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1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the study

Management is a set of exercises including organizing, coordinating, conducting and controlling,
aimed at an association's assets such as people, money, material and data fully intent on
accomplishing hierarchical objectives successfully and productively in an evolving climate
(Griffin, Phillips, & Gully, 2019). Organizational result can be followed back to how it is
administered. Either it is a little to medium-sized or an enormous foundation, the board is critical
and ought not be ignored. The executives assists the association with arranging a planned course
towards its vision and mission, which considers enhanced usage of the assets, both human and
innovation lessening the expense (Machado & Davim, 2018). It likewise advances collaboration
and spurs individuals to cooperate toward a typical hierarchical objective. The executives
empowers the organization to make due in the contingent climate by advancing the association to
dynamic requirement of the market and of the general public.

Because good governance is important for any organization; In the midst of a global pandemic
(Covid19), organizations need to be imaginative and creative enough to handle what is
happening. To investigate the matter, I chose SastoDeal, one of the leading web based business
in Nepal. Agonized during this widespread Covid-19, SastoDeal is also one of them, however
they have created diverse innovative ideas and techniques to sustain their industry in the face of
many difficulties such as the public authority barricade (Horton & Magid, DAI, 2020).

1.2 Organization Introduction

SastoDeal, the first web-based commerce in Nepal, was established in 2011 and
operates as an online marketplace designed to provide on-demand consumer products based in in
Kathmandu, Nepal. (PitchBook, 2020). Presently numerous players like Thulo, Durbarmart,
Gyapu, Meroshopping, Daraz and so on in this industry and it needs to contend through them.

SastoDeal has in excess of 1000+ dynamic merchants. The company offers an effortlessly
navigable user interface, product collection and reliable products including 1,000,000+ items in
the areas like design, electronic products, hove and living, wellbeing and wellness and so on and
in excess of 10 million dynamic web clients are associated with it. The company has coordinates
with , Dolma venture, Teletalk pvt Ltd, Amazon and Flipkart for upper hand and enhanced
market situating drawing in unfamiliar direct speculation.

1.3 Purpose
Flare-up of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) was a surprising issue the entire world needed to
confront. Epidemic is an unexpected expansion in the quantity of individuals with a form
surprisingly extraordinary that extents over a huge topographical region (Dara Grennan, 2019).
World Health Organization accounted that Covid-19 was portrayed as a pandemic On 11 march
2020(World Health Organisation., 2020) which made the entire world locked for over 5 months
relying fair and square of spread. Nearly all of the service enterprises are impacted by this virus,
for example, the travel industry, flight and cordiality area to some of them.

Just like other countries, Nepal remained equally impacted through this pandemic. The vast
majority of the ventures stayed closure, vitally two component that contributed on Nepalese
economy the travel industry and production areas were exceptionally impact. To some
individuals getting the fundamentals items like food varieties, water, meds, and so on, turned into
a test to the entire country., "Visit Nepal 2020" was estimated to fetch a ton of the travel industry
and advance the financial circumstance of the nation. Because of the pandemic, the mission was
first delayed later, it was dropped. In the event that the organizations that can't enhance or change
as per the ongoing circumstance of pandemic they wouldn't endure or withstand further. The
fundamental reason aimed at to this study is to:
 Understand management struggle to support the company during the pandemic
 Break down how the company dealt with the emergency crisis management.
 Understand how the company took care of their correspondence.
 Understand transition in hierarchal structure because of pandemic.
 Understand motivation level of the employee and clients.
1.4 Objective
 To learn on how the company dealt with the Covid-19 pandemic.
 To learn on how leadership assumed an imperative part in this hierarchical change.
 To learn on how the company managed outside variables or opposition.
 To learn the long and transient impact to the company due to the pandemic.
 To learn the effect of the Covid-19 in the arena of E-business in Nepal.
 To study the execution of good administration and management in the company.
2 Limitation
 This report is just in view of an association and like this association a ton of different
associations and, surprisingly, the entire nation have experienced a great deal this
unforeseen pandemic.
 Not all the data connected with the organization is disclosed, so the majority of data
assembled are utilizing on the web journal paper, sites, native news, online recordings,
and so on.
3 Issue Exploration with associated theories
3.1 Covid-19 crisis in Nepal

As Covid-19 is a prevalent plague which is outspread around the world. Practically each of the
nations all over the planet were suffered by the pandemic some more than usual. As this
infection outspread quickly the majority of the country went into severe lockdown. Nepal was
additionally impacted by the pandemic. Since Nepal is profoundly reliant in the travel industry
and remittance: because of the pandemic worldwide or public touring were prohibited and every
one of the commerce went shut for unsure timeframe. As Nepal was coordinating "Visit Nepal
2020" the travel industry crusade which expected to bring a great deal of tourism from various
nation and increment the economy of the nation however it must be dropped because of the
pandemic. Many individuals had to relinquish their position and the joblessness rate expanded
definitely. As severe lockdown rules were carried out all around the country, it emerges the
shortage of clinical supplies, electronic gadgets, nourishments and provisions and so on.
Generally all the educational organizations had to move to begin instructing and taking test
utilizing on the web means like zoom, Google meet and Microsoft teams. At the time of
pandemic, a portion of the online internet business associations were allowed to conveyance
basics like medication, food items by the public authority while adopting all the security
estimates like taking a look at the temperature of the conveyance individual time and again,
using full PPE and utilizing sanitizers.

3.2 Economic state of Nepal

Because of the worldwide pandemic practically every one of the nations all over the planet went
into lockdown. Nepal had likewise gone into country wide lockdown and furthermore carried out
worldwide travel restriction. Because of the movement limitation producing area is encountering
capacity of natural substance the greater part of which is supplied by China. Since the travel
industry is significantly a major business which added to the national income of the country
because of the movement constraint and the lockdown had absolutely closure which significantly
troubled the economy of Nepal(Prithvi Man Shrestha, 2020). Ongoing the travel industry crusade
"Visit Nepal 2020" to draw in tourism and put a ton in making the mission fruitful yet sadly
because of pandemic the mission was dropped and all the undertaking made deferred difference.
The circumstance is additionally debased due to the widespread of Covid-19 to center east which
is also the primary wellspring of remittance and it sorts up the semi portion of the nation's GDP
(Mandal, 2020). Because of this issues, the economy of the nation would have decreased by
$36.78 million (Dhungana, 2020). 33% of the number of inhabitants in the nation will be drawn
underneath the global poverty as anticipated by The World Bank(Xinhua, 2020). Nevertheless
because of the foreclosure circumstance throughout the event, digital payment door and
electronic based business has developed and fully-fledged a ton.

3.3 Financial adequacy of the company

While numerous businesses flourish throughout the event, the web based shopping program or
Internet Business Company likewise grew. The internet business area directed business worth
Rs1.20 billion from 168,627 transaction in a month according to the report by Nepal Rasta Bank,
this information depended on the web-based deals (Prasain, The Kathmandu post, 2020). As
SastoDeal being the second biggest web based business foundation in Nepal has market entrance
of 70% within the valley (Age, 2020). The company injected $1 million from Dolma Impact
Fund in June 23,accomplishing the achievement focus of Rs1 billion in yearly income inside the
following year and a half (Republica, 2020). The company likewise teamed up with Food
Management and Trading Company (FMTC) a government owned entity to convey fundamental
thing which supplementary supported the deals of the organization and assisted with conveying
Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) outside valley which aid to grow the business
additionally (Age, 2020).

An assortment of considerations that endorse fundamental standards on how to think about an

affiliation or commerce is known as Management theories. They explain how leaders
complement methods for achieving progressive goals and how they persuade delegates to operate
at their highest limits (Indeed Editorial, 2022). It is probably going to be appropriate for the
entire circumstance and different association have dissimilar procedure or strategies to manage
various sorts of emergency. To deal with the surprising emergency, the associations needed to
acquire different sort of changes the management area recorded beneath:
3.4 Crisis management and correspondence
Crisis management is the way of dealing with an unforeseen or unexpected change in
organization because of outer as well as inward component (Prachi Juneja, 2015). During crisis,
correspondence assumes an indispensable part to the management. Great correspondence is vital
in the hour of crisis. Each organization ought to formulate policies and execute approaches to
deal with these sorts of eccentric crisis so some sort of procedures or step can be observed.
During the pandemic, the organization shared a large portion of the data involving the web-based
entertainment subsequently the data spread was quick when contrasted with other customary
techniques. All the correspondence between individuals in the organization and were finished
through web-based portals like leeway, skype or zoom. The organization dealt with the crisis in
an extremely optimistic manner and was additionally ready to bring financing and develop its
market reach with the assistance of some successful coordinated effort with government and
other entities.

3.5 Change Management

The proceeds with interaction of recharging an organization’s heading, design and abilities to
server the always changing necessities of outside or inward clients is called Change Management
(Moran & Brightman, 2001). It assists with changing the progress of the organization from
present status to wanted future state effortlessly. Making significant, practical changes can be a
troublesome. At some point, change in the administration of an organization can be a wellspring
of extensive pressure to current laborers (STOUTEN, ROUSSEAU, & CREMER, 2018). Change
is an unavoidable element of organization with regards to both operational and strategic level
(Burnes, 2004). Due to the significance of hierarchical changes , its administration has turned
into a profoundly required administrative expertise and managerial skill (Senior, 2002).
The organization took care of the progressions and the expanded figure of deals appropriately
throughout the circumstance yet they lingered in client assistance. The company had opening of
around 500 individuals in which 60% was intended to logistic management in the midst of the
pandemic (Prasain, The Kathmandu post, 2020). The company additionally had smooth
exchange to cashless exchange Fonepay and digitalized payment system(Horton & Magid, DAI,
2020). There was great correspondence between the supervisory group and the representative.
Each health precautionary measure was taken for every worker using complete body PPE and
clinical protection plan assuming that any of the representative got tainted by the infection.
During the situation, the company likewise confronted obstruction by the public authority as the
public authority delivered a notification to stop all the internet business platforms. Later, the
organization's supervisory crew and other web based business stage's supervisory crew sat along
with government authorities to get out the disarrays and execute a few regulations in regards to
web based shopping stage.

3.6 Motivation
As indicated by the Herzberg's motivator-hygiene theory of motivation, two components
Motivator and Hygiene, one which causes satisfaction though another causes dissatisfaction
respectively. Motivator factors urge the representative to perform to full limit and spur them.
Hygiene factors don't inspire yet may unmotivate on the off chance that they are absent (Utley,
Westbrook, & Turner, 1997).

In this company the hygiene factor are the organization arrangements, for example, Menstrual
leave policy making the feminine staffs rouse and feel good at work and Community leave
policy which assist representative with dispensation when they need to assist locally in occasion
like circulating alleviation during regular catastrophes or aiding low-pay communities (Age,

To the motivator factor, company have presented ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan)
prominent to hold and spur their representatives and perceive their endeavors and give a pride.
Subsequent to joining the company, the staff will get prepared, work promoting acquire more.
The company give Bi-yearly survey and advancement of the meriting staffs and there is a great
deal of chances to develop. As the company is one of the trailblazer company for advancing web
based business and ecommerce in the country, effort by the staff is extremely effective (Age,

3.7 Leadership and Team management

As per the contingency theory of leadership, no fixed or most ideal way or trait of leadership can
be implemented in all kind of circumstance. It perceives there may be different factors which can
impact on what is going on and the leader ought to pick the right strategy, thinking about those
factors (Sahal, 1979). In any association, the leadership authority is with the supervisory group
or managerial officers. They dealt with the circumstance of pandemic in the correct way, all the
choice made by the administration had a beneficial outcome on the organization respect less of
the surprising and erratic characteristic of the pandemic. The company rehearses popularity
based sort of authority in which everybody's thought or voices is heard and choice is made

The organization likewise appropriately dealt with the representative cluster during the
circumstance. The organization dealt and effectively managed the ongoing group as the need
might arise for the smooth activity. The organization employed around 500 individuals in which
60% of them were recruited to strategic administration. No matter what, the organization dealt
with the groups appropriately and uniform increment the development of the company.

3.8 Conflict Management

As per conflict management theory, the contention ought to be settled quickly and ought to be
kept away from if conceivable. There are different ways or systems of dealing with the
contention: Negotiation, Mediation and Arbitration. In this company, conflict are settled however
conceivable as it seems to be found. Majorly negotiation technique is utilized in which the
clashing group will sit together and make sense of their thoughts until some commonly
satisfactory arrangement is reached. In the event that the contention isn't settled from the past
methodology, then, at that point, mediation technique is utilized in which a go between who is
impartial toward any gatherings gives channel to correspondence and assist with expanding how
they might interpret the disarray of the clashing gatherings and arrive at a shared OK
understanding. In the event that past techniques don't function, formerly arbitration system is
utilized in which the clashing gatherings communicate their viewpoints to outsider, who can
make the judgment of the circumstances and to resolve the contention as per organization
4 Conclusion and Recommendations
4.1 Conclusion
Because of the pandemic, each area of the world was impacted either decidedly or adversely.
Large numbers of the associations needed to make variations to various management areas
because of the different issue. Certain area like web based business and digital virtual
entertainment or podium grew during the Covid-19 in different region of the world. In Nepal,
additionally the web based business area or online conveyance area boomed. The positive effect
offsets the adverse consequence of the Covid-19 to this company. The company had a chance to
develop and grow. Subsidized by Dolma Impact Fund assisting them with arriving at the
achievement of 1 billion income. It teamed up with FMTC which assist them with growing their
marketplace reach outside the capital moreover. The supervisory crew partook on occasion to
make regulations with respect to activity of the internet based business. They additionally team
up with Flipkart to carry Indian items to the Nepali business sectors. Generally the supervisory
group of the organization took care of the pandemic in a positive manner and the administration
and group of the executives of the organization is honorable.

4.2 Recommendations
Despite the fact that the pandemic has been over and taken care of on account of the invention of
the vaccination, the capability of web based shopping or internet business is extremely high. The
tech reception rate expanded radically because of the pandemic which came about to increment
of consumers or clients who will purchase items via ecommerce platforms. As indicated by the
investigation and exploration a few ideas or recommendations are:
 Continue making joint effort with public level and international organization to rival
different contenders.
 Properly framework ought to be carried out for client assistance.
 Better consumer experience ought to be given to the client and merchants in the platforms
via. web portals, mobile applications and other electronic devices.
 More mission with worthwhile arrangements ought to be rushed to draw in new
consumers and grow the market.
 Optimized strategies and transport management framework to speed up the conveyance
service and diminish the functional expense.
 Make better strategies and set out better open doors for the dealer so to draw in additional
shippers or vender to the platform.
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