fo「 Pau看Carison
Matemrty Ward
Pa「tnership and ServeGioba=yto beabletojoin whatGod is doing in the church and
COmmunities in partnership with the CEUM.We have much to ieam about generous
faith, SaC揃ce, and joy from the g看obai church for our own transformation - Often in piaces and ways that are unexpected.

醍醒配鋼配語醗酵問診翁監$ $甲叩醸V

With the ⊂OmPIeted lO bridges between Bogose Nubea and

Karawa in 2021, We documented a 169% increase in safe
bridge crossings per day. Goods daiIy t「anspo「ted on this route

increased from l ton to lO7 tons daiiy. Our partners now have
Safe access to healthcare, iocaI commerce, and economic

As a resuIt ofhaving access to the new bridges at Bogose

Nubea,a neWSChooI with a stonefoundation is being bu冊in a
V掴age on the far side ofthe river. Con5truCtion ofthe new schooI

Yea「 Crossingsperday(Pedestrian,bicycIes, AgricuIture&LivestockTransportedOver

motorbikes,truCks,etC.) Bridgesin ̄fons/Day

FaiI2019 1,522crossings/day 1tons/day

March2O23 4,107crossings/day 107tons/day

Treating ma看nou「ished ch冊ren is a majo「focus of Pau看Carison Partnership

and the Covenant Chur⊂h ofCongo.The Ka「awa HospitaI Malnutrition

Stab掴zation Centerwas completed and dedicated in 2022, bu冊with
funding f「om The P「otein Foundation of Maine. The Protein Foundation

granted a second yea「 offunding at the same Ievei to boIste「the p「qjectt

trajectory this year.

The Malnutrition Curricuium teaches the clinic nurses howto manage

Children that are il看but are st川able to be cared for loca=y in the clinics.

Identifying these chiid「en eariy and intervening to manage them loca=y

Wili save Iives as the mortaIity rate increases with severity. it is also more MaInourished chiIdren /den揃ed /n fhe Bogo5e Nube。

expensive to treat seve「eIy acute malnourished chi看dren, aS Shown below: He。励Zone

・ ldentfty at risk ⊂hiidren and p「ovide education and supplementaI


Hea音th ⊂ente「 Level: ;1 5/⊂hiId

・ Identfty acuteIy ma看nourished children

. Manage uncomplicated cases

・ Stab掴ze and refer complicated ⊂aSeS tO the stabilization center

Stabiiization Center Leve音:簿5/くhiId

. Receive and stab掴ze ⊂OmPIicated severe acute mainut「ition

. Refer stab掴zed chiId「en ba⊂kto c=nics to complete 8-10 weeks of


「bgethe「with ou「 partners, Our gOaI is to reduce the ⊂hildhood

morta案ity rate f「om 18% to lO% within the firstyea+ and down to 5%
bythe se⊂Ond year. A second phase ofexpanding to other heaIth zones

(Loko, WasoIo, Bogose Nubea) w用be impIemented E血er carefui evaiuation ofthe Cente「 in Karawa.

ifyou wouId Iike to donate towa「d the maInutrition effo「ts in DR Congo, Visit pau看⊂a獲Ison.o看g/give.


Overthe last few months, SeVeraI members ofthe PCP Medicai Ambassadors
diabetes/hype「tension focus group have co=abo「ated with their medical
COunte「PartS in the CEUM medicaI system to w「ite, deveIop, and design two
new training materials for heaIthcare providers: Diabetes and Hype「tension.

in 」une, SeVeral team members w川travei to DR Congo to review the

materiais, train-the-t「ainers, and coiiect feedback on how the materials ⊂OuId

be improved.

After their retum, the team w紺continue deve看oping Patient Education

Guides that w冊be used in the v川age heaIth centers, hospitaIs, and even
distributed to patient homes.

PIease prayforthe team of PCP MedicaI Ambassadors as they use these

materials to train healthca「e providers to treat diabetes and hypertension

K冒しEB岳’s NEW Roo冒

The FUPROCAF coffee cooperative (the Ubangi Federation o十

Coffee Producers) is the o簡cia看coffee cooperative business

registe「ed in DR Congo. ln 2023 the「e are ove「 2,000 coffee

PrOducers whose yieIds aggregate to over 450 metric tons.

Harvest increases each yea「 and is expected to reach l,OOO

metrictons in 2026, Piacing FUPROCAF among thetop lO%of

COffee producing entities in DR Congo!

丁he testimonies ofGodt blessings a「e coming in! During the

generaI assembly on March 3, a COifee producer KeIebe NDIWA,

Shared his thankfulness to God for the abundance of his crop
and what the saIe of his harvest made possibie for his famiiy.
Among otherthings, he shared that the major pu「chase this year
WaS a metai rooffor hisfami看yt home. He expiainedthat in the 5can the O仔Code fo watch
焔Iebe sh。re hi5 StO伊
PaSt there had not been enough money at one time to provide
a roof Now, With an increasing看y iarger harvest anticipated each

year he can pian for expenses that help his family stay healthy and

丁h「ee tons of Karawa coffee arrived in Chicago in Ap「i1 2023. 国会国案

Everybody,s Coffee in Chicago distributes Karawa co什ee direct看y to

you! Order at paulくarlson.o「g/⊂Offee.

Dire⊂tOr Of音nte「nationaI Medi⊂aI and Hea音th P「ograms
Pau看Carlson Partnership is 5eeking a Director of lntemationa看Medical and Heaith Pr9gramS tOjoin the grQWing 」egacy of
medicai and e⊂OnOmi⊂ SuPPOrt tO the Democratic Repubiic ofCongo, ieveraging his or her experience to give voice to the

POOr・The directo「w川coc;rdinate a comprehensive set of programs to strengthen the capacity ofmedical and public heaIth
PraCtice in the DRC with the uitimate objective of raising the standard of health care.This role advances PCP’s st「ategic

joumey in buiiding st「ong partne「 reIationships for solutions that endure over time and throughout read the
fu= job description and appIy, Visit: https://www.pau看く⊂a「ee看S

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